Read again, i correct about more of my philosophy about specialization and about individualism and more of my thoughts..
I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
I think i am highly smart, and i think by looking at an Ant colony,can easily notice it by looking at how the Ant colony is organized not by looking at the high level view, but by looking at the lower layers views that shows that this
you will notice that the Ants are specialized in an Ant colony, but notice that there kind of specialization can give a higher quality as a whole, but this too much specialization the Ants in an Ant colony is not good at all for "reliability", since we
specialization is not good for happiness of the Ants of the Ant colony, it is why i think that the human civilization has not to be thisby logical analogy like the too much specialization that lacks reliabilility.
too much specialization that we notice in our today world, but it has to be a more efficiently diversified good education so that to be the good reliability, and the too much individualism of our today world is not good for reliability too and it looks
More of my philosophy of what is the purpose of human life and more of my thoughts..guided by morality, since morality says that we have to be progressive, but not only that but we have to perfect ourselves and we have not to be nihilistic, since life
I think i am highly smart, and i think that the purpose of human life
is like the purpose of a genetic algorithm, since a genetic algorithm wants to maximize the value of the objective function, but what this maximize the value of the objective function in the genetic algorithm ? i think even the genetic algorithm is
needs from us to be constructive so that to make it a better life, soactually accepted their current situation which eventually improved their moods, so i think
i think that the purpose of human life is to perfect
"systemically", and so that to perfect systemically, we have to be
the good responsability and the good education, and this to perfect systemically is also to perfect human life.
More of my philosophy of do we have a free will and more of my thoughts..
I think i am highly smart, and i will answer the following philosophical question of:
Do humans have free will ?
I think i am highly smart, and i think there is different paths of answering this philosophical question, but i will talk about one of
the path by finding like a weakness that permits me to answer,
and the weakness is also the fact that i have just answered
in my philosophy below the question of "What is the true power of the idea ?", since notice below in the scientific experience of "Mood freezing" that when the respondents were convinced that expressing aggression would not make them feel better, they
that ideas are also powerful , and they can change the behavior ofnot that we have not free will.
a person even if he has a genetic defect, so then we have to be optimistic since i think that it can explain that there is a cerain level of free will, since i think that from the data of our world , we can modify our behavior, so it means that it is
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZU0M-v0w4Emechanism that you have to be convinced of it, and of course, so that to be convinced of it, you have not to
More of my philosophy about the brain and about stress and bad emotions
and more of my thoughts..
I think i am smart, and now i will invite you to look at the following video of a neuroscientist that explains how to go forward and be much more in control even if you experience high stress and bad emotions:
Change Your Brain: Neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Huberman | Rich Roll Podcast
So i think i am highly smart, and of course you are noticing in the
above video of the neuroscientist that he is explaining the how from
a neuroscientist point of view, but my philosophy is different,
since in my philosophy, so that to go forward by being much more in control even if there is high stress and bad emotions, i am saying below that the basis of my philosophy is the below lever in form of an engine and in form of an intellectual
be a nihilistic point of view, and i mean that you have tomechanism of my philosophy below that explains how to be happiness and that fights much more efficiently stress and bad emotions, also i think it makes you much more patient too, and of course since it is an intellectual mechanism, then it adheres to my
to be convinced that life needs from us to be constructive so that
to make it a better life, and it is part of what we call human's maturity, so then of course you have to know how to measure it relatively , like measuring IQs of humans, and not measuring it absolutely, so then you have to read about the intellectual
What is the true power of the idea ?
This is a so important philosophical subject, since
i think i am smart and i will make you feel more the true
power of the idea by first talking about the technic in psychology that
we call "Mood freezing", since i think that the most important aspect of Mood freezing is that it recognizes the true power of the mind, and you
can read about it here:
So as you are noticing that it says that when the respondents were
convinced that expressing aggression would not make them feel better,
they actually accepted their current situation which eventually improved their moods, so this proves that the power of the idea is great, this is
why i am of the ones that believes that we can enhance much better
humans and construct a new type of man by using some intellectual mechanisms, and i am talking about some of them below and here is my
poem about the true power of the idea, read it again:
"Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
Since it is how they have built south Korea
Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
Since it is how we unite the people such as of Crimea
Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
Since it is not just a pizza from the pizzeria
Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
Since it is not the simple prayer of Ave Maria
Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
Since it is not the stupid war between the sunnite and shiah
Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
Since it is how we make north Korea look like a beautiful Canada
So give me more of those beautiful and so smart ideas !"
More of my philosophy about how to be happy and more of my thoughts..
I think i am smart, and now i have just looked at the following
video of an american , i invite you to look at it by clicking the following link:
EARL NIGHTINGALE : Enjoyment, Pleasure, Happiness, Joy & Bless!
I think i am smart, and in my philosophy i have to explain thatenergy by thinking, at the same time of for example the being responsability of hard work, that you will have pleasures of life as a recompense after the being for example the responsability of the hard work, so in my philosophy you have to know how to
it is different from the above explanation of how to attain happiness,
since my philosophy says that the being happy doesn't come from only pleasures of life that satisfies you, but happiness comes from both
responsability and pleasures of life that satisfies you, but not
only that, but my philosophy says more clearly that when you are being responsability by for example the being hard work, or such, and by being not pleasures of life at for example the time of the being hard work, you have to be hope and positive
More precision of my philosophy by giving like a logical proof about the bandwidth of our mind or brain and more of my thoughts..
