• More of my philosophy about thesis and antithesis and the synthesis of

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 2 15:33:25 2022

    More of my philosophy about thesis and antithesis and the synthesis of dialectical materialism and about competition and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, so i think that thesis and antithesis and the synthesis of dialectical materialism of marxism and communism, is by logical analogy like the process of
    competition between ideas or between people that brings quality, so you can have a “synthesis” of private property and socialism understood as thesis and antithesis, and you can have collision of the bourgeoisie and the working class as competing
    thesis and antithesis that can bring a synthesis as quality, so i think that marxism and communism say that the bourgeoisie of the capitalistic system is not capable of treating correctly the working class, and i think it is from where comes marxism, but
    i think that this way of thinking is too extremist in our today world , since i have just for example said that workers living standards depend on wage levels, not wage ratios, eventhough when measuring wage dispersion, economists frequently look at the
    90/50 ratio, so i think that we have not to be pessimistic about the living standards that has brought capitalism, and you can read all my following thoughts of my philosophy so that to notice it:

    More of my philosophy about the radical form of governance and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and as you have just noticed i have just
    talked about the Volksgemeinschaft and about neo-Nazism, read it below, and as you have noticed i have just talked about the radical form of governance where we have to re-engineer the human condition by the centralized planning and large-scale social
    engineering as in old communist China or USSR(United Socialist Soviet Republic), so this way of governance has not worked, but today the way of governance has changed and i think that it is proceeding by the way of introducing appropriate, rational
    reforms into society and then to undertake evidence-based assessments and by monitoring with statistics, other than that there is also another radical form of governance that says that we have to be the radical form of class struggle as in old communist
    China or USSR(United Socialist Soviet Republic), but i think that this way of doing has not worked since this radical way of class struggle renders people too much hateful(filled with hatred), since in this radical form of Class Struggle, the lower
    classes in the society hate the upper classes and the upper classes hate the lower classes, so this kind
    of radical form of Class Struggle doesn't work and it is not good for business, since i say that in business we have even to be disciplined at buying a product or service even if we don't love them, since for example i can say that when you become more
    and more educated, so then you become more and more smart, so then you become more and more "selective" of products and of services and of humans and this can hurt and this can hurt business, so then i think that the solution of this problem is for
    example to become disciplined at buying a product or service even if you don't love them, and of course you are noticing that we have to make people aware of it by educating them correctly. And here is what i say more about Class struggle:

    And today i will talk about Class struggle of Communism and Marxism,
    so i will first ask a philosophical question of:

    Is Class struggle "valid" and a good thing to have ?

    I will say that there is not one type of Class struggle, because
    we can have "levels" of Class Struggle, such as the Class Struggle of
    Communism and Marxism under Mao Zedong in China, and i think it is
    logically inferred in Marxism from the fact that there is antagonistic contradictions that are contradiction between the Chinese communists and Chinese bourgeoisie and between the imperialist camp and the socialist
    camp, so we can also consider that this antagonistic contradictions also
    comes from the fact that we can be genetically predisposed to being
    smart or having a good memory efficiency and such genetical
    characteristics, so this gives much more "chance" to those that have
    this kind of genetical predispositions to become rich and successful, so
    this is why Communism and Marxism says that we have to equalize much
    more between people, so this is why i think it is also a kind of
    competition that gives this kind of Class Struggle, but i will say that
    the fact that we equalize much more between people in a society is not
    good for "diversity" inside the society and it is not good for
    efficiency, since we have to have a level of diversity that brings
    "resilience" to the organization of a society, and even in economy we
    have to have a level of diversification of economy that brings
    resilience, so this is why i think that the level of Class struggle that
    we have to have doesn't look like archaism of Communism or Marxism,
    since i think we have to have some kind of Social Assistance and Social Solidarity and we have to have social programs that help the weakest
    members of the society or the poors of the society in a kind of way, so
    we have also to have a level of Class Struggle that is like a
    competition that ensure that those kind of rights of providing some kind
    of social programs that helps the weakest members and the poors of the
    society are fought for in a civilized way inside such places as the
    congress and in Democracy. Now there is also other antagonist
    contradictions between the government and the people under Democracy or
    the communist regime, and inside two groups or more inside a political
    party or within a communist Party, and i think that we have to have
    civilized ways and manners like by vigorous criticism and self-criticism
    so that to resolve those kind of antagonist contradictions.

    More of my philosophy about the Volksgemeinschaft and about neo-Nazism and more of my thoughts..

