• Re: Transferring data between iOS and Android using high frequency ultr

    From Andy Burnelli@21:1/5 to nospam on Tue Dec 27 21:41:43 2022
    nospam wrote:

    I asked a simple question, which you obviously avoided answering...

    i answered it, and far more tactfully than you deserve.

    Hi nospam,

    Hehhehheh... (your fear of the question is palpable indeed)...

    As is the case always with you, you _deflected_ from answering the
    question, which I will repeat is simply asking what iOS app exists
    on the App Store that replicates the related Android functionality.

    The fact you're so _desperate_ to insult me, which is fine by me, simply indicates how _afraid_ you are of something as simple as that question.

    The more you (& Jolly Roger) insult people for asking technical questions
    of iOS, the more I can tell how much abject _fear_ the question invokes.

    You're literally _afraid_ of answering that simple question of iOS.

    With chromecasts, it just uses the ultrasonic "connection" to do the wifi >> > pairing ... I'd imagine the audio transfer rate is pretty low?

    again, what part of wifi is not clear?

    Again, you deflect since I made it rather clear we're talking about the negotiation part of the ad hoc network, not the wi-fi portion.

    The more you deflect, the more I sense the fear in you of the question.

    chromecasts *can* use ultrasonic for *pairing* to use wifi, although
    that's not the only method.

    ultrasonic is *not* for file transfer, which as i said before is a
    stupid idea.

    Again, nobody but you is talking at this point about file transfer; we're discussion the initial negotiation of the ad hoc network via ultrasound.

    That you're so desperate to deflect from iOS indicates your rising fears.

    you also originally asked about samsung switch, not chromecasts, so the
    above is irrelevant to your question.

    Almost all your responses, so far, in this thread, in fact, are the same responses you always elicit when you're _afraid_ of the question asked.

    I can sense how much you fear the answer to the simple question of what iOS apps are in the App Store that replicate an ultrasound negotiation feature.

    you claim to be be 'highly educated', even claiming to have a degree in electrical engineering, yet you do not know basic signal theory, or
    english for that matter. is your diploma also a photo?

    What's different about a well-educated person who is confident in what he
    knows and in what he doesn't know, is I'm not afraid to admit when I err,
    and I'm not afraid to admit I am new to any given topic - yet you are.

    The fact you can't answer the simplest of questions that I asked multiple
    times of which free iOS apps replicates this Android functionality is yet another indicator that either you lack the knowledge you claim to own,
    or, more likely, you're aware of something I'm not yet aware of, but which
    is becoming more and more apparent by your abject fear of a simple query.

    *What iOS apps exist today on the App Store that replicate this feature?*

    What's the advantage of ultrasonic negotiation of the initial ad hoc
    network over the more common methods of initial ad hoc negotiations?


    I asked that question on the _adult_ smartphone newsgroup, where the answer will be forthcoming, I'm sure, since they're not afraid of the question.

    You are literally quaking right now, probably shivering in fear, simply
    because someone asked a simple question of what iOS apps exist which take advantage of the ultrasound ad hoc network negotiation feature we speak of.

    *What App Store iOS apps exist today which perform this functionality?*
    Posted out of the goodness of my heart to disseminate useful information
    which, in this case, is to simply ascertain iOS ultrasound negotiation.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andy Burnelli@21:1/5 to nospam on Tue Dec 27 22:11:40 2022
    XPost: misc.phone.mobile.iphone

    nospam wrote:

    And it is obvious where he was hoping to go with this. He wants to show
    that Android has an app for Ultrasonic File Transfer but - of course -
    the crippledČ iOS does not.


    The question you are desperate to deflect, remains a viable query:
    *What App Store iOS app performs ultrasound ad hoc network negotiation?*

    What's relevant is the iKooks are _desperate_ to deflect this simple
    technical question away from *ultrasound _negotiation_ of ad hoc networks*.

    Whenever the iKooks do that, it's clear how much they _fear_ the question.
    The question has _nothing_ to do with what they are deflecting it to.

    The question is this simple:
    *What iOS App Store app performs this ultrasonic ad hoc negotiation*?

    Moving forward to helping myself and others understand the use and
    advantages of *ultrasonic negotiation of ad hoc networks* is this recent response from Andy Burns in the _adult_ smartphone operating system ng.

    Andy Burnelli wrote:

    If file transfer is over Wi-Fi, and if both devices are on the same
    network, why would you even need the initial ultrasonic negotiation?

    The idea is, you have one or more chromecasts in your house,
    connected to speakers, you can send music to them.

    If you also want visitors to be able to send their music to your
    speakers, you can enable the ultrasonic option, which acts as a
    "zero knowledge" method of pairing with it over wifi (not sure if it
    uses an ad-hoc connection, or just dishes out the passphrase
    to your normal SSID).

