• Read again, i correct about more of my philosophy about pleasures of li

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 15 17:42:05 2021

    Read again, i correct about more of my philosophy about pleasures of life and more..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think that the pleasure also comes from being stupid and looking
    at a smarter movie, but i think that this pleasure is not a full pleasure since it lacks pleasure since you are a stupid looking
    at a smarter movie, so this is why i think technologically advanced extraterrestrials than us are not so advanced, and i will explain
    more my logical proofs in my next book of my new philosophy.

    More of my philosophy about much more advanced extraterrestrials..

    I think i am really smart and i say that much more technologically advanced extraterrestrials than us are not so advanced, because you have to look at how they can be happy, so you have to look at the problem of
    happiness since it is the most important problem, so i think that we are really "advanced", since you have to prioritize by weight of importance, since happiness is possible today, so we have to be positive and read my below thoughts so that to

    More of my philosophy about reading the mind of the future..

    I think i am really smart, and i say that i can like efficiently read the mind of the future and much further in the future, since it is like weights of importance, since the great weight of importance is not that we will be so technologically advanced
    in the future, since it is about the problem of "happiness", so i think that i have found the way to "forecast" happiness of the future and i have found the constraints on happiness and this is why i have also just invented a concept that i am talking
    about below, so i think from my calculations that happiness will come from "few" kind of pleasures of life, and you have to know how to be disciplined at how to use efficiently those few kind of pleasures of life so that to be happy, and i will explain
    it much more in my next book of my new philosophy.

    More of my philosophy of is happiness possible..

    I think i am a smart, and i will say that happiness is possible, and since we are constantly interacting with our world and with its imperfections too, so happiness can not just come from the inside from the spirit of a human, so those imperfections of
    the world are like a big weight that you can not lift and that make you much less happy or sad and that you have to like smartly lift so that to be much more happy, so how can you smartly and individually lift those big weights?, so as you are noticing
    it is like physics, and look at how you can do it in physics in the following video:

    Levers and lifting objects | Simple machines | Physics


    And attaining happiness is like in physics, since you have to like use smart levers so that to lift the big weights of those imperfections of our world that make us much less happy or sad, so in my new philosophy i have also just invented a powerful
    concept that is like a lever that permits to like lift big weights of those imperfections of our world that make us much less happy or sad, and my new concept make you much more happy, and this concept of mine is like a "plan" that you have to follow so
    that to be much more happy, and my new concept also shows how to construct a "kind" of pleasures of life that make you much more happy, so i will write a book about my new philosophy that also includes my new concept that i have just invented and i will
    also extend my new philosophy with much more creative ideas.

    Here is my just new smart proverb:

    "When you want to fly like a bird, you can fly like a bird and look from high above from the sky at our world as a "beautiful" world without looking at its imperfections and then you can be more happy, or you can look at our world from the inside and
    think about it from inside by looking at its imperfections and be much less happy or sad, so how do you solve this problem ? so when you are smart you will notice that we can solve the problem by also powerfully energizing the spirit using the positive
    spirit so that to transcend much better the imperfections of our world, and in my new philosophy i will speak about how to efficiently and powerfully energize the spirit using the positive spirit"

    And here is my other new proverb:

    "Human smartness is finding a small number of tools that permit to
    solve a great number of problems, so when you look carefully at what is
    human smartness you will notice that it is not about great quantity, it
    is about a small quantity of good quality that permits us to be so
    powerful. Being smart is not about quantity, it is much more about quality."

    So i think i am smart and i will explain my new proverb above:

    With pattern recognition of fluid intelligence we are finding
    patterns that are the tools, and we are understanding and applying those patterns that we are finding with fluid intelligence to
    other many other new problems, so then we are not finding the patterns
    again and again, so then we are not finding the tools that are those
    patterns again and again, so pattern recognition of fluid intelligence
    is a minimization process that permits to find a small number of tools
    that permit to solve great number of problems. I think i am smart, and I
    have to be more precise, so you have to understand that the minimization process above is on the "finding", so when i say in my proverb above:
    "Human smartness is finding a small number of tools that permit to solve
    a great number of problems", the "finding a small number" is my good
    abstract thinking and it means that it is a minimization process on the "finding", since we are not "finding" the tools that are the patterns
    again and again.

    More of my philosophy about my other just new proverb..

