• Read again, i correct about my philosophy about money and about happine

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Sun Mar 27 12:58:10 2022

    Read again, i correct about my philosophy about money and about happiness and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think i am really smart and here is my just new proverb:

    "Passion is not a good engine since it is much less powerful,
    so if for example you have passion for sex, then can you make sex
    a passion that guides you ? no, so then it is not a general or
    much more general way of doing, so i think that individual
    happiness comes from the satisfaction of self-improvement,
    and does money = happiness? I think that big money doesn't
    add much individual happiness to having individually enough money
    ( look at the following video from a techlead so that to notice it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1kQmeIsCVs ), but big money
    can add much to societal happiness, and big money builds empires."

    In my above smart new proverb , i am saying that individual happiness comes from satisfaction of self-improvement, and I invite you to read
    my following thoughts of my philosophy that talks about it and
    about how you become self-confidence and how you become this
    positive energy and positive energy of hope:


    And here is my other new proverb that talks about how individual happiness comes from satisfaction of self-improvement:

    "When you walk towards a goal in life it's like you walk down a forest
    path towards a goal, but when you walk this forest path you can look at
    flowers and pretty trees and be happier or you can also learn more and
    have more experience which is useful while walking in the forest, then
    life is like this, you can go through it towards goals, but going
    through it you can also have pleasures that make you happier and you can
    learn more and have more experience and that is useful to you, and i
    think this conception of life makes you more positive."

    And here is the translation in french of my new proverb:

    "Quand tu marches vers un objectif dans la vie, c'est comme tu marches
    dans un chemin de forêt vers un objectif, mais quand tu marches dans ce
    chemin de forêt tu peux regarder des fleurs et de jolis arbres et être
    plus joyeux ou tu peux aussi en apprendre plus et avoir plus
    d'expérience qui est utile en marchant dans la forêt, alors la vie
    ressemble à cela, tu peux la traverser vers des objectifs, mais en la traversant tu peux avoir aussi des plaisirs qui te rendent plus heureux
    et tu peux apprendre plus et avoir plus d'experience et cela t'est
    utile, et je pense que cette conception de la vie te rend plus positif."

    So you have to understand that my proverb above is like
    trying to well balance between, in one side, our strong human desire for success and the fear or the disliking of failure to attain the goal,
    and, in the other side, i am showing in my new proverb the good sides or advantages or the pros of walking our lives towards the goal or goals
    even if failure or failures happen(s), and i think this conception of
    life of my proverb permits to be more positive, also you have to align
    the usefulness of the utility with the global mission of the country or
    global world"

    More of my philosophy of what is it that i am really smart and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am really smart, but what is it that i am really smart ?
    is it that i am arrogant by saying it ? not at all ! since my saying of "i am really smart" can "appear" to a stupid person that i mean that i am very smart, but it is not ! since the being really smart in my saying means also that it can be that i am of
    115 IQ, so that means that
    i am not arrogant by saying that i am really smart, so you have to understand my following proverb about it that i have invented quickly so that to understand, here it is:

    "There is an important difference between the appearance of a reality
    and the truth of a reality, this is why in science you have not to be
    confident with the appearances, since in science you have to understand
    the truth, so, to be able to understand the truth you have to know how
    to be patience before understanding the truth and not to rush in like a
    fool by lack of wisdom "

    And here are my new proverbs that i have just invented quickly:


    And here are some other proverbs that i have just invented quickly:

    Here is one of my interesting just new proverbs:

    "Human vitality comes from intellectual openness and intellectual
    openness also comes from divergent thinking and you have to well balance divergent thinking with convergent thinking so that to converge towards
    the global optimum of efficiency and not get stuck on a local optimum of efficiency, and this kind of well balancing makes the good creativity."

    And i will explain more my proverb so that you understand it:

    I think that divergent thinking is thought process or method used to
    generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions, but notice
    that we even need openness in a form of economic actors that share ideas
    across nations and industries (and this needs globalization) that make
    us much more creative and that's good for economy, since you can easily
    notice that globalization also brings a kind of optimality to divergent thinking, and also you have to know how to balance divergent thinking
    with convergent thinking, since if divergent thinking is much greater
    than convergent thinking it can become costly in terms of time, and if
    the convergent thinking is much greater than divergent thinking you can
    get stuck on local optimum of efficiency and not converge to a global
    optimum of efficiency.

