More of my philosophy about selfishness or egoism and more of my thoughts..
I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
So I think i am highly smart since i have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and now i will ask an important philosophical question:
Are humans individually selfish or egoistic ?
I think i am highly smart, and i think that we have to be optimistic,
since Liberty engenders responsability as i am explaining it below, and responsability also causes individual human selfishness or egoism to also become human selfishness or egoism of society and a zone like European union, so then it also becomes
solidarity and collaboration inside such zone or society, and i think that it is the same process that can happen around the world, so i think that humans are not individually selfish or egoistic since they are constrained in a such way. So then i can
logically infer from it and from my thoughts below that humans are not animals and are not individually egoistic or selfish , so then we have to be optimistic about humans.
More of my philosophy about are humans like animals and more of my thoughts..
So I think i am highly smart since i have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i will ask a philosophical question of:
Are humans like animals ?
So i think i am highly smart, and i think that humans understand that
Liberty is not being free, since so that to be Liberty of your
today and of your tomorrow or future, you have to be the right responsability, since Liberty is not only Liberty of your today, but it is also that you have to ensure to be Liberty of your tomorrow or your future, and this being responsability of humans
is a much more sophisticated responsability than that of animals, and it is the basis of why humans are not animals, since humans are also pushed forward by this engine of responsability so that to be Liberty or so that to be Love, and of course there is
not only this kind of engine , but there is also the engines of human laws that are enforced by the police and the army so that to be Liberty, but as you notice that we have not to be pessimistic, since as you notice that humans are not animals since
they have to be organized in much more sophisticated manner than animals so that to be this Liberty, so i think that i can logically infer that you have not just to compare the genetics of humans and that of monkeys and for example say that researchers
sequenced the chimp genome and have known that humans share about 99% of our DNA with chimpanzees, making them our closest living relatives, but you have to understand that the 1% difference in genetics of humans, compared to chimp genome, has made
humans much more perfect than chimpanzees or animals, and you can for example look at how animals and humans are organized, and notice again that this kind of organization of humans is "much" more sophisticated than animals, so then i can finally
logically infer that humans are not animals , and you can also easily notice it by reading my following thoughts of my philosophy and noticing how it is much more sophisticated, and of course you have to know that i have invented quickly all my thoughts
of my philosophy below:
More of my philosophy about the human desires and about capitalism and about morality and about more of my thoughts..
So I think i am highly smart since i have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and now i will ask a philosophical question of:
Are we enslaved by our human desires and is capitalism just
exploiting those human desires so that to sell products and services ?
So i think i am highly smart, and i say that there must be engines
that push us forward by advancing efficiently humans, and i think that those engines are also our human desires, since without the human desires there is no capitalism etc., and it is also the fact that capitalism rewards merit, since also the capitalist
believes that wealth in the hands of bright, successful, hard-working people (entrepreneurs) will be the incentive to produce newer and better products and services because of the expectation of the monetary rewards from which they will benefit, but not
only that, but i think that so that to be efficient, we have also to not only specialize in a job, but we have to be more efficient by specializing in a job in what we do better, and we have to have good coaches(the ones that instructs and trains) that
make us play the game of life smartly and efficiently not only as an individual, but also as a society or a world, so then to specialize in what you do better is not sufficient, since you have to also have a level of efficient political consciousness and
philosophical consciousness, and it is why i am coming to you with my new philosophy, so i invite you to read it carefully in my following thoughts:
More of my philosophy about the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and about morality and more of my thoughts..
So I think i am highly smart since i have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i am discovering some patterns in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche that shows that it is lacking smartness, and here they are: In the
Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy, Nietzsche’s Superman, also known as the Ubermensch, is the embodiment of the noble way of life, and to be noble is to possess outstanding qualities, so i think for Friedrich Nietzsche we have to live in the way of the
being noble, that means we have to perfect more and more our beings so that to become noble, so i think that there are noble humans and there are noble things, so i think that Friedrich Nietzsche also wants the "master" that is the noble to create value,
but there is a lack of smartness in the "abstraction" of Friedrich Nietzsche, since the being noble is vague, and the being noble can be the possessing of outstanding qualities , but the not being wise, so i think that it shows that Friedrich Nietzsche
is lacking smartness, and it looks like the following saying of Hitler that is lacking smartness, since the stronger can be the not wise or the not smart, so read it again:
More of my philosophy about white supremacism and about Hitler and about neo-nazism and more of my thoughts..
