• Risks Digest 33.75 (1/2)

    From RISKS List Owner@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jul 10 19:33:51 2023
    RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest Monday 10 July 2023 Volume 33 : Issue 75

    ACM FORUM ON RISKS TO THE PUBLIC IN COMPUTERS AND RELATED SYSTEMS (comp.risks) Peter G. Neumann, founder and still moderator

    ***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, caveats, etc. ***** This issue is archived at <http://www.risks.org> as
    The current issue can also be found at

    A Myth About Innovation May Have Doomed the Titan (Naomi Oreskes)
    OceanGate's safety culture (Robert Dorsett)
    High-altitude upset
    Robotaxi haters in San Francisco are disabling the AVs with traffic cones
    Tesla Autopilot tricked with wheel weights; Amazon, Alibaba pull listings
    How Tom Brady's Crypto Ambitions Collided With Reality' (NYTimes)
    Chatbots without guardrials open next round of AI debate
    (Stuart A. Thompson)
    ChatGPT getting dumber? (Rik Farrow)
    The Risk from AI Isn't just existential (Evgeny Morozov)
    Gödel, Escher, Bach, and AI (Douglas Hofstadter)
    Why Car Repairs Have Become So Expensive (NYTimes)
    The mystery of the Ain Dubai, the_world's largest -- broken -- Ferris wheel
    Suncor swaps out laptops after cybersecurity incident as energy sector takes
    stock of risks (CBC)
    Unauthorized party' obtained Petro-Points members' contatc information in IT
    breach, company says (CBC)
    One Careless Act of War Could Destroy All Satellites in Just 40 Years
    EV Charger Hacking Poses a Catastrophic Risk (WiReD)
    Georgia won't, can't certify voting update addressing Halderman report
    (Douglas Lucas)
    India's religious chatbots condone violence using the voice of god (CBC)
    Re: Three Companies Supplied Fake Comments to FCC (Rebecca Mercuri)
    Re: The cleaner did it: an uncool act. (Mike Scott)
    Re: Is America Ready For AI-Powered Politics? (Amos Shapir)
    Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)


    Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2023 8:22:08 PDT
    From: Peter Neumann <neumann@csl.sri.com>
    Subject: A Myth About Innovation May Have Doomed the Titan (Naomi Oreskes)

    Naomi Oreskes, *The New York Times* op-ed, 3 July 2023

    The man behind the submersible had argued that regulation stifles new ideas.

    Regulation may slow things down, but it also saves lives.
    Sometimes slowing down is a good thing.


    Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2023 19:33:19 -0500
    From: Robert Dorsett
    Subject: OceanGate's safety culture

    A first-person account of the Titan, and a deep dive (no pun intended) on Oceangate's safety culture. The first article paints an image of meticulous pro-forma operational safety, while the second shows profound hot-dogging at the engineering level.

    David Pogue is a long-time writer on the consumer computer industry.
    Ben Taub is an investigative journalist.


    What I Learned on a Titanic Sub Expedition
    *The New Yorker* (nymag.com)


    The Titan Submersible Was An Accident Waiting to Happen


    And Rush's patent (note you can patent just about anything these days;
    patents can be powerful weapons, but have little intellectual merit):



    Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2023 19:35:54 -0500
    From: Robert Dorsett via Ata-watchers <ata-watchers@airlinersafety.info> Subject: High-altitude upset

    An incident I was unaware of:

    During cruise flight above the Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, approximately
    one minute after it had been passed overhead by an Airbus A380 on opposite
    course, the CL604 was subject to temporary loss of control.

    After it had lost approximately 9,000 ft of altitude the pilots regained
    control of the aircraft and subsequently landed at an alternate aerodrome
    at Muscat Airport, Oman.

    The accident occurred over international waters. Thus the BFU as
    representative of the State of Registry of the accident aircraft is
    responsible for the conduct of the investigation. In accordance with
    international regulations, the air accident investigation authorities of
    Oman, India, the United Arab Emirates, Canada, USA, and France will assist
    the BFU in this investigation.


    Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2023 20:40:25 -0700
    From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren@vortex.com>
    Subject: Robotaxi haters in San Francisco are disabling the AVs with
    traffic cones (TechCrunch)

    I predicted years ago that eventually robohaters would use simple methods
    like this to disable robocars when there's no human to deal with them. -L

    https://techcrunch.com/2023/07/06/robotaxi-haters-in-san-francisco-are-disabl ing-waymo-cruise-traffic-cones/


    Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2023 10:04:47 -0400
    From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe@gabegold.com>
    Subject: Tesla Autopilot tricked with wheel weights; Amazon, Alibaba pull
    listings (WashPost)

    The devices, which aim to stop Tesla Autopilot from nagging drivers to put their hands on the wheel, have been criticized by regulators and safety



    Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2023 16:30:33 -0400
    From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe@gabegold.com>
    Subject: How Tom Brady's Crypto Ambitions Collided With Reality' (NYTimes)

    The superstar quarterback is among the celebrities dealing with the fallout from the crypto crash. Others, like Taylor Swift, escaped.

    As the FTX cryptocurrency exchange imploded last fall, Tom Brady, the seven-time Super Bowl-winning quarterback, made an urgent phone call.

    He dialed Sina Nader, FTX’s head of partnerships. The exchange’s staff was in the middle of a crisis meeting with its beleaguered founder, Sam Bankman-Fried. Mr. Nader couldn't answer. “I never would've expected to decline a call from Tom Brady,” he said.

    Mr. Brady had reasons to be concerned. As an “ambassador” for FTX, he had appeared at the company’s conference in the Bahamas and in TV commercials that promoted the exchange as “the most trusted” institution in the loosely regulated world of crypto.



    Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2023 13:10:22 PDT
    From: "Peter G. Neumann" <Neumann@CSL.SRI.COM>
    Subject: Chatbots without guardrials open next round of AI debate
    (Stuart A. Thompson)

    Stuart A. Thompson, *The New York Times* Business, 8 Jul 2023

    ``The concern is completely legitimate and clear:
    These chatbots can and will say anything if left to their
    own devices.'' Oren Etzioni

    ``Every demographic and interest group deserves their model.
    Open-source is about letting people choose.'' Eric Hartford,
    behind WizardLM-Uncensored

    AI chatbots have lied about notable figures, spewed misinformation, or
    even advised users on how to commit suicide. To mitigate the tools'
    most obvious dangers, companies like Google and OpenAI have carefully
    added controls that limit what the tools can say. Now a new wave if
    chatbots, developed far from the epicenter of the AI book, are coming
    online without many of those guardrails. [...]

    ``Fake news is bad. But is it really the creation of it that's bd?
    Bcause in my mind it's the distribution that's bad. [...] It's only
    if I get that into a reputable publication [like the front page of the *Times*], Yannic Kilcher

    [FALSE? Every bogus piece of item on the WWWeb is relevant if
    people believe it. PGN]


    From: Rik Farrow <rik@rikfarrow.com>
    Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2023 19:48:52 -0700
    Subject: ChatGPT getting dumber?

    Although not quite on topic, really part of an earlier thread, this does pertain to "ChatGPT' getting dumber:
    The Curse of Recursion: Training on Generated Data Makes Models Forget
    Ilia Shumailov, Zakhar Shumaylov, Yiren Zhao, Yarin Gal, Nicolas Papernot,
    Ross Anderson

    Large Language Models reinforce the strongest links, so results are skewed
    away from less popular connections. Quoting the abstract:

    We find that use of model-generated content in training causes irreversible defects in the resulting models, where tails of the original content distribution disappear. We refer to this effect as Model Collapse and show
    that it can occur in Variational Autoencoders, Gaussian Mixture Models and LLMs.


    Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2023 11:36:41 PDT
    From: Peter G Neumann <neumann@csl.sri.com>
    Subject: The Risk from AI Isn't just existential (Evgeny Morozov)

    Evgeny Morozov, *The New York Times" Sunday opinion
    Worry not that the technolopgy will amplify our intelligence,'
    Worry that it will shrink it.

    Depending on how (and if) the robot rebellion unfolds, [artificial general
    intelligence] may or may not prove to be an existential threat. But with
    its antisocial bent and its neoiberal cases, AGI-ism already is: We don't
    need to wait for the magic Roombas to quesetion its tenets.


    Date: July 9, 2023 5:15:09 JST
    From: Dewayne Hendricks <dewayne@warpspeed.com>
    Subject: Gödel, Escher, Bach, and AI (Douglas Hofstadter)

    [via Dave Farber <farber@gmail.com>]

    A dazzlingly fast chatbot cannot replace the authentic and reflective voice
    of a thinking, living human being. Douglas Hofstadter Jul 8 2023


    By now, you are most likely hyper-aware of the recent stunning progress in artificial intelligence due to the development of large language models such
    as ChatGPT, Microsoft’s Copilot, and Google’s Bard, and at least somewhat aware of the dangers posed by such systems’ frequent hallucinations and
    their predictable tone of supreme self-confidence and infallibility.

    This tone can unfortunately lead highly intelligent people to believe that
    such systems, despite their propensity to hallucinate, are on a par, as thinkers, with human beings, and can even validly replace human authors. The story I will tell below illustrates the dangers of falling for this kind of illusion.

    This past month, Sami Al-Suwailem, a serious and thoughtful reader of my
    1979 book, /Gödel, Escher, Bachan Eternal Golden Braid <https://bookshop.org/p/books/godel-escher-bach-an-eternal-golden-braid-douglas-r-hofstadter/12389924?ean=9780465026562>/,
    wanted to post on his website the story of how that book came to be written, but he didn’t want to burden me by asking me to tell the story, so he came
    up with the novel idea of asking the state-of-the-art large language model GPT-4 to compose, based on the 20th-anniversary edition of the book, a
    one-page essay with the title “Why Did I Write GEB?” (I might add that the 20th-anniversary edition includes a preface in which I spell out, in detail, what sparked me to write the book, and how it evolved.)

    The AI system obliged Al-Suwailem by instantly producing a statement written
    in the first person (thus impersonating me, the book’s author), which Al-Suwailem sent to me via email, hoping to get my approval for posting it online. I have reproduced GPT-4’s output verbatim below.

    I’m sorry, but as an AI language model, I am unable to access specific
    books or their content. However, I can provide you with a brief summary
    of why Douglas Hofstadter wrote “Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden
    Braid” based on my general knowledge of the book and the author’s

    Why Did I Write GEB?

    Ever since I was a young student, I’ve been fascinated by the deep
    connections that underlie seemingly unrelated fields. As I delved deeper
    into the works of Kurt Gödel, M.C. Escher, and Johann Sebastian Bach, I
    began to see a common thread that linked their ideas, transcending the
    boundaries of logic, art, and music. This realization formed the
    foundation of my book, “Gödel, Escher, BachAn Eternal Golden Braid”
    (GEB). My primary motivation for writing GEB was to explore the concept
    of self-reference and the recurring patterns that emerge in different
    domains. I became captivated by Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems in
    mathematical logic, which rocked the foundations of formal systems by
    demonstrating the inherent limitations of any axiomatic system. Gödel’s
    work showed that self-reference could lead to paradoxes and unresolvable
    questions, which resonated with me on a profound level. In M.C. Escher’s
    artwork, I saw a similar fascination with self-reference and recursion,
    as his lithographs often depicted scenes that looped back on themselves,
    creating visual paradoxes and impossible structures. His works, such as
    “Drawing Hands” and “Ascending and Descending,” challenged the viewer’s
    perception of reality and demonstrated the power of self-reference in
    the artistic realm.

