• Re: Marathon coming to Steam

    From Ant@21:1/5 to Spalls Hurgenson on Mon Mar 18 19:43:34 2024
    I remember trying this game on my college dormitory roommate's Mac. I wasn't impressed. :(

    Spalls Hurgenson <spallshurgenson@gmail.com> wrote:
    Bungie's "Marathon" is finally making it to Steam.

    Well, more precisely the AlephOne source-port is. Eventually. It's not
    there yet. All we have so far is a store page for "Classic Marathon" https://store.steampowered.com/app/2398450/Classic_Marathon/

    "Marathon", of course, is Bungie's (of Halo fame) first FPS,
    originally released to Macintosh. Released in December 1994 (two weeks
    after Doom) it was, in some ways, mechanically superior to Id's
    seminal classic. It ran at higher resolutions, had free-look, and
    dynamic lighting. (But lest Mac-heads start feeling too superior, it
    also ran far slower than Doom. Id prioritized speed over everything
    else; Bungie focused on level design and features. Which makes for a
    better game depends on what you want out of the game).

    "Marathon" was well regarded for its visuals and - surprisingly - its
    story, and it eventually spawned a whole trilogy of games. Years
    later, it got ported to other platforms - including Windows - as
    AlephOne, an open-source version of the game. Bungie made the assets
    to their games freeware in the early 2000s, allowing anybody to play

    Still, getting the whole bundle working required a little bit of
    effort, so having it on Steam and installable with a single-click is a welcome change. No word on price (Steam says 'free' but since the game
    can't actually be claimed there's no way to prove that's true yet)
    but, even if it's not, the game will also be available from the Aleph
    One website https://alephone.lhowon.org/

    Apparently, Bungie is also working on a spin-off game too. However,
    seeing as this is described as "a PVP Extraction Shooter" I'm not too
    excited about it. The Marathon's trilogy was always best remembered
    for its story and setting, and somehow I don't think you'll get the
    same experience in a multiplayer-only game. Trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckI_m8bbXfw

    "And we, who with unveiled faces all [contemplate and] reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." ???2 Corinthians 3:18. Dang Apple again. No one pinched
    this greenless ant yesterday1
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  • From Joshua Allen@21:1/5 to Ant on Tue Mar 19 08:32:20 2024
    On 3/18/2024 3:43 PM, Ant wrote:
    I remember trying this game on my college dormitory roommate's Mac. I wasn't impressed. :(

    Spalls Hurgenson <spallshurgenson@gmail.com> wrote:
    Bungie's "Marathon" is finally making it to Steam.

    Well, more precisely the AlephOne source-port is. Eventually. It's not
    there yet. All we have so far is a store page for "Classic Marathon"

    "Marathon", of course, is Bungie's (of Halo fame) first FPS,
    originally released to Macintosh. Released in December 1994 (two weeks
    after Doom) it was, in some ways, mechanically superior to Id's
    seminal classic. It ran at higher resolutions, had free-look, and
    dynamic lighting. (But lest Mac-heads start feeling too superior, it
    also ran far slower than Doom. Id prioritized speed over everything
    else; Bungie focused on level design and features. Which makes for a
    better game depends on what you want out of the game).

    "Marathon" was well regarded for its visuals and - surprisingly - its
    story, and it eventually spawned a whole trilogy of games. Years
    later, it got ported to other platforms - including Windows - as
    AlephOne, an open-source version of the game. Bungie made the assets
    to their games freeware in the early 2000s, allowing anybody to play

    Still, getting the whole bundle working required a little bit of
    effort, so having it on Steam and installable with a single-click is a
    welcome change. No word on price (Steam says 'free' but since the game
    can't actually be claimed there's no way to prove that's true yet)
    but, even if it's not, the game will also be available from the Aleph
    One website https://alephone.lhowon.org/

    Apparently, Bungie is also working on a spin-off game too. However,
    seeing as this is described as "a PVP Extraction Shooter" I'm not too
    excited about it. The Marathon's trilogy was always best remembered
    for its story and setting, and somehow I don't think you'll get the
    same experience in a multiplayer-only game. Trailer here:

    the controls were difficult to use on pc using aleph one
    maybe if they remastered the classics itd be different
    but they are using marathon 2s engine for marathon
    would have loved to see the original marathon 1 engine

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  • From Ant@21:1/5 to Spalls Hurgenson on Sat May 11 02:13:26 2024
    Spalls Hurgenson <spallshurgenson@gmail.com> wrote:
    On Mon, 18 Mar 2024 15:23:42 -0400, Spalls Hurgenson <spallshurgenson@gmail.com> wrote:

    Bungie's "Marathon" is finally making it to Steam.

    And now, it's actually here! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2398450/Classic_Marathon/

    Is it anything you couldn't already experience downloading the
    AlephOne version? No.

    Is it going to wow you with its gameplay, the sort of game you must experience? It is definitely not that either.

    But if you've a fondness for boomer shooters, or just an interest in
    the history of how FPS games developed over the year, it's worth a
    look. Especially since it's free, will download nearly instantly (it
    requires only 33MB of disk-space) and will run well on even the most potato-ey of potato-computers.

    I didn't like it when I played back then! Doom FTW!
    "No widow may be put on the list of widows unless she is over sixty, has been faithful to her husband, and is well known for her good deeds, such as bringing up children, showing hospitality, washing the feet of the Lord???s people, helping those in
    trouble and devoting herself to all kinds of good deeds." ???1 Timothy 5:10 Note: A fixed width font (Courier, Monospace, etc.) is required to see this signature correctly.
    /\___/\ Ant(Dude) @ http://aqfl.net & http://antfarm.home.dhs.org.
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