More of my philosophy about patriotism and about nationalism and more of my thoughts..
I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, i think that what is happening today
is that we are becoming patriotism and not nationalism, since i think that a substantial economic interdependence between countries creates a an economic patriotism that we can call patriotism, so for example the substantial economic interdependence
between Canada and USA and Mexico is creating an economic patriotism that we can call patriotism that is the union of the three countries, so i think that we have to change our view or conception of what is patriotism, since i think that for example
south Korea and USA are substantially mutually economically dependent, and this creates a new kind of economic patriotism that we call patriotism, so it is no more about nationalism that is an archaism, but it is about patriotism, so notice that
president Putin is trying to create a new kind of economic patriotism that we can call patriotism that unites his country and some other asian countries and with Iran and with Syria etc. so as you notice that this economic patriotism is not just about
the patriotism of a zone such European union, but it is intercontinental.
More of my philosophy about the essence of competition and more of my thoughts..
I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, so as you are noticing i am smartly saying
in my below thoughts of my philosophy that quality in an atheistic system comes from "competition", but i have to make you understand
my smart thoughts more, so i am saying this way , since it is by logical analogy like the saying of Adam Smith of: "Human egoism is the engine of the prosperity and happiness of nations", i mean that you have to
see the smart pattern as a logical analogy of my thoughts, since i say
that competition starts in the first step as a individual competition in a fight for life, but competition is created by egoism, but egoism and competition becomes in the following steps, by necessity , collaboration and cooperation and even solidarity
in a society, so you have to read my below smart thoughts of my philosophy so that you understand my views:
More of my philosophy about the trustworthy relationship and more of my thoughts..
I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, so i think that trust between people is
still an important thing, since most of us are not rich and/or powerful, so we are still interdependent on each other, so we have to develop a trustworthy
relationship so that so it be helpful for us, other than that, the being good professionalism also build a trustworthy relationship, and as i have also said that the good vibes also attract customers and fans, so you have not to be negligent or
neglectful about it, other than that i can also ask another philosophical question of:
Are humans peaceful or violent ?
I think in the old world, i think people were much more egoistic than today, since as i have just said that i think that individual morality comes from the individual interest, but being individual interest is not societal morality or general or global
morality, so then societal morality comes from the societal interest, so since the old world was much less advanced than the today world, so then the societal interest was much less strong than today, so since survival was so difficult for humans, so
then it is why i say that the old world was so much violent, but i think today people are much less violent since our today world is much more advanced than the old world, and we are exponentially progressing, so i say that we have to be optimistic about
our today world. And about the saying of the philosopher and economist Adam Smith of: "Human egoism is the engine of the prosperity and happiness of nations", here is what i just said about it:
More of my philosophy about competition and about quality and more of my thoughts..
I think i am highly smart, i think that quality in an atheistic system comes from "competition", so then so that to be quality , competition is first and foremost the will to fight, since even America’s military argues that “will to fight” is the
disposition and decision to fight, act, or persevere, and notice that this will to fight is a cause of quality that precedes the good smartness or good education as causes of quality, and i think that competition is also the acts of competition of the
acts of being good smartness or/and the acts of being good wisdom and such , so then what we have to be is to be competition that brings the right quality, so then you have to be for example a competition in a fight for life, and you have to be economic
competition of Adam Smith the father of economic Liberalism, and i invite you to read again the following interesting article that proves that humans are naturally and individually selfish and egoistic:
So as you notice on the above interesting article about a study, that humans are naturally selfish and egoistic since it is like a game of "competition" where you have to get a big profit, but i think that i am highly smart and i say that the seeking the
big profit by being competition is also regulated by antitrust laws, and individual self-interest and egoism creates competition and by the mechanism of competition we become self-interest and egoism of a group and of a society or of a zone such as the
European union and then we become collaboration and cooperation and even solidarity in a society or in a zone such as the European union or in global world and that creates prosperity and happiness of nations, and also we have to say that when we get a
big profit we can also help the others by being solidarity,
so then we have not to be pessimistic about humans that are naturally and individually selfish and egoistic, but we have to be patience since it takes some time so that this individual self-interest and egoism becomes collaboration and cooperation and
even solidarity as i am explaining it, and of course we have to be much more optimistic since capitalism is not a zero sum game, since with a reasonable level of growth, capitalism can both deliver rising living standards for most, and still ensure a
relatively high rate of return to the owners of capital and we have to be much more optimistic since self-interest is most of the time regulated by competition to not lead to corruption, fraud, price-gouging, and cheating, as has said it Adam Smith the
father of economic Liberalism, and notice that we have to look at competition from a broader point of view since competition is also
competition inside a Democracy that fights efficiently corruption by using different political parties and different political groups inside the congress etc. and competition that fights efficiently corruption is also the separation of powers in USA,
since the U.S. constitution establishes three separate but equal branches of government: the legislative branch (makes the law), the executive branch (enforces the law), and the judicial branch (interprets the law), so i think that for example USA is
much less corrupt than African countries or such countries since they lack this kind of "competition" that balances this way the powers.
And i invite you to read my previous thoughts of my philosophy that
i have thought and written quickly in the following web link:
Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
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