• More of my precision of my philosophy about the essence of nationalism

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Thu Sep 22 10:44:30 2022

    More of my precision of my philosophy about the essence of nationalism and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab, and i think i am smart since i have also
    invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think that the definition of a nation is a group of people who see themselves as a cohesive and coherent unit based on shared cultural or historical criteria. Nations are socially constructed units, not given by nature. So i think i am in accordance
    with my thoughts below about nationalism, so
    i invite you to reread them:

    More of my philosophy about the essence of nationalism and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests
    and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and now i will ask a philosophical question of:

    What is the essence of nationalism ?

    I think that nationalism comes from the being a nation, and you have
    also to support the nation so that we call it nationalism, so then
    nationalism is also being the nation of this or that programming
    language, so you can be in both the nation of the programming language that we call Delphi and in the nation of the programming language that we call C++, and you can both supports them, and it is the same for a business, you can have a nation that works
    inside a business and
    that support a business, or you can be fans of a philosopher or
    of a poet that you support and you can constitute a nation, so as you notice that nationalism is not just about a nation of a country, so then
    you can have multiple identities of being of the nation of the programming language of Delphi or C++ and being arab and being american
    and being canadian etc. you can also be of the nation of the x86 CPUs, and here is how i have just explained it:

    I say that internet is a "place" one can visit: Buildings of varying importance that are related to its facilitation and management are scattered all over the world, and are situated contrary to typical notions of a connected world. The internet connects
    cities, countries and continents via fiber-optic cables that follow the shortest path between two points. So internet is place, so i think it can play the role of like a virtual country, so i think that a narrow definition of patriotism is to say that it
    is about patriotism of a country, but i think that this narrow definition is not correct, since you have to understand the essence of patriotism, i mean that its fondamental characteristics are about the to Love and to support, and i think that its
    essence comes from when you understand that for example an american x86 CPU of AMD or Intel is so important for you and it is substantially beneficial for you, and since also an economy of scale of such CPUs of Intel or AMD lower the cost much more of
    those CPUs, so you become supportive and you Love Intel and AMD, and since you can become supportive of Intel or CPU on internet that is a place, so internet can play the role of like a virtual country, so i say that this being supportive or Loving Intel
    or AMD can create a kind of patriotism in form of a group of patriots of Intel or AMD.

    More of my philosophy of what transcends nationalism and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests
    and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, so i will ask a philosophical question of:

    What transcends nationalism ?

    So here is my answer:

    I think that it is that you have to adapt efficiently, and the adapting efficiently brings success and it brings big money, but i don't think that the having big money has to be the engine that pushes you forward, but i think that it is the you have to
    be convinced by the fact that it is the the good adaptation that makes the success, and the good adaptation is also the good education and the good experience, but here again you have not to learn by making mistakes, but you have to efficiently use and
    reuse your smartness so that to minimize at best the learning by mistakes. But here again you are noticing that even if the environment is not auspicious or in other words not favorable like in the Caribbean country called Haiti, i think that we have to
    be optimistic since an environment such as in Haiti is also auspicious or in other words favorable to the good business, and as i say in french: "C'est aussi de la misère que viennent les bonnes idées et les bonnes affaires en business" and the
    translation of my thoughts in french is: "It is also from misery that come the good ideas and the good deals in business", so i think that we have to be optimistic about our world. So i invite you to also read my below thoughts about Adam Smith and more
    so that you understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about the accuracy and about egoism and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests
    and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, so as you are noticing that i am
    making you understand that Adam Smith has made a mistake,
    since egoism of a society or a zone like European Union makes you
    become convinced that you have to be collaboration and solidarity
    between people of a society or a zone like European union,
    so then from this convincing you become sincerity of being
    collaboration and solidarity, so it becomes the engine too as i am
    explaining below, but notice with me that so that to be efficient
    you have to be convinced, so you have to educate people in an efficient
    way so that they be convinced of the being collaboration and solidarity,
    and i also say that the very important thing is not that you have just to score, but you have to score "precisely" and "efficiently", so education has to be "precise" and "efficient". So it is why i say in french: "Je trouve que la précision est si
    importante, alors apprenons à être précis", and it means in english: "I find accuracy so important, so let's learn to be accurate", so i invite you to read my previous thoughts so that to understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about the philosopher and economist Adam Smith and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i think the the philosopher and economist that we call Adam Smith that is the father of economic Liberalism was pessimistic like by logical analogy
    of the pessimistic philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, since he has said that humans are
    individually selfish and egoistic, and he has said that: "Human egoism is the engine of the prosperity and happiness of nations", but i understand that egoism is an engine and how it brings the value, but i say that egoism is not the only engine, since
    for example egoism of a society or a zone like European Union can rapidly bring collaboration and solidarity between the people of a society or a zone like European Union, so this collaboration and solidarity between the people of society or a zone like
    European Union become the engine too, since i say that egoism can not be the only engine, since the goal is not the only value, since the value is also the "path" to the goal, so then i say that this collaboration and solidarity that is brought rapidly
    by egoism of a society or a zone like European Union gives value to the path to the goal, i mean that it also stabilizes the system and makes it order and makes it much less violent, and look also at the following article that talks about a study that
    says that humans are naturally and individually selfish and egoistic:


