• I just proved, beyond any doubt, how shockingly ignorant the iKooks are

    From Andy Burnelli@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 16 03:47:42 2022
    XPost: misc.phone.mobile.iphone

    I just proved, beyond any doubt, how shockingly ignorant the iKooks
    (such as nospam) are when it comes to them denying what Apple does.

    a. The iKooks first denied all facts about Apple
    b. But when pressed for the facts... the iKooks desperately deflected
    c. They don't know anything about Apple.

    I just proved, beyond any doubt, how shockingly ignorant the iKooks are
    about what Apple does in this set of representative responses from nospam.

    *Apple Rumored to Allow Third Party App Stores, At Least in the EU*

    I've spent years trying to understand the iKooks, but in the end, it simply boils down to the iKooks being only three things concurrently (as proven).

    1. They are shockingly ignorant about everything Apple is
    2. That's a result of their extremely low IQ most likely
    3. But what makes them an iKook is they deny all facts they hate
    and yet, as I just proved, they're completely ignorant of the facts.

    This nospam iKook denied Apple inserts a unique identifier into the IPA.

    And when asked to explain what Apple inserts, all the iKooks could do
    is _desperately_ (again and again) deflect to how bad they think Google is.

    a. I mentioned what Apple inserts into every IPA that you install on iOS.

    b. The iKook nospam, brazenly denies that fact about Apple (which everyone knows!)

    c. I ask the iKook, nospam, to tell us how he "thinks" it works with the IPA.

    d. The iKook, nospam, _desperately_ tries to change the narrative to google!

    e. I bring the narrative back to the fact the iKooks are ignorant of Apple.

    This is classic for what happens on the child-like Apple newsgroups.

    It's been happening for decades.
    Always for the same three reasons.

    A. The iKooks are not only of very low IQ, but completely ignorant of what Apple is
    B. The iKooks _hate_ all facts about Apple (most of which they're ignorant of!) C. The iKooks therefore brazenly deny all facts about Apple
    (even facts nobody normal would ever deny!)

    It's classic.

    The iKooks are shockingly ignorant of _everything_ they claim about Apple.
    And yet they still deny all facts about Apple that they hate about Apple.

    No normal person does that.
    It's what makes the iKooks, iKooks after all.

    Their whole lives, people have been telling iKooks that they're stupid.
    But Apple doesn't do that. Apple loves the iKooks.
    And in turn, the iKooks love Apple.

    Nobody ever gave them the self esteem they need in life - except Apple.

    Apple loves the iKooks because they're Apple's main target market.
    And in turn, the iKooks love Apple to the point of defending Apple to the death.

    Even when the iKooks are completely ignorant of everything that Apple is.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan@21:1/5 to Andy Burnelli on Thu Dec 15 19:55:59 2022
    XPost: misc.phone.mobile.iphone

    On 2022-12-15 19:47, Andy Burnelli wrote:
    I just proved, beyond any doubt, how shockingly ignorant the iKooks
    (such as nospam) are when it comes to them denying what Apple does.

    You don't seem to understand what the word "proved" actually means...

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From nospam@21:1/5 to spam@nospam.com on Thu Dec 15 22:58:12 2022
    XPost: misc.phone.mobile.iphone

    In article <tngpoi$5fe$1@gioia.aioe.org>, Andy Burnelli
    <spam@nospam.com> wrote:

    I just proved, beyond any doubt, how shockingly ignorant I am


    and you've done it far more than just now.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andy Burnelli@21:1/5 to nospam on Fri Dec 16 04:51:52 2022
    XPost: misc.phone.mobile.iphone

    nospam wrote:

    and you've done it far more than just now.

    Unlike you, I'm agnostic toward the big Google/Microsoft/Apple motherships. Unlike you, my self esteem isn't ineradicably enmeshed in their propaganda.
    As a result, unlike you, I'm _not_ ignorant of missing basic functionality.

    *The fact is iOS is utterly crippled in terms of basic app functionality.*

    However, you brazenly claimed today that iOS does have basic functionality. Hence, I will give you ample opportunity to back up your claim... with...


    To that end...

    I just opened a thread where you iKooks will have ample opportunity to back
    up your brazenly fabricated claims GPS spoofing apps exist in the Apple iOS
    App Store (and, yes, you even claimed that it's part of native iOS OS too!).

    *Is there a mock GPS location spoofer on the Apple iOS App Store or not?*
    *Apple Rumored to Allow Third Party App Stores, At Least in the EU*

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Your Name@21:1/5 to Alan on Fri Dec 16 18:25:24 2022
    XPost: misc.phone.mobile.iphone

    On 2022-12-16 03:55:59 +0000, Alan said:
    On 2022-12-15 19:47, Andy Burnelli wrote:

    I just proved, beyond any doubt, how shockingly ignorant the iKooks (such as >> nospam) are when it comes to them denying what Apple does.

    You don't seem to understand what the word "proved" actually means...

