More of my philosophy about my education and more..
I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
My Diploma is a university level Diploma, my school in Morocco where i have studied and gotten my university level Diploma in Microelectronics and informatics was under the control of Paris Academie in France (we call it Académie de Paris), and here it
I have started my studies in Microelectronics and informatics in 1986,
and in my studies of informatics in my university level school i have programmed and worked with the following computer that was called Altos 586, it was a Unix system, here it is:
And i have gotten my university level Diploma in Microelectronics and informatics in 1989.
So as you notice that i know how to program in Unix and in Linux and in Windows too.
Here is my extended thoughts about my education and my personallity:
I have come to Canada when i was 20 years old, and i am living
in Canada Quebec for 32 years and now i am 52 years old , but i am genetically an athletic guy and i feel that i am still young because
i am more athletic and i am 6 Feet tall, and i am beautiful
from the inside since i am a gentleman type of person and it is also
genetical in me, and i have worked as a software consultant with
some hospitals in USA, and i have worked with some computer hardware companies and software companies in British Colombia and in New Brunswick in Canada, and here is more about my education and my Diploma and more:
My name is Amine Moulay Ramdane, i am a white arab from Morocco, and
i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms
and algorithms, and i am a gentleman type of person, and i live in
Quebec Canada since year 1989, i am also a Canadian from Morocco, and
you have seen me writing my thoughts of my political philosophy here,
and now i will talk about my education and my Diploma: my Diploma is a university level Diploma, my school in Morocco where i have studied and
gotten my university level Diploma in Microelectronics and informatics
was under the control of Paris Academie in France (we call it Académie
de Paris), and here it is:
And i have continued to study one more year of applied mathematics in university of Montreal in Quebec Canada, and i have succeeded this one
year in applied mathematics in university of Montreal, so with my
Diploma and this one year of applied mathematics i have studied and
succeeded 3 years at the university level, after that i have studied
Network administration and i have also worked as a network administrator
and as software developer consultant, the name of my company was and is Cyber-NT Communications in Quebec Canada, and around years 2001 and
2002 i have started to implement some of my softwares like PerlZip that
looked like PkZip of PKware software company, but i have implemented it
for Perl , and i have implemented the Dynamic Link Libraries of my
PerlZip that permits to compress and decompress etc. with the
"Delphi"compiler, so my PerlZip software product was very fast
and very efficient, in year 2002 i have posted the Beta version on
internet, and as a proof , please read about it here:
And after that i have sold the release version of my PerlZip
product to many many companies and to many individuals around the world,
and i have even sold it to many Banks in Europe, and with that i have
made more money.
And after that i have continued to work like a software developer
consultant and network administrator, the name of my company was and is Cyber-NT Communications,
Here is my company in Quebec(Canada) called Cyber-NT Communications,
i have worked as a software developer and as a network administrator,
read the proof here:
Also read the following part of a somewhat old book of O'Reilly called
Perl for System Administration by David N. Blank-Edelman, and you will
notice that it contains my name and it speaks about some of my Perl modules:
And you can find my Open source software projects here in my website:
And here is my photo that i have just put in my website, you can take a look at it since i am a white arab:
And here is my poems of Love that i have invented quickly:
And read my following poems of Love that i think are flexible from the start, here they are and read them carefully:
And read my following proverbs that i think are flexible from the start and that i have just invented quickly, here they are and read them carefully:
And here my other two just new proverbs that i have invented quickly:
Here is the first one of my proverbs:
"Resourcefulness is one of the most important things, and it is a skill,
and the good news is: this skill can be learned and mastered, and resourcefulness is attained only when we combine the resourceful mindset
and skills, so we have to filter out some of the most useful resources
that help us, and resourcefulness is also to know who/what to look for
and what to ask, and when ressourcefulness is attained this becomes an
engine that permits you to have hope and to be energetic and to be
positive in doing what you are doing, since resourcefulness also permits
to easy the jobs for you."
And here is the second one of my proverbs:
"When you walk towards a goal in life it's like you walk down a forest
path towards a goal, but when you walk this forest path you can look at
flowers and pretty trees and be happier or you can also learn more and
have more experience which is useful while walking in the forest, then
life is like this, you can go through it towards goals, but going
through it you can also have pleasures that make you happier and you can
learn more and have more experience and that is useful to you, and i
think this conception of life makes you more positive."
And here is the translation in french of my new proverb:
"Quand tu marches vers un objectif dans la vie, c'est comme tu marches
dans un chemin de forêt vers un objectif, mais quand tu marches dans ce
chemin de forêt tu peux regarder des fleurs et de jolis arbres et être
plus joyeux ou tu peux aussi en apprendre plus et avoir plus
d'expérience qui est utile en marchant dans la forêt, alors la vie
ressemble à cela, tu peux la traverser vers des objectifs, mais en la traversant tu peux avoir aussi des plaisirs qui te rendent plus heureux
et tu peux apprendre plus et avoir plus d'experience et cela t'est
utile, et je pense que cette conception de la vie te rend plus positif."
So you have to understand that my proverb above is like
trying to well balance between, in one side, our strong human desire for success and the fear or the disliking of failure to attain the goal,
and, in the other side, i am showing in my new proverb the good sides or advantages or the pros of walking our lives towards the goal or goals
even if failure or failures happen(s), and i think this conception of
life of my proverb permits to be more positive, also you have to align
the usefulness of the utility with the global mission of the country or
global world.
More of my philosophy about stack memory allocations and about preemptive and non-preemptive timesharing..
I think i am smart, and as you are noticing in my below thoughts that
i am abstracting smartly so that to make you understand preemptive and non-preemptive timesharing , other than that i will also give you
an interesting Stack memory allocation algorithm in Delphi and Freepascal so that to use it smartly with my below sophisticated Stackful coroutines Library, so i will extend my sophisticated Stackful coroutines Library so that to support it smartly, and
here it is:
var pool: array [1..limit] of integer;
memory: array [min..max] of integer;
top: integer;
procedure initialize;
var index: integer;
for index := 1 to limit do
pool[index] := empty;
top := min − 1
procedure allocate( index, length: integer; var address: integer);
address := pool[index];
if address <> empty then
pool[index] := memory[address]
address := top + 1;
top := top + length;
if not (top <= max)
then raise Exception.Create('Stack overflow..')
procedure release( index, address: integer);
memory[address] := pool[index];
pool[index] := address
More of my philosophy about about the paper and about preemptive and non-preemptive timesharing and more..
I have just forgotten to post about who has written the following
paper about cooperative and preemptive tasking:
Here is the Professo