    So i think that the above article and study is also making the same
    mistake as the philosopher and economist Adam Smith.

    More of my philosophy about specialization in Economic integration and about productivity and quality and and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and here is what i have just said about
    Economic integration and research & development (R&D) investment:

    "Economic integration, or regional integration, is an agreement among nations to reduce or eliminate trade barriers and agree on fiscal policies. The European Union, for example, represents a complete economic integration. Strict nationalists may oppose
    economic integration due to concerns over a loss of sovereignty, so i say that we have not just to look at economic integration , but we have to also look at how much you spend in research & development (R&D), so i think that African leaders committed to
    investing 1% of GDP in Research and development. With Africa continent's estimated GDP currently at US$2.7 trillion, investment in science and technology is meant to be at US$27 billion, but i think that Africa is very much behind even China in research &
    development (R&D) investment, since China spend US$514.798 billion in research & development (R&D), and USA spend US$612.714 billion in research & development (R&D), and European Union spend around US$413 billion in research & development (R&D) and
    India spend US$158.691 billion in research & development (R&D), but i think that the problematic of Africa is that it is "much" less economically integrated than European Union, so then we have also to look at the economic integration of Arab countries
    and south american countries and such, since the economic integration is so important."

    And so that to be more precise, so i say that Economic integration also benefits from the specialization that talked about it the philosopher and economist Adam Smith the father of economic Liberalism, since when in economy or in a job you for example
    specialize in what you do better, it has the tendency to higher both productivity and quality, and of course when you higher productivity and quality it also has the tendency to create more jobs, and it is the same for Artificial intelligence and
    automation, they also higher productivity and quality, so they create more jobs, and since of course you have to think capitalism as not a zero-sum game, and capitalism is not a zero-sum game since for example more wealth is always being produced and
    since we take natural resources and transform them into the goods that we want. We grow more food, weave cloth, build homes. We produce a larger supply of goods, and new goods which we never had before. Production increases the quantity of real, physical
    wealth, so then i can say that Economic integration is beneficial in many ways, as it allows countries to specialize and trade without government interference, which can benefit all economies. It results in a reduction of costs and ultimately an increase
    in overall wealth, and economic integration can facilitate access to a larger consumer base, a greater pool of qualified workers, additional sources of financing, and new technologies.

    And i have also just talked more about the very important thing that we call specialization , and here is what i have just said about it:

    More of my philosophy about education and specialization and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, so as you notice that i have not scored
    115 IQ , but "above" 115 IQ, and now i will give you an IQ test by
    inviting you to look at the following video, since i have just looked
    at it:

    Why FREE college HURTS the poor - VisualEconomik EN


    So i am discovering smart patterns with my fluid intelligence in
    the above video, and it is that the person that is talking in the above video is not seeing with his fluid intelligence, as i am seeing it with my fluid intelligence, that the school is not specialized for the low IQs that are around 25%, i mean that
    the schools and the courses of the schools are tuned for the average IQ and to a certain level for the high IQ, and not for the low IQs that are around 25%, so then to solve the problem we have to also "specialize" the school for the low IQs, and it
    means to have schools for low IQs that learn the low IQs with ease, and it is also valid for the free schools, and it is the way i have just spoken about IQ and specialization by saying the following:

    More of my philosophy about IQ tests and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, but i have just passed more and more IQ tests, and i have just noticed that the manner in wich we test with IQ tests is not correct, since in an IQ test
    you can be more specialized and above average in one subtest of intelligence than in another subtest of intelligence inside an IQ test, since IQ tests test for many kind of intelligences such as the spatial and speed and calculations and logical
    intelligence etc., so i think that you can be really above average in logical intelligence, as i am really above average in logical intelligence, but at the same time you can be below average in calculations and/or spatial.., so since an IQ test doesn't
    test for this kind of specializations of intelligence, so i think it is not good, since testing for this kind specializations in intelligence is really important so that to be efficient by knowing the strong advantages of this or that person in every
    types of intelligences. And about the importance of specialization, read carefully my following thought about it:

    More of my philosophy about specialization and about efficiency and productivity..

    The previous CEO Larry Culp of General Electric and the architect of a strategy that represented a new turning point in the world corporate strategies, Larry Culp's strategy was to divide the company according to its activities. Something like we are
    better of alone, seperately and
    focused on each one's own activity, than together in a large
    conglomerate. And it is a move from integration to specialization.
    You see it is thought that a company always gains economies of scale
    as it grows, but this is not necessarily the case, since as the company
    gains in size - especially if it engages in many activities - it
    also generates its own bureaucracy, with all that entails in term
    of cost and efficiency. And not only that, it is also often the case
    that by bringing together very different activities, strategic focus is lost and decision-making is diluted, so that in the end no one ends up
    taking responsability, it doesn't always happen, but this reasons are
    basically what is driving this increasing specialization. So i invite to look at the following video so that to understand more about it:

    The decline of industrial icon of the US - VisualPolitik EN


    And here is my previous thoughts about specialization and productivity so that to understand much more:

    More about the Japanese Ikigai and about productivity and more of my thoughts..

    Read the following interesting article about Japanese Ikigai:

    The More People With Purpose, the Better the World Will Be


    I think i am highly smart, so i say that the Japanese Ikigai is like a Japanese philosophy that is like the right combination or "balance" of passion, vocation, and mission, and Ikigai and MTP, as concepts, urge us to align our passions with a mission to
    better the world, but i think that Japanese Ikiai is a also smart since it gets the "passion" from the "mission", since the mission is also the engine, so you have to align the passion with the mission of the country or the global world so that to be
    efficient, and Japanese Ikigai is also smart since so that to higher productivity and be efficient, you have to "specialize" in doing a job, but so that to higher more productivity and be more efficient you can also specialize in what you do "better",
    and it is what is doing Japanese Ikigai, since i think that in Japanese Ikigai, being the passion permits to make you specialized in a job in what you do better, and here is what i have just smartly said about productivity:

    I think i am highly smart, and i have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i will now talk about another important idea of Adam Smith the father of economic Liberalism, and it is about "specialization" in an economic system,
    since i say that in an economic system we have to be specialized in doing a job so that to be efficient and productive, but not only that, but we have to specialize in doing a job in what we do better so that to be even more efficient and productive, and
    we have to minimize at best the idle time or the wasting of time doing a job, since i can also say that this average idle time or wasting time of the workers working in parallel can be converted to a contention like in parallel programming, so you have
    to minimize it at best, and you have to minimize at best the coherency like in parallel programming so that to scale much better, and of course all this can create an economy of scale, and also i invite you to read my following smart and interesting
    thoughts about scalability of productivity:

    I will talk about following thoughts from the following PhD computer scientist:


    Read more carefully here his thoughts about productivity:


    And i think he is making a mistake in his above webpage about productivity:

    Since we have that Productivity = Output/Input

    But better human training and/or better tools and/or better human smartness and/or better human capacity can make the Parallel productivity part much bigger that the Serial productivity part, so it can scale much more (it is like Gustafson's Law).

    And it looks like the following:

    About parallelism and about Gustafson’s Law..

    Gustafson’s Law:

    • If you increase the amount of work done by each parallel
    task then the serial component will not dominate
    • Increase the problem size to maintain scaling
    • Can do this by adding extra complexity or increasing the overall
    problem size

    Scaling is important, as the more a code scales the larger a machine it
    can take advantage of:

    • can consider weak and strong scaling
    • in practice, overheads limit the scalability of real parallel programs
    • Amdahl’s law models these in terms of serial and parallel fractions
    • larger problems generally scale better: Gustafson’s law

    Load balance is also a crucial factor.

