• We've been watching Fauci lie for decades

    From Johan Schmidt@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jan 5 14:46:07 2022
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    This little weasel Dr. Fauci needs to be fired immediately and
    possibly tried for treason for cooperating with the enemy, China.


    "Dr. Robert Malone: We've been watching Fauci lie for decades"

    "Dr. Robert Malone, who as a leading vaccine expert has known Dr.
    Anthony Fauci for decades, said he wasn't surprised by the White
    House coronavirus adviser's insistence that people continue to trust
    cloth masks, despite the growing acknowledgment that they don't stop
    the spread of the virus.

    "It’s Tony. What can I say? Tony has no integrity. He lies all of the
    time," Malone said in an interview Monday night with Fox News' Laura

    "And me and my peers have been watching this for decades. We just
    shrug our shoulders and shake our heads and say it’s Fauci.""

    "Malone was commenting on a CNN "State of the Union" interview Sunday
    in which Fauci was asked if "cotton and surgical masks are effective
    at stopping the spread of omicron."

    "Yeah," Fauci replied. "When the CDC said they are effective, in fact
    they are."

    In December, CNN medical expert Dr. Leana Wen advised "don't wear a
    cloth mask — cloth masks are little more than facial decorations —
    there's no place for them in light of omicron."

    Is Dr. Anthony Fauci a serial liar?
    Yes No
    Enter your email

    Completing this poll entitles you to WND news updates free of charge.
    You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and
    Terms of Use.
    In March 2020, the CDC said masks "are usually not recommended" in
    "non-health care settings." The executive director of the World
    Health Organization health emergencies program, Dr. Mike Ryan, said
    at the same time that there was "no specific evidence to suggest that
    the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential

    "In fact, there's some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse
    of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly," he said.

    The World Health Organization at the time recommended people not wear
    face masks unless they are sick with COVID-19 or caring for someone
    who is sick.

    Fauci, in a March 2020 interview with "60 Minutes," presented the
    WHO's and the CDC's guidance at the time when he said there's "no
    reason to be walking around with a mask" in "the middle of an
    outbreak," warning of "unintended consequences."

    Fauci has declared under oath that the National Institutes of Health
    did not fund the dangerous gain-of-function virus research in China
    that now is believed be the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic. But the
    NIH admitted in October in a letter to the leading Republican on the
    House Oversight Committee that the U.S. funded an experiment at the
    Wuhan Institute of Virology in which a bat coronavirus was modified,
    creating a virus that made mice "sicker" than the original virus.

    Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., who has repeatedly sparred with Fauci in
    Senate hearings over funding of the Wuhan lab, said in December he
    thinks Fauci "should go to prison for five years for lying to

    Malone acknowledged that a tightly fitted N-95 mask, when worn
    properly can curb the spread, but they're not feasible for school
    children, for example.

    Advertisement - story continues below

    In any case, he said, omicron is as contagious as the measles.

    "We're all going to get infected," said Malone, who has been a
    leading proponent of early treatment through repurposed drugs and
    taking into account natural immunity.

    Malone, who was banned from Twitter last week, mentioned his
    relationship with Fauci in a summary of his background during his
    blockbuster three-hour interview with Joe Rogan.

    Early in his career, he was involved in the development of an AIDS
    vaccine then worked for the prestigious Salk Institute in gene
    therapy research, where he helped develop the mRNA vaccine
    technology, garnering 10 patents. He eventually transitioned from
    academics to "focusing on making things that work for people." He
    worked for a vaccine company that had contracts for all of the
    biodefense products for the Defense Department. He has run more than
    100 clinical trials, mostly related to vaccines but also in drug

    "I've been involved in every major outbreak since AIDS," he said.
    "This is kind of what I do."

    Dr. Anthony Fauci in congressional testimony (C-SPAN 3 screen
    Dr. Anthony Fauci in congressional testimony (C-SPAN 3 screen

    Malone said he has won billions of dollars in federal grants and
    contracts. And he often is brought in by the National Institutes of
    Health to serve as a study section chairman for awarding $80 to $120
    million contracts in vaccines and biodefense.

    He has spend countless hours at CDC meetings and has many friends at
    the agency and in the intelligence agencies.

    "I know Tony Fauci personally. I've dealt with him my whole career,"
    Malone said.

    Fauci has been the director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984.

