• More of my philosophy about what is the way to success.. (3/3)

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 9 17:52:24 2021
    [continued from previous message]

    is loving or is being the son and the mother is giving a good reward like giving him more security or giving him food to eat, so as you are noticing that this rule can be applied to consumerism, since
    you can use the same rule with your consumers in a smart
    way, for example by giving the impression to your consumers that
    you take care of there security by learning them with easy or the like, and then the consumers will love you much more and will be attracted by you."

    You can read all my other proverbs below:

    More of my philosophy about money and about the meaning and the purpose of human life..

    I think i am smart and i say that Money is not a good and powerful engine, since you can be stupid and think that it is a powerful engine,
    but when you are a smart philosopher like me you will realize that
    thinking that Money is a powerful engine is like the big mistake that
    is making the Taoist Philosophy of Lieh Tzu by thinking that the action itself is sufficient as an engine, and read my thoughts below about it, since the question is how to make humans more "strong" and "energetic" and "positive" so that they be pushed
    forward towards more and more perfection. So this is why i am talking in my new philosophy about those kind of powerful "engines".

    More of my philosophy about the meaning and the purpose of human life..

    I think i am smart, and as you have just noticed i am not speaking
    in my new philosophy about the belonging to a society or to group with a good purpose, since you can think that the pillars of the meaning of human life are the belonging to a society or group with a good purpose and with a kind of transcendence and such,
    but i think i am a philosopher and i say it is not the right way, since i think what is the best and right way is to talk about what are the good and powerful "engines" that make you have this good meaning and purpose of human life, this is why you have
    to read my below thoughts of my philosophy so that to notice my kind of new philosophy and i am extending much more my new philosophy with other much more creative ideas:

    More of my philosophy about the Taoist Philosophy of Lieh Tzu..

    I invite you to look at the following video about the Taoist Philosophy of Lieh Tzu:

    Let It Go, Ride the Wind | The Taoist Philosophy of Lieh Tzu


    I think i am smart, and i am noticing in the above video
    that the Taoist Philosophy of Lieh Tzu has a problem,
    since notice that it says the following:

    "Lieh Tsu shows us that only when we transcend the duality of life -
    things like gain and loss, attraction and repulsion, wonderful and awful, we can become truly indifferent, and start acting for no other
    reason than the action itself."

    So the problem with this, it is one of the engine, since
    we have to have a powerful engine that pushes us forward towards
    more and more perfection, and since the Philosopher Lieh Tzu says
    that we have to transcend the duality and become truly indifferent, and start acting for no other reason than the action itself, but how
    can you be pushed forward towards more and more perfection by
    just the action in itself, so then the engine becomes much more weak,
    so the Taoist Philosophy of Lieh Tzu is problematic. But
    my new philosophy below is different, since as you notice in my
    below proverb that it is not a "complete" detachment and it comes
    like with the right dose of detachment, since you have to understand more my proverb below, and it is that pleasures of consumerism are not sufficient so that to become happy or much more happy, since it needs from you to change your state of the mind or
    your kind of thinking so that to attain happiness, and it is why is explaining my new proverb below, so read all my thoughts below so that to understand:

    More of my philosophy about how to be harmony and how to be happy and more..

    I think i am smart, and i say that the philosopher Baruch Spinoza
    said that the being strong makes you happy and the being weak makes you
    sad, but so that to be smart, we have to be pragmatic and
    learn the others the how to be strong, and we have to learn them
    the how to be harmony in a society and how to be harmony with
    themselves, so as you are noticing that i am in accordance with
    the philosopher Baruch Spinoza on the fact that the being strong makes you happy and the being weak makes you sad, and here is my
    new proverb that talks about it more clearly:

    Here is my other new proverb in english and french:

    Voici mon nouveau proverbe en français et en anglais:

    "La stabilité s'obtient avec la force de la perfection,
    car quand vous devenez plus parfait vous augmentez
    vos forces et donc vous résistez mieux aux instabilités,
    et je pense que ceci est comme une loi de la moralité"

    "Stability is obtained with the force of perfection,
    because when you become more perfect you increase
    your strenghts , then you better resist instabilities,
    and I think this is like a law of Morality"

    Now as you are noticing i am speaking in my below thoughts
    about how to make humans more strong and how to make them
    be in harmony by talking about resourcefulness and by
    showing them how to be in harmony and how to be happy,
    so i invite you to read my below thoughts so that
    to understand, other than that i have just looked at the
    following video that talks about the philosopher Baruch Spinoza:


    So I think i am a philosopher that is smart, and i am not in accordance
    with the philosopher Baruch Spinoza that was a Dutch philosopher of
    Portuguese Sephardi origin that said that morality is not universal,
    since i think that i am a smart philosopher that has logically proved
    that morality is both universal and progressive, so i invite you to read
    here in my following thoughts of my philosophy so that to notice it:


    More of my philosophy about Resourcefulness and more..

    Here is my new proverb about Resourcefulness that permits
    you to understand it:

    "Resourcefulness is one of the most important things, and it is a skill,
    and the good news is: this skill can be learned and mastered, and resourcefulness is attained only when we combine the resourceful mindset and skills, so we have to filter out some of the most useful resources that help us, and resourcefulness is also to
    know who/what to look for and what to ask, and when ressourcefulness is attained this becomes an engine that permits you to have hope and to be energetic and to be positive in doing what you are doing, since resourcefulness also permits to easy the jobs
    for you."

    More of my philosophy about self-affirmations and Mood freezing and more..