    Here is the other one of my proverbs that i have just invented quickly:

    "Resourcefulness is one of the most important things, and it is a skill,
    and the good news is: this skill can be learned and mastered, and resourcefulness is attained only when we combine the resourceful mindset
    and skills, so we have to filter out some of the most useful resources
    that help us, and resourcefulness is also to know who/what to look for
    and what to ask, and when ressourcefulness is attained this becomes an
    engine that permits you to have hope and to be energetic and to be
    positive in doing what you are doing, since resourcefulness also permits
    to easy the jobs for you."

    And here is the other one of my proverbs that i have just invented quickly:

    "When you walk towards a goal in life it's like you walk down a forest
    path towards a goal, but when you walk this forest path you can look at
    flowers and pretty trees and be happier or you can also learn more and
    have more experience which is useful while walking in the forest, then
    life is like this, you can go through it towards goals, but going
    through it you can also have pleasures that make you happier and you can
    learn more and have more experience and that is useful to you, and i
    think this conception of life makes you more positive."

    And here is the translation in french of my new proverb:

    "Quand tu marches vers un objectif dans la vie, c'est comme tu marches
    dans un chemin de forêt vers un objectif, mais quand tu marches dans ce
    chemin de forêt tu peux regarder des fleurs et de jolis arbres et être
    plus joyeux ou tu peux aussi en apprendre plus et avoir plus
    d'expérience qui est utile en marchant dans la forêt, alors la vie
    ressemble à cela, tu peux la traverser vers des objectifs, mais en la traversant tu peux avoir aussi des plaisirs qui te rendent plus heureux
    et tu peux apprendre plus et avoir plus d'experience et cela t'est
    utile, et je pense que cette conception de la vie te rend plus positif."

    So you have to understand that my proverb above is like
    trying to well balance between, in one side, our strong human desire for success and the fear or the disliking of failure to attain the goal,
    and, in the other side, i am showing in my new proverb the good sides or advantages or the pros of walking our lives towards the goal or goals
    even if failure or failures happen(s), and i think this conception of
    life of my proverb permits to be more positive, also you have to align
    the usefulness of the utility with the global mission of the country or
    global world"

    More of my philosophy about how i am smart in computing and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am really smart since i can also rapidly think like
    an architect, since i think that i am smart by like finding the
    the best path, like the best path of what is the big weaknesses of reverse engineering that permit us to fight much more efficiently
    reverse engineering, also i am finding the best path that finds
    the big defect of the Go programming language(read about it in my below thoughts), so then you are also understanding this smart way of mine, so for example i will now "rapidly" find the big weaknesses of the new Intel toolkit called OneAPI and i will do
    it in a more smart way, so
    i will start by making you notice that the big weakness of
    message passing of MPI is that it is too low level, since the
    very important thing that lacks MPI is also that it lacks higher level datastructures that permit us to use them in a transparent way
    across processes and across computer machines, other than
    that, the other big weakness of message passing of MPI is that it is not a programming language that provides a unified shared memory with sophisticated data types objects across processes and across computer machines, and it is the big defect of the new
    Intel toolkit that we call OneAPI, since notice how it is so low level by providing with just the following memory objects in the unified shared memory across processes and across computer machines, here it is and notice it carefully:


    So then the big weakness of the new Intel toolkit called OneAPI
    is that it is still too low level as message passing of MPI is too low level.

    More of my philosophy about copyrights and about patents and about
    reverse engineering and more..

    I am really smart, and i will talk more about reverse engineering, so i think that the creative ways to break disassemblers or debuggers or by using source code Obfuscation are not so efficient against reverse engineering, so i will give you my smart way
    of doing it, first as i have just told you, that you have to protect your value-added of your code that you want to sell by for example using more difficult or difficult algorithms in a smart way that are more difficult or difficult to understand with
    assembler code from machine code, and after that you have to use copyright in a smart way, for example i will use like the following service from a company in Canada that provides a copyright filled and certified by a public notary that is valid for 172
    countries, you can read about it here:


    But you have to be smart, since the "patent" that protects an algorithm is not valid in so many countries such as India etc., so the best way is to use a copyright as i am doing it, so that this kind of copyright allows you to fill a lawsuit against
    binary code that is stolen from you by asking the one that has stolen from you to show his source code in
    a legal lawsuit.

