Read again, i correct about more of my philosophy about mathematics and the Minimizers that fit models..
I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
I have just read the following web pages about comparing Minimizers that fit models, and i invite you to read them here:
And i am working with some software projects now that need good Minimizers that fit models, and i have implemented two of them with the simplex method and with Levenberg-Marquardt, but i am not satisfied since i think that the Simplex method is better in
convergence than Levenberg-Marquardt since it rarely converges to a local minimum, but i will implement or build a minimizer from the ground up with artificial intelligence that fits Models and that is much more sophisticated than the Simplex or
Levenberg-Marquardt, so stay tuned since i am actually implementing it !
More of my philosophy of how to become rich and more..
I invite you to look at the following video that speaks
about how to become rich:
STOP Chasing Money -- Chase WEALTH. | How To get RICH | Garry Tan's Office
The person that is speaking on the above video is called Garry Tan,
and here he is:
And I think i am smart and i invite you to look at the following
"defect" or "bug" of the above video, look here at what he is saying:
So he is saying the following:
"So what is most useful, is actually acquiring skills that nobody else
has, especially in combination that are rare. If you can rebound the
ball and nobody does it quite the way you can, you can be a Hall of Fame basketball player. And that applies to all the things in your career and
in life."
So look at the following how he is giving the "general" way:
"So what is most useful, is actually acquiring skills that nobody else
has, especially in combination that are rare."
I think that the "defect" in the above saying and "general" way of the
above video is that it is not taking into account the factor of the
usefulness to consumers or to customers since you can acquire skills
that nobody else has, especially in combination that are rare, but those
skills can still be useless to the consumers or customers, so i think
that the above saying is not so smart. So the person on the above video
has forgot the very basis of what is it of something has to be useful
for the consumers or customers, so read my following smart
"redefinition" of Utilitarianism so that to understand:
More of my philosophy about why the definition of Utilitarianism is like
an IQ test..
Notice that i think i am smart, since when i just looked rapidly at the definition below of Utilitarianism, i have rapidly discovered a pattern
with my fluid intelligence and it is that even if the definition
of Utilitarianism is: That Utilitarianism prescribes actions that
maximise happiness and well-being for all affected individuals,
i can easily see a pattern with my fluid intelligence since i am
smart, since the pattern is that Utilitarianism maximises happiness and well-being by well balancing taking into account not
only the present but also the future, i mean that responability
is inherent to the definition since the well balancing forces us
to be responsability in the present or today so that to maximize
correctly happiness and well being tomorrow or in the future.
I can give you another IQ test that i have rapidly invented and
here it is:
So i will give my example of pattern recognition with my fluid
intelligence that permits to understand, here it is:
So if you want to go fast from my country Morocco to another country
called USA , how will you do it ? or what will you do ?
It is like my IQ test..
So if you answer that you need for example to use a fast airplane to go
fast from Morocco to USA, your answer is a stupid answer, so you need
the smart answer, so i will answer that the fast airplane too has to be "reliable" and your "health" has too to permit it and the "weather" has
too to permit it, so now you are clearly noticing that you need to take
into account many "factors" so that to go fast from Morocco to USA, so
you are clearly noticing that being smart needs also a good plan.
More precision of my philosophy about Utilitarianism..
I invite you to read the following definition of what is Utilitarianism:
So as you are noticing, it says that Utilitarianism prescribes actions
that maximise happiness and well-being for all affected individuals,
but i think that Utilitarianism is not idiotic since it maximises
happiness and well-being by well balancing taking into account not
only the present but also the future.
So you can read all my other proverbs that i have just invented quickly
More of my philosophy about correlation and about diversity and more..
I think i am smart, and i will say to look again at what is saying
the Ph.D Katherine W. Phillips that is the Paul Calello Professor of
Leadership and Ethics Management at Columbia Business School(Read about
her here:
"Large data-set studies have an obvious limitation: They only show that diversity is correlated with better performance, not that it causes
better performance."
