• More of my philosophy about competition and fairness and more of my tho

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Fri May 27 16:29:05 2022

    More of my philosophy about competition and fairness and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think i am highly smart, and i make you notice how the following interesting article is speaking about competition, so i invite you to read it carefully:


    So are you noticing how it is saying the following:

    "The Commission does not seek to copy the Chinese model by
    favoring subsidized European champions. She does not deny her position
    in the Siemens-Alstom file. Margrethe Vestager was very clear on this
    point: “What we are asking for is reciprocity and conditions of
    equality. […] We are not going to sacrifice the advantages of
    competition to do the same thing that others do, namely to subsidize
    companies. No, because we would sacrifice the idea that the market is
    there to serve consumers with fairness and fair prices."

    So i think i am highly smart, and i will ask the following political philosophy question:

    Is competition that is spoken about the commission in the above article
    a fair competition or not ? since notice how it is saying that we have
    to serve consumers with fairness and fair prices using the competition,
    but i am smart and i say that there is something that precedes the serving consumers with fairness and fair prices using competition, and it is the: Does competition is a fair competition or not ? so it is my smart political philosophy question for today,
    and i have to answer it like the following:

    So i am highly smart, and i think that the above smart political question of is competition a fair conpetition or not?, is like by
    logical analogy asking the question of why we have to enforce laws !
    since i make you for example notice that past history before the
    enforcing correctly laws or international laws was full of disorder
    and crimes ! so then the today way of doing is that we have to enforce
    laws so that to be "order", and notice carefully how i am smart
    since i say that my sentence of: "that past history before the enforcing correctly laws or international laws was full of disorder and crimes", is by logical analogy like the actual world that comes with inequalities like the not being equal and not
    even having the same equal opportunities and it is why i say that this kind of disorder have to be made order by enforcing the laws, so as you are noticing there is not even fairness of equal opportunities between individuals and groups, but we have to
    enforce the laws so that to be smart and not to become an unacceptable disorder and violence ! and i will also say smartly , that it looks like bolshevism, since bolshevism
    was a reactionary violent movement in that they have not accepted those kind of inequalities and they have started to be a violent revolution and they have started to want to make individuals much more equal
    even if it was the inefficient way of doing, so you are
    understanding more that competition is not fair because we are not
    equal and we don't even have equal opportunities between individuals and groups, but there is still something to notice that make us not pessimistic, and it is that capitalism is not a zero sum game, since with a reasonable level of growth, capitalism
    can both deliver rising living standards for most, and still ensure a relatively high rate of return to the owners of capital, and notice that the big profit makes competition smarter, and read my following thoughts of what i have just said about Class
    struggle of Communism and Marxism so that you understand my views:

    And today i will talk about Class struggle of Communism and Marxism,
    so i will first ask a philosophical question of:

    Is Class struggle "valid" and a good thing to have ?

    I will say that there is not one type of Class struggle, because
    we can have "levels" of Class Struggle, such as the Class Struggle of
    Communism and Marxism under Mao Zedong in China, and i think it is
    logically inferred in Marxism from the fact that there is antagonistic contradictions that are contradiction between the Chinese communists and Chinese bourgeoisie and between the imperialist camp and the socialist
    camp, so we can also consider that this antagonistic contradictions also
    comes from the fact that we can be genetically predisposed to being
    smart or having a good memory efficiency and such genetical
    characteristics, so this gives much more "chance" to those that have
    this kind of genetical predispositions to become rich and successful, so
    this is why Communism and Marxism says that we have to equalize much
    more between people, so this is why i think it is also a kind of
    competition that gives this kind of Class Struggle, but i will say that
    the fact that we equalize much more between people in a society is not
    good for "diversity" inside the society and it is not good for
    efficiency, since we have to have a level of diversity that brings
    "resilience" to the organization of a society, and even in economy we
    have to have a level of diversification of economy that brings
    resilience, so this is why i think that the level of Class struggle that
    we have to have doesn't look like archaism of Communism or Marxism,
    since i think we have to have some kind of Social Assistance and Social Solidarity and we have to have social programs that help the weakest
    members of the society or the poors of the society in a kind of way, so
    we have also to have a level of Class Struggle that is like a
    competition that ensure that those kind of rights of providing some kind
    of social programs that helps the weakest members and the poors of the
    society are fought for in a civilized way inside such places as the
    congress and in Democracy. Now there is also other antagonist
    contradictions between the government and the people under Democracy or
    the communist regime, and inside two groups or more inside a political
    party or within a communist Party, and i think that we have to have
    civilized ways and manners like by vigorous criticism and self-criticism
    so that to resolve those kind of antagonist contradictions.