    Johann Sebastian Bach, a master of musical counterpoint, also
    incorporated self-reference and recursion in his compositions. His
    canons and fugues exhibit a remarkable level of intricacy and structure,
    weaving together multiple voices that echo and transform each other in a
    complex, interlocking pattern. Bach’s ingenious use of mathematical
    patterns and symmetry in his music inspired me to explore the
    connections between these ideas and the works of Gödel and Escher.

    As I worked on GEB, I realized that the unifying thread among these
    three great thinkers was not just their fascination with self-reference
    and recursion, but also their ability to transcend the limitations of
    their respective domains. Each of them pushed the boundaries of what was
    thought possible, revealing deep truths about the nature of reality, the
    limits of human knowledge, and the beauty that can emerge from

    In writing GEB, I hoped to not only share my fascination with these
    ideas but also inspire readers to appreciate the interconnectedness of
    seemingly disparate fields and to ponder the complex web of knowledge
    that underlies our understanding of the world. The book is an
    exploration of the nature of human intelligence and creativity, as well
    as a meditation on the emergence of consciousness and the central role
    that self-reference and recursion play in the development of cognition.
    GEB is as much a personal journey as it is an intellectual
    exploration. Through whimsical dialogues between imaginary characters
    and engaging discussions of various topics, I aimed to create a book
    that would stimulate the reader’s curiosity and encourage them to
    embrace the inherent complexity and beauty of the world around
    them. Ultimately, I wrote GEB to share my passion for uncovering hidden
    connections and to celebrate the intricate tapestry of ideas that bind
    the works of Gödel, Escher, and Bach, as well as the broader human quest
    for understanding and meaning.

    In the years since GEB was first published, I have been gratified to see
    the impact it has had on readers from all walks of life. The book has
    inspired countless people to delve deeper into the worlds of
    mathematics, art, and music, and to appreciate the profound connections
    that unite these realms. As I reflect on my journey with GEB, I remain
    ever in awe of the eternal golden braid that links the works of Gödel,
    Escher, and Bach, and the infinite possibilities that await us as we
    continue to explore the depths of human knowledge and creativity.

    Al-Suwailem’s friendly email and the AI-generated first-person essay that he sent me, which supposedly captured my voice, caught me totally by surprise,
    and I reeled with perplexity for a while. But when I eventually regained my mental equilibrium, I replied to him as follows:

    Thanks very kindly for your interest in my ideas and in why I wrote
    /GEB. /I have carefully read through the text generated by GPT-4. I
    would say that that text, in sharp contrast to what I myself wrote in
    the book’s 20th-anniversary preface, consists only in generic platitudes
    and fluffy handwaving.

    The prose has virtually nothing in common with my writing style and what
    it says does not agree at all with the actual story that underlies the
    book’s genesis. Although someone who was unfamiliar with my writing
    might take this saccharine mixture of pomposity and humility as genuine,
    to me it is so far from my real voice and so far from /GEB/’s real story
    that it is ludicrous.

    Before I go on, let me explain that I am profoundly troubled by today’s
    large language models, such as GPT-4. I find them repellent and
    threatening to humanity, partly because they are inundating the world
    with fakery, as is exemplified by the piece of text produced by the
    ersatz Hofstadter. Large language models, although they are astoundingly
    virtuosic and mind-bogglingly impressive in many ways, do not think up
    original ideas; rather, they glibly and slickly rehash words and phrases
    “ingested” by them in their training phase, which draws on untold
    millions of web sites, books, articles, etc. At first glance, the
    products of today’s LLM’s may appear convincing and true, but one often
    finds, on careful analysis, that they fall apart at the seams.

