Read again, i correct about more of my philosophy about Adam Smith and corruption and more of my thoughts..
I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
I think i am highly smart, and as you have just noticed that i have
just talked about corruption around the world, read it in my below thoughts, but i have to be much more precise, since i think that the corruption of Israel in the news below, is a low level corruption and it doesn't mean that Israel is too much corrupt ,
since i say that in economic Liberalism of Adam Smith, self-interest is most of the time regulated by competition to not lead to corruption, fraud, price-gouging, and cheating, so you have to understand what is competition
in the Adam Smith philosophy, since i think that Adam Smith also means competition inside a Democracy that fights efficiently corruption by using different political parties and different political groups inside the congress etc. and competition that
fights efficiently corruption is also the separation of powers in USA, since the U.S. constitution establishes three separate but equal branches of government: the legislative branch (makes the law), the executive branch (enforces the law), and the
judicial branch (interprets the law), so i think that for example USA is much less corrupt than African countries or such countries since they lack this kind of "competition" that balances this way the powers.
Read my previous thoughts:
More precision of my philosophy about corruption and more of my thoughts..
I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
I have just posted more about corruption around the world,
but I also think corruption is structural to capitalism,
and it is not only the corruption of the jews such as the big corruption in Israel that i am showing below, since we can also find corruption in the West in white european countries such as Canada, read about it more
carefully here in the following article so that to notice:
And read my previous thoughts:
More of my philosophy about corruption around the world..
I invite you to read the following news that i have just read
to know about what looks like corruption around the world:
Israel’s Military Censor Doesn’t Want You to Know About ex-Mossad Chief’s Dubious Congo Missions
Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
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