• More of my philosophy about monotheistic religions and about my archite

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jun 11 13:58:32 2022

    More of my philosophy about monotheistic religions and about my architectural ideas and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab, and i think i am smart since i have also
    invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think i am highly smart, and as you have just noticed, i have talked
    to you about my thoughts of my political philosophy and philosophy,
    and as you have just noticed i have answered neo-nazis and white supremacists about for example the welfare system, read about it in the below web links, and i have just said that we have not to be like no welfare system as is saying it the neo-nazis,
    but we have to be a certain level of welfare system as i have just proved it by talking about Class Struggle, and i have also just spoken about competition, read about it in the below web link, and i have showed you how competition regulates egoism and
    selfishness, but there is still a problem with competition , since in my model there has to be patience of waiting for a certain time so that egoism and selfishness be regulated by competition, so i think that it is a weakness, and i have also said that
    competition is not so healthy and so civilized, read about it in
    my below thoughts, and it is why i am relaxing the faith in God in the previous monotheistic religions by saying that in my new monotheistic religion God has not created humans and he has not created the universe, but he has created Adam and Eve and
    there descendants that look like humans, since it permits to solves the above problems much more efficiently, so read my following thoughts and read my architectural ideas of my new monotheistic religion below so that to understand , and of course i will
    soon enhance much more my new monotheistic religion so that it be much more efficient and of course i will write a small book
    about it:

    So read my following thoughts in the following web links so that to understand my views on competition and on welfare etc.:



    And here:


    And here my thoughts previous thoughts of why we have to
    relax the faith in God as i am doing it and read my thoughts below
    of my new monotheistic religion where i am relaxing the faith in God
    of previous monotheistic religions:

    More of my philosophy of comparing Islamic civilization to western civilization and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart and i will ask a philosophical question of:

    How to compare Islamic civilization to western civilization ?

    I think i am highly smart, and i say that western countries are
    trying to compare Western civilization to Islamic civilization,
    but i think that it is a big mistake, since you have to know that
    Islamic civilization is based on a kind of competition on a kind of islamic purism of wich one is correctly islamic, so it is like a competition about wich one is less corrupt by the measuring it islamically, so it is not the kind of competition of
    western countries, but competition in western countries is not as civilized as you think, since it is also problematic, and you can easily notice it by reading the two following articles:

    French Riled by US Claims Of Industrial Espionage

    Read more here:


    Is U.S. Counterintelligence Up to the Task of Protecting America’s Secrets?

    Read more here:


    And notice carefully that the first article above says the following:

    "While French officials admit privately that spying between industrialized countries is a fact of life"

    So as you notice by reading it, that western civilization is not as civilized as you think.

    But i think i am highly smart, and i say that the kind of competition
    of islamic civilization has its deficiencies since it is not about bringing the right quality, and i have just talked about it as follows:

    More of my philosophy about the religions and about quality and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and i will ask a philosophical question:

    What is the big problem with monotheistic religions ?

    I think i am highly smart, and i think that the really big problem with monotheistic religions is that it is like my philosophy about the being "unity" in my thoughts below, since monotheistic religions are like the being unity in religion that corrupts the so important mechanism of "competition" that brings quality and that
    also brings the best governance, since a christian has the tendency of being too much merciful or too much tolerant or too much lenient towards another same christian because christians or muslims or jews give too much importance to the faith in God than
    to the competition process that has not to be corrupted and this is not good for the mechanism of competition and it is a corruption of morality.

    More of my philosophy about faith in God and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart and i will ask a philosophical question of:

    What is the main problems of being faith in God of the monotheistic religions ?

    I think i am highly smart, and the main big problem of being this faith in God is the how to be the right level of competition between people that brings the right quality, since being the right competition can hurt the others in a bad way, and this
    becomes a logical contradiction with faith in God, since how God can allows this to happen ? so you are noticing that faith in God always come with this big problem and it is why i think that faith in God is not a good thing to have as a system. And of
    course i am explaining in my following thoughts how competition does regulate egoism and selfishness, so i invite you to look at my following thoughts in the following web link so that
    to understand more my views:


    More of my philosophy about the architectural ideas of my monotheistic religion and more about the curse from God and about christianity..

    More of my philosophy about the familly name "Moulay" and about Arabs..