    Read my previous thoughts:

    I think i am really smart, and i think that the problem with reverse engineering of binary software programs or dynamic or shared libraries is that even if you use artificial intelligence or sophisticated tools of reverse engineering, the main hard
    problem for reverse engineering is how to understand the "meaning" of the algorithm, since if the algorithms is difficult , it can be so difficult to understand it with
    assembler code, this is the main big weakness of reverse engineering, but of course with reverse engineering you can obtain the assembler from the machine code, so you can then crack the binary code since it is
    much less difficult than understanding a difficult algorithm , and after that you can give the binary code that is cracked, but with this kind of way of doing you have to be aware that the cracked binary code can contain a virus, this is why a "
    trusthworthy" relationship between a software developer or developers and the customers is so important. And it is my way of doing that is creating a trusthworthy relationship
    with my customers and with you here in those newsgroups forums and such.

    And read my following previous thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about reverse engineering..

    Simply pulling a piece of software through a decompiler does not directly yield easily readable code for several reasons.

    First of all, names of variables and functions are not kept through the compilation process, so the decompiler will assign generic names. It is much harder to read code that looks like "f8s6ex2(i37zc, sk1eo)" than it is to read "CalculatePrice(articleId,

    Secondly, a compiler has a variety of optimization tricks that it will use during compilation to make the code more efficient. A decompiler will return this "optimized" code, which will look a lot less readable than the original.

    Just compiling the Delphi mode of freepascal source code with optimizations (-O2 and up) and stripping all debug and profile information, and apply smartlinking, will make it almost
    un-decompilable. Not only FPC, but also Delphi.

    The level of software reverse complexity is different according to different program languages. generally speaking, compiled language reverse engineering is more difficult than interpreted language. in compiled languages, I think that C++ or the Delphi
    mode of Freepascal reverse engineering is the most difficult job. why? because it is very hard to transform assembly language into high level language(C++) or to Delphi mode of freepascal as i am also explaining above.

    So in reverse engineering there is almost no way to re-create the Delphi mode of freepascal or Delphi source code from the binary.

    More of my philosophy about programming languages and about lock-based systems and more of my thoughts..

    I think we have to be optimistic about lock-based systems, since race conditions detection can be done in polynomial-time, and it is not NP-hard, and you can notice it by reading the following paper:


    Or by reading the following paper:


    So i think we can continu to program in lock-based systems, and about composability of lock-based systems, read my below previous thoughts about it:

    More of my philosophy about composability and more..

    I have just read quickly the following article about composability,
    so i invite you to read it carefully:


    I am not in accordance with the above article, and i think that the above scientist is programming in Haskell functional language and it is for him the way to composability, since he says that the way of functional programming like Haskell functional
    programming is the
    the way that allows composability in presence of concurrency, but for him lock-based systems don't allow it, but i don't agree with him, and i will give you the logical proof of it, and here it is, read what is saying an article from ACM that was
    written by both Bryan M. Cantrill and Jeff Bonwick from Sun Microsystems:

    You can read about Bryan M. Cantrill here:


    And you can read about Jeff Bonwick here:


    And here is what says the article about composability in the presence of concurrency of lock-based systems:

    "Design your systems to be composable. Among the more galling claims of the detractors of lock-based systems is the notion that they are somehow uncomposable:

    “Locks and condition variables do not support modular programming,” reads one typically brazen claim, “building large programs by gluing together smaller programs[:] locks make this impossible.”9 The claim, of course, is incorrect. For evidence
    one need only point at the composition of lock-based systems such as databases and operating systems into larger systems that remain entirely unaware of lower-level locking.

    There are two ways to make lock-based systems completely composable, and each has its own place. First (and most obviously), one can make locking entirely internal to the subsystem. For example, in concurrent operating systems, control never returns to
    user level with in-kernel locks held; the locks used to implement the system itself are entirely behind the system call interface that constitutes the interface to the system. More generally, this model can work whenever a crisp interface exists between
    software components: as long as control flow is never returned to the caller with locks held, the subsystem will remain composable.