    More of my philosophy about economic monopoly power and antitrust laws and more of my thoughts..

    I have just looked at the following interesting video about south Korea and Samsung, so i invite you to look at it:

    The Story of the Richest South Korea's Family - Samsung


    I think i am highly smart, and i think that south Korea is having a problem, since i think that Samsung has a big monopoly power, and i think that Samsung revenue is equivalent to around 15% of South Korea's GDP, and Samsung is part of a large
    conglomerates that include Hyundai Motor and LG and i think they are also a monopoly power in south Korea too, so i think it is not good for the so important thing that we call "competition" and i think it is related to antitrust laws, so USA have to
    know how avoid this problem, and i think that south Korea is having the same problem as had Japan, and here is my thoughts about this problem:

    And here is my other important proverb:

    "R&D (Research and development) and innovation bring
    or introduce a kind of economic volatility, so you
    have to know how to manage it and how to manage the
    risk brought by it, so then you have to know how to manage
    efficiently by not hurting good competition"

    Note that "volatility" in the the dictionary means:

    "A tendency to change quickly and unpredictably"

    Read more here to notice it:


    This above new proverb of mine also says that since the R&D (Research
    and development) and innovation bring or introduce a kind of economic volatility, so we have also to know how to manage it carefully and
    efficiently with Antitrust laws, and here is the why of Antitrust laws:

    "Antitrust laws are statutes developed by governments to protect
    consumers from predatory business practices and ensure fair competition. Antitrust laws are applied to a wide range of questionable business
    activities, including market allocation, bid rigging, price fixing, and monopolies."

    This new proverb of mine is also related to the below problem that
    brings nationalism and its economic nationalism that hurts good
    competition, read about it carefully in my below writing and thoughts:

    More political philosophy about what are the big economic problems of

    Here is the big economic problems of China:

    First economic problem is that China is addicted to debt, look at the
    following video to notice it:


    Second economic problem is that China has Not enough PEOPLE for the
    FUTURE, look at the following video to notice it:


    Third economic problem, is that China has the same problem of
    nationalism and its economic nationalism that hurts good competition
    that brings efficiency, and here it is, read it carefully:

    Why is GERMANY Growing More Than JAPAN? and more about China...

    I am a white arab, and i think i am smart since i have also
    invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms, and today
    i will speak about: Why is GERMANY Growing More Than JAPAN?
    and more..

    We have to be more smart, i think China is also reproducing the
    mistakes of Japan, because Japan has protected its large industrial conglomerates called in Japanese "Keiretsu" and Japan has
    compensated there disadvantages even if they were not efficient, and
    Japan didn't hesitate to give the Keiretsu all kinds of advantages and privileges even if they were not efficient, and this was not good for "competition" and Japan has "failed" by doing it.

    Look in this video carefully to notice it:

    Why is GERMANY Growing More Than JAPAN? - VisualPolitik


    I think this is the same that is happening with China, since i think
    China needs an efficient mechanism that protects correct "competition"
    that brings good efficiency, read the following to notice it:

    Competition: Europe's awakening in the face of foreign subsidies

    Our state aid rules are very strict: an EU company can only receive
    grants of up to € 200,000 over three years. In China, the three 5G
    operators received 19 million euros each through the megalopolis of
    Shenzhen (12 million inhabitants)… According to the Wall Street Journal (article of December 25, 2019), Huawei would have benefited from 75
    billion state aid via different channels, figures denied by the company.
    State capitalism of China obviously raises the question of the inequity
    of world competition ...

    The direction the Commission is taking through the "white paper" is not
    this at all. The Commission does not seek to copy the Chinese model by
    favoring subsidized European champions. She does not deny her position
    in the Siemens-Alstom file. Margrethe Vestager was very clear on this
    point: “What we are asking for is reciprocity and conditions of
    equality. […] We are not going to sacrifice the advantages of
    competition to do the same thing that others do, namely to subsidize
    companies. No, because we would sacrifice the idea that the market is
    there to serve consumers with fairness and fair prices. "

    Read more here:


    More of my philosophy about sanctions on Russia and its currency and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and i think that the sanctions of western countries on Russia will not be so effective, since Russia is solving it by selling its oil and gas to other markets like India and China and such that don't want to follow the same way
    of the sanctions of western countries, also even if the currency of Russia has just fallen low at the start of the western sanctions, but Russia has higher its interest rates so that to solve the problem and so that to solve the high inflation that is
    caused by the sanctions of western countries, so now the higher interest rates of Russia looks somewhat like the one of USA, but the "disadvantage" of higher interest rates is that it slows the economic investments and it slows the economy. So i think
    that Russia can survive the sanctions of western countries for many years ahead.