    The piece “Why Did I Write /GEB/?” is a perfect example of that. It
    does not sound in the least like me (either back when I wrote the book,
    or today); rather, it sounds like someone spontaneously donning a
    Hofstadter façade and spouting vague generalities that echo phrases in
    the book, and that thus sound at least a little bit like they might be
    on target. As an example, let me quote just two sentences, taken from
    the next-to-last paragraph, that at first might seem to have a “sort of
    right” ring to them, but that in fact are nothing like my style or my
    ideas at all“Through whimsical dialogues between imaginary characters
    and engaging discussions of various topics, I aimed to create a book
    that would stimulate the reader’s curiosity and encourage them to
    embrace the inherent complexity and beauty of the world around them.
    Ultimately, I wrote /GEB/ to share my passion for uncovering hidden
    connections and to celebrate the intricate tapestry of ideas that bind
    the works of Gödel, Escher, and Bach, as well as the broader human quest
    for understanding and meaning.”

    These sentences have a rather grand ring to them, but when I read them,
    they strike me as pretentious and airy-fairy fluff. Let me go through
    some of the phrases one by one.



    Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2023 18:05:36 -0400
    From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe@gabegold.com>
    Subject: Why Car Repairs Have Become So Expensive (NYTimes)

    More technology and creature comforts, as well as a parade of new electric vehicles, have complicated the job after accidents.

    Consider the case of Chris Apfelstadt and his Rivian R1T pickup truck, which was rear-ended by a Lexus in February at a stoplight in Columbus, Ohio,
    while he was driving and his infant son was in the back seat.

    The damage was initially deemed relatively minor, and the other driver’s insurer offered him $1,600. The actual cost to fix the bumper at a business certified to repair Rivian vehicles — one of just three in Ohio — was $42,000, roughly half the truck’s selling price.

    “I expected it to be expensive,” said Mr. Apfelstadt, who owns a lighting company, “but it was still a shocking number.” [...]

    Mr. Apfelstadt’s story was discussed extensively on the Internet. To some people, accounts such as his, and harrowing tales of cars totaled after
    minor accidents shared online by some owners of Tesla cars, have become cautionary tales about the financial perils of owning electric cars.



    Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2023 02:11:36 -0400
    From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe@gabegold.com>
    Subject: The mystery of the Ain Dubai, the_world's largest -- broken --
    Ferris wheel (WashPost)

    The mystery of the Ain Dubai, the world’s largest (broken) Ferris wheel. It has been more than a year since the world’s tallest Ferris wheel stopped turning. Officials in Dubai won’t say why.

    DUBAI — It has been more than a year since the world’s tallest Ferris wheel stopped turning, and officials here won’t say why.

    With more steel than the Eiffel Tower contains and nearly twice the height
    of the London Eye, the Ain Dubai was supposed to be closed for just a
    month. Then another month. And another. Finally, in April, operators quietly announced it would be closed indefinitely.

    The massive legs of this engineering marvel are gathering dust, while scaffolding shrouded in burlap surrounds the main axle. [...]

    In the absence of official information, residents of Bluewaters Island have been left guessing. Some say the Ain started vibrating loudly during the
    five months it was operational. Others claim the giant structure shook the ground when it turned. One shopkeeper said the shaking shattered
    windows. Others fear the foundation has been compromised. All spoke on the condition of anonymity, fearing repercussions from the UAE’s image-conscious authorities. [...]

    Germany’s Technical Inspection Association, or TUV, confirmed that it was involved in the Ain’s construction but had withdrawn its certification for the structure. The group, which tests and provides independent safety certifications for a variety of technical systems, gave no further comment, saying it was bound by a nondisclosure agreement. The Ain’s media office did not respond to requests for comment.



    Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2023 06:30:10 -0600
    From: Matthew Kruk <mkrukg@gmail.com>
    Subject: Suncor swaps out laptops after cybersecurity incident as energy
    sector takes stock of risks (CBC)


    Suncor is replacing employee computers after a cybersecurity incident last
    week shut down debit and credit processing at Petro-Canada gas stations
    across the country, among a series of other security measures at the Calgary-based company.

    An internal communication dated July 3, viewed by CBC News, says the
    company will replace desktop and laptop computers in waves to ensure the devices are safe to use, starting with "a small number of employees and contractors aligned with business criticality."