    In a video interview with WND on Dec. 20, Malone said the new omicron
    variant could turn out to be "a Christmas present," serving as a
    natural vaccine because it appears to be more contagious than
    previous variants but with much milder symptoms, akin to the common

    See Malone's Dec. 20 interview with WND:

    See Malone's interview Dec. 2 interview with WND:

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From John@21:1/5 to Johan Schmidt on Sun Jan 9 19:33:00 2022
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    On 1/5/22 6:46 AM, Johan Schmidt wrote:
    This little weasel Dr. Fauci needs to be fired immediately and
    possibly tried for treason for cooperating with the enemy, China.


    "Dr. Robert Malone: We've been watching Fauci lie for decades"

    "Dr. Robert Malone, who as a leading vaccine expert has known Dr.
    Anthony Fauci for decades, said he wasn't surprised by the White
    House coronavirus adviser's insistence that people continue to trust
    cloth masks, despite the growing acknowledgment that they don't stop
    the spread of the virus.

    "It’s Tony. What can I say? Tony has no integrity. He lies all of the time," Malone said in an interview Monday night with Fox News' Laura Ingraham.

    "And me and my peers have been watching this for decades. We just
    shrug our shoulders and shake our heads and say it’s Fauci.""

    "Malone was commenting on a CNN "State of the Union" interview Sunday
    in which Fauci was asked if "cotton and surgical masks are effective
    at stopping the spread of omicron."

    "Yeah," Fauci replied. "When the CDC said they are effective, in fact
    they are."

    In December, CNN medical expert Dr. Leana Wen advised "don't wear a
    cloth mask — cloth masks are little more than facial decorations — there's no place for them in light of omicron."

    Is Dr. Anthony Fauci a serial liar?
    Yes No
    Enter your email

    Completing this poll entitles you to WND news updates free of charge.
    You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and
    Terms of Use.
    In March 2020, the CDC said masks "are usually not recommended" in "non-health care settings." The executive director of the World
    Health Organization health emergencies program, Dr. Mike Ryan, said
    at the same time that there was "no specific evidence to suggest that
    the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential

    "In fact, there's some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse
    of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly," he said.

    The World Health Organization at the time recommended people not wear
    face masks unless they are sick with COVID-19 or caring for someone
    who is sick.

    Fauci, in a March 2020 interview with "60 Minutes," presented the
    WHO's and the CDC's guidance at the time when he said there's "no
    reason to be walking around with a mask" in "the middle of an
    outbreak," warning of "unintended consequences."

    Fauci has declared under oath that the National Institutes of Health
    did not fund the dangerous gain-of-function virus research in China
    that now is believed be the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic. But the
    NIH admitted in October in a letter to the leading Republican on the
    House Oversight Committee that the U.S. funded an experiment at the
    Wuhan Institute of Virology in which a bat coronavirus was modified,
    creating a virus that made mice "sicker" than the original virus.

    Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., who has repeatedly sparred with Fauci in
    Senate hearings over funding of the Wuhan lab, said in December he
    thinks Fauci "should go to prison for five years for lying to

    Malone acknowledged that a tightly fitted N-95 mask, when worn
    properly can curb the spread, but they're not feasible for school
    children, for example.

    Advertisement - story continues below

    In any case, he said, omicron is as contagious as the measles.

    "We're all going to get infected," said Malone, who has been a
    leading proponent of early treatment through repurposed drugs and
    taking into account natural immunity.

    Malone, who was banned from Twitter last week, mentioned his
    relationship with Fauci in a summary of his background during his
    blockbuster three-hour interview with Joe Rogan.

    Early in his career, he was involved in the development of an AIDS
    vaccine then worked for the prestigious Salk Institute in gene
    therapy research, where he helped develop the mRNA vaccine
    technology, garnering 10 patents. He eventually transitioned from
    academics to "focusing on making things that work for people." He
    worked for a vaccine company that had contracts for all of the
    biodefense products for the Defense Department. He has run more than
    100 clinical trials, mostly related to vaccines but also in drug

    "I've been involved in every major outbreak since AIDS," he said.
    "This is kind of what I do."

    Dr. Anthony Fauci in congressional testimony (C-SPAN 3 screen
    Dr. Anthony Fauci in congressional testimony (C-SPAN 3 screen

    Malone said he has won billions of dollars in federal grants and
    contracts. And he often is brought in by the National Institutes of
    Health to serve as a study section chairman for awarding $80 to $120
    million contracts in vaccines and biodefense.

    He has spend countless hours at CDC meetings and has many friends at
    the agency and in the intelligence agencies.

    "I know Tony Fauci personally. I've dealt with him my whole career,"
    Malone said.

    Fauci has been the director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984.