    More of my philosophy about western values and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and here is more of my philosophy of what is the Western values and more..

    I will invite you to look at the following video about what
    is the Western values:

    "Western Values" Explained


    I think i am smart, and i will answer the question of
    what is the Western values:

    I think that the important Western values are:

    1- Western human rights
    2- Democracy
    3- Freedom of expression
    4- Freedom of worship
    5- Secular government

    But i think i am smart and i will say that human rights and freedom of expression or speech are not "definitive" rights, since they can change, since as i have just said, that Western countries have wanted to avoid the radical form, where we have to re-
    engineer the human condition by the centralized planning and large-scale social engineering as in old communist China or USSR(United Socialist Soviet Republic), since i think this way of doing has not worked so efficiently, so i think that western
    countries have given to there people human rights and freedom of expression or speech as Liberty, but i think they are not definitive rights, since i think that Western countries are proceeding by rational reforms into society and then to undertake
    evidence-based assessments, so then they are also monitoring those western rights to see if they are working correctly or not, so if they are not working correctly , so they can change them. And here is what i have just said about Freedom of Speech:

    More of my philosophy about Freedom of Speech and about Turkey and more..

    I have just looked at the following video, and i invite you to look at it:

    Erdogan: 'We shouldn't confuse criticism with i...


    I will ask a philosophical question of:

    Do we have to have a full freedom of speech ?

    So as you are noticing in the above video that the american jounalist
    is saying to president Erdogan of Turkey that he has to respect freedom of speech in his country since it is the requirement for Turkey to be accepted as a member of European Union, so i think that this journalist is not thinking correctly, since
    Freedom of speech has also to be contextualized, since Freedom of speech in Turkey is much more difficult since you have to know that Turkey is living in an unstable region where there is many wars and too much violence, so then being Freedom of speech
    in Turkey can for example engender violence inside Turkey,
    this is why we have to contextualize and be objective, and look for example at USA, you have just noticed that in USA Freedom of speech of Donald Trump have caused too much violence against the USA congress, so this is why i think that we have to analyse
    it like i am analysing it and say that we can not always have Freedom of speech, this is why i think that there can be constraints in reality that make us be not Freedom of speech, so it depends on the context, so then i think that the requirements of
    European Union that asks Turkey to be Freedom of speech so that to be accepted as a member of European Union is not a realistic and objective way of doing.

    More of my philosophy about competition and about adaptation and more of my thoughts...

    I think i am highly smart, so now i will talk more about an important subject, so as you have just noticed, i have just spoken about competition and decentralization, but let us talk again more about competition, so as you notice that in an economic
    system you can compete on quality or/and quantity and/or cost, but i think that a good competition needs a well diversified economy that brings resilience to the economic system, and so that this resilience also amortizes much more efficiently the bad
    effects of competition, so we have not to have only antitrust laws, but we have to have a well diversified economy that is so important, and a well diversified economy is what is lacking in third world countries and even in Russia, and you can easily
    notice it even in Algeria, since i think that the value or price of the currency that is called the Dinar in Algeria is also dependent on the health of the economy of Algeria and then i think that the price or the value of the currency is determined by
    the law of supply and demand in economics, so since the economy of Algeria is not well diversified, so thus the currency of Algeria can fall too much low and this can cause problems to Algeria, since Algeria is too much dependent on imports from outside
    that can become too costly since when the value or the price of the currency fall too much low, so then it can cause a high inflation that makes the lower class in Algeria suffers a lot, so i think that it is not good and i think that it is also caused
    by the fact that Algeria, as third world countries, have not an economy that is well diversified, so i think that the way of managing economy in Algeria is not a good way of managing , since Algeria has to have a well diversified economy, since Algeria,
    as Russia , are too much dependent on oil and gas exports and it is a defect, and i think that both Russia and Algeria have not properly unleashed private sector forces so that to have a well diversified economy, so i invite you to read the following
    article so that to notice that it is what happens in Algeria:

    Algeria dinar's fall hits finances, but may bring reserves benefits


    And i think that the mechanisms such as the borrowing from World Bank and IMF and the mechanism such as the price or value of the currency that is determined by open market through supply and demand on global currency markets, are also ways that permit
    to force third world countries to well manage there economies and public finances.