    The moron does unintentionally *prove* how much of a brainless,
    know-nothing imbecile he is with every single post. :-)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andy Burnelli@21:1/5 to Jolly Roger on Fri Jan 6 22:11:41 2023
    XPost: misc.phone.mobile.iphone

    Jolly Roger wrote:

    Neither of us said that

    Your claim, and that of nospam, has _always_ been that it's "normal" for
    only certain iPhones (but not others, and not iPads, or macOS laptops),
    to have batteries that suddenly and secretly "just die" on you when you
    upgrade from iOS 10.x to iOS 10.y (I think it was iOS 10.2 but it doesn't matter).

    You've _always_ said that was perfectly normal, Jolly Roger.
    Apple did nothing wrong.

    Then Apple blamed their desperate secret throttling on "battery chemistry",
    and specifically "battery chemistry aging processes".

    Which you wholeheartedly agreed with.

    Why is it then, Jolly Roger, that only Apple has this special battery
    chemistry that no other device on the planet has, which has to be
    purposefully and _secretly_ throttled in an OS release, Jolly Roger.

    Tell us what this special battery chemistry that only Apple has,
    which is "normal" to require the company to _purposefully_ (not
    accidentally, but _purposefully_ and secretly) throttle the phone.

    This secret Apple-only battery chemistry that all you iKooks claim
    is absurd. And yet, it's a strong belief system all you iKooks hold.

    It's one of the ways I know you have a substandard IQ, Jolly Roger.
    And no education.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jolly Roger@21:1/5 to Andy Burnelli on Sat Jan 7 05:20:13 2023
    XPost: misc.phone.mobile.iphone

    On 2023-01-06, Andy Burnelli <spam@nospam.com> wrote:
    Jolly Roger wrote:

    Neither of us said that

    Your claim, and that of nospam, has _always_ been that it's "normal" for
    only certain iPhones (but not others, and not iPads, or macOS laptops),
    to have batteries that suddenly and secretly "just die" on you

    No matter how many times you repeat this outright lie, the fact is I
    have never said that. You're pathetic. : )

    E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
    I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andy Burnelli@21:1/5 to Jolly Roger on Fri Mar 10 16:12:33 2023
    XPost: misc.phone.mobile.iphone

    For future researchers, here is a classic case of iKooks being
    the low-IQ ignorant deceitful sadistic abnormal people they are.

    *How do we show the display variable refresh rate in real time on iOS screens?*

    In that case, they _hate_ that Apple crippled their iPhone, so they
    lash out at anyone who even hints that a smartphone should be smart.

    Jolly Roger wrote:

    how long did it take for such a complicated app?

    Literal weeks (or was it months?).

    This post is for _adults_ (and for the permanent Usenet record),

    My goal on this newsgroup is to (a) _learn_ from & _help_ others, and (b)
    to expose the iKooks for exactly what they are, which is deceitful liars.

    Case in point is that nospam said he was a developer; and yet, he lied. Meanwhile, I said I was NOT a developer; which is clearly the truth.

    what frame rates were you able to achieve after using those 'frame
    rate debugging' tools you spoke so highly of?

    He's never used them.

    In terms of exposing the iKooks for the sadistic liars they are, adults
    will note that nospam concentrated on the "hello.world.apk", where the fact that nospam lied about being a developer shows in _those_ comments of his.

    Everyone who has _ever_ written code knows the purpose of hello world.
    Yet nospam clearly has no concept of why hello.world is the first app ever.

    The fact nospam is completely ignorant of what hello.world accomplishes,
    is yet another clear indicator that nospam has _never_ written a line of
    code in his life.

    Worse, he doesn't _comprehend_ that the cite provided by me published
    something like a _dozen_ absolutely complete apps, each one correspondingly increasing in what it did (which, again, is how developers learn coding).

    The clear and obvious fact that nospam didn't comprehend _any_ of that, is
    an absolutely clear indication nospam has never coded anything in his life.

    He's also never raced in a BMW as he claims.

    What's not surprising is that Alan Baker is who said he was a racer.
    I clearly said I was NOT.

    And yet, I happen to work on my own bimmers and beemers so I'm well aware
    of racing terms that Alan Baker clearly was completely ignorant of.

    The point was that to be completely clueless in all things they speak of is
    a classic trait of the iKooks who think the iPhone NOT having debugging is, somehow, superior to the fact Android adds debugging into every phone.
    1. I want to _help_ people and to _learn_ from them all that I can, and
    2. Due to the sadistically unhelpful yet ignorant and deceitful nature of
    iKooks, I wish to _expose_ them on Usenet for exactly what they are.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Wally J@21:1/5 to badgolferman on Fri Dec 22 13:15:26 2023
    XPost: misc.phone.mobile.iphone

    badgolferman <REMOVETHISbadgolferman@gmail.com> wrote

    There isn't anyone intelligent in racing circuits who doesn't know the
    significance of the catenary in terms of teaching basic racing skills.