I have just looked at the quotes of Hitler here:
So then i think i am highly smart and notice the following saying of Hitler:
“The stronger must dominate and not mate with the weaker, which would signify the sacrifice of its own higher nature. Only the born weakling can look upon this principle as cruel, and if he does so it is merely because he is of a feebler nature and
narrower mind; for if such a law did not direct the process of evolution then the higher development of organic life would not be conceivable at all.”
― Adolf Hitler
Read the saying of Hitler here so that to notice:
I think i am highly smart and i say that Hitler is not at all smart in his above saying, since we have first to define what is "stronger" , so for example the stronger can be the not smarter and/or not the wiser, since you can be the stronger by having
the most powerful military or the most stronger will to fight without being the smarter and wiser and this can cause that you win the competition or the fight, so when Hitler says in the above saying: "the stronger must dominate", i think from my
explanation above that it is stupid to say so, since also the being stronger can also also be the not the being the smarter and wiser . And i also think this strictness of Hitler is not correct, since he was not understanding the disadvantage of when the
genetic algorithm can be more elitist in the crossover steps, since this kind of Elitism in a genetic algorithm can has the tendency to not efficiently higher the average best of the average members of the population, and you can read more about my below
thoughts of the following web links about the genetic algorithm.
Also Hitler says the following:
“Humanitarianism is the expression of stupidity and cowardice.”
― Adolf Hitler
So i think that this strictness of Hitler is not correct,
since we need a level of humanitarianism that also soften morals
and that makes us less violent.
So i think that Hitler is too much strict and too much violent.
So i invite you to read carefully my following thoughts of my philosophy so that to understand my views:
More of my philosophy about the Law of Accelerating Returns and more of my thoughts..
So I think i am highly smart since i have passed two certified IQ tests
and i have scored above 115 IQ, i think that humans have not to make wars, since i think that most humans are not understanding the exponential progress of our humanity, so i invite you to read carefully the following very interesting article about the
Law of Accelerating Returns from Ray Kurzweil ( You can read about him here:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Kurzweil ) so that to understand correctly how humanity will become so much powerful really "soon":
And i invite you to look at the following very interesting video about
the Exponential Progress of humanity so that you understand correctly:
Exponential Progress: Can We Expect Mind-Blowing Changes In The Near Future
And look in the following interesting article about how AI will create millions more Jobs than it Will destroy:
More of my philosophy about the essence of things and about philosophy and more of my thoughts..
So I think i am highly smart since i have passed two certified IQ tests
and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i will ask the following interesting philosophical question:
What is the smart logical analogy between beauty and relativism ?
I think it is a really smart question, since i think that the problematic is that beauty is systemic, and measuring the meaning of life is also a systemic thing, so you can measure the meaning of human life relatively to a greater meaning, and you can
also lack in the meaning , so i think it is also the basis of relativism, and it looks by logical analogy "somewhat" like a mathematical theory or such theory that has a stronger or less stronger basis, so then i think that beauty has like the same
problem as relativism, since we can ask if beauty is universal, but i think the first question is to ask if beauty exists in our today world ? so the answer to this question depends on the point of view, i mean if you are individualistic , you will look
at beauty not from a systemic point of view, but if you are objective you will look at it from a systemic point of view, so as you are noticing that it is a "delicate" subject in philosophy, but as you have just noticed that i have just said, read it
below, that we have not to be pessimistic, since humans have the tendency to looking at the higher levels view of beauty that looks like beauty and take pleasure of it without worrying too much about the systemic way of looking at the lower layers of the
details of beauty, i don't mean that they are idiots, but i mean that we also have, we humans, a capacity of forgetting and not worrying that permit us to be happy, and the same can be applied to other pleasures of life, so then we have to be
optimistic about happiness, other than that i think that beauty is universal, since it is the highly smart that has
to measure it, not the diversity of humans that are not apt to measure it correctly, and i think that this process is part of a sane morality,
so as you are noticing that the way to solve this problematic, of the does beauty exists, looks like relativism, since i also think that relativism is relativism since we are like lacking the meaning, i mean that when you are for example suffering, you
are like lacking the meaning, so, so that to survive or so that to be happy , you have to compare yourself with others that are suffering much more than you or/and you compare with your near future that can be much better that your today since humanity
is progressing in an exponential way as i am explaining it below, so i say that you have to notice smartly that the process here is not simply relativism, but this process of comparing this way has to create an important value for you so that it works,
since relativism can also destroy the meaning, and it is what i am explaining in my below thoughts.