I think i am highly smart and i have to give more precision with
my logical proof about smartness so that you understand my below thoughts about the bandwidth of our brain, and here it is:
More philosophy about how to measure human IQ or human smartness..
I think i am smart, and i will talk about how to measure human IQs or
human smartness, first you have to know that you can measure relatively
or absolutely, so if you measure the IQ of a human, you will give a
value of IQ that is "relative" to the distribution of IQs of humans, so
can we ask if it is the right way to measure human IQs? i think it is
not, because there is a "very" important thing that is missing, and it
is that you have to also measure IQ or smartness relatively to the "constraints" in our reality that constrain(or limit) human IQ or human smartness, and i think this will give a much more realistic measure of
human IQs or human smartness, so if you are really smart you will start
by searching what are those constraints in the reality that constrain
human IQs or human smartness, because this way you will become really smart.
Let me give an example about how to measure IQs or smartness..
So if you are really smart you will give a smart example so that people
can understand, so here it is:
If i say: 2 + 2 = 4
So you will notice that this equality is also constrained by constraints
of reality, since for example you are noticing that it is not so mathematically expressive, so this not mathematically expressive is also constraining human IQ or human smartness, since if you understand and
learn this mathematical equality, another person will quickly do the
same, so the other person will adapt quickly to this level of smartness,
so now you are noticing the smart idea, it is that even science and technology are constrained the same way, and this constraints on
science and technology constrain or limit the expressiveness of high
human IQs or high level of smartness so that other lower level human
IQs or smartness can attain the level of adaptability of high human
IQs, this is what is happening in our today world, and if you are smart
you will notice that there is something else that is happening and it
is that abstraction of complexity that reduce the complexity is making others not understanding the complexity behind the abstraction and this
is not so efficient.
Here is more about the constraints on science and technology:
Is Science Going To End?
Read more here:
More of my philosophy about the bandwidth of our mind or brain and morehow can you solve the problem?, so i think i am highly smart and i say that i am solving it much more efficiently by a smart way that looks by logical analogy like by compressing the data or by enlarging the bandwidth without doing them, i mean that the
of my thoughts..
I think i am highly smart, and as you have just noticed, i have just
spoken about how our brain can work concurrently and not in parallel,
read about it in my below thoughts, but now i have to speak about another weakness of our brain, and it is its bandwidth, i mean that the bandwidth of our brain is not so efficient so that to compete with highly smart machines of the future, so then
More of my philosophy about the human mind and more of my thoughts..time T3 after time T2
I think i am smart, and as you have just noticed, i have just
spoken about silence and decency of silence, but now i will speak
about another important subject, and it is the one of the human mind,
so i think that our human mind is like a single core processor
that works with a certain frequency, so it can work concurrently , but
not in parallel since it is not like a multicore processor, so i think that we can be with our human mind a consciousness of an idea in time T1 , and we can be in in the oneself in time T2 after time T1 and we can be another consciousness of an idea in
, so it can go on and on "concurrently", but not in parallel, so i think that a weakness is that we can be too emotional or have bad emotions when you are a consciousness of an idea or you can have bad emotions when you don't know how to manage correctly concurrently with your mind, since our mind doesn't work in parallel,so then you have to know how to manage this inner of your mind, and of course i have just spoken about decency of silence and silence that allow us to know more about our inner side of ourselves and that allows us to be in harmony, so you can read my
Here is my new poem called: "Where is happiness ?"
Where is happiness ?
I think that silence is not like innocence
Since i think that silence is like decency
Since decency is behavior that conforms to standards of respectability
And notice that with the right silence you can even make it a good harmony
But what is it this decency of silence ?
Since i think that real decency doesn't make bad noises
And notice that i am also using the word noise symbolically
And I think decency of silence is not the insolence of science
Since can science be tuned to not make make those bad noises ?
So i think that silence also brings the human's inner harmony
And notice that i am also speaking about the symbolic of silence
So then since we can not make harmony without those bad noises
It is like we have to minimize at best the bad noises
And maximize at best the opportunity that makes you successful
Using the decency of silence of course !
So, since silence is so important
So i invite you to look at the following video about silence:
The Importance of Silence | Sadhguru
Thank you,i invite you to look
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
More of my philosophy from where comes the smartness of my poems and
more of my thoughts..