    And read the following article so that you understand more:

    Germany seeks ban on neo-Nazis


    And I invite you to read the following article from a white supremacist and neo-nazi website called national vanguard:


    And notice that it is saying the following about national socialism
    of the white supremacism and neo-nazism:

    "[National Socialism] aimed at stemming the physical and moral decay of modern, technically “advanced” humanity by forcing it — by forcing its racial élite, at least — to live in accordance with the ultimate purpose of Nature, which is not to
    make individuals “happy,” nor even to make, nations “happy,” but to evolve supermankind — living godhead — out of the existing master races, first of all, out of the pure Aryan. Happiness is a bourgeois conception, definitely. It is not our
    concern. We want animals to be happy — and inferior men, also, to the extent their happiness does not disturb the New Order. We believe higher mankind has better things to do. The Aryan world, remoulded by us after our final triumph, will no longer
    think in terms of happiness like the decadent world of today. It will think in terms of duty — like the early Vedic world, the early Christian world, the early Islamic world; like the world at the time of any great new beginning."

    But i think i am smart and i say that there is two weaknesses in
    the above thoughts of neo-nazism, first weakness is that neo-nazism wants to be dictatorship so that to use the radical form, where we have to re-engineer the human condition by the centralized planning and large-scale social engineering as in old
    communist China or USSR(United Socialist Soviet Republic), but this way of doing has not worked, and the second weakness is that the "duty" in the above thoughts of neo-nazism is idealized, but since the duty has to be dictated by the dictatorship of neo-
    nazism, so since it is not the democratic way, then the duty that is dictated by neo-nazism can not work correctly and it can become a big problem since it comes from the dictatorship of neo-nazism.

    I think i am smart, and i have just spoken yesterday about neo-Nazism
    and i have just said that what also they want to do is to be a dictatorship so that to use the radical form that has not worked, where we have to re-engineer the human condition by the centralized planning and large-scale social engineering as in old
    communist China or USSR(United Socialist Soviet Republic), and here is more logical proof about the way of Social Engineering of Nazism and how the Nazism or neo-Nazism define who belongs to the National Socialist ‘community’ and who does not, read
    the following:


    Other than that , i think you can live to 100 years if you take
    Metformin, and here is the logical proof of it:

    With reference to observed survival in diabetic patients initiated with metformin monotherapy [survival time ratio (STR) = 1.0], adjusted median survival time was 15% lower (STR = 0.85, 95% CI 0.81-0.90) in matched individuals without diabetes and 38%
    lower (0.62, 0.58-0.66) in diabetic patients treated with sulphonylurea monotherapy.

    Read more here on the following study so that to notice it:


    More of my philosophy about the stock price and about bitcoin and more of my thoughts..

    Microsoft stock price stood in year 2022 at $268.09

    According to the latest long-term forecast, Microsoft price will hit $300 by the end of 2022 and then $400 by the middle of 2025. Microsoft will rise to $500 within the year of 2026, $600 in 2027, $700 in 2028, $800 in 2031 and $900 in 2033.

    Read more here:

    Microsoft Stock Forecast 2022 - 2025 - 2030


    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i think that my below thoughts
    about investments in stocks is valid, since look at the above example
    at the Microsoft stock prices above, the first thing to notice is that
    it is just a forecast, but as i am saying below that it is
    too risky, since you have to diversify your investment by
    for example investing in index funds as i am explaining it
    below, and second important thing to notice is that the stock
    price is the current price that a share of stock is trading for on the market , but it looks by analogy like the bitcoin currency, since
    it also follows demand and supply, but i think that investing in
    the stocks is better than investing in bitcoin, since there is
    a return of investment in stocks that also permits you to sell much easily your shares of stock, and i think that this return of investment doesn't exist in bitcoin, also i think bitcoin has still much lesser value.

    Here is my new proverb:

    "When you see a giant killer wave coming to swallow you,
    you have not to waste your time at being pessimistic,
    but i think you have to know how to beautifully swim so that
    to survive the giant killer wave. And i think it is my kind of spirit,
    and notice that it is by logical analogy like my way of being the
    good vibes that i am talking about below, even if our world
    is too much pessimistic."