More of my philosophy about the meaning of human life and more of my thoughts..
So I think i am highly smart since i have passed two certified IQ tests
and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i will ask a philosophical question of:
From where comes the meaning of human life ?
I think i am highly smart, and i say that you can by being relativism in philosophy says that human life has no meaning, so relativism in philosophy in its essence has a problem, but i think that the smart way of constructing a meaning of human life, is also to be the pragmatic way by giving weights of importance to things,
it is like "prioritizing" by giving weights of importance so that to be successful, i mean look at human life, it is much better than the old human life, so this way of looking at it permits to give a weight of importance , and also the other way is
also to say that humanity is in fact progressing in an exponential way, so we are progressing so rapidly, and this way also of looking at it gives a great weight of importance and those two ways
of looking at human life gives optimism, so i think it is the way to construct a meaning of human life, and this way of constructing a meaning of human life looks like my answer below about the can we be enlightned or not, so as you are noticing that the
pragmatic way of my answer below proceeds by giving weights of importance so that also enforce the necessary "hierarchy" of humans so that to be the necessary order in society or in the world. And i also say that we have "just" already attained the knee
of the exponential progress curve, this knee of the curve is the place where growth suddenly switches from a slower to an even faster exponential mode, so now the curve of exponential progress of our humanity has "just" already started to go
exponentially even much faster, this is why i say that in about 10 years from now we will become so powerful because of it. And you have to look at the following video so that to understand this exponential progress of our humanity:
Exponential Progress: Can We Expect Mind-Blowing Changes In The Near Future
And look in the following interesting article about how AI will create millions more Jobs than it Will destroy:
So i think we have to be optimistic about this exponential progress of our humanity.
More of my philosophy about enlightenment and more of my thoughts..
So I think i am highly smart since i have passed two certified IQ tests
and i have scored above 115 IQ, and now i will invite you to look at
the following video of the indian philosophy that is making a big mistake:
The Bizarre Life Of An Enlightened Person
So i am discovering in the above video patterns with my fluid intelligence that say to me that the above video of the indian philosophy is making a big mistake, since the above video of the indian philosophy is saying that you can not be enlightned, but
it is "relativism" in philosophy that is not acceptable as morality, since also with this relativism we can also say that the smart humans among us are not smart humans, and this relativism brings an advantage of the being humbleness , but it also brings
a disadvantage of being arrogance, so it is by logical analogy like the we can not say that you have know how to use relativism like you have to know how to use a knife, since the normal distribution says that a not negligible percentage of humans are
genetically violent, it is why i think that so that to be the right safety, we have to be the pragmatic way that also enforces the necessary "hierarchy" of humans so that to be the necessary order in society or in the world, so we have to for example say
that the "highly smart" humans among us are the most important humans, since also they are like the most important engine that we have, since we can easily notice that without the highly smart humans, humanity becomes inferior like inferior animals,
and it is why i have just said the following:
More of my philosophy about the wise man and more of my thoughts..
So I think i am highly smart since i have passed two certified IQ tests
and i have scored above 115 IQ, so i will ask a philosophical question of:
Does the wise man exists and why have we to Love the wise man ?
I think it is a really smart question in philosophy, and i think
it follows a distribution of the more and less wise like the distribution of genetical smartness, and i think that so that to be pragmatic we have to say that the most wise among us is the wise, so then we can logically infer that the wise man does exist
in a pragmatic way, so then the second question above of why do we have to Love the wise man ? i think that the wise man has to be loved for his "respectability", since he is like a good professional, so the being wise is about good professionalism, so
the good professionalism of a wise man or men is a positive energy and a positive spirit, and now read my below explanation of my new proverb so that you understand how it is smart:
More of my philosophy about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..
I think we have not to be pessimistic about the how to be happy,
since i think that humans have also the tendency to know how to take pleasure of beauty (or other pleasures of life) from like the high level layers and not get into the lower level layers into the details and see that beauty is systemic and see that
beauty is in fact not like beauty, so then you have to understand the wisdom of my new proverb below that also makes you understand that the wise way to do is also really important so to also be the right safety, other than that i have talked about the
genealogy and the essence of morality and i have also come with another new philosophy , but notice that the wisdom of my new philosophy permits to make people positive and optimistic and responsable, also notice in my philosophy how i am showing you how
to take care of the how in a governance you have to be this good balance between performance and stability, so read my following thoughts of my philosophy in the following web link so that to understand my views on different subjects:
More of my philosophy about high inflation and more of my thoughts..
