• More of my philosophy about what is the important languages and about d

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 11 14:22:31 2022

    More of my philosophy about what is the important languages and
    about diversity and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think i am highly smart, and i think that we have to know that
    a kind of human diversity is necessary for survival, but what kind of human diversity is it ? so i will ask a philosophical question and i will answer it and you will notice what kind of human diversity
    we need, so here is my philosophical question:

    The education system in France and in other countries requires a
    kind of conformism, so, is this kind of conformism a correct
    way of doing ?

    So i think i am highly smart, so i think that this kind of conformism
    , such as in the education system of France and such countries, permits us to control our animal instincts in a kind of way, since those animal instincts can make us like a kind of fatalism that brings
    too much dangerous violence and wars, such as the war in Ukraine, since
    i think that the war in Ukraine was caused by the fact that like
    in the education system of France, president Putin wants and wanted a kind of conformism that is the basis values of nationalism in Russia, so you have to be smart and notice that the war in Ukraine is a war between in the one side like conformism to
    values of nationalism, and it is looks like the conformism of the education system of France, and in the other side the too much liberty that has the tendency
    to exhibit the animal instincts in a form of violence and culture of violence, so i think i can logically infer that a kind of diversity is necessary, and this kind of diversity has to be able to correctly control the animal instincts so that to be not
    this too much violence that makes us like fatalistic and that brings dangerous wars and too much violence, so i think that that for example gays can make sex and can marry, and shemales too, but they have not to be this kind of too much violence, so
    violence such as the ones that are genetically sadists or of the too much violent humans are problematic, so i can logically infer that we have not to make all of us smart, since it is against of the necessary diversity, but we have to speak a kind of
    language that learns the others to not be this too much violence that brings fatalism such as in Ukraine.

    More of my philosophy about the the importance of randomness in
    the genetic algorithm and in the evolutionary algorithms and more
    of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and i will invite you to read my following
    smart thoughts about evolutionary algorithms and artificial intelligence so that you notice how i am talking about the so important thing that we call "randomness":


    So i think i am highly smart, and notice that i am saying in the above web link the following about evolutionary algorithms:

    "I think that Modern trends in solving tough optimization problems tend
    to use evolutionary algorithms and nature-inspired metaheuristic
    algorithms, especially those based on swarm intelligence (SI), two major characteristics of modern metaheuristic methods are nature-inspired, and
    a balance between randomness and regularity."

    So i think that in the genetic algorithm, there is a part that is hard coded, like selecting the best genes, and i think that it is what
    we call regularity, since it is hard coded like that, but there is
    a so important thing in that genetic algorithm that we call randomness,
    and i think that it is the genetic mutations that happen with a
    probability and that give a kind of diversity, so i think that this
    genetic mutations are really important, since i can for example
    say that if the best genes are the ones that use "reason", so then reason too can make the people that has the tendency to use reason do
    a thing that is against there survival, like going to war when we
    feel that there is too much risk, but this going to war can make
    the members or people that use reason so that to attack the other enemy
    be extinct in a war when they loose a war, and it is the basis of randomness in a genetic algorithm, since even when there is a war
    between for example two Ant colonies, there are some members that do not make war and that can survive if other are extinct by making war, and i say it also comes from randomness of the genetics.

    More of my philosophy about the other conditions of the genetic algorithm and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..
    I think i am highly smart, and i think that the genetic algorithm
    is interesting too, but i have to speak about one other most important thing about the genetic algorithm, so i will ask a philosophical question about it:

    Since as i just said previously, read it below, that a good genetic algorithm has to efficiently balance between global(exploration) and local(exploitation) search , but how can you be sure that you have found a global optimum ?

    I think i am smart, and i will say that it also depends on the kind of problem, so if for example we have a minimization problem, you can
    rerun a number of times the genetic algorithm so that to select the best minimum among all the results and you can also give more time to
    the exploration so that to find the a better result, also you have to know that the genetic algorithm can be more elitist in the crossover steps, but i think that this kind of Elitism can has the tendency to not efficiently higher the average best of
    the average members of the population, so then it depends on wich problem you want to use the genetic algorithm, also i think that the genetic algorithm is
    a model that explains from where comes humans, since i also think
    that the genetic mutations of humans, that happens with a probability, has also not only come from the inside body from the chromosomes and genes, but they also were the result of solar storms that, as has said NASA, that may have been key to life on
    Earth, read here so that to notice it:


    Read my previous thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about the genetic algorithm and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and as you have just noticed, i have just talked yesterday about the distributed intelligence and collective intelligence, and i invite you to read it in my below thoughts, and today i will invent more of my thoughts about the
    genetic algorithm, so i will ask the following philosophical question about the genetic algorithm:

    Is the genetic algorithm a brute-force search and if it is
    not, how is it different than the brute-force search ?

    so i have just quickly took a look at some example of a minimization problem with a genetic algorithm, and i think that the genetic algorithm is not a brute-force search, since i think that when in a minimization
    problem with a genetic algorithm you do a crossover, also called recombination, that is a genetic operator used to combine the genetic information of two parents to generate new offspring, the genetic algorithm has this tendency to also explore locally
    and we call it exploitation, and when the genetic algorithm does genetical mutations
    with a level of probability, the genetic algorithm has this tendency to explore globally and we call it exploration, so i think a good genetic algorithm is the one that balance efficiently exploration and exploitation so that to avoid premature
    convergence, and
    notice that when you explore locally and globally you can do it with
    a bigger population that makes it search faster, so it is is why i think
    the genetic algorithm has this kind of patterns that makes it a much better search than brute-force search. And so that to know more about this kind of artificial intelligence , i invite you to read my following thoughts in the following web link about
    evolutionary algorithms and artificial intelligence so that to understand more:


    More of my philosophy about fractals and about distributed intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and i have just looked at the model of fractals here:


    And i think by looking at them, i am discovering a pattern with my fluid intelligence, and it is that they look by logical analogy like a distributed intelligence and collective intelligence, since you can
    consider the small steps(like the individual intelligence of the collective intelligence) that we repeat, of the model of fractals, like
    the individual ants in an Ant colony, and when you look at the final
    result of a good fractal you will think that it is so sophisticated,
    but i think that from looking at the small steps and there small interactions you can understand that it is an impression and that it is not so sophisticated, and the so important question is how from an intelligence, that looks like a problem, can you
    makes it a distributed intelligence of small parts of intelligence that makes the interactions and give the result.

    More of my philosophy of the model of intelligence of a Cyborg and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and i have just talked about the model of distributed intelligence or collective intelligence, read it below, and now i will talk about the model of intelligence of a Cyborg, so i think i am smart and i think that the model of
    intelligence of a Cyborg looks also by logical analogy like the model of distributed intelligence or collective intelligence, since i think that with internet and such tools we are becoming like Cyborgs, since i think that even the data in for example
    internet is also a distributed intelligence that we collect so that to be creativity or innovation that can become a high intelligence, so in the distributed intelligence model of for example an Ant colony, the Ants and there knowledge that causes there
    actions is the specialization of intelligence of the distributed intelligence, and notice how even Elon Musk is saying it that "We’re already a cyborg,", read here so that to notice it:

    Elon Musk: We’re already cyborgs


    More of my philosophy about the model of intelligence of an Ant colony and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and as i have just said that even relativity of time in science comes from a distributed intelligence, but i think i am smart and i will explain one more important pattern so that you understand correctly, and it is that a
    distributed intelligence or collective intelligence of an Ant colony looks really special or amazing to us, since when you look at the individual Ants you will not understand correctly how those primitive individual Ants can give a result of the output
    that is a highly intelligent collective intelligence relatively to the single parts that are the individual Ant of the Ant colony, and it looks like when we look at relativity of time and say that it is really special and really amazing, but i say that
    this looking really sophisticated and/or really special and/or really amazing as a collective intelligence is only an impression, since you have to understand the distributed intelligence, that is also the the systemic interactions between the individual
    parts that can give more than the sum of the individual parts, of all the specialized individual parts so that to understand the whole system that is relativity of time or consciousness or the collective intelligence of an Ant colony.

    Read my previous thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about relativity of time and about consciousness and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and i think that consciousness is like a "distributed" intelligence, like in an Ant colony, from where has emerged consciousness, i say it is like how works our heart, since our heart is not controlled by our brain, but our
    heart is like a distributed intelligence from like specializations of small atoms or such small components of matter that created the distributed intelligence that we look at as a heart, and i think it is how has emerged the distributed intelligence of
    our consciousness, and i think that relativity of time has emerged from a distributed intelligence from the specialization of small components of matter in the lower level layers that has made emerge relativity of time, and i think that this process of
    distributed intelligence also can create such processes such as telekenisis from the brain or remote viewing from the brain, and i think that even the thing that we call God can be an emergence from a distributed intelligence of the lower level layers of

    More of my philosophy of is who we are truly who we are and more of my thoughts..