    More of my philosophy about the good vibes and about Love and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    How can we Love when we are no more innocence ? and when we are no more adolescence ? so i think that there is still a beautiful "kind" of Love
    and it is a kind of Love that comes from the good vibes, and i think that the good vibes also come from a wise spirit, and take for example a look at my following poems that i have invented quickly, and i think that you have to notice the good vibes in
    them, since i think that i am both showing my good vibes in form of my poems of Love and i am also showing my wise kind of spirit in form of my other poems, and this kind
    of wise spirit of mine is also like the good vibes of like being good professionalism, and i think that the good vibes also make the good fans (i mean the when you are fan of someone) and attracts customers in business, and it is my way of doing in
    business, and notice that those good vibes are a first step to a trustworthy relationship, since i can also say that you cannot love without trusting a person. Since i think that trust is the building block of love. Just like how a child trusts her
    mother and thereby loves her, your partner needs to know that you are trustworthy and won’t ditch them in difficult times. This feeling is important for love to sprout and flourish. Trust is also very important for Business Relations in the Arab World,
    so i invite you to read the following interesting article from the Arab world about it:

    Al-Ississ: Trust is at the Heart of Business Relations in the Arab World


    So i invite you to look at my following poems in english and french
    in the following web link so that to notice my good vibes in them:


    More of my philosophy about being a seller of Amazon products and more of my thoughts..

    I have just said the following:

    "I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, I have quickly taken a look at Amazon profit margin and ROI(Return of investment), and i think by being a sellers of Amazon(or the like) products you
    can become rich, since you can buy in more quantity so that to lower the price of an Item of Amazon, so it is better for you if you have more money when you start selling Amazon products, and after that i think that you can use Amazon shipment strategy
    that easy the things for you, and after you make much more money by being a seller of Amazon products, you can invest a part of your money in index funds in stocks that have an average ROI of around 10%, so i think you can become rich by this way of
    doing, and i think that it is better than Real Estate investment."

    But i think there is still a problem in the being a seller of Amazon products, and it is that when you are a seller and you buy more quantity of a product so that to lower the price of an Item, there is a "competition" in this process of buying more
    quantity of a product, like in the process of creativity below, so there can be others that can buy much more quantity than you, so that to lower more than you the price of an Item , so it is i think the problem, so i think so that to be successful as a
    seller of Amazon products, you have to have much more money when you start selling Amazon products and so that to "also" lower the Risk, also you have to know that in most cases, customers(that i think can be sellers of Amazon products) can request
    returns within 30 days of receiving their order, and this shows that it is not easy to become rich as i am explaining it below.

    More of my philosophy about Real Estate investment and about
    creativity and about stocks and bonds and more of my thoughts..

    According to the National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF), as of Q1 2021 the average 25-year return for private commercial real estate properties held for investment purposes slightly outperformed the S&P 500 Index, with average
    annualized returns of 10.3% and 9.6%, respectively. Residential and diversified real estate investments also averaged returns of 10.3%, and i think that a good ROI for a rental property is usually above 10%, but 5% to 10% is also an acceptable range.
    Real estate investing can be lucrative, but it's important to understand the "risks". Key risks include bad locations, negative cash flows, high vacancies, and problem tenants. Other risks to consider are the lack of liquidity, hidden structural problems,
    and the unpredictable nature of the real estate market, so i think because of the Risks in Real Estate, i think it is in accordance with what i am saying below, so reread it carefully:

    More of my philosophy about what about creativity and how to get rich and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and as you have just noticed i have
    just said , read it below, that you can not get easily rich,
    but as you have just noticed i have not taken into account the factor of creativity, so let us look at what the following web page is saying about creativity:

    Everyone can be creative


    But i think i am highly smart, and i say that what is not saying the
    above web page, is that creativity is not just creativity , since
    so that make much more money with your creativity, you have to be also "competition" with the other humans that can be much better than you
    in the kind of your creativity, so this can lesser the value of your creativity, so then we can not generalize and say that everybody can become rich or easily rich by being creative, and this is in accordance with what i am saying below, so reread it

    More of my philosophy about Benjamin Franklin and about investments..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I have just looked at the following video about the US. president Benjamin Franklin that talks about the EASIEST way to become rich:


    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i am not in accordance with the US. president Benjamin Franklin in the above video, since let us take a look at the following interesting web page of
    the Investment growth calculator from Fidelity investments in Canada, since i am understanding it easily, and here it is and take a look at it carefully:


    But notice that it is asking to put two important informations that are:

    1- Rate of return
    2- Inflation rate

    But i think that for the long-term investment, the Inflation rate is not so important, so i think that we have to focus on the "Rate of return",
    so i am highly smart, and i say that you can not be rich easily, since
    you can not for example invest in stocks of this or that company
    since it is so much more risky, so you have to "diversify" correctly by investing in index funds in stocks, since they are much less risky and i think that they have an average of around 10% of rate of return or return of investment, so i think that you
    can not get rich easily with it, since the Time to grow in the above calculator has to be set to around 40 years or so and this will permit you to have a "good" retirement, but it will not permit you to easily become rich, and i think that the Bond
    that is a fixed-income instrument that represents a loan made by an investor to a borrower (typically corporate or governmental) is not better in rate of return or return of investment than index funds, so then this shows that it is not easy to get
    generally rich for the people, and i mean "generally".