So i will say that this Ph.D and other researchers are not so smart,
since notice how is speaking the Ph.D Katherine W. Phillips in the
following article:
How Diversity Makes Us Smarter
Read more here:
So notice that she is not saying that human diversity is a "mechanism"
that can cause "competition" or more competition between people, and
then competition can be the cause of better performance, so you are
noticing that the above Ph.D and researchers are trying to measure it empirically, but i think that this kind of measuring is not a correct measuring, since what i am showing you by my way of thinking is the fact
that there is a "tendency" in human diversity that it causes competition
or more competition, so it causes better performance, so then we can
notice that by not following there way of empirical measuring we can still
know about the process. So as i said, i think this Ph.D and other
researchers are not thinking and abstracting correctly since from my
saying below we can notice that human Diversity in a global world or in
a society or in a group brings more "competition" between people, so it
makes us work harder and better cognitively and socially, but if we are
not being the right human diversity and we are working harder and better cognitively and socially, then i think being human diversity can still
"keep" or "maintain" the working harder and better cognitively and
socially, also human diversity brings different human perspectives or
views and it brings different human experiences and different human
knowledges and it is good for creativity and innovation since it is also
good for divergent thinking that enhance creativity and innovation.
More of my philosophy about USA and human diversity and more..
I just said the following:
"I think i am understanding rapidly, since i think that human Diversity
in a global world or in a society or in a group brings more
"competition" between people, so it makes us work harder and
better cognitively and socially, also human diversity brings different
human perspectives or views and it brings different human experiences
and different human knowledges and it is good for creativity and
innovation since it is also good for divergent thinking that enhance
creativity and innovation."
So i will invite you to look at my following writing about USA that will
make you notice how USA is making itself innovative and creative by
bringing the "best" big brains immigrants, and notice, like in my above
saying, that it is also saying the following:
"But it’s not just a numbers thing. Another reason immigrants do so well
in tech is that people from outside bring new perspectives that lead to
new ideas."
And here is more of my new thoughts about USA, read them again carefully:
Yet more precision of my philosophy about diversity and adaptability and resilience..
I think i am understanding rapidly, since i think that human Diversity
in a global world or in a society or in a group brings more
"competition" between people, so it makes us work harder and
better cognitively and socially, also human diversity brings different
human perspectives or views and it brings different human experiences
and different human knowledges and it is good for creativity and
innovation since it is also good for divergent thinking that enhance
creativity and innovation:
And here is my new proverb that talks more about it:
"Human vitality comes from intellectual openness and intellectual
openness also comes from divergent thinking and you have to well balance divergent thinking with convergent thinking so that to converge towards
the global optimum of efficiency and not get stuck on a local optimum of efficiency, and this kind of well balancing makes the good creativity."
And i will explain more my proverb so that you understand it:
I think that divergent thinking is thought process or method used to
generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions, but notice
that we even need openness in a form of economic actors that share ideas
across nations and industries (and this needs globalization) that make
us much more creative and that's good for economy, since you can easily
notice that globalization also brings a kind of optimality to divergent thinking, and also you have to know how to balance divergent thinking
with convergent thinking, since if divergent thinking is much greater
than convergent thinking it can become costly in terms of time, and if
the convergent thinking is much greater than divergent thinking you can
get stuck on local optimum of efficiency and not converge to a global
optimum of efficiency, and it is related to my following thoughts about
the philosopher and economist Adam Smith, so i invite you to read them:
More of my philosophy about life and about evolutionary algorithms..
I invite you to listen to the following beautiful song of Simon &
Garfunkel called called April Come She Will:
I think that the above video of the song is showing how our world
is "diversified" and it is good for adaptation and resilience, and it is
the most important thing, and this diversification is also very
important even in economy, since i think it is like evolutionary
algorithms in artificial intelligence, since they are based on the same
very important idea of diversifying by also decentralizing by
efficiently specializing the members of the population so that to make
it efficiently "adaptable" and much more "resilient", and the
efficiently specializing can be efficiently specializing in a much
higher level layer, like being a "generalist" medical doctor, and from
the this decentralizing and efficiently specializing emerges a higher
level intelligence such as a civilization, so then even evolutionary
design methodology that i am talking about in my thoughts below does decentralize from the agile architect to the other members of the team,
and here is step 3 of the important steps of evolutionary design
methodology of agile that i am talking about below:
3- Instead of creating one big design at the beginning of the project
that covers all of the requirements, agile architects use incremental
design, which involves techniques that allow them to design a system
that is not just complete, but also easy for the team to modify as
the project changes.
And here is my thoughts about artificial intelligence and evolutionary algorithms in artificial intelligence:
More of my philosophy about economic diversification in Africa and Arab countries..
As you will read in the following paper that economic diversification is
good for growth and economic diversification is also tremendously
important for "resilience", so i think that the country that we call
Algeria has a big problem since it lacks too and too much on
diversification of its economy, so i think that Algeria will get easily
into big problems of violence and disorder, but Morocco and Dubai are
much more diversified economies and i think that Morocco is on the right
path, so i think that the problem of many African countries is that they
have to become diversified economies.