    As you are noticing i am saying that i am smart or i am a wise type of person, and i think it is part of the value of self-affirmations, and it is not that this self-affirmations boost my inner strength and make me likely to succeed, but it is just that
    i am much more "confident" about me and i also think that i am smart, and read my below thoughts so that to understand more about my personality, also as you are noticing
    in my below first proverb that i am using a technic that looks like Mood freezing in psychology, since the most important aspect of Mood freezing
    in psychology it is that it recognizes the true power of the mind, and it is this true power of the mind that interests me, this is why i am
    using my below technic in my first proverb, since i want to make the others convinced that expressing anger or/and frustration and such in the given context would not make them feel better, so as you have just noticed i am wanting to make the others much
    better persons by improving their moods etc., so i invite you to read carefully all my thoughts below so that to understand:

    More of my philosophy about my new philosophy about detachment and more..

    In Buddhism the detached mindset is one that realizes the importance of living with the natural flow of things and respecting the impermanence of all life, but in my new philosophy you can realize a kind of detachment by understanding my following new

    "I am discovering a pattern with my fluid intelligence and it is that when you look from a higher level layer to humans, like when you look at a beautiful movie or a beautiful song, you can like think that it is a beautiful movie or a beautiful song, but
    when you get into the more and more details of being humans you start to see more and more imperfections of humans, so we have not to think that the beautiful movie or the beautiful song and such is what will make us more happy, since the wise type of
    person like me will say that humans are problematic or are the main problem, and the wise man will say that it is so important to learn to humans how to be much more wise, by for example using wisely the tools such as beauty or money etc. so we have to
    become much more wise or wise, and you can also become much more happy by understanding that life and human life come with too many imperfections that you can not change for the better "quickly" and you have then to become "patience" since life and
    humans come with too many imperfections so you have to know how to let go and not to become angry or/and frustrated and such, so by this way of thinking differently and becoming this kind of patience you will become much more happy, and i think that
    being this kind of patience brings harmony, since also when you become much more wise or wise you will know that this kind of patience makes us care much more since we become lovable we humans by being this kind of patience and it also makes us reduce
    much more our imperfections and this makes us much more happy."

    I think i am smart and i am a wise type of person, and as i have told you that i am writing a book about my new philosophy, and this book
    of mine will also efficiently learn you how to be happy or much more happy and of course you have seen me posting about my new philosophy,
    but i have posted just a part of my new philosophy, but i have extended
    my new philosophy with much more of new of my creative ideas, and of course i will sell my new book about my new philosophy, other than that i will write a book about how to be successful, and i will write a book about parallel programming and
    synchronization algorithms that will talk much more about my inventions of scalable algorithms and synchronization algorithms, and of course i will sell all my books, and i am really
    confident that i will be successful, other than that i have also told
    you that i have invented many powerful software tools and softwares
    that i will sell. So stay tuned !

    And of course i will invest more for my retirement etc. as follows, read
    my following thoughts so that to understand my way of doing about it:


    You can read more about my education and my way of doing here:

    And here is more proof of the fact that i have invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms:


    More of my philosophy about my new proverbs..

    I have just forgotten to say that here is my other new proverbs that i have just invented quickly, you can read them carefully here:


    And you can read all my other proverbs that i have just invented quickly here:


    More of my philosophy about those immature south africans..

    I invite you to look at the following interesting video of south africans about apartheid:

    I think that i am a wise type of person and i don't agree
    with the south africans in the above video, since the main problem
    is the following, read my following proverb:

    Here is my other new proverb:

    There is some french that say: "On doit manier bien le verbe", "That we
    have to speak or write a sophisticated language" , but they do not say
    that speaking or writing a sophisticated language can become a deadly or dangerous weapon, so i answer them in french: "Il faut aussi enseigner
    le savoir vivre ensemble en enseignant aussi une philosophie efficace de
    vie", that means in english: "That we have to efficiently educate people
    by also learning them a good and efficient philosophy so that they know
    how to live in harmony", so as you are noticing that it needs a good
    philosophy so that to avoid the mess of Israel.

    So if you are smart you will understand the wisdom of my above proverb,
    it is that speaking or writing a sophisticated language can become a deadly or dangerous weapon, and being beautiful can become a dangerous weapon too, and being happy can become a dangerous weapon, this is why
    in south africa there is also racism and discrimination between black people, so when you are smart you will understand that my above proverb is a smart and wise proverb.

    More of my philosophy about compassion..

    I will try to make you feel an important thing by showing you my following proverb:

    And Here is my other new proverb:

    "When you like a beautiful song, you will have the strong tendency
    to want to hear it or to buy it, but when you are maturity of
    responsability, it can become that you have to like the responsability
    of hearing or buying the song and not the beauty of the song, so when
    you are intellectual maturity you will start to think about responsability."

    You have to know from my above proverb that it is pragmatic, so i think that when you are pragmatic you will notice that the strong tendency
    of humans is that they want to be happy and they want the beautiful
    and they want more and more money, so they have like a strong tendency to maximize this way, this is what is also making them discriminate black people and even south americans etc. and this is what
    is making them discriminate each other as a nation, so there is
    also the philosophical question of how to make them much more wise,
    this is why you were noticing that i was talking about my new philosophy and about philosophy.

    I think i am a wise type of person, and here is my new proverb about the wise man:

    "A wise man is not only more smart, but he has also other
    genetical characteristics, and it is that he can intellectually
    tune it better than average people and this "tune it better" is like
    a more intellectual well balancing and he also can intellectually be more precise than average people, and i think that this genetical intellectual more precision or genetical more well intellectual tuning of a wise man are not correctly measured by IQ

    So you can read all my proverbs that i have just invented quickly here:


    You can read my following thoughts about my new philosophy so that
    to understand more:


    And you can read more about my philosophy in my following thoughts:


    And read my following thoughts of my philosophy about what is smartness:


    And you can take a look at my photo that i have just put
    here in my website(I am 53 years old):


    And here is my thoughts about artificial intelligence:


    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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