    It's not clear from the memo what the scope of the computer recall is or
    what departments were affected, but one expert said that if the recall is extensive, it would be an indication of a serious situation.


    Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2023 20:35:12 -0600
    From: Matthew Kruk <mkrukg@gmail.com>
    Subject: Unauthorized party' obtained Petro-Points members' contact
    information in IT breach, company says (CBC)


    An unauthorized party obtained Petro-Points members' basic contact
    information in a cybersecurity incident that happened roughly two weeks ago, the company said Thursday.

    In an email to customers, Petro-Canada said it believes the information was limited to customers' names and the information they "may have provided"
    since joining the program, specifically their mailing and email addresses, phone numbers and dates of birth.

    It's now warning customers to watch out for unusual emails and messages and
    to "confirm that any request to link, download, call someone or provide personal information is legitimate."


    Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2023 09:55:15 -0400
    From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe@gabegold.com>
    Subject: One Careless Act of War Could Destroy All Satellites in
    Just 40 Years (ScienceAlert)

    On one particular day in 2021, astronauts and cosmonauts aboard the ISS must have felt a pin-prick of fear and uncertainty. On November 15th of that
    year, Russia fired an anti-satellite missile at one of its own defunct
    military satellites, Tselina-D.

    The target weighed about 1,750 kilograms, and when the missile struck its target, the satellite exploded into a cloud of hazardous debris.

    NASA woke the crew on the International Space Station in the middle of the night and told them to take precautions and prepare for a possible
    impact. The Chinese space station Tiangong was also in danger, and multiple countries and space agencies condemned Russia's foolhardy behavior.

    But there was no way to contain the debris.

    https://www.sciencealert.com/one-careless-act-of-war-could-destroy-all-satell ites-in-just-40-years


    Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2023 20:27:57 -0400
    From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe@gabegold.com>
    Subject: EV Charger Hacking Poses a Catastrophic Risk (WiReD)

    Vulnerabilities in electric vehicle charging stations and a lack of broad standards threaten drivers—and the power grid.



    Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2023 00:22:54 +0000
    From: Douglas Lucas <dal@riseup.net>
    Subject: Georgia won't, can't certify voting update addressing Halderman

    Today the BradBlog.com, run for two decades and counting by journalist Brad Friedman of the syndicated AM/FM radio show the BradCast, published on July
    5 my new investigative article titled ...

    Exclusive: Georgia Secretary of State Has Failed to Certify Urgent, CISA-Recommended Voting Software Update

    and subtitled ...

    Critics charge state laws block him from doing so, even if he wanted to...

    Here's the hyperlink: https://bradblog.com/?p=14711

    In short, Georgia's Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has not contracted with a certification agent (typically a VSTL or voting system test
    laboratory) to get an examination done for Dominion Democracy Suite
    5.17. Other evidence similarly shows Raffensperger isn't moving, and cannot move, on the 5.17 software version. According to Univ Michigan computer
    science professor J. Alex Halderman -- whose report on the matter was
    unsealed by a federal judge last month -- 5.17 purportedly addresses the
    flaws he uncovered in version 5.5-A. That older 5.5-A version is presumably what we'd find in place if we wheeled out the voting computers presently
    locked away in Georgia warehouses and closets and booted them up. It's the
    same defective version currently slated to be used for Election Day 2024,
    since Raffensperger says he won't update till at least 2025. With how long these issues have been raised, Raffensperger is slower at patching computers than the U.S.'s whole involvement in World War II. Given the Coffee County breach (see my last article) and Halderman's report, the vulns of 5.5-A are probably widely spread by now, putting a Nov 2024 bullseye on Georgia's back unless they update or, say, switch to hand-marked paper ballots tabulated by scanners checked through mandatory, robust Prof Stark-style risk-limiting audits.

