• Make openssh even stricter with VerifyHostKeyDNS / SSHFP

    From Fredrik Jonson@21:1/5 to All on Thu Nov 17 11:45:08 2022

    After many years of bad habits with accepting hostkey changes with TOFU,
    I have finally started adding SSHFP RR records to the dns for some hosts.

    Unfortunately old habits die hard, and now I would like for Openssh to
    actually not apply TOFU, and instead outright terminate the connection
    attempt if the host key doesn't match the SSHFP record.

    Is there any possibility to configure openssh to do just that? I have tried

    StrictHostKeyChecking yes
    VerifyHostKeyDNS yes

    Which appears to make ssh fail TOFU completely, and wont allow me to connect
    if I haven't retrieved the host key out of band before connecting.

    On the other hand when i change to

    StrictHostKeyChecking accept-new

    ssh will only warn, but still allow me to continue even when the SSHFP record does not match.

    I'd like to both have the cake and eat it, please. :)

    That is, accept-new behaviour, i.e TOFU for unknown host keys, but to stop the connection attempt entirely when the SSHFP record doesn't match the host key.

    Ideas, anyone?
    Fredrik Jonson

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