• More of my philosophy about the higher purpose and meaning and more of

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Sat May 28 18:41:31 2022

    More of my philosophy about the higher purpose and meaning and more of my thoughts..

    I have just looked at the following video, and i invite you to look
    at it:

    Meaning without Higher Meaning - Existentialism


    So i think i am highly smart, and i am noticing the defect of the existentialism point of view in the above video, since i think
    that the meaning and the purpose of human existence is to play it
    smartly, since you have to play it smartly like in a game of chess,
    i don't mean that we have to be violent, but we have to be this satisfaction of playing it smartly as an individual and as a group and as a world, so i think it is how i am doing it, i am playing it smartly so that to also get the satisfaction of playing
    it smartly, and this satisfaction of playing it smartly is my engine, and it i think it is a good purpose and a good meaning of human existence. But notice carefully that in a game of chess there is a winner and there is a loser, but the loser has to
    play it smartly too so that to "win"
    the satisfaction of playing it smartly, and it is how we have to become smart by playing it smartly so that to get the satisfaction of playing it smartly even if humanity is not able to be successful.

    Here is my new proverb:

    "There one type of smartness that is interesting to look at,
    and it is also the one that i have just used by explaining to you what is the truth, read it carefully below, and i will call it smartness of the being "resourceful", since i say that resourcefulness is one of the most important things, and it is a skill,
    and the good news is: this skill can be learned and mastered, and resourcefulness is attained only when we combine the resourceful mindset and skills, so we have to filter out some of the most useful resources that help us, and resourcefulness is also
    to know who/what to look for and what to ask, and when ressourcefulness is attained this becomes an engine that permits you to have hope and to be energetic and to be positive in doing what you are doing, since resourcefulness also permits to easy the
    jobs for you"

    And read my previous thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about mathematics and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think i am highly smart, and i think that in the truth what is so important is the general rule that i am talking about in my below thoughts below, and it is from where comes the truth, since we can also say that we need the truth since we also exist
    as humans and consciousness of humans, so it is why we have to make it clear that the general rule that i am talking about is the from where comes the truth, so then i can logically infer that this general rule can be used again and again so that to
    logically infer the truth, and it is in accordance with the general rule, so then we have to distinguish between the
    truth and the reality of the existence, since being truth is not being reality of the existence, since we can use a general rule that is based on the theoretical that doesn't exist, but i think that the general rule can be based on the reality of the
    existence, so then from the characteristics that are realistic of the ingredients of general rule you can logically infer some rules that are useful for the reality of the existence, and i think that it is how works mathematics, since for example when
    you work in topology in mathematics,
    a point is also a concept defined by characteristics that are also reality of the existence, so from a point you can generate a 2d or a 3d object, so then the result of it can still have characteristics that are realistic.

    Read my previously thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about the Islamic philosophy and more of my thoughts..
    I think i am highly smart and i have just taken a look at the Islamic philosophy here:


    And notice what it is saying about the "truth" in Islamic philosophy:


    So it for example says the following:

    "In his Quodlibeta, Thomas Aquinas wrote a commentary on Avicenna's definition of truth in his Metaphysics and explained it as follows:

    The truth of each thing, as Avicenna says in his Metaphysica, is nothing else than the property of its being which has been established in it. So that is called true gold which has properly the being of gold and attains to the established determinations
    of the nature of gold. Now, each thing has properly being in some nature because it stands under the complete form proper to that nature, whereby being and species in that nature is.[30]"

    But i think i am highly smart, and i have just thought rapidly of what is the "truth", and here is what i say:

    I think the truth needs like a general rule from where you logically infer, and the general rule is like a theorem in mathematics, so i give
    you an example so that you understand my views:

    So when i say:

    This table in front of us is truth, what does it means ?

    So i think that the language of humans is composed of abstractions,
    and the table is also an "abstraction" as a "concept", so i think
    that when we say the table is truth we have to follow like a logical path, in form of a rule, of explaining it, so then we can say that the
    table is truth is decomposed in the following rule:

    First we have to say that the "table" is a concept, so "then" is this
    table in front of us correspond to a concept, so we have to
    follow the following rule:

    If the table in front of us is truth, so it has to correspond
    to the concept of a table, so we have to "verify" if its existence
    has the characteristics of the concept of the table.