I think i am smart, and from where do you think comes the smartness
of all of my poems below ? i think that there smartness comes
from the fact that i have invented my philosophy and i have invented
the architectural ideas of my philosophy, and after that it has
allowed me to give a good rhythm to my poetry, i mean that those architectural ideas of my philosophy that i have invented give the form that is much more clear to my poetry and after that it becomes easier for me to put my other ideas in my poetry, so
for example at a part of my philosophy here in the following web link about how to be self-confidence and about how to be the positive energy and how to be hope so that you notice how my philosophy is smart:
More of my philosophy about the good business man and more of my thoughts..understanding the right architectural ideas, you can debug much more efficiently with them and this brings
I think i am smart, and i say that it is not with virility that
we recognize a good business man, i think that we can also
recognize a good business man by how he is dynamically playing
to you his good rhythm of his music , this good rhythm is like the good rhythm of writing beautiful poetry, but how can you have this good rhythm? i think that it is also "technical", i mean that when you know about the "tendency" by having and
this good rhythm, and it is how i am also doing it , since i amefficiently the means of Diplomacy and by highering smartly the standards of governance and by the way of more and more economic integration between countries so that to bring more and more peace, and i think that it is what has caused a war between
inventing those architectural ideas, and you can take a look
at them by reading my philosophy of how i am inventing my architectural ideas of my philosophy.
More of my philosophy about the strongness and more of my thoughts..
Here is my new proverb that makes you understand a very important thing:
"Strongness doesn't come from virility, since i think that strongness
comes from knowing how to tune it efficiently so that to be successful, and this how to tune it efficiently needs from us to know how to efficiently be this soft power that avoids wars and violence and that brings peace."
More of my philosophy of how to be a strong man..
I think i am smart, and i think we have to ask a philosophical question of:
What is a strong man ?
So i think i am smart and i will start by rapidly discovering patterns with my fluid intelligence so that to answer the question:
The most important pattern that i am discovering is that the way of how to do politics in our modern world doesn't look like the old world, since the most important thing in our today world of politics is
soft power that permits to avoid wars, and now you are understanding what is the problem of the war in Ukraine, since i think that we can notice that it is like the too big to jail problematic that has to be solved by the way of soft power using
More of my philosophy of how to pray the beautiful light..
I think i am smart, and as you have just noticed , i am saying in my new poem below the following:
"Since my God is not the just like i want to eat a delicious banana
So is the beautiful light, that we have to pray, like a primitive llama ? No, since do my beautiful poems of Love are like a pyjama too ?
No, since my beautiful philosophy is not like the one of Dalai lama
Since praying the beautiful light is necessary like a mamma(mother)"
So as you are noticing that i am saying that the praying the beautiful light is necessary like a mamma(mother), but you have to understand my philosophy, since what is also our God ? i say that our God is also the beautiful light that can be the lightthat makes you more and more perfect in this life, so notice that my poems of Love below are also like a beautiful light that can make you more and more perfect, and we can also pray this kind of beautiful light by being grateful towards this kind of
the positive energy that is necessary and the being this grateful is
also a positive energy that is necessary like a mamma(mother), so i invite you to read all my below poems so that to understand more and more my philosophy:
Here is my new poem called: "I am an artist like Santana playing the Oye Como Va", and read all my poems below:
I am an artist like Santana playing the Oye Como Va
Since my beautiful poems of Love are not like the melodrama
Since i am not praying the indian Brahma
But i am praying the beautiful light that is not a simple city of Yokohama
Since my God is not the just like i want to eat a delicious banana
So is the beautiful light, that we have to pray, like a primitive llama ?
No, since do my beautiful poems of Love are like a pyjama too ?
No, since my beautiful philosophy is not like the one of Dalai lama
Since praying the beautiful light is necessary like a mamma(mother)
It is how we can attain like the beautiful nirvana
And It is why I am an artist like Santana playing the Oye Como Va
So you have to see it clearly like in a beautiful Panorama
Since as you notice that my beautiful God is not president Obama
Since I am the artist like Santana playing the Oye Como Va !
Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
Here is my just new poem called: "Am i searching for a defense ?"
Am i searching for a defense ?
So i will ask without pretence
What is the importance of a monetary unit called a cent ?
Does it merit a dispense (a get rid of) ?
And is it not like a sixth sense ?
So is it just the thinking it great and immense ?
So as you notice that it looks like a suspense !
Since it is like the how to have a correct moral sense !
And it is like making the difference between past and future tense !
And does it needs only a commonsense ?
And does not the self-defense needs the merit of a recompense ?
And does not a good society needs the right business expense
Since you have even to legislate against a statutory or capital offense !
Since you have to know how to be the good penitence !
So am i searching for a defense ?
So, does it come with a hence or fence ?
No, since knowing how the become the good morality is also searching for a good defense.
Thank you,
Amien Moulay Ramdane.
More explanation of my new poem in english..science and technology, so it means that i can logically say in my just poem below that a human's constitution is so sophisticated like a beautiful Rome, so it is why i am saying in my just new poem below: "I am like the beautiful Rome", and about my
Notice that in my just new poem in english below i am saying the following:
"I am like the beautiful Rome"
And i am not arrogant by saying so, since the constitution or composition of a beautiful human or human is so sophisticated relatively to the actual human capacity , since we can not construct a beautiful human or human with the actual capacity of
"Since i am not alone at home
Since my home is also the i am living with a beautiful Ohm and Jerome
Since my home is also this beautiful diversity from the genome
Since are we not living in this beautiful and not random ?"