    I¢m not a racer, but I would guess it has something to do with calculating how to enter and exit a curve. As a motorcycle rider there are some very
    fine points of curve management one must learn to handle their bike safely.

    Hi badgolferman,

    It's important that people _understand_ what makes an iKook, an iKook.

    This is a seminal discussion which shows what the iKooks really are
    and which needs to be in the public record for future generations.

    Exactly. This is why I've never considered you (or Ant or Steve, et al.) an iKook but why _everyone_ knows that Alan Baker, for one, is an iKook.

    You have the cognitive ability to comprehend that physical forces are the
    same in all directions, particularly the forces that suspend a bridge are
    the same forces that act upon a motorcycle navigating a curve at speed.

    As an aside (owning a K1200 myself as I believe you have a Gold Wing), it mostly applies in racing circuits (as the real world has opposing traffic).

    It's likely that Alan Baker, even after furiously searching for the
    definition, found mostly equidistant suspension bridging references, and
    yet, since he lacks any education in Calculus or Physics, he can't relate
    the vertical directional forces with the same horizontally directed forces.

    Worse, while he claims to own a BMW, he's ignorant of the most basic of the terms used for bimmers and beemers alike, which means his mind is on off.

    Likewise, he claims to "teach racing" and yet he's likely never heard of a catenary, which, let's be clear, would be discussed in any racing circuit (other than straight-line drag racing perhaps, as no curves are involved).

    *How do you deal with people that far to the left of the 1st D-K quartile?*

    The point of bringing up the catenary or the metric tensor or Christoffel symbols or even Dunning Kruger effects isn't so much what they are - but
    that the iKooks are ignorant of them and yet they form strong opinions.

    Jolly Roger thinks he's an iKook because "we disagree" but that's yet
    another trait of the iKook to completely misunderstand the obvious.

    He's an iKook not because we disagree - but because he strongly believes in things which he's completely ignorant of - for example, Jolly Roger
    repeatedly claims Apple fully patches older releases - when Apple doesn't.

    Sure. We disagree. But my disagreement is based on Apple's own words.
    His belief system is based on absolutely no facts whatsoever that matter.

    Apple says they do not fully patch older releases.
    Jolly Roger says they do.
    In fact, he's sure of it.

    Simply because Apple fixed a bug or two in an older release.
    That's full "proof" to Jolly Roger that Apple fully patches older releases!

    No fact can or will sway Jolly Roger from his purely imaginary beliefs.

    *How do you deal with people that far to the left of the 1st D-K quartile?*

    Not only do the iKooks lack that cognitive ability, badgolferman, but they
    form strong opinions that all science is "dubious" simply because they
    a. are ignorant of it...
    b. because they're uneducated...
    c. as a result of their low IQ

    It's why the iKooks can't put together that Apple's variant excuses for removing basic functionality is because Apple wants to them to buy it back.

    Instead of putting things together, as you just did (and as most normal
    adults would do), they accept Apple's individual explanations (e.g., "it's courageous") because it's much simpler for them to accept a direct excuse.

    The whole point of this thread is to point out what iKooks really are.

    My main point about the iKooks is simply that they form strong opinions
    about things that they spend absolutely no energy actually understanding.

    Alan Browne, for example, repeatedly claims there is no walled garden
    simply because he's completely ignorant that he's logging into it.

    *How do you deal with people that far to the left of the 1st D-K quartile?*

    This is a classic Dunning-Kruger first quartile trait, where they are so confident of their assessments that they don't realize how wrong they are.

    It's what I'm trying to patiently explain to Hemidactylus, who deprecated
    the Dunning-Kruger graphs, where I fit into those same graphs as do you.

    The difference is that I _understand_ what Dunning-Kruger papers explained.

    It's the same with the catenary where, by now, Alan Baker has probably furiously googled enough to find that it's a well-taught well-discussed
    term in racing (particularly in motorcycle racing, as you've surmised).

    Yet, he's likely never heard of it nor, more importantly, since ignorance
    can be cured, he doesn't understand that it's an extremely important fact.

    Just as nospam can't stand that he was ignorant that iOS doesn't have any
    app store apps that graphically show wi-fi signal strength over time,
    they'll make a childish kindergarten excuse for why they lack knowledge.

    In nospam's case, that childish excuse is he'll repeatedly claim that apps exist - and yet - when asked to "name just one" - he's never once named it.

    *How do you deal with people that far to the left of the 1st D-K quartile?*

    It's the same with Hemidactylus claiming the D-K is a weapon when everyone
    fits into the D-K graphs - yes - everyone - including you and including me.

    *How do you deal with people that far to the left of the 1st D-K quartile?*

    The iKooks don't even realize _why_ they're iKooks, badgolferman.

    But they prove it whenever the only way they can deal with facts that
    they're ignorant of, like Alan Browne did, is to call people an 'it'.

    Do you know why Alan Browne calls people dealing with facts an 'it'?
    I do.

    HINT: If he negates the person, he feels he's negated all the facts too.
    How do you deal with people that far to the left of the 1st D-K quartile?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)