• More of my philosophy of what is the Western values and about the laws

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Sat Apr 16 23:39:15 2022

    More of my philosophy of what is the Western values and about the laws and more..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I have to clear something really important about laws, and here is what i will say:

    Western countries have wanted to avoid the radical form, where we have to re-engineer the human condition by the centralized planning and large-scale social engineering as in old communist China or USSR(United Socialist Soviet Republic), since i think
    this way of doing has not worked so efficiently, so i think that western countries have given to there people human rights and freedom of expression or speech as Liberty, but i think they are not definitive rights, since i think that Western countries
    are proceeding by rational reforms into the society and then to undertake evidence-based assessments, so then they are also monitoring those western rights to see if they are working correctly or not, so if they are not working correctly , so they can
    change them, so then from my previous thoughts about nationalism and about the laws you
    are also understanding a kind of decency that brings order is so important for the society.

    Read my previous thoughts so that to understand:

    More of my philosophy about nationalism and about the laws and more..

    I think i am smart, since i think that the laws that we enforce and
    the kind of soft power that we softly enforce like by making them
    rules that we explain is the constraints that makes the basis of americanism as a nationalism of USA, since speaking and writing english can become a law too if it is necessary, so you will say why not the culture ? but the culture is the expression of
    the diversity of the population, but the laws and the soft power as soft rules is what "standardize" and makes the the basis of the americanism of USA that i say is the nationalism of USA.

    This is why i also just said the following:

    More of my philosophy of is USA nationalism or patriotism..

    I think that Donald Trump has not brought nationalism to USA, since i think that USA is a kind of nationalism that is not hard nationalism, since USA is a kind of americanism that is a kind of nationalism that is more softer than the one of president
    Putin, so what is the most important thing in americanism of USA ? i think it is the fact that it also comes from this USA americanism that maintain a kind of order by standardizing by being a mixture of laws that we enforce and by faith in God and a
    kind of soft power that brings a kind of decency that is an americanism that brings order, so i am saying it like this since
    the most important part in americanism of USA is how to be an acceptable society by being the right order.

    More of my philosophy about president Putin and about the war in Ukraine..

    I think i am smart, and i think that saying that president Putin is the only one responsable is not correct thinking, and what we have to do
    is think more efficiently and to try to understand nationalism of president Putin, so we have to ask a question of is nationalism of president Putin too much dictatorial and too much extremist and why is it too much dictatorial and too much extremist,
    since we can easily notice that the kind of too much dictatorial and extremist nationalism of Putin is not the kind of nationalism of the nationalist Union for a Popular Movement that is centre-right political party in France, so then you are
    understanding that there is hard and archaic nationalism like in Algeria and Russia and Syria and of the one of Marine Le Pen , and there is more appropriate nationalism like nationalist Union for a Popular Movement that is centre-right political party
    in France, so then you are noticing where is the defect of nationalism of Putin, since i think that nationalism of Putin is partly an archaism that has to be improved by making it look like nationalist Union for a Popular Movement that is centre-right
    political party in France, but we have to
    be careful since we have also to take into account the internal context
    of what has happened in Russia that has created this kind of too much dictatorial and extremist nationalism of president Putin.

    More of my philosophy about human diversity..

    I think i am smart, and i think that one of the most important
    thing in philosophy is to speak about what is the acceptable human diversity, so i think that what we are trying to do in the societies is that we are also standardizing by using laws, i mean the law doesn't accept all human diversities, and also we have
    to know that there is
    soft power and hard power, and the hard power is the laws that we are enforcing, and there is also soft power that we have to use so that
    to be an acceptable society, this is why i say that having an acceptable society is also knowing how to have smart and wise laws and how to be wisely and proactively a soft power that construct an acceptable society that doesn't degenerate into an unacceptable society. And it is
    how i am doing it by also inventing many poems of Love and poems so
    that to be in accordance with my following new proverb, so read them below:

    I think i am really smart, and i am also an inventor of many proverbs,
    and here is my just new proverb:

    "We can easily hate our world, and look at the destruction that just happened quickly in Ukraine and you will notice it quickly, so hate becomes by logical analogy like an animal instinct that we have to control wisely, it is why we have to know how to
    be constructive so that to make our world more beautiful so that we become much less destructive because of hate."