    In a video interview with WND on Dec. 20, Malone said the new omicron
    variant could turn out to be "a Christmas present," serving as a
    natural vaccine because it appears to be more contagious than
    previous variants but with much milder symptoms, akin to the common

    See Malone's Dec. 20 interview with WND:

    See Malone's interview Dec. 2 interview with WND:

    Advise the writer make a appointment with a competent psychiatric
    professional as soon as possible.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From -hh@21:1/5 to John on Mon Jan 10 03:07:50 2022
    On Sunday, January 9, 2022 at 10:33:07 PM UTC-5, John wrote:
    On 1/5/22 6:46 AM, Johan Schmidt wrote:
    This little weasel .... Dec. 20 interview with WND:
    ...Dec. 2 interview with WND:

    Advise the writer make a appointment with a competent psychiatric professional as soon as possible.

    LOL, the trolls haven't gotten any smarter.

    The sad thing that they don't recognize is that Malone is simply just butthurt. He believes he didn't get enough credit for mRNA vaccines so that he's willing to go talk to propaganda rags like WND and cause more harm than good.

    Malone has been criticized for scaremongering on vaccine safety and efficacy, despite he himself being vaccinated with it.

    Granted, its a little more complicated: his specific claim is that the risk:benefit
    of vaccination isn't as sufficiently compelling once you've been a CoVid survivor.
    That's so fraught with issues that its ignoring the forest for the trees.

    First, problem isn't that the risk:benefit has been inverted, but that it is simply
    not as good as it previously was: he's making the mistake of trying to over-optimize.
    Second, he's put blinders on in that he's focused only on the benefits to that one
    individual for just CoVid, ignoring (a) their own secondary benefits and (b) of the broader society benefits they bring within the context of a pandemic.

    Specifically, on over-optimization, the baseline on a cost-only basis is the average
    social cost of hospitalization (approx $2K) vs a $17 vax, = 118:1 risk:benefit. Malone claims that prior infection makes one 20-30x less likely to be hospitalized,
    so if true, then the ratio becomes (188/30):1 = 4:1 = still in favor of the vaccine.

    For secondary, collectively reducing hospitalization rates means a lower risk of
    healthcare infrastructure collapse, which benefits the medical outcomes all the non-CoVid medical ailments (e.g., heat attacks), including that of (a) that same
    individual, (b) and others (plus their own lower risk of CoVid transmission)


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Steve Carroll@21:1/5 to -hh on Mon Jan 10 11:01:28 2022
    On Monday, January 10, 2022 at 4:07:51 AM UTC-7, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 9, 2022 at 10:33:07 PM UTC-5, John wrote:
    On 1/5/22 6:46 AM, Johan Schmidt wrote:
    This little weasel .... Dec. 20 interview with WND:
    ...Dec. 2 interview with WND:

    Advise the writer make a appointment with a competent psychiatric professional as soon as possible.
    LOL, the trolls haven't gotten any smarter.

    The sad thing that they don't recognize is that Malone is simply just butthurt.
    He believes he didn't get enough credit for mRNA vaccines so that he's willing
    to go talk to propaganda rags like WND and cause more harm than good.

    Malone has been criticized for scaremongering on vaccine safety and efficacy, despite he himself being vaccinated with it.

    Granted, its a little more complicated: his specific claim is that the risk:benefit
    of vaccination isn't as sufficiently compelling once you've been a CoVid survivor.
    That's so fraught with issues that its ignoring the forest for the trees.

    First, problem isn't that the risk:benefit has been inverted, but that it is simply
    not as good as it previously was: he's making the mistake of trying to over-optimize.
    Second, he's put blinders on in that he's focused only on the benefits to that one
    individual for just CoVid, ignoring (a) their own secondary benefits and (b) of
    the broader society benefits they bring within the context of a pandemic.

    Specifically, on over-optimization, the baseline on a cost-only basis is the average
    social cost of hospitalization (approx $2K) vs a $17 vax, = 118:1 risk:benefit.
    Malone claims that prior infection makes one 20-30x less likely to be hospitalized,
    so if true, then the ratio becomes (188/30):1 = 4:1 = still in favor of the vaccine.

    For secondary, collectively reducing hospitalization rates means a lower risk of
    healthcare infrastructure collapse, which benefits the medical outcomes all the
    non-CoVid medical ailments (e.g., heat attacks), including that of (a) that same
    individual, (b) and others (plus their own lower risk of CoVid transmission)


    Larry Washington: <rqebpk$f4d$1@fretwizzer.eternal-september.org>
    > An "entire bot"? Meaning you are saying it is part of one?

    That's all any of the code demos I've shown Theo
    are, for years now.