    So as you notice that we have to follow like a general rule that
    looks like a theorem in mathematics and that permits us to say if it is the truth. And i think all the possibilities of the being truth have to follow the same general rule of decomposing into a form like of theorem in mathematics so that to prove that
    it is like logically consistent
    and that makes the truth or not. And of course when we make
    logical proofs, you will notice that we are using rules with Logical implication and that permits also to logically infer and validate the logical proofs such as:

    (p -> q) is equivalent to ((not(q) -> not(p))


    (not(p) -> 0) is equivalent to p

    Note that p and q are logical variables.

    So then notice that even this possibility adheres to the general rule that i am speaking about.

    And I have also searched more on internet the most precise and correct Gödel's First incompleteness theorem, and here it is:

    "Any consistent formal system F within which a certain amount of elementary arithmetic can be carried out is incomplete; i.e., there are statements of the language of F which can neither be proved nor disproved in F"

    And in mathematics, a statement is a declarative sentence that is either true or false but not both. A statement is sometimes called a proposition. The key is that there must be no ambiguity. To be a statement, a sentence "must" be true or false, and it
    cannot be both.

    So that means that we know that the statement is true or false but it can not be proven true or false, so we then logically infer that
    we can not prove the consistency of the system , so the statement can be that it is like an axiom in mathematics that is true but that we can not prove by such logical inference or deduction, so then the system
    remains really useful even if it's incomplete by Gödel's incompleteness theorems, so i think that Gödel's incompleteness theorems are not so problematic.

    More of my philosophy about the exponential progress and about capitalism and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and of course i have to talk more about why i am optimistic about capitalism, and here is why , read the following thoughts about the Ramez Naam’s new book so that to understand:

    The Limits of the Earth, Part 1: Problems

    "In my own new book, The Infinite Resource: The Power of Ideas on a Finite Planet, I challenge this view. The problem isn’t economic growth, per se. Nor is the problem that our natural resources are too small. While finite, the natural resources the
    planet supplies are vast and far larger than humanity needs in order to continue to thrive and grow prosperity for centuries to come. The problem, rather, is the types of resources we access, and the manner and efficiency with which we use them.

    And the ultimate solution to those problems is innovation – innovation in the science and technology that we use to tap into physical resources, and innovation in the economic system that steers our consumption.

    The situation we’re in isn’t a looming wall that we’re doomed to crash into. It’s a race – a race between depletion and pollution of natural resources on one side, and our pace of innovation on the other."

    Read more here:


    And i also say that we have "just" already attained the knee
    of the exponential progress curve, this knee of the curve is the place
    where growth suddenly switches from a slower to an even faster
    exponential mode, so now the curve of exponential progress of our
    humanity has "just" already started to go exponentially even much
    faster, this is why i say that in about 10 years from now we will become so powerful because of it. And you have to look at the following video so that to understand this exponential progress of our humanity:

    Exponential Progress: Can We Expect Mind-Blowing Changes In The Near Future


    And you can read my thoughts about artificial intelligence and productivity and about China and its artificial intelligence and computer chips in the following web link:


    And you can read my following thoughts about Nanotechnology and about Exponential Progress in the following web link:


    More of my philosophy about the american dream and more of my thoughts..

    The American dream was initially conceived by Thomas Jefferson as each citizen’s right to the pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, this american dream is not about guaranteed outcomes, of course, but the pursuit of opportunities, so
    notice carefully
    that i have just spoken more and more about those kind of opportunities
    that we have to have and that makes the american dream, like for example
    my talking in my below thoughts about Progressive Capitalism of Joseph E. Stiglitz, since Joseph E. Stiglitz is saying in his videos below that he has advised the democratic party about his reforms of his progressive capitalism, so read my below thoughts
    carefully so that to understand:

    And I have just looked at many videos on youtube of Joseph Stiglitz and
    i have just understood him well, but i have just quickly found the following interesting video of him that explains well the reforms that we need so that to be progressive capitalism, and he is saying in this video that he has advised the democratic
    party about his reforms of his
    progressive capitalism and i think that he is a democrat, so i
    invite you to look at his following interesting video so that
    to understand:

    Joseph Stiglitz on People, Power, and Profit | Munich Security Conference 2020


    And more precision about more of my philosophy about progressive capitalism..