Supply chain disruption is a major factor driving prices higher around the globe, as demand for goods such as cars, oil and computer chips have outpaced supplies, but i think we have to be optimistic since i think that the problematic of higher gas and
oil prices will be solved quickly, since fears that tightening Western sanctions on Russia would drastically reduce global oil inventories have proved overblown since Moscow succeeded in replacing European markets with sales to China, India and South
so i think we have to be much more optimistic since i think inflation will go down substantially, so what remains is the chips shortage and the Covid-19 problematic, but i think that the Chips shortage will not last long, since some experts and auto
companies predict that the global chip shortage could ease by the second half of 2022 or so, so then we have to be optimistic since i think that high inflation will not last long and will soon go down substantially.
More of my philosophy about the wise man and more of my thoughts..
So I think i am highly smart since i have passed two certified IQ tests
and i have scored above 115 IQ, so i will ask a philosophical question of:
Does the wise man exists and why have we to Love the wise man ?
I think it is a really smart question in philosophy, and i think
it follows a distribution of the more and less wise like the distribution of genetical smartness, and i think that so that to be pragmatic we have to say that the most wise among us is the wise, so then we can logically infer that the wise man does exist
in a pragmatic way, so then the second question above of why do we have to Love the wise man ? i think that the wise man has to be loved for his "respectability", since he is like a good professional, so the being wise is about good professionalism, so
the good professionalism of a wise man or men is a positive energy and a positive spirit, and now read my below explanation of my new proverb so that you understand how it is smart:
More of my explanation of my new proverb and more of my thoughts..
So I think i am highly smart since i have passed two certified IQ tests
and i have scored above 115 IQ, so i will ask a philosophical question
so that you understand my new proverb below:
But do we have to fear the wise man ?
I think it is about the positive spirit, so i say that the wise man has
to minimize at best the dangers and to maximize at best the opportunities, so then i say that notice carefully that it has to be an "effort", so i think it brings a positive energy or positive spirit, and now i think that you are understanding my new
proverb below, since notice carefully that it says:
"...Since also beauty for a wise man is not just the present beauty, but it is what you wisely make a future beauty."
And i think that when you are wise , this process of making wisely a future beauty is beautiful, since the becoming wise is like a positive spirit or positive energy that brings beauty and makes you happy as i am explaining above, so then reread my new
proverb and you can read all my thoughts of my philosophy below:
More of my philosophy about my new proverb and more of my thoughts..
So I think i am highly smart since i have passed two certified IQ tests
and i have scored above 115 IQ, and here is my new proverb that i have invented quickly:
"When you look at our reality, there is also like many layers
of how to look at beauty, so you can look at beauty from the high level layer of the looking or the appearance of beauty and say that it is beauty, but you can get into the lower level layers into more details and notice that beauty is not like beauty,
so then it shows the importance of the power of abstraction, since i say that you have to look at beauty from the power of abstraction of a wise man point of view so that to be happy, since also beauty for a wise man is not just the present beauty, but
it is what you wisely make a future beauty, since i think that when you become wise you become much more happy and you know how to be patience and how to be happy."
And i invite you to read all my other proverbs that i have invented quickly in the below web links.
More of my philosophy about the english language in Morocco and more of my thoughts..
So I think i am highly smart since i have passed two certified IQ tests
and i have scored above 115 IQ, and now i will talk about the english
language in Morocco, so as i have just said from the paper below, that Foreign direct investment has a "significant" and positive impact on economic growth in Morocco, but we can notice that so that to be efficient, Morocco has to master much more the
languages of english, and french and arabic, as i think i am mastering them much more, since notice how i am inventing quickly, and with ease, my poems in both english and french, and notice how i am inventing quickly my thoughts of my philosophy, and
this proves that i master much more english and french, so, so that to understand more what is happening with the english and french languages in Morocco, i invite you to read the following interesting article:
Morocco: Will English replace French as the new primary official language?
Read more here:
And so that to notice the how i have mastered the english language, here is one of my new poem about the english language:
More of my philosophy about the english language and more..
As i have just said in my new poem below, that the english language
is easy, and here is more proof of it, read the following so
that to notice it:
Why is English Easy to Learn?