Read the following paper so that to notice how important is
diversification of economy:
Economic Diversification in Africa: How and Why It Matters
More of my philosophy about economy and about Morocco and Algeria and more..
So as you are noticing i was speaking, read below, about Algeria,
and you have quickly noticed that the Algerian economic problem comes
from the fact that Algeria is a much less diversified economy than Dubai
or than my country Morocco, so i think that Morocco is a much more
diversified economy and i think that Morocco is really on the
right path and Morocco is also a beautiful country, since read in the
following article of year 2019, it says that the 2019 International
Franchise Attractiveness Index ranked Morocco 39 out of 131 states. This
made it the number 1 attractive business hub for US-based franchises in
Africa and the second in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) after
the United Arab Emirates. This ranking shows it competing with some
leading international powers, including France, Spain, Germany and
Australia, according to a report by Morocco World News. The index
combines peer-reviewed research and a survey of franchise executives to
produce two rankings, balanced growth and aggressive growth.
Read more here so that to notice it:
More of my philosophy about economy and inflation and more..
I invite you to read the following about how do Governments Reduce
I think that one of the best way to reduce inflation is by reducing the
money supply within an economy via decreased bond prices and increased
interest rates, and the above web page is speaking about it, but i think
that there is still a problem, since inflation can become problematic if
the product or service become a monopoly, so if the prices of the
product or service can not be reduced by for example economies of scale
or/and by "competition", so the price of the product or service can be
set high and it is inflation on this product or service, so this kind of situation can also lead to an economic war, also inflation still can
become a problem like with the drastic fall of the algerian Dinar in
Algeria, since Algeria is lacking on diversification of its economy and
also was unable to reduce its reliance on food imports, since 70% of the Algeria food requirements are met by imports, so with the drastic fall
of the algerian Dinar, the price of Food in Algeria was getting high,
and the people of Algeria were suffering because of that, and this
situation can still repeat itself again and again in Algeria.
Read about it here:
I invite you to look at step 4 of my below thoughts of software
Evolutionary Design methodology with agile, here it is:
4- When in agile a team breaks a project into phases, it’s called
incremental development. An incremental process is one in which
software is built and delivered in pieces. Each piece, or increment,
represents a complete subset of functionality. The increment may be
either small or large, perhaps ranging from just a system’s login
screen on the small end to a highly flexible set of data management
screens. Each increment is fully coded Sprints, Planning, and
And you will notice that it has to be done by "prioritizing" the pieces
of the software to be delivered to the customers, and here again in
agile you are noticing that we are also delivering prototypes of the
software, since we often associate prototypes with nearly completed or just-before launch versions of products. However, designers create
prototypes at all phases of the design process at various resolutions.
In engineering, students are taught to and practitioners think deeply
before setting out to build. However, as the product or system becomes increasingly complex, it becomes increasingly difficult to consider all
factors while designing. Facing this reality, designers are no longer
just "thinking to build" but also "building to think." By getting hands
on and trying to create prototypes, unforeseen issues are highlighted
early, saving costs related with late stage design changes. This rapid iterative cycle of thinking and building is what allows designers to
learn rapidly from doing. Creating interfaces often benefit from the
"build to think" approach. For example, in trying to layout the
automotive cockpit, one can simply list all the features, buttons, and
knobs that must be incorporated. However, by prototyping the cabin does
one really start to think about how the layout should be to the driver
in order to avoid confusion while maximizing comfort. This then allows
the designer iterate on their initial concept to develop something that
is more intuitive and refined. Also prototypes and there demonstrations
are designed to get potential customers interested and excited.
More of my philosophy about the Evolutionary Design methodology and more..
Here are some important steps of software Evolutionary Design methodology:
1- Taking a little extra time during the project to write solid code and
fix problems today, they create a codebase that’s easy to maintain
2- And the most destructive thing you can do to your project is to build
new code, and then build more code that depends on it, and then still
more code that depends on that, leading to that painfully familiar
domino effect of cascading changes...and eventually leaving you with
an unmaintainable mess of spaghetti code. So when teams write code,
they can keep their software designs simple by creating software
designs based on small, self-contained units (like classes, modules,
services, etc.) that do only one thing; this helps avoid the domino
3- Instead of creating one big design at the beginning of the project
that covers all of the requirements, agile architects use incremental
design, which involves techniques that allow them to design a system
that is not just complete, but also easy for the team to modify as
the project changes.