    I invite you again to look at the following interesting video of Joseph E. Stiglitz that speaks about some thoughts of his interesting book “People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent.”:

    Joseph Stiglitz on People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent


    And read his following interesting article in The New York Times so that
    to understand:

    Joseph E. Stiglitz is a university professor at Columbia, the 2001 recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, a former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, a former chief economist of the World Bank and the author, most recently, of “
    People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent.”, and i invite you to read his following interesting article in The New York Times:

    Progressive capitalism is not an oxymoron

    Read more here:


    More of my philosophy about my kind of personality and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, but i will ask a philosophical question of:

    How can i explain my kind of personality ?

    I think i am like an inventor or creator, since if you look at my below thoughts you will notice that what i like most is inventing thoughts and
    inventing algorithms and inventing a philosophy and inventing poems of Love and poems and inventing proverbs, so as you have just noticed it is
    what i am doing in front of you, so my way of doing is mostly
    about being creative and inventive that permits me to adapt
    efficiently, so look for example how i have quickly invented my following algorithms here as a logical proof of what i am saying to you:

    Scalable reference counting with efficient support for weak references


    New variants of Scalable RWLocks


    Scalable lock that is FIFO fair and starvation-free


    And i have also invented many other algorithms too..

    And look at my following thoughts so that you notice that
    it is the same pattern, i mean that i am the being inventive and creative:

    More of my philosophy about my kind of methodology of learning and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and i will explain to you my kind of way of learning much more clearly:

    I don't learn like you are learning, since i have to understand
    the architectural ideas more clearly, by inventing them and/or understanding them much more clearly, and after that, i think that
    this gives a form to a high level of intelligence that permits me to understand rapidly and efficiently, so i give you an example, so i have invented many architectural ideas that have given form to my philosophy as a high level intelligence , and this
    has allowed me to make you understand more the weaknesses of the philosophies of other philosophers, so i am doing it this way for genetic algorithms(read my thoughts about it below) etc., so i give you an example, so read my following thoughts in the
    following web link that i have rapidly invented, and you will notice how i am doing it by reading them carefully and by noticing my kind of personality, so here is a part of my philosophy about self-confidence and about how to be the positive energy and
    how to be hope so that you notice how my philosophy is smart:


    And look here in my following tutorial about Petri Nets how i have invented a methodology as also architectural ideas that permit to rapidly model parallel applications from the logical operators IF and THEN and OR and AND into a Petri Net model, so look
    at it carefully in my tutorial here , since i think it is interesting too:


    More of my philosophy about the the importance of randomness in
    the genetic algorithm and in the evolutionary algorithms and more
    of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and i will invite you to read my following
    smart thoughts about evolutionary algorithms and artificial intelligence so that you notice how i am talking about the so important thing that we call "randomness":


    So i think i am highly smart, and notice that i am saying in the above web link the following about evolutionary algorithms:

    "I think that Modern trends in solving tough optimization problems tend
    to use evolutionary algorithms and nature-inspired metaheuristic
    algorithms, especially those based on swarm intelligence (SI), two major characteristics of modern metaheuristic methods are nature-inspired, and
    a balance between randomness and regularity."

    So i think that in the genetic algorithm, there is a part that is hard coded, like selecting the best genes, and i think that it is what
    we call regularity, since it is hard coded like that, but there is
    a so important thing in the genetic algorithm that we call randomness,
    and i think that it is the genetic mutations that happen with a
    probability and that give a kind of diversity, so i think that this
    genetic mutations are really important, since i can for example
    say that if the best genes are the ones that use "reason", so then reason too can make the people that has the tendency to use reason do
    a thing that is against there survival, like going to war when we
    feel that there is too much risk, but this going to war can make
    the members or people that use reason so that to attack the other enemy
    be extinct in a war when they loose a war, and it is the basis of randomness in a genetic algorithm, since even when there is a war
    between for example two Ant colonies, there are some members that do not make war and that can survive if other are extinct by making war, and i say it also comes from randomness of the genetics.