    More of my philosophy about the civilization and about the people and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and i am still rapidly inventing my thoughts,
    and now i will invent more of my thoughts about another important subject, so i think that the problem why arab countries or black african
    countries or south american countries or such third world countries are not so sophisticated as western countries, is that i think it is about competition and about decentralization, since i think that my model of self-interest and egoism as i have just
    explained it, is a high level manner of explaining from where comes prosperity and happiness of nations, so read in my below thoughts how i am explaining it, but another higher level view is to also look at competition and decentralization, since i think
    that good decentralization and good competition is what is lacking in third world countries, since i think that the good competition has to be a well diversified economy that makes the economic system "resilient", but a well diversified economy is also
    lacking in the third world countries, and also i say that the mechanism of competition of third world countries is not as good as competition in western countries since it is also lacking much on the democratic mechanisms that bring quality and a good
    governance, also i think that third world countries lacks the good decentralization, and the good decentralization is the fact that you have to be the good specialization in a job and in what you do, or be better than that by being good specialization in
    a job and in what you do better, since it is good for quality and for productivity, and here is what i have just said about it:

    More precision about more of my philosophy about specialization and about quality and about Adam Smith and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and i have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i will now talk about another important idea of Adam Smith the father of economic Liberalism, and it is about "specialization" in an economic system,
    since i say that in an economic system we have to be specialized in doing a job so that to be efficient and productive, but not only that, but we have to specialize in doing a job in what we do better so that to be even more efficient and productive, and
    we have to minimize at best the idle time or the wasting of time doing a job, since i can also say that this average idle time or wasting time of the workers working in parallel can be converted to a contention like in parallel programming, so you have
    to minimize it at best, and you have to minimize at best the coherency like in parallel programming so that to scale much better, and of course all this can create an economy of scale, and also i invite you to read my following smart and interesting
    thoughts about scalability of productivity:

    I will talk about following thoughts from the following PhD computer scientist:


    Read more here his thoughts about productivity:


    And i think he is making a mistake:

    Since we have that Productivity = Output/Input

    But better human training and/or better tools and/or better human smartness and/or better human capacity can make the Parallel productivity part much bigger that the Serial productivity part, so it can scale much more (it is like Gustafson's Law).

    And it looks like the following:

    About parallelism and about Gustafson’s Law..

    Gustafson’s Law:

    • If you increase the amount of work done by each parallel
    task then the serial component will not dominate
    • Increase the problem size to maintain scaling
    • Can do this by adding extra complexity or increasing the overall
    problem size

    Scaling is important, as the more a code scales the larger a machine it
    can take advantage of:

    • can consider weak and strong scaling
    • in practice, overheads limit the scalability of real parallel programs
    • Amdahl’s law models these in terms of serial and parallel fractions
    • larger problems generally scale better: Gustafson’s law

    Load balance is also a crucial factor.

    More of my philosophy about the religions and about quality and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and i will ask a philosophical question:

    What is the big problem with monotheistic religions ?

    I think i am highly smart, and i think that the really big problem with monotheistic religions is that it is like my philosophy about the being "unity" in my thoughts below, since monotheistic religions are like the being unity in religion that corrupts the so important mechanism of "competition" that brings quality and
    that also brings the best governance, since a christian has the tendency of being too much merciful or too much tolerant or too much lenient towards another same christian because christians or muslims or jews give too much importance to the faith in God
    than to the competition process that has not to be corrupted and this is not good for the mechanism of competition and it is a corruption of morality

    More of my philosophy about the being selfishness and egoism and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and i invite you to read again the
    following interesting article that proves that humans are naturally and individually selfish and egoistic:


    So as you notice on the above interesting article about a study, that humans are naturally selfish and egoistic since it is like a game of "competition" where you have to get a big profit, but i think that i am highly smart and i say that the seeking the
    big profit by being competition is also regulated by antitrust laws, and individual self-interest and egoism creates competition and by the mechanism of competition we become self-interest and egoism of a group and of a society or of a zone such as the
    European union and then we become collaboration and cooperation and even solidarity in a society or in a zone such as the European union or in global world and that creates prosperity and happiness of nations, and also we have to say that when we get a
    big profit we can also help the others by being solidarity,
    so then we have not to be pessimistic about humans that are naturally and individually selfish and egoistic, but we have to be patience since it takes some time so that this individual self-interest and egoism becomes collaboration and cooperation and
    even solidarity as i am explaining it, and of course we have to be much more optimistic since capitalism is not a zero sum game, since with a reasonable level of growth, capitalism can both deliver rising living standards for most, and still ensure a
    relatively high rate of return to the owners of capital and we have to be much more optimistic since self-interest is most of the time regulated by competition to not lead to corruption, fraud, price-gouging, and cheating, as has said it Adam Smith the
    father of economic Liberalism, and notice that we have to look at competition from a broader point of view since competition is also
    competition inside a Democracy that fights efficiently corruption by using different political parties and different political groups inside the congress etc. and competition that fights efficiently corruption is also the separation of powers in USA,
    since the U.S. constitution establishes three separate but equal branches of government: the legislative branch (makes the law), the executive branch (enforces the law), and the judicial branch (interprets the law), so i think that for example USA is
    much less corrupt than African countries or such countries since they lack this kind of "competition" that balances this way the powers.