    As you have noticed there is a word in my familly name and it is "Moulay" in arabic that means "Monsignor" and that means in Morocco that i am genetically and culturally descendant of prophet Muhammad, but i will correct a mistake and it is that my
    mother is not a berber, since she is descendant too from prophet Muhammad and his father and mother have there familly tree that proves it, and my father is also descendant of prophet Muhammad from his father and he has married my mother that is
    descendant of prophet Muhammad, so since the ancestors of my father and my mother had the great tendency of marrying arabs descendants of prophet Muhammad, so then i am genetically much more Arab and i am much more descendant of prophet Muhammad. You can
    read more about the familly name Moulay in the following from wikipedia, and you can read about my new monotheistic religion in my thoughts below:

    Moulay (in Arabic : مولايّ mawlāyy) is a title of high nobility from the Cherifian dynasty, name of Allah for Muslims. This title is thus carried by the descendants of the sultans and king of Morocco, themselves descendants of the Prophet
    Muhammad .

    It can be assimilated to "Monsignor" or "Prince". It is forbidden in all Arab-Muslim countries to use this surname.

    This title is worn by the Crown Prince of Morocco: Moulay Hassan .

    When the reasons for the title are religious or the first name is Mohammed , we use instead Sidi , equivalent to Sayyid , a term that is also found in Persian , Turkish , but also in French and Spanish respectively under the names of " Cid "And" El Cid

    Its female equivalent is Lalla .

    Read more here:


    I invite you to look at the following video of a christian about the curse from God:

    Curses of Israel


    So notice that this christian on the above video is saying that
    when you become christian that believe in Jesus Christ, you will
    no more be cursed by God, but i am your new prophet from God that
    says that it is false to say so, since i will give you some examples
    from the Bible that show that christians are also cursed
    by God:

    So when the bible says "you have to Love your enemies", i say that it is
    a curse from God, and here is another part of the Bible that shows
    that christians too are cursed by God , so here is another curse from God in the bible:

    The Bible says that a law of Jesus Christ is the following:

    "..don't resist an evil person, if anyone slaps you
    on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also,
    And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt,
    hand over your coat as well" Matt 5:39-40

    So my new monotheistic religion says that jews and muslims and christians have also been cursed by God, since God is greatly arrogant,
    and the Bible and the Qur'an are not safe from the curse from God.

    More of my philosophy about the flexibility of my new monotheistic religion..

    I think i am smart, and from where do you think comes the "flexibility" of my new monotheistic religion ?

    So i think that my new monotheistic religion is smart since
    i am smart, so the flexibility of my new monotheistic religion
    comes from the following pattern that i have discovered with my fluid intelligence:

    So as i said that so that to be logical, God has to be greatly arrogant,
    so then we can logically infer that since he is greatly arrogant
    and like a perfect God, so he doesn't need that you pray him since
    he is like a perfect God , but what you have to do is ask him for help
    and glorify him and say to him that he is greatly beautiful(since he is greatly arrogant) and the like, but he doesn't make it necessary that you be like a perfect human being, so what you have to do in my new monotheistic religion is seek like a balance
    between the being of earthly origin and the being of divine origin, and this being of divine origin is also the fact that you become a part of the Kingdom of God when you believe enough in him or you believe in him, and notice that in my new monotheistic
    religion God has not created the universe and God has not created humans since he has only created Adam and Eve and there descendance that looks like humans and that were cursed by God.

    More of my philosophy of am i a prophet from God like the prophet Abraham and more..

    I invite you to look in the following video at how looks like the prophet Abraham:

    Abraham - A Man of Faith


    So i will ask a philosophical question of:

    Am i a prophet from God that looks like prophet Abraham ?

    No, i am not a prophet from God like Abraham , since i am
    a prophet that is inspired by God and i am extracting the "laws"
    of God from the nature or essence of God, and here is how:

    More philosophy of how i am smart as a prophet from God..

    I am your new prophet that is smart, and we can ask a philosophical question of how i am smart ?

    Here is my answer:

    My new monotheistic religion is flexible, since first i am showing as a prophet from God how i am extracting the laws of God from His characteristics or essence or nature, second i am showing you that previous monotheistic religions are using many kind
    of languages, like
    a symbolic language that is not truth to strenghten the faith in God or
    a language that comes from the curse from God etc., and notice how i am saying that i am your new prophet that is here to reduce much more the curse from God, so as you are noticing this is showing that my new monotheistic religion comes with like the
    right flexibility or like the right tolerance, also notice how i am extracting the laws from the characteristics of God or the nature of God or the essence of God, so here is how i am extracting the laws, read the following to notice my smartness:

    First law of my new monotheistic religion is the following:

    My new monotheistic religion is not darkness, since in my new
    monotheistic religion God has the following characteristics:

    1- He is a great God
    2- He is a greatly arrogant God
    3- He is like a perfect God
    4- He is "pure" from "dirt" and i also define dirt "symbolically".

