• Re: How to read/write access iOS file systems on Ubuntu/Windows over US

    From Andy Burnelli@21:1/5 to All on Wed Nov 30 02:52:46 2022
    XPost: misc.phone.mobile.iphone

    dablakmark8 wrote:

    I do very much love when you post, Jolly Roger.

    *You give me excellent insight into the mind of the average iOS user.*
    ok lets say i have a ssh ramdisk and i boot into the rmdisk
    i ssh and i land up in localhost:root.
    what do i type in the teminal to go to applications folder to see the setup.app and delete it

    Hi dablakmark8
    I know nothing about you so I will assume you are an adult and not an iKook
    who is just wasting everyone's time because you hate that iOS is crippled.

    Also, I no longer see the entire set of referrer IDs you've quoted (e.g.,
    Jolly Roger, Alan Baker, Bob Campbell, and a ton of others are plonked).

    Hence, I see your post in the middle of what appears to be nothing.
    So I don't know what exactly led up to your query other than your words.

    Graciously assuming your question is faithful (which it probably isn't
    since the people you're responding to are starting with "eat chit" for
    saying facts about Apple, then you need to do two simple things to even
    begin to arrive at the point where you can _ask_ that question of me for me
    to work with you on that specific task (because I have to load Ubuntu to
    test it again with that specific scenario for you).
    <http://img4.imagetitan.com/img.php?image=18_ios070.jpg> If you know a trick
    <http://img4.imagetitan.com/img.php?image=18_ios080.jpg> This is the trick!

    Here's what you need to do, if you are an adult and if you're sincere.
    STEP 1: Do those steps
    STEP 2: Post a screenshot of your results

    Then we can proceed as adults (and not as the child-like Apple iKooks).
    PS: An example of how well we work together as a team on the adult
    operating system newsgroups is this thread below, which once you have
    iKooks involved, it turns into a food-throw because, well, because iKooks.

    Quick Tutorial: How to seamlessly integrate a mobile phone with your desktop using webdav, adb & scrcpy freeware

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