    More of my philosophy about the why to soften morals and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and i have just spoken about the model
    of self-interest and egoism that also build great things, read my thoughts below about it, but as you have just noticed, i have just said that it needs patience so that self-interest and egoism becomes collaboration and cooperation and even solidarity,
    and my model looks like the Adam Smith model that also said the following:

    "Human egoism is the engine of the properity and happiness of nations"

    But Adam Smith model is not like my model since i am saying
    that my model needs "patience" so that self-interest and egoism becomes collaboration and cooperation and even solidarity, and i also say that my model needs also the mechanisms that soften morals like of listening to the beautiful music and like
    reading beautiful poetry of Love and such mechanisms that soften morals so that to reduce or to minimize efficiently violence, and it is why i have also invented many poems of Love and i have posted them here, so i invite you to reread my previous
    thoughts so that to understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about macroeconomics and inflation and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and i think that the Federal Reserve policymakers of USA are trying to slow down the economy and subdue inflation by highering interest rates, and highering interest rates make money costlier and borrowing less appealing and
    that, in turn, slows demand to catch up with supply, which has lagged badly throughout the pandemic, but that's the macroeconomics of it, and its potential effects include lower wages, a halt or even a drop in home prices and a decline in stock market
    valuations etc., but notice that the highering of interest rates reduces the demand, so i think it has a macroeconomic effects of balancing by creating lower prices in one side and part of the economy and this compensate much more for the higher prices
    in the other side and part of the economy, but notice that it doesn't mean that the highering of interest rates solves all the problems.

    More of my philosophy about the high volatility of cryptocurrencies and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and i invite you to read the following
    article from Forbes that shows how highly volatile is bitcoin
    and other cryptocurrencies:

    Explaining Crypto’s Volatility


    So notice carefully in the above article how it says the following:

    "Cryptocurrency is an incredibly volatile investment. In one day, Bitcoin’s value dropped 30%."

    So as you notice from my below thoughts that this high volatility is
    really useful , since you can make with such high volatility an interesting income by not investing too much to avoid the high Risk as i am explaining it in my below thoughts, and this high volatility gives the value to cryptocurrency, so read my
    previous thoughts so that to know how:

    More of my philosophy about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart and i have just looked at the following
    video that says the president of the world bank Christine Lagarde said that the cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are worth nothing
    since they are based on nothing and they are unsafe, here is the video:

    Le Bitcoin ne vaut RIEN...


    But i think i am highly smart and i am not in accordance with Christine Lagarde the president of the World Bank, since i say that Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile and they are based on the supply and demand law of economics, so with this high
    volatility you can make money, since you can buy when the price of the cryptocurrency is low and you can sell when the price is high enough for you the supply and low enough for the demand, but the really important thing to know is that cryptocurrency is
    not for investing lots of money, since you have not to invest too much to lower the Risk and be able to generate an income that is interesting, so you can invest 1000$ or 2000$ or 5000$ or so, but not too much to lower the Risk and be able to generate an
    income from the high volatility, so cryptocurrencies have this value that comes from the high volatility of it , but you have to be careful to not invest too much so that to avoid the high risk of it.

    More of my philosophy about the model of a civilization and
    the model of a democracy and the model of an economic system and
    more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and notice carefully in my below thoughts how i am speaking about the model of an economic system or the model
    of a democracy or the model of a civilization, so as you notice that
    i am speaking about the ingredients that makes or creates the model, for example when i ask if the following ingredients as a model can serve as an interesting model:

    self-interest and egoism ?

    So as you notice when you look at the model of self-interest and egoism
    you will think that it is not a good model, but when you are smart
    you will notice that self-interest needs the profit and the big profit
    that creates a smart competition and this competition regulates
    the self-interest and egoism in an efficient way, as also has said it Adam Smith the father of economic Liberalism , and the self-interest and competition and egoism becomes collaboration and cooperation and even solidarity , so you are noticing that the
    primitive model of self-interest and egoism can build great things such as

    [continued in next message]

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