• Introduction

    From jgt@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jul 12 11:12:11 2023
    Hi, my name is Jack and I am an addict, oops wrong forum.
    Two things happened recently, I found this group and also the source code for an application I wrote about 40 years ago for a soft drink bottler.
    In the process of converting this application from 9030/OS3, I developed a series of programs in COBOL to emulate ISAM files. The method uses two TIP files, one for the index and the other for data. If anyone is interested, I will publish the source.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Don Spam's Reckless Son@21:1/5 to jgt on Thu Jul 13 08:13:42 2023
    jgt wrote:
    Hi, my name is Jack and I am an addict, oops wrong forum.
    Two things happened recently, I found this group and also the source code for an application I wrote about 40 years ago for a soft drink bottler.
    In the process of converting this application from 9030/OS3, I developed a series of programs in COBOL to emulate ISAM files. The method uses two TIP files, one for the index and the other for data. If anyone is interested, I will publish the source.

    That was obviously before SFS (Shared File System) was introduced. SFS
    allows shared access to MSAM or Relative files and is integrated into
    the UDS model. I worked on a site which made heavy use of SFS in the
    1990s. The point of SFS is that you pretty much only have to modify the
    file description in the Environment Division to access files which have
    been set up under SFS.
    (Relative files are similar to TIP in that the record key is the record
    number, no idea why anyone would want to use that - we certainly did not).

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)