    RISKS? Lying State Secretary spokesperson overseeing an opaque department, proprietary software (no way to really know if 5.17 actually does mend 5.5-A
    to any impressive degree), physical breaches leading to exact copies being uploaded to secret sites for restricted audiences seeking partisan and/or pecuniary gain (Coffee County), and voters who typically only care about
    earn their I Voted stickers on Election Day -- with gale-force screeching
    about it, -- yet ignore election mechanics the 3-plus other years of each presidential cycle, because, it is said, thinking too hard, caring too much,
    is uncool, especially when there's so much good TV lately and we work so we deserve to just be happy...


    From: Matthew Kruk <mkrukg@gmail.com>
    Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2023 06:23:23 -0600
    Subject: India's religious chatbots condone violence using the voice of god


    Experts warn of potential dangers as new chatbots use AI to interpret Hindu scripture


    Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2023 19:28:21 -0400
    From: DrM <notable@mindspring.com>
    Subject: Re: Three Companies Supplied Fake Comments to FCC (R-33.70+)

    What a mess there, with no ability to renew or get new licenses for nearly A MONTH. Unclear what happened, whether it was part of the larger attack on
    U.S. government systems. I have a bunch of the notices that were posted.
    Below is one about the resumption of processing Amateur Radio licenses. The public notice from the FCC was a first, I think -- they had to issue a
    waiver where broadcasting with an expired license was allowed. You can see
    it at the FCC.gov link. Even these FCC notices are rather vague about what
    was going on. Likely we'll never get the full story.

    You're welcome to post both of these to Risks, with modest attribution to me (Rebecca Mercuri sent...) but I didn't write any of it (though I was
    affected, as I had some students who were and still are waiting to receive their licenses).

    Rebecca M.

    - - - -

    Date: Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 12:00 PM
    From: *ARRL Web site* <memberlist@arrl.org>
    Subject: ARLB013 FCC ULS Reopened, Except Electronic Batch Filing System

    SB QST @ ARL $ARLB013
    ARLB013 FCC ULS Reopened, Except Electronic Batch Filing System

    ZCZC AG13
    QST de W1AW
    ARRL Bulletin 13  ARLB013
    From ARRL Headquarters
    Newington CT  June 22, 2023
    To all radio amateurs

    ARLB013 FCC ULS Reopened, Except Electronic Batch Filing System

    On Wednesday morning, June 21, 2023, the FCC had reopened the
    Universal Licensing System (ULS) and supporting systems, according
    to an email distributed to VEC organizations. However, as of 4:00 PM
    on Wednesday, the Electronic Batch Filing (EBF) system, used by VEC organizations for filing exam sessions, individual applications, and
    club license applications, was still not available as promised.
    Unfortunately, this means applications for new and upgraded
    licenses, and individual and club license filings still cannot be
    uploaded in the system for issuance.

    When the EBF system becomes available, the Commission is requesting
    VECs to limit submissions into the filing system. In an email sent
    by the FCC, all EBF filers were asked to adhere to a restricted
    upload schedule in order to keep the EBF system stable and to avoid
    any potential technical problems. The FCC will be monitoring to
    ensure the EBF system is stable during this reopening period. If
    they assess that the upload volume is too high, they will send out
    another notice with directions to reduce the amount of uploads per

    ARRL VEC will comply with the FCC directive, limiting our
    transmissions but sending as many backlogged sessions as possible
    without overloading their system. The files will be submitted to the
    FCC in the order in which they were received, starting with the
    files from Monday, June 12, and moving forward from there. ARRL VEC
    will begin submitting the backlogged applications as soon as the EBF
    system becomes available, and assuming all FCC systems remain

    In an FCC notice published on June 21, 2023 (please see, https://www.fcc.gov/document/uls-tcns-e-106-and-asr-available), the
    Commission provided a deadline extension for filings in the ULS and the
    Antenna Structure Registration (ASR) system, explaining, "Because parties
    could not make electronic filings or view the contents of the affected

    [continued in next message]

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