• Can anyone help to make the Mister FPGA Apple II core less half-baked?

    From KP@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 27 20:26:33 2023
    The Mister FPGA Apple II core is, in a word... half-baked. Perhaps due to the European origins of many of the lead developers of Mister cores, the Commodore 64 core and ZX Spectrum cores are so fully-featured that, in at least the C64 core, it is
    possible to connect original Commodore floppy drives to the Mister.

    The Apple II core, meanwhile, does not even have a functional Reset key, or the ability to map a functional Reset key. (So it is impossible to use the Apple II core to break into BASIC with a Control-Reset, because there is no Reset key.)

    Nor does it have the ability to write to disk images. So using any kind of serious application software is pretty much out of question. And no games that require saving can work.

    Let alone the ability to use an IO board to do actual audio IO (which the Spectrum and C64 cores can do), to read and write data to tape or other audio device.

    Is anyone here a Mister fan? Does anyone have the technical know-how to help the Apple II core to become even remotely complete? Because, right now, it's pretty half-baked compared to the other cores.

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