    Second (and perhaps counterintuitively), one can achieve concurrency and composability by having no locks whatsoever. In this case, there must be
    no global subsystem state—subsystem state must be captured in per-instance state, and it must be up to consumers of the subsystem to assure that they do not access their instance in parallel. By leaving locking up to the client of the subsystem, the
    subsystem itself can be used concurrently by different subsystems and in different contexts. A concrete example of this is the AVL tree implementation used extensively in the Solaris kernel. As with any balanced binary tree, the implementation is
    sufficiently complex to merit componentization, but by not having any global state, the implementation may be used concurrently by disjoint subsystems—the only constraint is that manipulation of a single AVL tree instance must be serialized."

    Read more here:


    More of my philosophy about ThreadSanitizer and about Go programming language and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am really smart, and here is the second weakness of Go
    programming language, so Go programming language is using ThreadSanitizer algorithm in its race detector so that to detect race conditions, but here is the weakness of ThreadSanitizer:

    So read carefully the following paper about ThreadSanitizer:


    And it says in the conclusion the following:

    "ThreadSanitizer uses a new algorithm; it has several modes of operation, ranging from the most conservative mode (which has few false positives but also misses real races) to a very aggressive one (which
    has more false positives but detects the largest number of
    real races)."

    So as you are noticing since the very agressive mode of Threadsanitizer doesn't detect "all" the data races, so then it is a problem, so then CSP(Communicating sequential processes) model can not help Go, since read my below thoughts so that to
    understand, so then it is not "scalable", so it is not good, since you can still take a lot of time to verify a big project so that to find the remaining data races that are not detected by ThreadSanitizer.

    More of my philosophy about the Go programming language and its big defect and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am really smart, and i will make you understand the big defect of Go programming language, and it is that so that to avoid effectively
    race conditions with the CSP(Communicating sequential processes) model,
    you have to have different memory address spaces for different processes
    that are distributed accross different machines or local to a machine, so if you use threads or lightweight thread like is using Go programming language, so then CSP(Communicating sequential processes) model will not work, since in the same memory
    address space, you can still have race conditions. So notice carefully how superpascal is doing it by using parallel "processes" with different memory address spaces by reading the following:


    Message passing of MPI for distributed programming is doing the same.

    More of my philosophy about Superpascal and about CSP(Communicating sequential processes) and more..

    I think i am smart, and i am also programming in Object Pascal
    of Delphi and Freepascal, and i think i am also a smart "Wirthian" programmer of the Wirthian familly of ALGOL-like languages, since i have programmed in Pascal and i have also programmed in Superpascal(You can read about it here: https://en.wikipedia.
    org/wiki/SuperPascal), and
    i have programmed in Object Pascal of Delphi and Freepascal, and i know more about Superpascal, that was an interesting enhancement of the pascal language, that brought an enhancement in a form of a "Forall" statement that is like a Parallel For loop,
    and that brought an
    enhancement in a form of "Channels" that look like Go channels and that permit to code parallel programs, so the Superpascal channels allowed us to program like in CSP(Communicating sequential processes) that is a formal language for describing patterns
    of interaction in concurrent systems. And CSP(Communicating sequential processes) is a member of the family of mathematical theories of concurrency known as process algebras, or process calculi, based on message passing via channels, so Superpascal
    Channels allowed us to avoid parallel bugs such as race conditions, but i think that those channels can also be used in a more simple way like in the following article, so that they permit to avoid race conditions and that's also i think a much better
    enhancement, so read the following article so that to know about the more simple way of using Go channels or Superpascal channels so that to avoid race conditions:


    And so that you get an idea about Superpascal, you can look
    at its source code in Freepascal here in Gitub:


    So as you notice that Superpascal programming language, that was invented in year 1993, has preceded Go programming language by providing Channels etc. that permit to do parallel programming by avoiding race conditions and such parallel programming bugs.

    But you have to know that i am smart and i have also enhanced
    Object Pascal of Freepascal and Delphi by inventing the following
    Threadpool that scales well and that supports parallel for loop,
    you can read about it carefully here in my websites:


    And i have also enhanced Object Pascal of Freepascal and Delphi by
    inventing a Scalable reference counting with efficient support for weak references, you can take a look carefully about it here in my websites:


    So as you notice that i am also an inventor of many scalable algorithms
    and algorithms..