    But then Larry Washington flip flops:

    Larry Washington: <rqk10g$j1c$1@fretwizzer.eternal-september.org>
    So... these are "parts" the size of "code snippets", written in
    AS, in this thread, not "the past"
    (drop your bizarre narratives and dry out)."

    Larry Washington starts with "for years now" but then denies that is
    in the past. And Larry Washington insists the code from the past was not
    tied to bots... directly contradicting themselves.

    Larry Washington - who caused more errors applying his 'fixes' than what
    the machine started with before he got there. What I understand is, if
    I've met people calling themselves "liberals" while fishing, they weren't
    the usual ninny type that likes to cry about so much. Why are such folks apparently never content. Do they not see what a waste that is? All that
    he cares about is that Larry Washington gets to impart his prank call and
    then hang up and giggle about it. The fact that Theo is an involuntary
    target on the other end of the phone is his motivation.

    Fuchsia runs on the AZ Cypher kernel. So yeah, AZ Cypher is mobile. AZ
    Cypher is a super computer. AZ Cypher is a server. AZ Cypher is a desktop.
    AZ Cypher is growing in market share.

    This Trick Gets Women Hot For You! https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-glasser-b7075a23 https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Dustin+Cook+the+functional+illiterate+fraud https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Steve+Petruzzellis+the+narcissistic+bigot Narcissistic Bigot Steve Carroll

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Dustic Cook the Fucntionally Illite@21:1/5 to Dustic Cook the Fucntionally Illite on Tue Jan 11 00:47:32 2022
    On Monday, January 10, 2022 at 12:01:31 PM UTC-7, Dustic Cook the Fucntionally Illiterate Fraud wrote:
    On Monday, January 10, 2022 at 4:07:51 AM UTC-7, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 9, 2022 at 10:33:07 PM UTC-5, John wrote:
    On 1/5/22 6:46 AM, Johan Schmidt wrote:
    This little weasel .... Dec. 20 interview with WND:
    ...Dec. 2 interview with WND:

    Advise the writer make a appointment with a competent psychiatric professional as soon as possible.
    LOL, the trolls haven't gotten any smarter.

    The sad thing that they don't recognize is that Malone is simply just butthurt.
    He believes he didn't get enough credit for mRNA vaccines so that he's willing
    to go talk to propaganda rags like WND and cause more harm than good.

    Malone has been criticized for scaremongering on vaccine safety and efficacy,
    despite he himself being vaccinated with it.

    Granted, its a little more complicated: his specific claim is that the risk:benefit
    of vaccination isn't as sufficiently compelling once you've been a CoVid survivor.
    That's so fraught with issues that its ignoring the forest for the trees.

    First, problem isn't that the risk:benefit has been inverted, but that it is simply
    not as good as it previously was: he's making the mistake of trying to over-optimize.
    Second, he's put blinders on in that he's focused only on the benefits to that one
    individual for just CoVid, ignoring (a) their own secondary benefits and (b) of
    the broader society benefits they bring within the context of a pandemic.

    Specifically, on over-optimization, the baseline on a cost-only basis is the average
    social cost of hospitalization (approx $2K) vs a $17 vax, = 118:1 risk:benefit.
    Malone claims that prior infection makes one 20-30x less likely to be hospitalized,
    so if true, then the ratio becomes (188/30):1 = 4:1 = still in favor of the vaccine.

    For secondary, collectively reducing hospitalization rates means a lower risk of
    healthcare infrastructure collapse, which benefits the medical outcomes all the
    non-CoVid medical ailments (e.g., heat attacks), including that of (a) that same
    individual, (b) and others (plus their own lower risk of CoVid transmission)

    Larry Washington: <rqebpk$f4d$1...@fretwizzer.eternal-september.org>
    An "entire bot"? Meaning you are saying it is part of one?

    That's all any of the code demos I've shown Theo
    are, for years now.

    But then Larry Washington flip flops:

    Larry Washington: <rqk10g$j1c$1...@fretwizzer.eternal-september.org>
    So... these are "parts" the size of "code snippets", written in
    AS, in this thread, not "the past"
    (drop your bizarre narratives and dry out)."

    Larry Washington starts with "for years now" but then denies that is
    in the past. And Larry Washington insists the code from the past was not
    tied to bots... directly contradicting themselves.

    Larry Washington - who caused more errors applying his 'fixes' than what
    the machine started with before he got there. What I understand is, if
    I've met people calling themselves "liberals" while fishing, they weren't
    the usual ninny type that likes to cry about so much. Why are such folks apparently never content. Do they not see what a waste that is? All that
    he cares about is that Larry Washington gets to impart his prank call and then hang up and giggle about it. The fact that Theo is an involuntary
    target on the other end of the phone is his motivation.