So since we are "surrounded" by this beautiful of Ohm and Jerome andwork was his translation of the Scriptures from Hebrew and Greek into Latin (which became the Vulgate); a saint and Doctor of the Church (347-420).
the other beautiful from the genome, so we can say that this beautiful from the genome is our home too.
So reread my just new poem below so that to understand:
Notice that the name Ohm in my just new poem below is also the name of German physicist who formulated Ohm's Law (1787-1854), and Jerome in my just new poem below is also the name of one of the great fathers of the early Christian Church whose major
Here is my just new poem in english and read all my poems below:
I am like the beautiful Rome
Since i am beautifully surfing with Google Chrome
I am like the beautiful Rome
Since i am not alone at home
Since my home is also the i am living with a beautiful Ohm and Jerome
Since my home is also this beautiful diversity from the genome
Since are we not living in this beautiful and not random ?
I am like the beautiful Rome
And it is not just about the beautiful chromosome
Since we have not to be handicapped like with a parkinson's syndrome
So that to not live in a catacomb
So then we have to be perfection like of a sophisticated airdrome
It is why I am like the beautiful Rome !
Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
Here is my new poem in french and read all my poems below:
Voici mon nouveau poème que je viens de penser et ecrire vite (et lire mes autres poèmes ci-bas):
Je voudrais joliment m'approcher de toi
Même si ma langue n'est pas le suédois
Car n'est-ce pas que ma moralité voudrait être de l'adéquat ?
Comme je ne voudrais être devant toi en surpoids
Je voudrais joliment m'approcher de toi
Car je voudrais être le contrepoids
Comme un si joli Robin des bois
Je voudrais joliment m'approcher de toi
Car je ne suis pas l'ancien comme un poêle à bois
Mais je suis comme la beauté naturelle de la région de Charlevoix
Je voudrais joliment m'approcher de toi
Car comme tu constates, je ne suis point le hors-la-loi
Car comme tu constates, que mon language n'est pas du patois
Car comme tu constates, que mes poèmes sont jolis et bien courtois
C'est pourquoi je voudrais joliment m'approcher de toi
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
Here is my new poem in english:
This rhythm of my beautiful heart and soul
Is like the beautiful blues and the rock and roll
This rhythm of my beautiful heart and soul
It is like taking really care of the payroll
It is also like making it good laws for the arms control
And it is also like making the good rules for quality control
This rhythm of my beautiful heart and soul
It is like the good protection from the ozone hole
This rhythm of my beautiful heart and soul
Is like becoming the good self-confidence and self-control
This rhythm of my beautiful heart and soul
Hence read my following beautiful web link's philosophy not as a parole
Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
Here is my new poem in french, and read all my poems below:
Voici mon nouveau poème que je viens de penser et ecrire vite (et lire mes autres poèmes ci-bas):
Le temps n'est pas juste le printemps
Puisque c'est comme le fier Sinbad le bon combattant
Qui ne veut point s'agenouiller devant le Satan
Le temps n'est pas juste le printemps
Puisque c'est aussi le joli amour en de si beaux instants
Le temps n'est pas juste le printemps
Puisque le temps est comme un grand sultan
Puisque le temps est là pour durer infiniment
Puisque le temps se marie bien en espace-temps
Puisque le mariage est aussi nécessaire comme le soleil levant !
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
Here is new poem of Love in french, and read all my other poems below:
Voici mon nouveau poème d'amour que je viens de penser et ecrire vite, et remarquez que la chanson de Rosalie dont je parle dans mon nouveau poème ci-bas, c'est la chanson suivante, ecoutez-la ici:
Et le mot "maquis" dans mon poème c'est un lieu retiré où se réunissaient les résistants à l'occupation allemande au cours de la seconde guerre mondiale.
Alors voici mon nouveau poème d'amour:
Est-ce que la vie est comme un ami ?
Mais regarde comme ce n'est pas le désert d'Arabie !
Mais c'est sophistiqué comme la chanson de Rosalie !
Est-ce que la vie est comme un ami ?
Mais ne vois-tu pas que ce n'est pas le simple rabbi
Et te rappelles-tu aussi les jolies recontres à Ville-Marie ?
Puisque la vie nous vient même avec une sage et si jolie Nathalie
Est-ce que la vie est comme un ami ?
Mais oui, car mon si joli amour pour toi c'est comme de la suprématie !
Et comme tu remarques que mes jolis mots c'est comme la jolie pharmacie !
Est-ce que la vie est comme un ami ?
Mais devrais-je rejoindre mon maquis ?
Car mon maquis c'est mon joli amour pour toi pour toujours et à l'infini !
Alors comme tu vois que je n'ai pas dans la tête de la zizanie !
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
More of my philosophy about my other new poems and more of my thoughts..