    More of my philosophy about IQ tests and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, but i have just passed more and more IQ tests, and i have just noticed that the manner in wich we test with IQ tests is not correct, since in an IQ test
    you can be more specialized and above average in one subtest of intelligence than in another subtest of intelligence inside an IQ test, since IQ tests test for many kind of intelligences such as the spatial and speed and calculations and logical
    intelligence etc., so i think that you can be really above average in logical intelligence, as i am really above average in logical intelligence, but at the same time you can be below average in calculations and/or spatial.., so since an IQ test doesn't
    test for this kind of specializations of intelligence, so i think it is not good, since testing for this kind specializations in intelligence is really important so that to be efficient by knowing the strong advantages of this or that person in every
    types of intelligences. And about the importance of specialization, read carefully my following thought about it:

    More of my philosophy about specialization and about efficiency and productivity..

    The previous CEO Larry Culp of General Electric and the architect of a strategy that represented a new turning point in the world corporate strategies, Larry Culp's strategy was to divide the company according to its activities. Something like we are
    better of alone, seperately and
    focused on each one's own activity, than together in a large
    conglomerate. And it is a move from integration to specialization.
    You see it is thought that a company always gains economies of scale
    as it grows, but this is not necessarily the case, since as the company
    gains in size - especially if it engages in many activities - it
    also generates its own bureaucracy, with all that entails in term
    of cost and efficiency. And not only that, it is also often the case
    that by bringing together very different activities, strategic focus is lost and decision-making is diluted, so that in the end no one ends up
    taking responsability, it doesn't always happen, but this reasons are
    basically what is driving this increasing specialization. So i invite to look at the following video so that to understand more about it:

    The decline of industrial icon of the US - VisualPolitik EN


    And here is my previous thoughts about specialization and productivity so that to understand much more:

    More about the Japanese Ikigai and about productivity and more of my thoughts..

    Read the following interesting article about Japanese Ikigai:

    The More People With Purpose, the Better the World Will Be


    I think i am highly smart, so i say that the Japanese Ikigai is like a Japanese philosophy that is like the right combination or "balance" of passion, vocation, and mission, and Ikigai and MTP, as concepts, urge us to align our passions with a mission to
    better the world, but i think that Japanese Ikiai is a also smart since it gets the "passion" from the "mission", since the mission is also the engine, so you have to align the passion with the mission of the country or the global world so that to be
    efficient, and Japanese Ikigai is also smart since so that to higher productivity and be efficient, you have to "specialize" in doing a job, but so that to higher more productivity and be more efficient you can also specialize in what you do "better",
    and it is what is doing Japanese Ikigai, since i think that in Japanese Ikigai, being the passion permits to make you specialized in a job in what you do better, and here is what i have just smartly said about productivity:

    I think i am highly smart, and i have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i will now talk about another important idea of Adam Smith the father of economic Liberalism, and it is about "specialization" in an economic system,
    since i say that in an economic system we have to be specialized in doing a job so that to be efficient and productive, but not only that, but we have to specialize in doing a job in what we do better so that to be even more efficient and productive, and
    we have to minimize at best the idle time or the wasting of time doing a job, since i can also say that this average idle time or wasting time of the workers working in parallel can be converted to a contention like in parallel programming, so you have
    to minimize it at best, and you have to minimize at best the coherency like in parallel programming so that to scale much better, and of course all this can create an economy of scale, and also i invite you to read my following smart and interesting
    thoughts about scalability of productivity:

    I will talk about following thoughts from the following PhD computer scientist:


    Read more carefully here his thoughts about productivity:


    And i think he is making a mistake in his above webpage about productivity:

    Since we have that Productivity = Output/Input

    But better human training and/or better tools and/or better human smartness and/or better human capacity can make the Parallel productivity part much bigger that the Serial productivity part, so it can scale much more (it is like Gustafson's Law).