Here is my new poem:
English is not like the yiddish
Since english is so "easy" but not like the boyish
Since it is not a Darwinian language but a kind of embellish
And i say it with sincerity even if i am not the british
English is not like the yiddish
Since it permits to transcend and to accomplish
And not to stay lonely and as just a simple dervish
English is not like the yiddish
So i am the beautiful white arab and not the Turkish
And i am swimming using the beautiful english so that to not perish
And it is why English is not for me like the yiddish
And my beautiful way is not like smoking the hashish
And read my following poems that i have invented quickly:
More of my philosophy about economy and about Morocco and more of my thoughts..
Here is more proof of what i have just said previously about Foreign direct investment in Morocco, read it below, so read the following paper, from International journal of accounting , finance, auditing , management & economics, that says the following
about Morocco:
"Indeed, we have shown from the econometric model representing the simultaneous equations that FDI(Foreign direct investment) has a significant and positive impact on economic growth for the case of Morocco during the period 1970-2019."
And it says the following about Morocco:
"The results of our empirical study show that the first hypothesis is confirmed. Thus, we conclude that “Foreign direct investment is a determining factor of economic growth”. Indeed, our empirical results show FDI directly impact economic growth."
Read more here on the following paper:
More of my philosophy about Morocco and about Foreign direct investments and more of my thoughts..
I have just looked at the following interesting video of the new Morocco’s inspiring Minister of the Economy, Nadia Fettah Alaoui, so i invite you to look at it (and the video is in french language):
Also i invite you to read the following english article about Morocco’s inspiring Minister of the Economy, Nadia Fettah Alaoui:
Nadia Fettah Alaoui, Leading the Moroccan Economy
And notice carefully that it says the following about Morocco:
"Under Fettah’s leadership, the Ministry has introduced a number of key initiatives and policies that focus on rapidly growing foreign direct investment (FDI) in Morocco. Since then, the country has attracted the attention of international investors
through noteworthy domestic investment brands such as Morocco Now and Morocco Tech."
So i think that that growing foreign direct investment (FDI) in Morocco
is important for Morocco, and read what i have said about
it in my previous thoughts here:
More of my philosophy about economic growth and about economy and more of my thoughts..
I think i am highly smart and i say that we have not to simplify too much the Macroeconomic model , so we have to take into account the most important factors, so i think that the economic growth is provided by attraction of the investments, and by the
labour resources, also by the scientific and technical progress that promotes the efficiency growth of all resources, it is why i think that Morocco my country has to much more efficiently attract Foreign Direct Investments that is so important for
economic growth, not only that, but Morocco has to higher productivity by also providing a good education for its people, but i think that Morocco has a young and relatively well-trained population and a relatively low labour cost, so i think that the
best way for Morocco is to attract Foreign Direct Investments that enhance quality and productivity and Morocco has to higher much more productivity, but so that to attract much more efficiently Foreign Direct Investments, i think Morocco has also to
also enlarge its market by being high economic "integration" with the other Maghrebis or Maghrebians countries such as Algeria and Tunisia etc. and it has also to easy more the administrative burdens that slow down business activities, and i also think
that Morocco's debt-to-GDP is not so bad, other than that i think we can be optimistic about capitalism since capitalism is not a zero sum game, since with a reasonable level of growth, capitalism can both deliver rising living standards for most, and
still ensure a relatively high rate of return to the owners of capital.
More of my philosophy about the GDP per capita and about properity and more of my thoughts..
The ideal GDP growth rate is between 2% and 3%, and we know that economic growth is measured as the annual percent change of gross domestic product (GDP), so notice in the following graphical chart
that Rwanda has highered much more economic growth by attracting Foreign direct investments, and notice in the following chart how the net inflow in percentage of GDP between years 2010 and 2020 was very good:
So i think that the economic miracle of Rwanda comes mainly from Foreign direct investments.
So as you notice that highering much more economic growth by Foreign direct investments is the best way for Morocco too, and i think that
Morocco can be much more successful than Rwanda since Morocco has also a strategic location, between Europe and sub-Saharan Africa and notice that so that to attract much more efficiently Foreign Direct Investments, you have also to ensure good
governance, which includes accountability, transparency and efficiency in deploying scarce resources to key sectors of the national economy.
More of my philosophy about economic growth and more of my thoughts..
So I think i am highly smart since i have passed two certified IQ tests
and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i have just discovered a pattern
with my fluid intelligence by looking at the following interesting
How can IRELAND be the RICHEST country in EUROPE? - VisualPolitik EN
So I think i am highly smart since i have passed two certified IQ tests
and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i think the important pattern
that i am discovering with my fluid intelligence in the above video,
[continued in next message]
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