I have just forgotten to post four of my new poems, and here they are,
read them below, and read all my other poems in english and french below:
Here is my new poem called: "This beautiful exponential progress is not a distress"
I am speaking about the following exponential progress, and look the following video that talks about it:
Exponential Progress: Can We Expect Mind-Blowing Changes In The Near Future
This exponential progress is even happening to capitalism,
read about it here:
Capitalism switches from linear to exponential growth
So i have just decided to think fast and to write fast my following
poem about this exponential progress, here it is:
This beautiful exponential progress is not a distress
Because it is a beautiful maturity but not the adolescence
This beautiful exponential progress is not a distress
And we have to beautifully tune it with the beautiful consensus
This beautiful exponential progress is not a distress
So let us not be just guesses but technicality and science
This beautiful exponential progress is not a distress
So let us be a beautiful expressiveness that is not helpless
This beautiful exponential progress is not a distress
So let us take together this beautiful breakfast
This beautiful exponential progress is not a distress
Since you are also like my so beautiful Princess
This beautiful exponential progress is not a distress
So let us be a beautiful presence for present and future acceptance
Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
And here is my new poem in french:
Voici mon nouveau poême que j'ai pensé vite et ecrit vite
et lire mes autres poèmes ci-bas pour comprendre mon style:
Je t'aime sur ce joli vent
Puisque je suis aussi le bon vivant
Je t'aime sur ce joli vent
Puisque nous sommes comme ce joli soleil levant !
Je t'aime sur ce joli vent
Alors approche de moi sur ce joli divan
Puisque remarque aussi comme je suis l'innovant
Car avec ce joli poème je ne suis point le mort-vivant
Je t'aime sur ce joli vent
Car je suis de l'amour le bon fervent
Je t'aime sur ce joli vent
Read again, i correct about more of my philosophy about specialization and self-confidence and more..
I am a white arab, and i think i am smart since i have also
invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
I think i am smart, and i have just looked at some videos of the following black guy that is creating motivational videos:
TRUE DOG MENTALITY - The Most Motivational Video | David Goggins
And i think that he is not talking so smartly, but i think heconfidence are not so efficient, since i say that specialization alone is not sufficient,
is wanting to become self-confidence by being "specialization",
like the specialization in economy that is the process wherein a company or individual decides to focus their labor on a specific type of production and that enhances much more productivity, but i think that his views on his videos of how to be self-
since i think that you have to know how to transcend this weakness byscalable algorithms and algorithms
for example knowing how to a kind intellectual superiority that is creative in a kind sophisticated manner that brings self-confidence, and it is what i am doing by inventing my thoughts of my philosophy and my poems of Love and by inventing many
and by inventing some powerful software tools etc. and here is my following two proverbs that show this kind of doing:
Here is my new proverb:
"Being strong can become being weak by containing a small weak part that makes you weak, and being weak can become being strong by containing a
small strong part of great weight of importance that makes you strong"
Here is my other new proverb:
"When you want to construct a much better version of yourself so
that to become successful, there is the first way of the hard working
way, but the hard working way is not the efficient and smart way, this
is why you can construct a much better version of yourself
by being some creative thinking and by being exponential thinking and by using the exponential progress and growth brought by digitalization to
sell on internet your product or service from this some creative
thinking so that to be successful, so as you notice that this shows that
we have to be positive about our world, and this shows that my following proverb is truth that actually says the following: The being weak can
become being strong by containing a small strong part of great weight of importance that makes you strong, since the some creative thinking is a small part of great weight of importance that makes you strong, since it
is not only capital and talents that make you successful, but it is also some creative ideas that makes the great Capital that makes you
successful and the great capital that attracts talents that makes you
much more successful than successful."
And read all my other new proverbs in the following web link:
Here is also one important proverb of mine about Resourcefulness that permits you to understand it:
"Resourcefulness is one of the most important things, and it is a skill,
and the good news is: this skill can be learned and mastered, and resourcefulness is attained only when we combine the resourceful mindset
and skills, so we have to filter out some of the most useful resources
that help us, and resourcefulness is also to know who/what to look for
and what to ask, and when ressourcefulness is attained this becomes an engine that permits you to have hope and to be energetic and to be
positive in doing what you are doing, since resourcefulness also permits
to easy the jobs for you."
And now more of my philosophy about capitalism and about Marxism and communism and more..
I invite you to look at the following video:
Communist Professor Defends Stalin & Mao’s Legacy - Heated Debate
So i have just looked at the above video and i will talk more about capitalism:philosophy about Class Struggle
I think the mistake is to call our system capitalism, since i think our system is not capitalism, since it requires also a kind of of Social Assistance and Social Solidarity and we have to have social programs that help the weakest members of the society or the poors of the society in a kind of way, and read below my
so that to notice it, so i think that saying that USA is capitalismbetween the Chinese communists and Chinese bourgeoisie and between the imperialist camp and the socialist camp, so we can also consider that this antagonistic contradictions also comes from the fact that we can be genetically predisposed to being smart
is not correct thinking, since capitalism only as a system is a stupid system, so this is why we can not compare as in the above video between capitalism and communism, so we need to take into account all the
variables such as the kind of of Social Assistance and Social Solidarity that we have inside for example the USA system so that to compare with communism, other than that i have also discussed more about the
advantages of capitalism, you can read them in the following
web link:
And if you want to know more about my views on capitalism,
read them here:
Also you have to read carefully my philosophy about Class Struggle so
that to notice from where i am logically inferring that we require
a kind of of Social Assistance and Social Solidarity and that we have to have social programs that help the weakest members of the society or the poors of the society in a kind of way, here it is:
And today i will talk about Class struggle of Communism and Marxism,
so i will first ask a philosophical question of:
Is Class struggle "valid" and a good thing to have ?
