• Alan Baker cannt be trusted (DUH!)

    From Thomas E.@21:1/5 to All on Mon Apr 25 07:07:56 2022
    In a recent rec.sport.golf Baker thread titled "Inadvertently casting a provisional ballot gets you 5 years in prison" Alan Baker grossly misrepresented facts that were in the sources he cited.

    First, I personally have election experience. Since 2014 I have served as a county election official in local and national elections. Most of those years I served in the inspector role. Tomorrow evening I will be going to the mandatory inspector training
    session for the May 3 primary, and expect to serve in the November general election too. In Indiana the inspector is the person who is responsible for overseeing multiple precinct officials and resolving any and all difficulties that occur when a voter
    shows up and cannot be found on the precinct roll.

    Our precinct records are now on iPads. We scan voter ID, normally a driver's license or state ID card. In every election people show up who are not in the record. Most cases are quickly resolved. Mostly it is people whose precinct changed due to an
    address change and they need to go elsewhere to vote. I think we have had a few cases of voters showing up at our site who had also voted absentee.

    In all those elections I have had to do exactly one provisional ballot. It was an individual who had moved, not changed his voting address, and was not willing to go to the correct precinct in a different city. I had to make several phone calls to make
    sure he could cast a provisional. The whole process took about an hour. In that process I had to inform him of the consequences of casting an illegal provisional. Just for the record, he was a middle-aged white guy and it was the 2020 general election.

    So, back to Alan's post.

    Here it is:

    ...if you're a black woman.


    While two white guys who DELIBERATELY voted twice get probation and 50
    hours of community service.


    <end quote>

    Here are the rest of the facts about the Orlando case (which are hidden behind a pay wall in the source you cited! I had to find a different source):

    You left out "Tarrant County District Attorney Sharen Wilson offered Mason and her attorneys the option of probation instead of a jail sentence or a continued legal battle, but Mason refused." And the fact that she was a convicted felon out on supervised


    "Voter fraud is a third-degree felony punishable by up to five years in prison." (Yes, 5 years, the same as the balck woman.)

    "Both men agreed to enter into a pretrial diversion program with State Attorney Bill Gladson, according to court documents obtained by HuffPost. The agreement, meant for first-time and nonviolent offenders, means they can avoid jail time if they stick to
    the requirements."

    Had the white guys not taken the diversion program option they might have gone to jail too.

    The headline should have been "Black woman refuses probation option and gets 5 year sentence as a result. Two white guys agreed to their guilt and did not go to jail." By omitting key facts in his sources Alan intentionally distorted the story. Anything
    Alan Baker claims needs to be thoroughly investigated. This has nothing to do with skin color and everthing to do with different decisions made by the accused.

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