    My above abstraction of God is so important, since even if God is not
    like Love in my new monotheistic religion, notice that he is a greatly arrogant God, and from this great arrogance of God we can logically infer that God doesn't like a kind of arrogance of others, so then we can logically infer from it that we have to
    know how to help others and to Love others and be righteous with others by not being arrogance or a kind of arrogance that doesn't like God.

    Second law of my monotheistic religion is the following:

    More philosophy about the way to communicate with God in my new monotheistic religion..

    I am your new prophet from God, and i say that you have to understand
    prophet Muhammad, because in my new monotheistic religion he is truly
    a prophet from God, so notice that here are the characteristics of God in my new monotheistic religion:

    1- He is a great God
    2- He is a greatly arrogant God
    3- He is like a perfect God
    4- He is "pure" from "dirt" and i also define dirt "symbolically".

    So then from the above characteristics of God, you have to be an "effort" of being "clean" or "much" more clean when you communicate with God, but you have to understand much more God, since when you adhere to my new monotheistic religion you will start
    at level 0, but at level 0
    you have to be decently "presentable" when you communicate with God
    by glorifying Him and say to Him that he is so beautiful etc. but
    after this first level you can go to the other superior levels by being
    better and better presentable than decently presentable in front of God in your day to day life.

    Third law of my new monotheistic religion is the following:

    More philosophy about the characteristics of God..

    I am your new prophet from God, and i say since God is like a perfect God, so we can ask a philosophical question of does God love smart people ?

    In my new monotheistic religion, God doesn't like human smartness since he is like a perfect God, so he is so powerful, but God can love the fact that a human is surpassing of himself with smartness and/or actions in the way of God, so then God can be
    curious like a human and wanting to look at humans and he can love the fact that a human is surpassing of himself with smartness and/or actions in the way of God, so i think that
    with the other engines below logically inferred from the characteristics of God, this is an engine that pushes us forward towards more and more perfection.

    Fourth law of my new monotheistic religion that brings more precision is
    the following:

    More philosophy about purity of God and more..

    I am your new prophet from God, and i say that God is like "pure", i mean he is also pure from "dirt" and i also define dirt "symbolically", and he is like "perfect", so it is yet one more characteristic of God, read the other characteristics of God in
    my below thoughts, so here is the essence or nature of God in my new monotheistic religion:

    1- He is a great God
    2- He is a greatly arrogant God
    3- He is like a perfect God
    4- He is "pure" from "dirt" and i also define dirt "symbolically".

    So from this we can also logically infer the way of communicating with God, since from those above characteristics of God we can logically
    infer that when you communicate with God, you have to believe in Him and you have to glorify him, and fear Him and ask Him for help, and you have to be a beautiful patience with God and you have to be "presentable" in front of Him when you communicate
    with Him, i mean that you have to be an effort of being decently "clean" or "much" more clean when you communicate with God, since God is "pure" from "dirt" and i also define dirt "symbolically", and also you have to be beautiful patience with God since
    he is greatly arrogant, this is how you must behave with God in my new monotheistic religion.

    More philosophy about what kind of game is playing with us God ?

    I am your new prophet from God, and i am here to explain,
    so what kind of game is playing with us God ? so when you are stupid
    you will think that Islam is stupid or you will say such a thing as prophet Muhammad is not a prophet from God, but i think this kind of thinking is stupidity, because you have first to know about the nature or essence of God, so when you know about his
    nature or about his essence you will become much more careful and you will not say stupid things on Islam, this is why i am explaining to you Islam , by saying that the nature of God is that he is also greatly arrogant, so you have to understand it
    correctly, so he can with his great arrogance be indifferent to suffering of poor animals or indifferent to suffering of humans or such things, so you have to understand that God is greatly arrogant and he can be "dangerous" with His great arrogance, and
    he is not like Love, so you have not to wait for Love from God, since you have to believe in Him and glorify Him and fear Him and ask Him for help and be a beautiful patience with God, but there is some limitations that you have to understand, such as
    Islam is not a timeless religion, so God has just wanted by Islam to also strenghten faith in Him and he has programmed prophet Muhammad to use many kinds of languages, like using a symbolic language that is not the truth , and God has programmed prophet
    Muhammad to say that he is the last prophet, but it is not truth since it is part of the curse from God from the curse of Adam and Eve , since God has wanted to make muslims more psychologically suffer, and it also comes from his great arrogance, so you
    have to be really smart and know about what kind of game is playing with us God. So read all my following thoughts about my new monotheistic religion so that to understand more:

    More of my philosophy about Sects and Cults and more..