    If what i have just said, read below, is truth, so i think we can not
    be confident about who we truly are, since if the mechanism of telekenisis can be scaled by the black projects that i have just talked
    about, so then even the nature of things can be changed rapidly,
    i mean that you can rapidly from the lower level layer makes a human
    younger or older and such things, so then you become like a God, so
    perhaps we are living with other things, such as secret organizations that have the power of a God over this earth.

    More of my philosophy about the reality and about consciousness and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and how can we understand in a much more interesting way reality? so if i ask the following mathematical
    and philosophical question:

    What does tells you the difference between:

    4 + 0.0001


    4 + 0.0002


    So now you have to see the pattern with your fluid intelligence,
    as i am seeing it:

    Since we can say that consciousness is an appreciable change in the organization of the matter in the brain that makes emerge consciousness, but we can also say that a small change in the organization of the matter can by logical analogy makes emerge a
    pattern like the one of consciousness, so then we can also say that science is not able of seeing it, since i think that even telekenisis and remote viewing with the brain has existed in a really really small number of persons,
    and i think that it has been decrypted by some advanced black projects that have made scientific experiences on those really really small number of persons that had the ability of remote viewing with the brain and the ability of telekinesis and i say
    that those
    advanced black projects have understood those processes and it has made
    them advanced so rapidly.

    More of my philosophy about consciousness and about science and about telekinesis and about remote viewing with the brain and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, so i will say that since science can not
    explain consciousness , and since i say that consciousness is
    by logical analogy like a pattern that has emerged from the
    organization of matter in the brain from genetics, so then
    we can say that telekinesis or remote viewing with the brain too can be an emergence from the organization of the matter of the brain, like consciousness, that can not be explained by science.

    More precision of my philosophy by giving like a logical proof about the bandwidth of our mind or brain and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart and i have to give more precision with
    my logical proof about smartness so that you understand my below thoughts about the bandwidth of our brain, and here it is:

    More philosophy about how to measure human IQ or human smartness..

    I think i am smart, and i will talk about how to measure human IQs or
    human smartness, first you have to know that you can measure relatively
    or absolutely, so if you measure the IQ of a human, you will give a
    value of IQ that is "relative" to the distribution of IQs of humans, so
    can we ask if it is the right way to measure human IQs? i think it is
    not, because there is a "very" important thing that is missing, and it
    is that you have to also measure IQ or smartness relatively to the "constraints" in our reality that constrain(or limit) human IQ or human smartness, and i think this will give a much more realistic measure of
    human IQs or human smartness, so if you are really smart you will start
    by searching what are those constraints in the reality that constrain
    human IQs or human smartness, because this way you will become really smart.

    Let me give an example about how to measure IQs or smartness..

    So if you are really smart you will give a smart example so that people
    can understand, so here it is:

    If i say: 2 + 2 = 4

    So you will notice that this equality is also constrained by constraints
    of reality, since for example you are noticing that it is not so
    mathematically expressive, so this not mathematically expressive is also constraining human IQ or human smartness, since if you understand and
    learn this mathematical equality, another person will quickly do the
    same, so the other person will adapt quickly to this level of smartness,
    so now you are noticing the smart idea, it is that even science and
    technology are constrained the same way, and this constraints on
    science and technology constrain or limit the expressiveness of high
    human IQs or high level of smartness so that other lower level human
    IQs or smartness can attain the level of adaptability of high human
    IQs, this is what is happening in our today world, and if you are smart
    you will notice that there is something else that is happening and it
    is that abstraction of complexity that reduce the complexity is making
    others not understanding the complexity behind the abstraction and this
    is not so efficient.

    Here is more about the constraints on science and technology:

    Is Science Going To End?