    And it looks like the following:

    About parallelism and about Gustafson’s Law..

    Gustafson’s Law:

    • If you increase the amount of work done by each parallel
    task then the serial component will not dominate
    • Increase the problem size to maintain scaling
    • Can do this by adding extra complexity or increasing the overall
    problem size

    Scaling is important, as the more a code scales the larger a machine it
    can take advantage of:

    • can consider weak and strong scaling
    • in practice, overheads limit the scalability of real parallel programs
    • Amdahl’s law models these in terms of serial and parallel fractions
    • larger problems generally scale better: Gustafson’s law

    Load balance is also a crucial factor.

    More of my philosophy about cleverness and about the wise man and more of my thoughts..

    So I think i am highly smart since i have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and now i have just read the following
    proverb or saying of Albert Einstein in the following web page of Wise Sayings, Quotes & Phrases:


    Here it is:

    174. “A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.” – Albert Einstein

    So i will analyse or analyze it quickly with my fluid intelligence
    by discovering patterns in it, so the first pattern is:

    Notice you can analyse the system of the above proverb or saying of
    Albert Einstein by looking if it is logically consistent, so notice that it is not logically consistent, since the good avoidance of problems
    needs good cleverness and we can not logically say that avoidance of problems is not solving problems, since the good avoidance of problems can be solving problems, also the second pattern that i am discovering
    with my fluid intelligence is that we can also look at the definition
    of wisdom or a wise man and it is the following:

    "Wisdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment, and being wise is having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment, so then having and showing the good judgment is also being genetically apt at being or showing the
    good judgment , so i think that being wise needs from you to be smart and clever , so it comes from both the genetical and cultural"

    So then the above definition of Wisdom or the being wise shows that
    the above proverb of Albert Einstein is not correct and is not smart.

    More of my philosophy about abstraction and intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    So I think i am highly smart since i have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and now i will ask an important philosophical question of:

    Does the level of abstraction that we use by using a language like english or french or arabic is sufficient and efficient ?

    So i think the languages like english and french and arabic are languages that "abstract" the reality of the existence, so they are not
    precise languages that describe reality, but i am smart and i say
    that those languages, like english and french and arabic, have there deficiencies, since they can not describe the technical or scientific thoughts in a more precise and more technical manner , so then the languages like english and french and arabic are
    not sufficient and are not efficient at expressing those kind of technical or scientific thoughts, this is why we are for example using software programming languages that can be described as technical languages since i say that they describe the
    thoughts of humans that are more precise and more technical than non-technical or non-scientific thoughts, so i think i am smart and i will say that when you do software programming it is that you describe technical thoughts in a much more precise and
    technical manner, this is why i say that software programming learns us to be more disciplined and more precise and more technical, since for example a cosine or a sine or other trigonometric functions are part of a technical language that we find in
    technical languages like software programming languages, but i think that they were added late after to the english dictionary, but notice that they are not part of the english language, and look for example a computer programming register that we use in
    software programming, notice that is part of technical language and it is not the english language, so look carefully at my following thoughts that i have thought quickly about more of my philosophy about stack memory allocations and about preemptive and
    non-preemptive timesharing, and notice how i am using both the english language and the technical language so that to be much more precise and technical:


    Also i say that the meaning of a language is so important, so
    the modality of thoughts is so important, and here is my
    thoughts about it:

    More of my philosophy about smartness and about discovering patterns and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am really smart, i think that inventing sophisticated theorems in mathematics is also discovering smart patterns with your fluid intelligence, it is why i am inventing my thoughts by also discovering patterns with my fluid intelligence , but
    notice that discovering patterns in mathematics is like a low level way of doing like in microeconomics, but discovering patterns can be in a high level way like in macroeconomics, and here is an example of how i am doing it quickly, read my following
    thoughts about Nikola Tesla and about Garry Tan that i have invented quickly so that to notice how i am discovering smart patterns with my fluid intelligence in a high level way:

    More of my philosophy of how i am smart and about what is smartness..

    I think i am smart, and i think that smartness is not doing
    mathematics, i think being highly smart is discovering smart patterns and composing smartly other patterns with those patterns etc. so i will
    give you my examples of how i am genetically highly smart, so read
    carefully my following thoughts and notice how i have quickly
    read a saying of Nikola Tesla and how i have rapidly discovered
    smart patterns with my fluid intelligence in a form of my
    showing that Nikola Tesla is not correct thinking and by discovering

    [continued in next message]

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