4- When in agile a team breaks a project into phases, it’s called
incremental development. An incremental process is one in which
software is built and delivered in pieces. Each piece, or increment,
represents a complete subset of functionality. The increment may be
either small or large, perhaps ranging from just a system’s login
screen on the small end to a highly flexible set of data management
screens. Each increment is fully coded Sprints, Planning, and
5- And an iterative process in agile is one that makes progress through successive refinement. A development team takes a first cut
at a system, knowing it is incomplete or weak in some (perhaps many)
areas. They then iteratively refine those areas until the product is satisfactory. With each iteration the software is improved through
the addition of greater detail.
More of philosophy about Democracy and the Evolutionary Design methodology..
I will make a logical analogy between software projects and Democracy,
first i will say that because of the today big complexity of software
projects, so the "requirements" of those complex software projects are
not clear and a lot could change in them, so this is
why we are using an Evolutionary Design methodology with different tools
such as Unit Testing, Test Driven Development, Design Patterns,
Continuous Integration, Domain Driven Design, but we have to notice
carefully that an important thing in Evolutionary Design methodology is
that when those complex software projects grow, we have first to
normalize there growth by ensuring that the complex software projects
grow "nicely" and "balanced" by using standards, and second we have to
optimize growth of the complex software projects by balancing between
the criteria of the easy to change the complex software projects and the performance of the complex software projects, and third you have to
maximize the growth of the complex software projects by making the most
out of each optimization, and i think that by logical analogy we can
notice that in Democracy we have also to normalize the growth by not
allowing "extremism" or extremist ideologies that hurt Democracy, and we
have also to optimize Democracy by for example well balancing between "performance" of the society and in the Democracy and the "reliability"
of helping others like the weakest members of the society among the
people that of course respect the laws, and so that to understand more
my thoughts of my philosophy about Democracy, i invite you to read them
More of my philosophy about the kind of president Biden's tax increase
on the rich and more..
And of course the kind of president Biden's tax increase on the rich
will be used so that narrow America's vast income inequality,
read carefully here so that to understand:
Biden's corporate tax plan takes aim at income inequality
So there is still a problem and it is that we have to solve the problem
of the financial sector by giving voting rights and tax advantages to
long-term shareholders etc., read my below thoughts so that to understand:
I have posted the following video:
Why raising taxes destroys the economy
But i think that the kind of Biden's tax increase on the rich is not a
problem, read the following so that to notice:
"In an interview, Mr. Pomerleau said the drag was small from the
proposals because Mr. Biden was largely taxing savings of high earners,
which are not major drivers of economic growth given those Americans
have a lot of their wealth saved.
“Some tax increases have larger effects on growth than others,” he said. “Biden has chosen taxes that don’t have a massive effect.”"
Read more carefully here so that to understand:
The biggest benefit of finance, is to provide opportunities to people,
in the sense that in a world where there is no finance, the only way to
start a company is to be born rich or to have saved for a long time. In
a world where finance works well, the people with talent can actually
start firms and reach their dreams without waiting to either have saved
the money, or be lucky and receive it from their parents, and once you
create this opportunity, you will have the most talented people take
advantage of those opportunities, which favors growth, which favors a
good allocation of resources and, ultimately, innovation. But we have to
know what is the problem with finance, and here it is, read the
following so that to understand:
One last chance to fix capitalism
Read more here:
So i invite you to look at the following video about capitalism:
How to Improve Capitalism
So as you notice in the above video that you can also fix capitalism by
giving voting rights and tax advantages to long-term shareholders and
not by raising taxes, and you need to have sovereign wealth funds and
national pension funds representative of the long term collective
interests etc, so i invite you to look the above video of "How to
improve capitalism" so that to understand more.
And if you want to know more about my views on capitalism,
read them here:
And more of my philosophy about the financial market and about
capitalism and about the markets and more, read more here:
More of my philosophy about the Keynesian economics and more..
I invite you to look at the following new video about how the governments of Europe and USA are "spending" more in the economy
and are following the Keynesian economics in this period of economic Crisis of Covid-19, since i think that Keynesian economics even if not followed all the time , has still its "advantage" in this kind of economic crisis, and the macroeconomic theories
and models of Keynesian economics is about how aggregate demand (total spending in the economy) strongly influences economic output and inflations, so i invite you to look at the following new video so that to understand the how of it:
The EU's New Plan to Transform the Economy - VisualPolitik EN
And i invite you to read all my following thoughts:
More of my philosophy about society and the world..