    More of my philosophy about HP and about the Tandem team and more of my thoughts..

    I invite you to read the following interesting article so that
    to notice how HP was smart by also acquiring Tandem Computers, Inc.
    with there "NonStop" systems and by learning from the Tandem team
    that has also Extended HP NonStop to x86 Server Platform, you can read about it in my below writing and you can read about Tandem Computers here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tandem_Computers , so notice that Tandem Computers, Inc. was the dominant
    manufacturer of fault-tolerant computer systems for ATM networks, banks, stock exchanges, telephone switching centers, and other similar commercial transaction processing applications requiring maximum uptime and zero data loss:


    More of my philosophy about HP "NonStop" to x86 Server Platform fault-tolerant computer systems and more..

    Now HP to Extend HP NonStop to x86 Server Platform

    HP announced in 2013 plans to extend its mission-critical HP NonStop technology to x86 server architecture, providing the 24/7 availability required in an always-on, globally connected world, and increasing customer choice.

    Read the following to notice it:


    And today HP provides HP NonStop to x86 Server Platform, and here is
    an example, read here:


    So i think programming the HP NonStop for x86 is now compatible with x86 programming.

    And i invite you to read my thoughts about technology here:


    More of my philosophy about stack allocation and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, so i have just looked at the x64 assembler
    of the C/C++ _alloca function that allocates size bytes of space from the Stack and it uses x64 assembler instructions to move RSP register and i think that it also aligns the address and it ensures that it doesn't go beyond the stack limit etc., and i
    have quickly understood the x64 assembler of it, and i invite you to look at it here:

    64-bit _alloca. How to use from FPC and Delphi?


    But i think i am smart and i say that the benefit of using a stack comes mostly from "reusability" of the stack, i mean it is done this way
    since you have for example from a thread to execute other functions or procedures and to exit from those functions of procedures and this exiting from those functions or procedures makes the memory of stack available again for "reusability", and it is
    why i think that using a dynamic allocated array as a stack is also useful since it also offers those benefits of reusability of the stack and i think that dynamic allocation of the array will not be expensive, so it is why i think i will implement _
    alloca function using a dynamic allocated array and i think it will also be good for my sophisticated coroutines library.

    More of my philosophy about the simulation hypothesis and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, i invite you to look at the following
    video that talks about the simulation hypothesis:

    Michio Kaku - Is the Universe A Digital Simulation


    So i think i am highly smart, and i think that saying that the Universe is a Digital Simulation is much less probable, since i say that look for example at how looks this thing that we call humanity, so we can not
    say that the simulation of this super intelligent beings has started from a very long ago, like for example more than a billion of years, since this way of doing creates too much suffering that is much less probable since the super intelligent beings are
    so advanced and so smart, but i think it is much more short, so then we notice that the super intelligent beings that have started the simulation can not start the simulation in a so primitive environment of our today of what we call humanity, so then i
    can say that saying that the Universe is a Digital Simulation is much less probable and the fact the reality exists is much more probable.

    More of my philosophy about the essence of science and technology and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, so i will ask the following philosophical question of:

    What is the essence of science and what is the essence technology ?

    I think that when you are smart and you use your fluid intelligence and use with it mathematics and such great precision and you invent with it a smart thing, it can be called hard science, but if you are genetically smart and you use your fluid
    intelligence without such hard science, and only with soft science or not, and you invent a smart thing, it can be called technology, so the difference is that hard science uses mathematics and its great precision of mathematics and such great precision.
    So i think that it is not only science that is important , but technology is also important, and for example in technology you can for example construct smartly an exception handling for real-time operating systems that uses Longjump() and SetJmp() that
    you construct in x86 assembler and you use Linklists and the Thread-local storage , so that to avoid to dynamically allocate from the heap, and so that to understand more how i have constructed a Longjump() and SetJmp() in x64 assembler, so invite you to
    read my following smart thoughts about preemptive and non-preemptive timesharing:


    More of my philosophy about science and technology and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, so you have just seen me talking about
    how to be successful in business of software development, here is what
    i have just said:

    "And what i mean, it is that in the early period of software development, there was many things that you can invent or develop or create, but i think today it is different , since many softwares have been invented and created, and not only that, but
    notice how many softwares are of high quality, and you have even to compete against open source etc., so i say that the competition is much stronger than the past."