    More of my philosophy about the other conditions of the genetic algorithm and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..
    I think i am highly smart, and i think that the genetic algorithm
    is interesting too, but i have to speak about one other most important thing about the genetic algorithm, so i will ask a philosophical question about it:

    Since as i just said previously, read it below, that a good genetic algorithm has to efficiently balance between global(exploration) and local(exploitation) search , but how can you be sure that you have found a global optimum ?

    I think i am smart, and i will say that it also depends on the kind of problem, so if for example we have a minimization problem, you can
    rerun a number of times the genetic algorithm so that to select the best minimum among all the results and you can also give more time to
    the exploration so that to find the a better result, also you have to know that the genetic algorithm can be more elitist in the crossover steps, but i think that this kind of Elitism can has the tendency to not efficiently higher the average best of
    the average members of the population, so then it depends on wich problem you want to use the genetic algorithm, also i think that the genetic algorithm is
    a model that explains from where comes humans, since i also think
    that the genetic mutations of humans, that happens with a probability, has also not only come from the inside body from the chromosomes and genes, but they also were the result of solar storms that, as has said NASA, that may have been key to life on
    Earth, read here so that to notice it:


    Read my previous thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about the genetic algorithm and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and as you have just noticed, i have just talked yesterday about the distributed intelligence and collective intelligence, and i invite you to read it in my below thoughts, and today i will invent more of my thoughts about the
    genetic algorithm, so i will ask the following philosophical question about the genetic algorithm:

    Is the genetic algorithm a brute-force search and if it is
    not, how is it different than the brute-force search ?

    so i have just quickly took a look at some example of a minimization problem with a genetic algorithm, and i think that the genetic algorithm is not a brute-force search, since i think that when in a minimization
    problem with a genetic algorithm you do a crossover, also called recombination, that is a genetic operator used to combine the genetic information of two parents to generate new offspring, the genetic algorithm has this tendency to also explore locally
    and we call it exploitation, and when the genetic algorithm does genetical mutations
    with a level of probability, the genetic algorithm has this tendency to explore globally and we call it exploration, so i think a good genetic algorithm is the one that balance efficiently exploration and exploitation so that to avoid premature
    convergence, and
    notice that when you explore locally and globally you can do it with
    a bigger population that makes it search faster, so it is is why i think
    the genetic algorithm has this kind of patterns that makes it a much better search than brute-force search. And so that to know more about this kind of artificial intelligence , i invite you to read my following thoughts in the following web link about
    evolutionary algorithms and artificial intelligence so that to understand more:


    More of my philosophy about the analytic queueing-circuit analyzer PDQ and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, since i have also passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, so as you have just noticed i have just talked about timesharing and coroutines in the following link:


    And i have just talked about Markov chains in mathematics and about Petri Nets here:


    Now i will talk about my PDQ for Delphi and Freepascal:

    This is a port by Amine Moulay Ramdane of PDQ version 6.2.0 to Delphi
    on Windows and to Freepascal on both Windows and Linux, i have also provided you with two demos, one queuing MM1 demo, and another Jackson network demo. Also i have provided you with my HTML tutorial on how to solve analytically the Jackson network
    problem provided to you as a PDQ demo.

    PDQ is an analytic queueing-circuit analyzer made freely available under MIT/X11 license from: http://www.perfdynamics.com/Tools/PDQ.html

    You can download it from my website here:


    And here is an example in Delphi and Freepascal of the Jackson network demo that i have included inside the zip file(and you can look
    at my mathematical modeling of it here in my website: https://sites.google.com/site/scalable68/jackson-network-problem):


    program test_network;

    uses pdq64,LinSys;

    type router1 = array of pansichar;
    servTime1 = array of double;
    visitRatios1 = array of double;
    serviceDemands1 = array of double;

    A, b, x : TMatrix;



    arrivRate := 0.50;



    A := TMatrix.Create (3,3);
    b := TMatrix.Create (3,1);
    x := TMatrix.Create (3,1);

    A[1,1] := 1.0; A[1,2] := 0.0; A[1,3] := -0.2;
    A[2,1] := -0.5; A[2,2] := 1.0; A[2,3] := 0.0;
    A[3,1] := -0.5; A[3,2] := -0.8; A[3,3] := 1.0;

    b[1,1] := 0.5; b[2,1] := 0.0; b[3,1] := 0.0;

    LinSys.gauss(A, b, x);

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