More of my philosophy about an algerian song and about my poems of Love and poems and more of my thoughts..
I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
I am racially half from northern Algeria and half from northern Morocco,
and my "native" culture is both from Algeria and from Morocco,
so I invite you to look at the following interesting video that
shows an algerian musician playing, in a western european country,
a beautiful algerian song called "ya rayah" of the known algerian singer called Dahmane el Harachi:
And here is the words of the song , and you can click on translate to english so that to translate them in english, so i invite you to look at them here so that you understand the song and how the algerian songs look like:
But you have also to know that i have also written many poems of Love
and poems in english and french so that you know more about my personality and here they are:
Voici mon autre nouveau poème en français et lire mes poèmes ci-bas:
Here is my other new poem in french and read my other poems below:
Le silence me parle joliment d'intelligence
Car la vie n'aime pas la déficience
Alors le silence me parle joliment d'intelligence
Car cette vie a besoin de vigilance
Alors je choisis l'intelligence comme ma jolie résidence
C'est pour cela que je voudrais être de la brillance
Car il ne faudrait pas attendre stupidement la providence
Mais faudrait te donner joliment de la puissance
Car cet univers est immense et il n'aime pas l'impuissance !
Alors il ne faudrait pas juste du joli comme une Miss France
Mais faudrait savoir aimer l'intelligence de la technologie et la science !
C'est ainsi que le silence me parle joliment d'intelligence
Voici mon nouveau poème d'amour en français et lire mes poèmes ci-bas:
Here is my new poem of Love in french and read my other poems below:
Tu es ma jolie saison
Puisque notre amour est notre jolie liaison
Tu es ma jolie saison
Puisque nous deux formons une jolie combinaison
Tu es ma jolie s