• Re: Apple lied: M1 Ultra Doesn't Beat Out Nvidia's RTX 3090 GPU Despite

    From Thomas E.@21:1/5 to Alan laughing at Arlen on Sat Mar 19 07:15:03 2022
    On Thursday, March 17, 2022 at 11:09:58 PM UTC-4, Alan laughing at Arlen wrote:
    On 2022-03-17 7:48 p.m., Andy Burnelli wrote:
    Apple lied: Apple only tells the truth in court.

    This is a related offshoot of Apple propaganda posted this week here: *Apple continues to lead in CPUs* (which turns out to be a brazen lie) <https://groups.google.com/g/comp.mobile.android/c/lZ_75avMuvo>
    Is a GPU a CPU now?


    But the article is about graphics performance and how Apple distorted said performance by limiting power level. When the Nividia chip is not limited it easily outperforms the Apple chip. What is true is that the Apple chip is more power efficient.

    "When the ‌M1‌ Ultra was introduced, Apple shared a chart that had the new chip winning out over the "highest-end discrete GPU" in "relative performance," without details on what tests were run to achieve those results. Apple showed the ‌M1‌
    Ultra beating the RTX 3090 at a certain power level, but Apple isn't sharing the whole picture with its limited graphic."

    Since the Apple device is intended for graphics use this is an important distinction.

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