    I think i am smart and i will explain my following just new proverb:

    "You don't learn a valuable lesson from making mistakes, but you learn a valuable lesson from being the right prevention and making the mistakes"

    So if you say that you learn a valuable lesson from making mistakes, it is the general way of saying, so it includes the mistakes that have not be prevented by the right prevention, so then this way of learning must
    logically not be allowed, so then it becomes not a valuable lesson as in my new proverb, so i think that the general way of saying it is the way of my new proverb.

    So as i am saying below:

    I will say that since you have two types of learning, and here they are:

    1- Learning by being the right prevention

    2- Learning by not being the right prevention

    So the second way of learning by using the right prevention is the right way.

    Here is my just new proverb:

    "You don't learn a valuable lesson from making mistakes, but you learn a valuable lesson from being the right prevention and making the mistakes"

    So I invite you to look at the following known black american that
    says the following:


    Here he is in the following video:


    So i think i am smart, and from my just new above proverb you are understanding that the above general saying of the known black american is not smart, since the "failure" comes also from the mistakes. And
    now by reading my just new above proverb you are understanding my logical proof below, so read all my previous thoughts below:

    More of my philosophy about white supremacism and neo-nazism..

    I think i am smart and i think that the problem of today Western countries is that they are not being the right Elitism, since i think that populism is not the right Elitism that we require, so i will give you an example so that you understand, so look
    at the following new article of a journalist of a white supremacist website in USA called national vanguard:


    So i think that this article is not smart since look carefully
    at how he is ranking Survival,Truth and Justice, Freedom, etc.
    and notice carefully that he is saying that Survival comes before Truth,
    and i think that it is not smart to say so, since i think i am smart and i say that Survival is like my smart redefinition of Utilitarianism, since you have to survive in the present and you have to survive in the near future or in the future, so since
    you have to survive this way so you have to survive as a group to be better survival and then responsability is inherent to it since you have also to be more organized as a group so that to survive in the near future or future, so then since this
    responsability is inherent so we can logically say that you have to be more organized by using more sophisticated knowledge or smartness, so then this more sophisticated knowledge comes with truth that permits you to be better organized so that to
    survive, so then this proves that we can not simply Rank Survival before the truth, so then my logical proof is finished and it shows that the above article is not right by Ranking as he is ranking.

    More of my philosophy of what is exactly smartness..

    So what is exactly smartness ?

    So i will think "rapidly" the answer of this question as follows:

    If you look below at how i am discovering rapidly the pattern with my fluid intelligence in my logical proof, i think this shows more what is smartness of the fluid intelligence, i think that being smart is also the fluid intelligence that discovers
    patterns, and i think that a pattern that you discover with your fluid intelligence is like a static or dynamic "system" that you discover, and this pattern recognition in human fluid intelligence is to recognize a particular way in which something is
    done, is organized, or happens and this pattern that you discover can be low level or high level, for example look at my below logical proof and how i am discovering the pattern with my fluid intelligence and since the pattern that i have just discovered
    gives a high level knowledge that is the pattern in itself, so i think it is a high level pattern, so there is also low level patterns that are a low level knowledge, and the high level knowledge is like Macroeconomics and the low level knowledge is like
    Microeconomics and when you discover the sophisticated patterns with your fluid intelligence , those sophisticated patterns are the tools that make you more smart or much more smart.

    And read carefully my following thoughts of my philosophy about what is smartness:


    More of my philosophy about being logically consistent..

    I invite you to look at the following known black american that
    says the following:


    Here he is in the following video:


    And we had, before the above saying, the same saying in Morocco as following:

    "Koul 3atra fiha khir"

    But i think that the above black american is not smart and that those above sayings are not smart and are not logically consistent, and i think i am smart and i am rapidly seeing a pattern with my fluid intelligence and here it is:

    I will say that since you have two types of learning, and here they are:

    1- Learning by being the right prevention

    2- Learning by not being the right prevention

    So i think the above sayings are not logically consistent,
    since if in the second type of learning above you have made a mistake
    that you have not to make if you are the right prevention, you can not "simply" say as a conclusion by being "positive" that it is a "valuable" lesson, since logically this positive way of saying is not logically allowed since the conclusion must be that
    making the mistake is a stupidity that you had not to make and that it is not a "valuable" lesson , so then i say that the above sayings are logically inconsistent.

    And if you want logically consistent proverbs, here is my new proverbs that are logically consistent and that are interesting:

    So you can read all my proverbs that i have just invented quickly here:


    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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