    Read more here:


    More of my philosophy about the bandwidth of our mind or brain and more
    of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and as you have just noticed, i have just
    spoken about how our brain can work concurrently and not in parallel,
    read about it in my below thoughts, but now i have to speak about another weakness of our brain, and it is its bandwidth, i mean that the bandwidth of our brain is not so efficient so that to compete with highly smart machines of the future, so then how
    can you solve the problem?, so i think i am highly smart and i say that i am solving it much more efficiently by a smart way that looks by logical analogy like by compressing the data or by enlarging the bandwidth without doing them, i mean that the data
    of our world is so big, but the high quality data is much much less bigger or we can say that it is rare, so it becomes easier, so i think that you can be really efficient by just knowing how to understand efficiently the necessary rare high quality data
    and you will become much more apt at competing with highly smart machines, and it is how i am doing it, and notice how i am also inventing high quality architectural ideas of my philosophy and philosophy that permits me to be efficient, read about it

    More of my philosophy about the human mind and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am smart, and as you have just noticed, i have just
    spoken about silence and decency of silence, but now i will speak
    about another important subject, and it is the one of the human mind,
    so i think that our human mind is like a single core processor
    that works with a certain frequency, so it can work concurrently , but
    not in parallel since it is not like a multicore processor, so i think that we can be with our human mind a consciousness of an idea in time T1 , and we can be in in the oneself in time T2 after time T1 and we can be another consciousness of an idea in
    time T3 after time T2
    , so it can go on and on "concurrently", but not in parallel, so i think
    that a weakness is that we can be too emotional or have bad emotions when you are a consciousness of an idea or you can have bad emotions when you don't know how to manage correctly concurrently with your mind, since our mind doesn't work in parallel, so
    then you have to know how to manage this inner of your mind.

    More of my philosophy about humanity and about human life and more of
    my thoughts..

    I think i am really smart, and you have seen me inventing quickly
    my poems of Love and poems, and you have seen me inventing my philosophy, but now i will ask the following philosophical question:

    You want to be happy, but is it enough to be happy ? so my philosophical question is how to appreciate human life so that to be the right morality and be the right consumerism ?

    This philosophical question is really smart, since there is a pattern that is inherent to this question, and it is that when you know how to appreciate correctly human life in an efficient manner, this permits you to both be better morality and it
    permits you to be still efficient consumerism, but how to appreciate human life ? i think that
    it is by efficiently understanding what is suffering that you
    start appreciate pleasures of life, and this appreciation of human life
    permits you to be apt at being a decent morality that is also the right patience and the right tolerance etc. and of course this will not hurt
    consumerism, and so that to understand this part of my philosophy,
    i invite you to read my following thoughts of my philosophy so that
    to understand correctly:

    More philosophy about the strenght of philosophy..

    I will ask a smart philosophical question:

    Is human life sad ?

    I think i am a philosopher and i will answer this question:

    When you are smart you will know that morality needs the right
    "balance", like a balance between competition and collaboration, or like
    a balance between individualism and collectivism, so human life is the
    same, it needs requirements so that to be pleasure of life, for example
    human life needs the alternance of the day and night that brings beauty
    and that brings pleasure, so i think human life has this kind of
    alternances that brings happiness and pleasures as an essence, for
    example when this Coronavirus crisis will be over, we will have learned
    how to appreciate more our kind of civilization or pleasures of life, so
    the sadness of Coronavirus crisis will soon bring happiness and
    pleasures of life when Coronavirus crisis will be over, so as you are
    noticing it is like the alternance of the day and night that brings
    beauty and pleasure, so you have to read my philosophy below about from
    where comes happiness and pleasures of life so that you understand that
    human life is not absurd and is not sad.

    More philosophy about the great movie called Cast Away..

    I invite you to look at the following short video of a great movie
    called Cast Away:

    Academy Award®-winning filmmaker Robert Zemeckis and two-time Oscar
    winner Tom Hanks reunite to explore the blessings and heartache of fate
    and the survival of the human spirit. Tom Hanks gives one of the
    towering screen performances of all time as Chuck Noland, a FedEx
    systems engineer whose ruled-by-the-clock existence abruptly ends when a harrowing plane crash leaves him isolated on a remote island. As Chuck struggles to survive, he finds that his own personal journey has only
    just begun...