There is a saying in french that says:
"Il faut de tout pour faire un monde"
And its translation in english is:
"It takes everything to make a world"
And i think there is two ways to look at this saying,
you can look at it from the societal point view and it can mean that we have to be diversification in a society by being specialized in this or that job, and the second point of view of it, is that we have also to be a kind of diversification in each one
of us so that to be efficient, i mean not being just specialized in one thing or in one job and knowing more about philosophy and about politics and such makes us more efficient in a society.. this is why you are noticing that i am also a kind of
diversification, since i have invented my thoughts of my philosophy and i am sharing it with you, and i have invented many poems of Love and i am sharing them with you, and i have invented many proverbs and i am sharing them with you, and i have invented
many scalable algorithms and algorithms and i am a software developer and i know about operational research etc., and of course i am talking about politics too, so read carefully my below thoughts so that to understand more my kind of personality:
More of my philosophy about tribalism and closed systems and open systems..
I think i am smart, and i have just talked about some of the problems of white supremacism, read it below, and i think that the most important problem of white supremacism and the like and the strong loyality of tribalism is the following:
More of my philosophy about closed systems and open systems and
interdependent systems..
I think i am smart, and i will say that we have to have the right spirit
so that to be efficient, and i think that the basis of the right spirit
is also to look at how we are interdependent systems of different
countries etc., so i think that the best way is to know how to be like
the right randomness of the evolutionary algorithms that permits to not
get stuck in a local optimum and be able to ensure the convergence to a
global optimum, i mean that the best way is also to know how to well
balance between cooperation and competition, since so that to not get
stuck in a local optimum of efficiency we have also to know how to buy
products and services from the other countries so that also to encourage creativity and innovation, since if you are too much competition you can "monopolize" too much and this can hurt creativity and innovation, so
then we have to become a much more efficient and civilized world. And I
think that Nazism or neo-nazism or white supremacism or communism are
also too rigid, so they don't work correctly, since they also have the
strong tendency to want to like too much homogenize and to too much
monopolize and too much centralize, so they are not efficient systems.
This is why i have also invented quickly a proverb about intellectual openness, and here it is:
And here is my other proverb:
"Human vitality comes from intellectual openness and intellectual
openness also comes from divergent thinking and you have to well balance divergent thinking with convergent thinking so that to converge towards
the global optimum of efficiency and not get stuck on a local optimum of efficiency, and this kind of well balancing makes the good creativity."
And i will explain more my proverb so that you understand it:
I think that divergent thinking is thought process or method used to
generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions, but notice
that we even need openness in a form of economic actors that share ideas
across nations and industries (and this needs globalization) that make
us much more creative and that's good for economy, since you can easily
notice that globalization also brings a kind of optimality to divergent thinking, and also you have to know how to balance divergent thinking
with convergent thinking, since if divergent thinking is much greater
than convergent thinking it can become costly in terms of time, and if
the convergent thinking is much greater than divergent thinking you can
get stuck on local optimum of efficiency and not converge to a global
optimum of efficiency, and it is related to my following thoughts about
the philosopher and economist Adam Smith, so i invite you to read them:
And i invite you to read my following thoughts about evolutionary algorithms and artificial intelligence so that to understand:
And read my following thoughts of my philosophy about what is smartness:
More of my philosophy about conformism and tribalism..
I think i am smart, and i really believe that this strong loyality in
tribalism is problematic, and i think that if we look at for example
the white supremacism tribalism, it lacks something important, and it is that it doesn't believe that the smart ideas can change the
"behavior" in the positive way of the other ethnical groups that are not of the ethnical groups of white supremacists, so they believe that
the other ethnical groups are genetically not apt and not civilized,
so they don't accept them and they view them as enemies, and i think that this way of doing is an archaism in philosophy that can bring too much violence globally, this is why we have to be the right "flexibility" and not as rigid as white supremacists,
also this too much negativity in white supremacism is not good for productivity and quality, as i am explaining it in my thoughts below, and it can bring too much violence inside the society, and i am of the ones that believe that the smart ideas are
powerful and they can change humans in the positive way, this is why you are noticing that i am sharing with you my philosophy and my thoughts, and here what i have just said about the smart ideas:
What is the true power of the idea ?
This is a so important philosophical subject, since
[continued in next message]
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