• Cyberpunk 2077

    From Justisaur@21:1/5 to All on Wed Aug 10 12:06:24 2022
    I'm still playing Cyberpunk 2077, over 200 hours now.

    MODS! I stumbled across that there *are* mods for the game. I
    mentioned in my post on what I was playing last month that the cars
    drive poorly, well there's a mod for that! The cars feel far better
    now, however the mod also made my favorite ride - a certain motorcycle
    go completely out of control at high speed now. Well that's what you
    get with mods, still I'd take all the other cars being drivable now
    with just that one having to take it easy.

    Though that's the only one I've tried so far, I was looking at some
    videos of other mods, some of them to be really great. There's one that
    makes it possible to fire your gun from your car, and one that makes
    gang and police backup show up in cars (they just teleport in without
    it.) Ones that let you control your appearance better, making overcoats
    and helmets invisible.

    It's looking like this is going to be a Fallout 3+ type game where you
    really need mods to make the most of it at least so far. Since the
    devs are seemingly adding some of the stuff that's in mods, it may not
    be eventually.

    Bugs & Recommendation:

    I've read that they're still working on getting a DLC out at the
    beginning of next year and they're working on adding some of the stuff
    that shows up in mods to the base game, fixing bugs, adding new game+
    etc. So while I recommended it, I think with that in mind it's best
    to wait until that DLC comes out at least.

    I ran into my first really annoying bug yesterday - there were some
    gang members in the open world that were completely immune to damage,
    they were lower level than me, so I should've been killing them easy,
    but with them not able to take damage, I couldn't do anything to them
    except knock them off their feet temporarily. Apparently it's a common
    bug, it only affects open world mobs, not any in missions, and if you
    return (much?) later they supposedly won't be invincible anymore.

    Returning to a save before you meet them, restarting, etc. have no

    What I'm playing now:

    I tried a melee blades, but didn't care for it, I may just not have got
    far enough as I didn't get the mantis blade, but it was a pain. Now am
    trying a grenade build, which is really fun. You do need to do
    crafting (or a lot of reloading merchants,) but you get crafting with
    the tech tree where the grenade perks are, so you'll have it anyway. I originally started with tech guns too, which can shoot through walls,
    but slowly, since they're also on the tech tree, but they were so slow,
    it didn't really feel like what I was after, and switched to power guns
    - those have ricochet where you can shoot walls floors, ceilings and
    while zoomed you can see what direction they're going to ricochet to if
    you have the perk and cyber implant to do so. There's other upgrades
    that increase the damage of ricochets and possible angles, and they'll
    auto lock on to enemies within those angles. Power weapons also do the
    most damage to begin with. So after a bit this starts getting pretty
    good where you can just shoot the pavement in front of mobs and they
    get hit and take massive damage.

    Role Playing SPOILERS!

    Now on to the spoilers for the role playing... or is it story? Your
    choices can affect things in the epilog and what's available to do, but
    it's not always obvious, and most of the dialog choices don't really do anything.

    I played the other start now as well, the Streetkid, and that one makes
    the least sense for connecting you to the rest of the plot, my latest
    is back to Nomad, and even though female I feel like it's more
    connected - especially to Jackie. Jackie, that was the first bit that
    really got me, when he dies and at his funeral (what RPG has a
    funeral?!) I was getting pretty dusty. Then the whole dead ghost in
    your mind incident blew me away, I knew a little bit of it prior to
    going in, but man, it was something else. Once you get to the
    Aldacados in the main story, that really grabbed me to, the romance
    with Panam was something special. She being a nomad had a lot more
    connection to the character as a Nomad. That and playing a male, as
    you can't romance her as a female.

    I remember being able to romance in mass effect, but really that was
    more Captain Kirk just charming some alien for one night stands type
    stuff, and didn't have any impact.

    - Justisaur

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  • From rms@21:1/5 to All on Wed Aug 10 15:17:26 2022
    I've read that they're still working on getting a DLC out at the
    beginning of next year and they're working on adding some of the stuff
    that shows up in mods to the base game, fixing bugs, adding new game+
    etc. So while I recommended it, I think with that in mind it's best
    to wait until that DLC comes out at least.

    Nice! If russia hasn't nuked us by then I'll play this for sure.
    Started Last Of Us last week.


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  • From Spalls Hurgenson@21:1/5 to rsquiresMOO@MOOflashMOO.net on Wed Aug 10 17:59:04 2022
    On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 15:17:26 -0600, "rms"
    <rsquiresMOO@MOOflashMOO.net> wrote:

    I've read that they're still working on getting a DLC out at the
    beginning of next year and they're working on adding some of the stuff
    that shows up in mods to the base game, fixing bugs, adding new game+
    etc. So while I recommended it, I think with that in mind it's best
    to wait until that DLC comes out at least.