I will say that there is not one type of Class struggle, because
we can have "levels" of Class Struggle, such as the Class Struggle of Communism and Marxism under Mao Zedong in China, and i think it is logically inferred in Marxism from the fact that there is antagonistic contradictions that are contradiction
More of my philosophy of between nostalgia and hope and the how to be optimism and more..
First i will give you the definition of "nostalgia", and here it is:
"A sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations."
So i think i will explain more my way of being happy and optimism:philosophy below etc. i also mean
I think that it is from the power of the "mind" from where comes happpiness, since the mind can be "free" and much more powerful by using philosophical mechanisms, it is why i am inventing my poems of Love and my thoughts and mechanisms of my
that happiness comes also from "nostalgia" in a form of an imaginary that you believe it is true even if it is not true, also nostalgia is not sufficient because you have to be a kind of hope and being a kind of positive energy that pushes you forward,so read my thoughts of my philosophy below about it, so i invite you to look at following video of a song, and notice in this video how the beautiful Mediterranean sea and its seashores are so beautiful and it is also giving me a happiness in a form of "
Geri Halliwell - Mi Chico Latinoat its following architectural idea:
More of my philosophy about my new poem of Love and more..
And now i will explain how i am inventing my new poem of Love:
Here is my new poem of Love again:
Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?
Since notice how our strong Love is not the war crime !
Since it is like my poems of Love and there lovely rhymes !
Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?
Since is our beautiful Love just for the onetime ?
Since is it not our love like the beautiful springtime
And is not the beautiful springtime like the sublime
And is not the sublime of Love like strongly defying space-time ?
Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?
Since i will always Love you forever and for the anytime !
Since our Love is not just a simple programming paradigm !
Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?
Since our strong Love is a King like the King that we call "time" !!
I think i am smart and i am a gentleman type of person and i think
i am a wise type of person and the way of how i am inventing
my new poem of Love is the same way i am using so that
to invent my poems of Love, so it is that i am inventing with my fluid intelligence like architectural idea or ideas in a form of smart pattern or patterns that guide(s) the rest of the construction of my poem of Love, so in my poem of Love above, look
"Since is it not our love like the beautiful springtime
And is not the beautiful springtime like the sublime
And is not the sublime of Love like strongly defying space-time ?
Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?"
So i am "abstracting" sublime of Love as being a "sublime" and i am saying that the sublime of Love permits to strongly defy space-time,
and notice how i am saying in the start of my poem of Love the following:
"Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?"
So notice that in the start of my poem of Love you will not understand clearly the why i am saying it, but when you read my above architectural idea and when you also read the following of my poem:
"Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?
Since our strong Love is a King like the King that we call "time" !!"
You will understand that i mean that the sublime of Love
is "King" like the King of time that defies space-time ,
so then this sublime of Love is not just for the onetime but it is for the forever and for the anytime and of course i am constructing beautifully the rest of my poem of Love as you are reading it.
Here is my new poem of Love..
I invite you to listen to the following song reading at
the same time my new poem of Love below:
Laura Pausini - La Solitudine (Official Video)
Note that the word "sublime" in my new poem of Love below means:
extremely good, beautiful, or enjoyable.
And here is my new poem of Love:
Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?
Since notice how our strong Love is not the war crime !
Since it is like my poems of Love and there lovely rhymes !
Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?
Since is our beautiful Love just for the onetime ?
Since is it not our love like the beautiful springtime
And is not the beautiful springtime like the sublime
And is not the sublime of Love like strongly defying space-time ?
Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?
Since i will always Love you forever and for the anytime !
Since our Love is not just a simple programming paradigm !
Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?
Since our strong Love is a King like the King that we call "time" !!
Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
More of my philosophy about the self and the human soul and more..creates, so then the very important thing is then to make sure that you have a soul, and it means that you have self-confidence and you are optimism, but here again so that to be optimism and to have self-confidence, creativity must not be just to make
I think i am smart and i think i am wise type of man,
but i will ask another philosophical question of:
What is the soul of a human ?
I think that the soul of a human is related to the self-confidence
and optimism and positive energy of a human, so the first important
step is to ask what are the engines that gives a human a soul? since i think that if you are not self-confident and optimism, it is like your soul is dying, so in philosophy you need to have the "engines" that
gives you a soul, the engines such as the philosophical mechanisms that i am talking about below, and as you notice it is not sufficient
to have a soul, since you have to have a good soul and not an evil soul,
so take for example the engine that we call "money", so i am smart and
i will quickly say that so that to have much more money , you have for example to work hard, but since the working hard is also genetical and since you have also to be genetically capable of working hard, so you are noticing the kind of problem that it
following previous thoughts so that to understand better:this is why i am saying in my philosophy below that the being optimism and the being positive energy and the being self-confidence comes from the being this "creativity".
More of my philosophy about creativity and about imagination and about freedom and more...