    Fuchsia runs on the AZ Cypher kernel. So yeah, AZ Cypher is mobile. AZ
    Cypher is a super computer. AZ Cypher is a server. AZ Cypher is a desktop.
    AZ Cypher is growing in market share.

    This Trick Gets Women Hot For You! https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-glasser-b7075a23 https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Dustin+Cook+the+functional+illiterate+fraud https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Steve+Petruzzellis+the+narcissistic+bigot Narcissistic Bigot Steve Carroll

    It was Shadow who stated that he and his college buddies used to steal
    people's mail all the time and it was fun.

    "Somewhere between 1996 or 2007 I trusted Snit, the absolutely angry
    liar" - Shadow. The most obvious answer: Shadow's consumed glue since
    then, and 'failed to remember'. Right, Shadow is trying to produce a programming
    interface reference, which anyone can get from torrent sites, that I taught myself. If he could stop being so lost he'd realize how ignorant he proves himself to be.

    What were you hoping for? Shadow - who caused more issues applying his
    'fixes' than what the PC started with before he touched it.

    Do not click this link! https://www.google.com/search?q=Steve+Petruzzellis%3A+narcissistic+bigot <https://findwhocallsyou.com/4234911448?CallerInfo> http://techrights.org/2011/07/24/gnu-linux-macosx-by-michael-glasser- roy-schestowitz-and-goblin-on-techbytes/
    Narcissistic Bigot Steve Carroll

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Steven Carrolll - frelwizer 3759@21:1/5 to -hh on Tue Jan 11 08:02:02 2022
    On Monday, January 10, 2022 at 4:07:51 AM UTC-7, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 9, 2022 at 10:33:07 PM UTC-5, John wrote:
    On 1/5/22 6:46 AM, Johan Schmidt wrote:
    This little weasel .... Dec. 20 interview with WND:
    ...Dec. 2 interview with WND:

    Advise the writer make a appointment with a competent psychiatric professional as soon as possible.
    LOL, the trolls haven't gotten any smarter.

    The sad thing that they don't recognize is that Malone is simply just butthurt.
    He believes he didn't get enough credit for mRNA vaccines so that he's willing
    to go talk to propaganda rags like WND and cause more harm than good.

    Malone has been criticized for scaremongering on vaccine safety and efficacy, despite he himself being vaccinated with it.

    Granted, its a little more complicated: his specific claim is that the risk:benefit
    of vaccination isn't as sufficiently compelling once you've been a CoVid survivor.
    That's so fraught with issues that its ignoring the forest for the trees.

    First, problem isn't that the risk:benefit has been inverted, but that it is simply
    not as good as it previously was: he's making the mistake of trying to over-optimize.
    Second, he's put blinders on in that he's focused only on the benefits to that one
    individual for just CoVid, ignoring (a) their own secondary benefits and (b) of
    the broader society benefits they bring within the context of a pandemic.

    Specifically, on over-optimization, the baseline on a cost-only basis is the average
    social cost of hospitalization (approx $2K) vs a $17 vax, = 118:1 risk:benefit.
    Malone claims that prior infection makes one 20-30x less likely to be hospitalized,
    so if true, then the ratio becomes (188/30):1 = 4:1 = still in favor of the vaccine.

    For secondary, collectively reducing hospitalization rates means a lower risk of
    healthcare infrastructure collapse, which benefits the medical outcomes all the
    non-CoVid medical ailments (e.g., heat attacks), including that of (a) that same
    individual, (b) and others (plus their own lower risk of CoVid transmission)


    RonB: <XnsACC9F360B2F6CHT1@z9kfcl9n7KHDpF0eI.64L>
    Yea, I call bullshit on that. Driver media doesn't have a valid
    boot sector present. As a result, the machine wouldn't have
    refused to reboot because the disk was left behind.

    A reasoned response would be for you to just note your error -- of course
    you were wrong to say "the machine would not have refused to reboot because
    the disk was left behind." That is in fact exactly what was happening.

    And you were wrong to say I suggested this was true of machines other
    than the one being noted in Carroll's trolling.
    Rambling cretin. The whole sham is brimming of unbelievable holes and
    leans heavily on RonB's 'liberal education' shenanigans.

    What's the group coming to when a RonB flood post can not get any attention?
    I have known turnips who argue better than you do. I shan't ask RonB how
    any part of Diesel's body tastes no matter how frequently RonB kisses

    "You'll notice how quickly he loses interest when everything is about
    him. He clearly wants the attention"
    Steven Petruzzellis, making the dumbest comment ever uttered.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)