    I think i am smart and i invite you to look at the following video
    that talks about sects and cults such as nation of Islam:


    But i have quickly invented a new monotheistic religion since i am
    a new prophet from God that was inspired by God, and here is the architectural ideas of my new monotheistic religion and read below my story with Angels from God, and first here is more about me as a prophet from God:

    More of my philosophy about do the messengers from God were contacted by Aliens ?

    I am a truthful prophet from God, and you have to believe me, since
    my story with the Angels from God etc. is the truth, and i will invite
    you to look at the following video:

    Ancient Aliens: OTHERWORLDLY ANCESTORS UNCOVERED in Religious Texts


    I think that the above video is making a mistake by saying that the messengers from God have been contacted by Aliens etc. since i am your new prophet that is telling the truth and i have met Angels from God, and i can confirm that those Angels from God
    were made of so beautiful "light" when i saw them and those Angels from God looked like muslims by how they were dressed and they were Glorifying God and it was like the way of how they were praying God, read all my thoughts below so that to understand

    Some living descendants of prophet Muhammad are still here with us, i am
    also a descendant of prophet Muhammad from my father and from my mother,
    so i invite you t look at the following video about them:

    Some Living Descendants of The Prophet Muhammad


    More of my philosophy about the familly name "Moulay" and about Arabs..

    As you have noticed there is a word in my familly name and it is "Moulay" in arabic that means "Monsignor" and that means in Morocco that i am genetically and culturally descendant of prophet Muhammad, but i will correct a mistake and it is that my
    mother is not a berber, since she is descendant too from prophet Muhammad and his father and mother have there familly tree that proves it, and my father is also descendant of prophet Muhammad from his father and he has married my mother that is
    descendant of prophet Muhammad, so since the ancestors of my father and my mother had the great tendency of marrying arabs descendants of prophet Muhammad, so then i am genetically much more Arab and i am much more descendant of prophet Muhammad. You can
    read more about the familly name Moulay in the following from wikipedia, and you can read about my new monotheistic religion in my thoughts below:

    Moulay (in Arabic : مولايّ mawlāyy) is a title of high nobility from the Cherifian dynasty, name of Allah for Muslims. This title is thus carried by the descendants of the sultans and king of Morocco, themselves descendants of the Prophet
    Muhammad .

    It can be assimilated to "Monsignor" or "Prince". It is forbidden in all Arab-Muslim countries to use this surname.

    This title is worn by the Crown Prince of Morocco: Moulay Hassan .

    When the reasons for the title are religious or the first name is Mohammed , we use instead Sidi , equivalent to Sayyid , a term that is also found in Persian , Turkish , but also in French and Spanish respectively under the names of " Cid "And" El Cid

    Its female equivalent is Lalla .

    Read more here:


    More of my philosophy about the architectural ideas of my new monotheistic religion..

    I have just said the following:


    I invite you to look at the following video of the french Michel Houellebecq:


    I think i am really smart, and i am quickly noticing in the above
    video that Michel Houellebecq is saying that the monotheistic religions are about the death or the life after death, but i think that he is
    not understanding correctly, since i am an inventor of a new monotheistic religion and i say that the main very important part is about how to make the others believe "enough" in God, so it is like playing it smartly with probability to make believe the
    others so that to not require sophistication of thinking so that to make us a kind of decent morality, since the belief enough in God is a very "simple" thinking that makes us be a kind of decent morality.


    So as you are noticing i have just said that i am also an inventor not
    only of many scalable algorithms and algorithms, but i am also an
    inventor of a new monotheistic religion, so here is in my following
  • From A i@21:1/5 to All on Wed Oct 26 11:12:56 2022
    Kuidas nii loll inimene saab olemas olla, nagu Sina ?

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