I think i am smart, and you have to understand my thoughts below
of my philosophy, i think there is a very important thing in my philosophy, and it is the fact that i just said the following:
So another philosophical question is about the status, and here it is:
And how to be optimistic and be positive energy and be happy
if we are in fact also comparing our status with the other members of
the society or the world ? and of course the "status" means
the position or rank of someone or something when compared to
others in a society, organization, group, etc.
So i will answer this philosophical question by saying the following:
So if you are noticing in my below thoughts of my philosophy, i am
speaking about "creativity", and i say that you can be creativity that is "successful"(and by of course respecting the laws of the country) even if you are not smart and even if you are not science and technology and even if you are not talented, so
--smart and even if we are not science and technology and even if we are not talented, is a powerful positive energy that brings hope and optimism. And i can also say in french: C'est ce genre d'imaginaire et de rêve qui nous fait vivre avec toujours cet
So you have to understand that the fact that we are thinking this way positively about the fact that we can become successful and rich by being creativity that is "successful"(and by of course respecting the laws of the country) even if we are not
More of my philosophy about the status and about my philosophy and more..this is why i am saying in my philosophy below that the being optimism and the being positive energy and the being self-confidence comes from the being this "creativity". So i invite you to read my smart philosophy below so that to understand more:
I think i am really smart, and i think i am a wise type of
person and i think i am a philosopher, so another philosophical question is about the status, and here it is:
And how to be optimistic and be positive energy and be happy
if we are in fact also comparing our status with the other members of
the society or the world ? and of course the "status" means
the position or rank of someone or something when compared to
others in a society, organization, group, etc.
So i will answer this philosophical question by saying the following:
So if you are noticing in my below thoughts of my philosophy, i am
speaking about "creativity", and i say that you can be creativity that is "successful"(and by of course respecting the laws of the country) even if you are not smart and even if you are not science and technology and even if you are not talented, so
More of my philosophy about my philosophy and more..and this a very important thing, and i am talking about it in many of my poems below that are abstracting also this exponential progress of our humanity that brings hope and optimism since it is also a very interesting good challenge, and here is my
I think i am smart, and i think i am a wise man, and i have just talked about the basis of my philosophy, read it carefully in my thoughts below, and i will repeat again a very important thing of my philosophy
and it is about how to be hope and optimism, and here is the important part of my philosophy that talks about it:
It is not just living in imagination, i mean that you have to look at the exponential progress of our humanity like a "good" challenge, and i mean that you have to know how to be organized and disciplined by using the tools of this exponential progress
More of my philosophy of from where comes happiness and more..also this process of when you have drunk enough water, you have to become thirsty again and you have to drink enough water again, and i say that it is the general principle or the general rule of how to be happy, but it is not sufficient to understand
I think i am smart, and i think i am a wise type of person, and i think
i am a philosopher, and i will say that happiness comes like from the process of being thirsty(feeling a need to drink) and becoming not thirsty by drinking enough water, and this process is a pleasure of life that makes us more happy, so happiness is
will soon make us much more powerful and much more sophisticated and
it will bring a much greater pleasures of life, and of course
being not self-confident is like being thirsty, since you have to
become self-confident by becoming a beautiful creativity as i am
talking about below, so being not self-confident is like by logical analogy being thirsty and becoming a beautiful creativity is like
drinking water, but becoming a beautiful creativity can make you self-confident for a long time, also i invite you to read my
following thoughts where i am talking about a process that
looks like the process of being thirsty and the drinking water that makes us more happy:
I think i am smart and i say that there is two ways of enhancing the intelligence or such traits of humans, there is the way that i am
talking about below that needs huge data sets to detect the "patterns"
that explain human intelligence and such human traits and after that
make the changes in the genetics of humans, and there is the other way
by using Nanotechnology and nanorobots that enhance much more the intelligence of a human by directly manipulating the brain or by putting informations in the memory or erasing informations from the memory of
a human, so then when you erase informations like a good movie or like interesting lessons of mathematics or such pleasures of life from the
memory of a human by using Nanotechnology, this allows to recreate again
or have again those pleasures of life, so then happiness will be
greatly enhanced by the way of Nanotechnology and nanorobots, and i
think it is also the way of the much more advanced extraterrestrials,
and i think that with our exponential progress we will be soon be able
to attain this level of sophistication of technology.
And read more here carefully my following thoughts about Nanotechnology and about Exponential Progress and about genetics so that to understand more my thoughts:
More of my philosophy about stoicism and about my own philosophy and more..
I think i am smart and i think i am a wise man, so i will explain
more my philosophy, so i invite you to look at the following video:
STOICISM | The Power Of Indifference (animated)
So my philosophy is not like stoicism, since i think that stoicismphilosophy of how to become optimism and happiness, and read after that my proverb of my philosophy:
has a weakness since it is based on a negative energy like for example you have to be a kind of indifference and the like, so i think i am a philosopher and i think that my philosophy is different and i will explain it more:
I think my philosophy has to be based on a positive energy, and my philosophy is not that you have to be complete peace, because it is
not pragmatic, so my philosophy finds in the reality the right mechanism that has great weight of importance and that makes us positive energy that pushes us forward proactively in confronting the good "challenge" that is life, so i have first invented a proverb so that to show the
basis of my philosophy, read it below, and notice that my proverb of my philosophy is the positive energy that is in accordance with my master rule of my philosophy that says that life is a very "interesting" game, so here is my master rule of my
"The game of life is a very interesting and challenging game that i want to play smartly. So it is a "good" challenge since the being very interesting of it makes it a "good" challenge that interests me a lot, so i have to play it smartly."