    And, if both devices are NOT on a Wi-Fi network, then why not just
    negotiate the connection & affect the file transfer both with Bluetooth?
     [Yes, I know Bluetooth transfer is slower than is Wi-Fi but this is about the negotiation part of the ad hoc network - not the transfer per se.]

    What's the advantage of ultrasonic negotiation of the initial ad hoc network?


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From nospam@21:1/5 to spam@nospam.com on Tue Dec 27 17:38:42 2022
    XPost: misc.phone.mobile.iphone

    In article <tofqv8$14ed$1@gioia.aioe.org>, Andy Burnelli
    <spam@nospam.com> wrote:

    I admit I don't yet know why you are so desperate to deflect the query from
    a simple question of which free iOS app on the current App Store has this basic app functionality of ultrasonically initiating an ad hoc network.

    there's a lot you don't know, including what you're even asking for.

    on the other hand, you sure do know how to dig yourself a hole.

    *Might the answer be iOS is crippled in such basic functionality nospam?*

    might the answer be that you are the one who is crippled?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From RJH@21:1/5 to Andy Burnelli on Tue Dec 27 22:22:46 2022
    XPost: misc.phone.mobile.iphone

    On 27 Dec 2022 at 10:18:29 PM, Andy Burnelli <spam@nospam.com> wrote:

    discussion the initial negotiation of the ad hoc network via ultrasound.

    is it a boy or a girl?

    I admit I don't yet know why you are so desperate to deflect the query from
    a simple question of which free iOS app on the current App Store has this basic app functionality of ultrasonically initiating an ad hoc network.

    *Might the answer be iOS is crippled in such basic functionality nospam?*

    Where is sms when you need him to weigh in on the answer to the question?
    Cheers, Rob

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andy Burnelli@21:1/5 to nospam on Tue Dec 27 22:18:29 2022
    XPost: misc.phone.mobile.iphone

    nospam wrote:

    you haven't any clue what 'related android functionality' you're even
    asking about.

    Hi nospam,

    It's you who has no clue what it means to ask which iOS App Store app you
    claim exists today that performs the ultrasonic ad hoc network initiation.

    The fact you are so desperate to deflect from this simple question usually
    is a clear indicator that you're _afraid_ of the answer to that question.

    *Might the answer be iOS is crippled in such basic functionality nospam?*

    discussion the initial negotiation of the ad hoc network via ultrasound.

    is it a boy or a girl?

    I admit I don't yet know why you are so desperate to deflect the query from
    a simple question of which free iOS app on the current App Store has this
    basic app functionality of ultrasonically initiating an ad hoc network.

    *Might the answer be iOS is crippled in such basic functionality nospam?*

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jolly Roger@21:1/5 to Andy Burnelli on Wed Dec 28 14:29:09 2022
    XPost: misc.phone.mobile.iphone

    On 2022-12-27, Andy Burnelli <spam@nospam.com> wrote:
    nospam wrote:

    And it is obvious where he was hoping to go with this. He wants to show >>> that Android has an app for Ultrasonic File Transfer but - of course -
    the crippledČ iOS does not.


    The question you are desperate to deflect, remains a viable query:

    Sealion says "AAARFF ARRRF?"

    E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
    I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andy Burnelli@21:1/5 to Jolly Roger on Wed Dec 28 15:29:27 2022
    XPost: misc.phone.mobile.iphone

    Jolly Roger wrote:

    The question you are desperate to deflect, remains a viable query:

    Sealion says "AAARFF ARRRF?"

    Hi Jolly Roger,

    I've studied you.
    Hence... I understand you.

    I really do.

    *Your whole life everyone has told you that you're stupid.*

    And, sadly to say, every response from you proves that you are.

    *Yet, Apple loves you*

    I wonder if you even realize why Apple loves you, Jolly Roger:
    a. Your IQ is around 40 (as evidenced by your response above)
    b. As a result, you're ignorant of ultrasonic negotiation tech
    c. And yet - you feel you must defend all flaws in Apple tech

    It's sad that everyone told you your whole life you're stupid.
    But, unfortunately, every response from you proves why.

    I am sorry for you.
    I really am.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andy Burnelli@21:1/5 to Jolly Roger on Wed Dec 28 15:31:07 2022
    XPost: misc.phone.mobile.iphone

    Jolly Roger wrote:

    ZING! : D

    Thanks for the giggle. : )

    Hi Jolly Roger,

    I've studied you.
    Hence... I understand you.

    I really do.

    *Your whole life everyone has told you that you're stupid.*

    And, sadly to say, every response from you proves that you are.

    *Yet, Apple loves you*

    I wonder if you even realize why Apple loves you, Jolly Roger:
    a. Your IQ is around 40 (as evidenced by your response above)
    b. As a result, you're ignorant of ultrasonic negotiation tech
    c. And yet - you feel you must defend all flaws in Apple tech

    It's sad that everyone told you your whole life you're stupid.
    But, unfortunately, every response from you proves why.

    I am sorry for you.
    I really am.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)