    Look here at the following short video of this great movie called Cast Away:


    I think you have to look or look again at this great movie, because when
    you are smart you will notice that the movie also learns you the way of
    my philosophy below, i mean that Chuck Noland in the video(that is Tom Hanks) is getting like more and more hungry for our kind of civilization by being isolated on a remote island and he is learning to understand the way of my philosophy below about
    from where comes happiness and pleasures of life, because by being isolated on a remote island he is also learning to appreciate our kind civilization and this is also from where comes happiness, so you have to be smart by reading my following thoughts
    of my philosophy about from where comes happiness and pleasures of life and by at the same time making the logical analogy with the great movie above that we call Cast Away:

    From where comes happiness and pleasures of life?

    It is like beauty of the alternance of the day and night, from this
    alternance of the day and night comes beauty and a kind of pleasure, so
    i think that happiness comes from this kind of alternance, i mean that
    for example you will get a great pleasure from eating a Moroccan
    Couscous Bidaoui(read about it below) when you are hungry, so from this alternance of being hungry and eating a Moroccan Couscous comes this
    great pleasure of life that gives happiness and that gives the meaning
    of life, so you have to know how to be this alternance , i mean when for example you work hard and after that you give yourself peace by taking a
    rest and you also give yourself a pleasure like eating a Moroccan
    Couscous Bidaoui, you will get a great pleasure, so you have to know
    how to be this alternance of being hard work and giving yourself peace
    by taking a rest, this is from where comes happiness and this is from
    where comes the meaning of human existence,
    read all my following philosophy to understand more:

    More of my philosophy about pleasures of life..

    As you have noticed i have talked before about the meaning and purpose
    of life (read below my thoughts)..

    And here is more explanation of what i was saying about pleasures of life:

    101 Simple Pleasures to Boost Happiness

    According to Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project and Happier
    at Home. "It's not life changes like a new house or a fancy car that
    make the most impact, but sometimes little things like the smell of an
    orange, that give the biggest happiness boost," says Rubin.

    Read more here:


    So as you have just noticed that my philosophy is a new philosophy that
    doesn't look like the others, and the architectural ideas of my
    philosophy are the following:

    There is an absolute and a relative way of measuring, so when we measure absolutely(i mean completely or totally) the meaning of human life, so
    like in the case of absurdism of the philosopher Albert Camus, we can
    say: "Absurdism arises out of the tension between our desire for order,
    meaning and happiness and, on the other hand, the indifferent natural universe’s refusal to provide that", hence when we are measuring
    absolutely the meaning of life, we can say that human life is absurd,
    but the question in philosophy is: Is human life absurd? In my
    philosophy human life is not absurd, because i say that happiness comes
    from enjoying pleasures of life that we feel with our senses we humans,
    and i am also defining the human sense as the one that comes from the
    brain and from consciousness that gives pleasure, i mean
    that when you are "learning" by looking at a video on youtube it can
    give a pleasure inside your brain that comes from the brain and from consciousness, so when you are happiness by enjoying pleasures
    of life with your human senses, you are enjoying life and you are
    not thinking about the "absolute" meaning of human life, but the meaning
    of human life becomes "relative", and since it becomes this relativeness
    so human life becomes not absurd, since this enjoying pleasures of life
    with our human senses is "like" a powerful "drug" that permit to be
    happy and to not to be preoccupied with the absolute meaning of human
    life that is talking about the philosopher Albert Camus.

    More philosophy and psychology about how to appreciate pleasures of life..

    I invite you to look at the following interesting video, because it is
    also like philosophy, so look at it carefully and my thoughts about it
    are below:

    The story of my life - From a dream to reality


    I think that this swedish women is an artist and photographer that is
    locally smart in what she is doing, since she is like creating pleasures
    of life by showing us her videos of the beautiful Sweden's nature, but
    the weakness of what she is doing is that this swedish women is not a philosopher like me, so she is not understanding correctly,
    because she is thinking that happiness comes from those high quality
    pleasures of life of the so beautiful Sweden's nature that she is
    showing in her videos, but i think it is a mistake, since not all people
    have those "high" quality pleasures of life, so in my philosophy(read
    about it below) i am explaining that happiness comes not only from
    pleasures of life, but it also comes from the alternance of being
    "hungry" for taking a rest and taking a rest or from the alternance of
    being hungry and eating a delicious meal, so happiness comes from the difficulties of life that make us more hungry for or make us appreciate
    much more the pleasures of life, so they make us more happy, and i think
    this is the secret of life.

    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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