And here is my new proverb in french and english:
"When you walk towards a goal in life it's like you walk down a forest
path towards a goal, but when you walk this forest path you can look at flowers and pretty trees and be happier or you can also learn more and
have more experience which is useful while walking in the forest, then
life is like this, you can go through it towards goals, but going
through it you can also have pleasures that make you happier and you can learn more and have more experience and that is useful to you, and i
think this conception of life makes you more positive."
"Quand tu marches vers un objectif dans la vie, c'est comme tu marches
dans un chemin de forêt vers un objectif, mais quand tu marches dans ce chemin de forêt tu peux regarder des fleurs et de jolis arbres et être plus joyeux ou tu peux aussi en apprendre plus et avoir plus
d'expérience qui est utile en marchant dans la forêt, alors la vie ressemble à cela, tu peux la traverser vers des objectifs, mais en la traversant tu peux avoir aussi des plaisirs qui te rendent plus heureux
et tu peux apprendre plus et avoir plus d'experience et cela t'est
utile, et je pense que cette conception de la vie te rend plus positif."
So you have to understand that my proverb above is like
trying to well balance between, in one side, our strong human desire for success and the fear or the disliking of failure to attain the goal,
and, in the other side, i am showing in my new proverb the good sides or advantages or the pros of walking our lives towards the goal or goals
even if failure or failures happen(s), and i think this conception of
life of my proverb permits to be more positive, also you have to align
the usefulness of the utility with the global mission of the country or global world.
And here is more of my thoughts about my philosophy, read them carefully:
More of my philosophy about self-control and self-confidence and more..
I think i am "smart", and i think i am a wise type of person and i think i am a philosopher, and i will now explain my following poem
about self-control and self-confidence, so i invite you to read
it carefully:
"Is my beautiful celebration needing causation ?
So i will ask not without wisdom and education
What kind of causation needs my kind of civilization ?
So i will ask, what is it that needs our civilization ?
It is the human self-control so that to be in the right location
So i will ask is human "self-control" needing causation ?
Since is self-control coming just from a brain internal situation ?
No, since we have also to define what is "success" that causes "admiration" So is success only having big money as the ultimate adoration ?
No, since human self-control comes from knowing how to be a beautiful realization
So what is it to be a beautiful realization ?
It is an adaptation that not only comes from big money but from creativity and creation
And notice that the beautiful creativity does not only comes from science and technology and such divination
Since notice how creativity of my poems and poems of Love are not just automation
But they are also like the right human sensibility of my beautiful intellectual elevation"
So notice in my poem above how i am saying in my poem the following:self-control comes from a beautiful "realization", so now you have to be smart since my poem wants to say that there is two ways of measuring from where comes self-control and self-confidence, we can measure it like relatively or like absolutely, so it
"Since is self-control coming just from a brain internal situation ?
No, since we have also to define what is "success" that causes "admiration" So is success only having big money as the ultimate adoration ?
No, since human self-control comes from knowing how to be a beautiful realization"
So my poem above is like philosophy, since i am a philosopher, so notice how my poem above says that self-control doesn't come "just" from a brain internal situation like in "Buddhism ", since i think that Buddhism is not right, since i am saying that
self-control makes us understand that we need a kind of powerful drugindividual self-control is to be the beautiful creativity that makes the self-confidence and self-control, so you have to know how to be this beautiful creativity, since this beautiful creativity is also a powerful drug that that makes us not be too
in form of pleasures of human life in form of a beautiful realization that can be in form of a beautiful creativity and beautiful creation as says it my poem above, so then i think that the best way so that to become individual self-confidence and
So as you are noticing that my above
More of my philosophy about life and happiness and more..
I invite you to look at the following video:
Ces frenchies qui font carrière à San Francisco
And here is my new proverb so that you understand my point of view:the beautiful city and the beautiful beaches and such beautiful pleasures into your own mind so that to become happy, and it is my way of doing."
"So that to be a powerful super soldier, it is not that you have first to have a beautiful city with beautiful beaches(seashore areas) and such like in San Francisco, but it is first to become a master that creates, by powerful philosophical mechanisms,
More about beautifulness and what is it to be lovable and more..like i am inventing and it is why
First i have to say that sometimes i am writing and thinking very quickly, so it is a little bit less precise , so i invite you to read my following thoughts that are more precise so that to understand:
I think i am smart, and i just said in my previous thoughts that humans are not lovable, since i think that there is a main constraint
and it is that humans love much more and give much more priority to the being smart and the being "wise", it is why i say that humans are not lovable, and it is why i am inventing poems of Love like i am inventing and it is why i am inventing proverbs
i have invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms and it is
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