    More of my philosophy about my inventions and about my kind of personality..

    I think i am really smart, and you have to understand my kind
    of personality, since as you notice i am talking about my new software projects, and as you notice that i am a inventor of many scalable
    algorithms and algorithms, and i am also an inventor of many poems of Love and poems and here they are, read them carefully since my
    poems of Love and poems look like me:

    I want to share with you the following beautiful song with my poems of Love and poems..

    I want to share with you the following beautiful song of Cesária Evora:

    Amor Di Mundo


    And invite you to read all my following poems of Love and poems
    that i have invented quickly:

    Here is my new poem called: "I am walking this so beautiful desert"

    I invite to listen to the following arabic music from Morocco
    reading at the same time my poem below:

    Music mandolin lamchaheb


    Here is my new poem (and read all my poems below):

    I am beautifully walking this so beautiful desert

    Since notice how i am making it a beautiful concert

    I am beautifully walking this so beautiful desert

    Since my way is not the dirt or a simple flirt

    I am beautifully walking this so beautiful desert

    Since i am also for the good moral quest

    I am beautifully walking this so beautiful desert

    Since i am also not the evil or a pervert

    I am beautifully walking this so beautiful desert

    Since with my poems of Love i am like a delicious yoghurt

    I am beautifully walking this so beautiful desert

    Since i am the beautiful white arab that is loving you my sweatheart !

    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.


    Here is my just new poem called: "I want to be silence so that to hear your name of USA or Europe or France"

    I am a white arab, and i think i am smart since i have also
    invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    As you know i am a white arab, and i invite you again to listen
    to the following beautiful arabic music reading at the same time
    my new poem below:


    So here is my new poem that i have just thought fast and written fast:

    I want to be silence so that to hear your name of USA or Europe or France

    Since you are the beautiful that is getting me in a beautiful trance !

    I want to be silence so that to hear your name of USA or Europe or France

    Since we are also like the so beautiful dance of a beautiful circumstance

    Since it is not about finance, but it is about the how to advance !

    I want to be silence so that to hear your name of USA or Europe or France

    So, is my kind of beautiful Love just a game of chance ?
  • From =?UTF-8?B?SMOkcnJhIFJhbW9i?=@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 8 04:39:21 2022
    8J+YnPCfmJzwn5ic8J+YnPCfmJzwn5ic8J+YnPCfmJzwn5ic8J+YnPCfmJzwn5ic8J+YnPCfmJzw n5ic8J+YnPCfmJzwn5icCvCfmJzwn5icCvCfmJzwn5ic8J+YnPCfmJzwn5ic8J+YnArwn5ic8J+Y nPCfmJzwn5icCvCfmJzwn5ic8J+YnPCfmJzwn5ic8J+YnPCfmJzwn5ic8J+YnPCfmJzwn5ic8J+Y nPCfmJzwn5ic8J+YnPCfmJzwn5ic8J+YnPCfmJzwn5ic8J+YnPCfmJzwn5ic8J+YnArwn5ic8J+Y nPCfmJwK8J+YnPCfmJwK8J+YnPCfmJzwn5ic8J+YnArwn5ic8J+YnPCfmJzwn5ic8J+YnPCfmJzw n5ic8J+YnPCfmJzwn5ic8J+YnPCfmJzwn5ic8J+YnPCfmJzwn5ic8J+YnPCfmJwK8J+YnPCfmJwK 8J+YnPCfmJzwn5icCvCfmJzwn5ic8J+YnPCfmJwK8J+YnPCfmJw=

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