    So i think that you have to understand me more, what i am also saying
    is i think that the important breakthroughs comes from science , not
    from technology, and it is what makes technology much more interesting,
    since i think that technology is based on science, it is why i think
    that artificial intelligence and quantum computers and the following two inventions that will make logic gates thousands of times faster or a million times faster than those in existing computers are "among"
    the "last" breakthroughs in science, read about them in my following thoughts of my philosophy about technology:

    And i invite you to read my thoughts about technology here:


    And here is more about the constraints on science and technology so that to understand:

    Is Science Going To End?

    Read more here:


    And read also the following

    The Industrial Era Ended, and So Will the Digital Era

    Read more here:


    More of my philosophy about the how to be successful in business of software development and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and as i have just said is the following:

    "The Xerox Thieves: Steve Jobs & Bill Gates


    I think i am discovering patterns with my fluid intelligence in the
    above video, and i think that Bill Gates was successful with his Microsoft since it was the early period of software development,
    and as i say in french: "Je pense que c'etait aussi une conjoncture"
    , and it means in english: "I think that it was also a conjuncture", but
    the most important factor of success in this conjuncture is the:
    it was the early period of software development, but today it is

    And what i mean, it is that in the early period of software development, there was many things that you can invent or develop or create, but i think today it is different , since many softwares have been invented and created, and not only that, but
    notice how many softwares are of high quality, and you have even to compete against open source etc., so i say that the competition is much stronger than the past, so reread my previous thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about what are the successful technologies
    and about the business model and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, so i have just looked at the following video
    of Bill Gates, and i invite you to look at it:

    The Xerox Thieves: Steve Jobs & Bill Gates


    I think i am discovering patterns with my fluid intelligence in the
    above video, and i think that Bill Gates was successful with his Microsoft since it was the early period of software development,
    and as i say in french: "Je pense que c'etait aussi une conjoncture"
    , and it means in english: "I think that it was also a conjuncture", but
    the most important factor of success in this conjuncture is the:
    it was the early period of software development, but today it is
    different, since you have to know where you have to invest in software development so that to be rich and successful, so i think that
    for example if you invest in security like internet security and such, i think it is a really a good investment, also you have to invest in
    software development that has a high return of investment,
    and that means that the software has also to be expected to grow big
    , and i think that so that to be successful in software development, the software that you develop has to also be of high quality, since there is a strong competition with open source etc. also notice that this requirement of being of high quality is
    much more difficult to realize(it means to happen), so it is why i think that we have to think about other ways of doing in software development, such as for example to come with a new smart business plan that solves this problem, so i think that the
    smart business plan is so important in business.

    More of my philosophy about the German model and about quality and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, so i will ask the following philosophical question of:

    Why is Germany so successful in spite of least working hours?

    So i think one of the most important factors are:

    Of course the first factor is that Germany has good schools and vocational training - for everyone. This makes the average worker much more productive in terms of value add per hour.

    And the second "really" important factor is the following:

    It’s in the culture of Germany to focus on quality and being effective (all the way back to Martin Luther and his protestant work ethic)... Higher quality in every step of the chain leads to a massive reduction in defects and rework. This increases
    everyone’s productivity. But notice that i am also speaking in my below thoughts about the other ways to increase productivity by being specialization etc., and the way of the German model to focus on quality and being effective by also focusing on
    quality in every step of the chain that leads to a massive reduction in defects and rework, is also done by the following methodologies of quality control and Six Sigma etc., so read my following thoughts about them:

    More of my philosophy about quality control and more of my thoughts..

    I have just looked and understood quickly the following paper about SPC(Statistical process control):


    I think i am highly smart, but i think that the above paper doesn't speak about the fact that you can apply the central limit theorem as following:

    The central limit theorem states that the sampling distribution of the mean of any independent, random variable will be normal or nearly normal, if the sample size is large enough.

    Also the above paper doesn't speak about the following very important things:

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Enihcamgnimag@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 15 02:03:11 2022
    You think, that someone even reads your messages? No one cares of your nonsense here.

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