    Nice! If russia hasn't nuked us by then I'll play this for sure.
    Wait, are we getting nuked? How long do we have? What level of
    sunscreen should I use to protect myself?

    And wait.. who's getting nuked? Is it just America? 'Cause that's okay
    then. Well, it's not /okay/ but it's better than some of the
    alternatives ;-)

    Can't we just /not/ get nuked? I'd prefer that option. I have a lot of
    video games to get through still...

    Started Last Of Us last week.

    Which version? Original? Remake?

    Either way, it's a terrific game, assuming you enjoy the genre. Well
    paced, surprisingly beautiful (even the original version from 2013
    holds up pretty well), with some good variety in levels and gameplay.
    It has one of the smoothest difficulty curves too, although that may
    be because that curve doesn't stretch up too far (it's not a hard

    I was less fond of the sequel, although not for any plot or
    character-related reasons. Rather, it lacked the excellent pacing of
    the first and didn't really deliver anything new. Well, not as far as
    I played (I got about halfway through before I just got tired of the

    But the first? One of the finest examples of its genre made. It was
    Naughty Dog - the developers - at their best.

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  • From PW@21:1/5 to All on Wed Aug 10 22:33:57 2022
    I finally started it a couple nights ago, but not for long. I picked
    the first area. The desert or whatever it was called. I didn't know
    there were 3 to choose from. I thought it was all city from the pics
    that I have seen of it.


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  • From Justisaur@21:1/5 to All on Thu Aug 11 07:41:05 2022
    On Wednesday, August 10, 2022 at 9:34:01 PM UTC-7, PW wrote:
    I finally started it a couple nights ago, but not for long. I picked
    the first area. The desert or whatever it was called. I didn't know
    there were 3 to choose from. I thought it was all city from the pics
    that I have seen of it.

    That's the Nomad start, the best start in my opinion. Weird for a
    Cyberpunk game, but there you go.

    - Justisaur

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  • From Mark P. Nelson@21:1/5 to Justisaur on Thu Aug 11 17:27:18 2022
    Justisaur <justisaur@gmail.com> wrote in news:bd4088b3-3414-4e53-93ab- 444ae6fcaf25n@googlegroups.com:

    On Wednesday, August 10, 2022 at 9:34:01 PM UTC-7, PW wrote:
    I finally started it a couple nights ago, but not for long. I picked
    the first area. The desert or whatever it was called. I didn't know
    there were 3 to choose from. I thought it was all city from the pics
    that I have seen of it.

    That's the Nomad start, the best start in my opinion. Weird for a
    Cyberpunk game, but there you go.

    - Justisaur

    I've played through 2.5 times and used the nomad start each time. How are the others?


    Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos -- the only sysadmins that matter

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  • From Justisaur@21:1/5 to Mark P. Nelson on Fri Aug 12 06:50:53 2022
    On Thursday, August 11, 2022 at 10:27:20 AM UTC-7, Mark P. Nelson wrote:
    Justisaur <just...@gmail.com> wrote in news:bd4088b3-3414-4e53-93ab- 444ae6...@googlegroups.com:
    On Wednesday, August 10, 2022 at 9:34:01 PM UTC-7, PW wrote:
    I finally started it a couple nights ago, but not for long. I picked
    the first area. The desert or whatever it was called. I didn't know
    there were 3 to choose from. I thought it was all city from the pics
    that I have seen of it.

    That's the Nomad start, the best start in my opinion. Weird for a
    Cyberpunk game, but there you go.

    - Justisaur

    I've played through 2.5 times and used the nomad start each time. How are the others?



    The Corpo one's o.k. it just starts you off as a corpo and gives you a slice
    of life of one who's carrying out orders that're evil, or at least cutthroat. The intro to Jackie is a bit short who you're already friends with, and he saves your butt, so in a way you've got more connection with him, just with
    the evil start it feels more like you're just using him, and sets the tone you don't have any real feelings for anyone. I suppose it does give you a reason to get revenge on the Corps that have the whole culture, but as V says
    You can take the rat out of the corpo, but not the corpo out of the rat, feels like you're more likely to try to join in

    The Streetkid, it just doesn't make any sense, Jackie tries to jack you
    and gets both you and him arrested, beat up, and you're supposed
    to be friends with him?

    - Justisaur

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