    More of my philosophy about stack memory allocations and about preemptive and non-preemptive timesharing..

    I think i am smart, and as you are noticing in my below thoughts that
    i am abstracting smartly so that to make you understand preemptive and non-preemptive timesharing , other than that i will also give you
    an interesting Stack memory allocation algorithm in Delphi and Freepascal so that to use it smartly with my below sophisticated Stackful coroutines Library, so i will extend my sophisticated Stackful coroutines Library so that to support it smartly, and
    here it is:


    var pool: array [1..limit] of integer;
    memory: array [min..max] of integer;
    top: integer;

    procedure initialize;

    var index: integer;

    for index := 1 to limit do
    pool[index] := empty;
    top := min − 1

    procedure allocate( index, length: integer; var address: integer);


    address := pool[index];
    if address <> empty then
    pool[index] := memory[address]
    address := top + 1;
    top := top + length;
    if not (top <= max)
    then raise Exception.Create('Stack overflow..')


    procedure release( index, address: integer);
    memory[address] := pool[index];
    pool[index] := address


    More of my philosophy about about the paper and about preemptive and non-preemptive timesharing and more..

    I have just forgotten to post about who has written the following
    paper about cooperative and preemptive tasking:


    Here is the Professo
  • From =?UTF-8?B?0JrRgNC40YHRgtGM0Y/QvSDQo@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jun 7 02:12:26 2022
    Go to hell, idiot.

    Phone: 372 53900660

    Amine Moulay Ramdane kirjutas Pühapäev, 27. märts 2022 kl 21:58:12 UTC+2:

    Read again, i correct about my philosophy about money and about happiness and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think i am really smart and here is my just new proverb:

    "Passion is not a good engine since it is much less powerful,
    so if for example you have passion for sex, then can you make sex
    a passion that guides you ? no, so then it is not a general or
    much more general way of doing, so i think that individual
    happiness comes from the satisfaction of self-improvement,
    and does money = happiness? I think that big money doesn't
    add much individual happiness to having individually enough money
    ( look at the following video from a techlead so that to notice it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1kQmeIsCVs ), but big money
    can add much to societal happiness, and big money builds empires."

    In my above smart new proverb , i am saying that individual happiness comes from satisfaction of self-improvement, and I invite you to read
    my following thoughts of my philosophy that talks about it and
    about how you become self-confidence and how you become this
    positive energy and positive energy of hope:


    And here is my other new proverb that talks about how individual happiness comes from satisfaction of self-improvement:

    "When you walk towards a goal in life it's like you walk down a forest
    path towards a goal, but when you walk this forest path you can look at flowers and pretty trees and be happier or you can also learn more and
    have more experience which is useful while walking in the forest, then
    life is like this, you can go through it towards goals, but going
    through it you can also have pleasures that make you happier and you can learn more and have more experience and that is useful to you, and i
    think this conception of life makes you more positive."

    And here is the translation in french of my new proverb:

    "Quand tu marches vers un objectif dans la vie, c'est comme tu marches
    dans un chemin de forêt vers un objectif, mais quand tu marches dans ce chemin de forêt tu peux regarder des fleurs et de jolis arbres et être plus joyeux ou tu peux aussi en apprendre plus et avoir plus
    d'expérience qui est utile en marchant dans la forêt, alors la vie ressemble à cela, tu peux la traverser vers des objectifs, mais en la traversant tu peux avoir aussi des plaisirs qui te rendent plus heureux
    et tu peux apprendre plus et avoir plus d'experience et cela t'est
    utile, et je pense que cette conception de la vie te rend plus positif."

    So you have to understand that my proverb above is like
    trying to well balance between, in one side, our strong human desire for success and the fear or the disliking of failure to attain the goal,
    and, in the other side, i am showing in my new proverb the good sides or advantages or the pros of walking our lives towards the goal or goals
    even if failure or failures happen(s), and i think this conception of
    life of my proverb permits to be more positive, also you have to align
    the usefulness of the utility with the global mission of the country or global world"

    More of my philosophy of what is it that i am really smart and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am really smart, but what is it that i am really smart ?
    is it that i am arrogant by saying it ? not at all ! since my saying of "i am really smart" can "appear" to a stupid person that i mean that i am very smart, but it is not ! since the being really smart in my saying means also that it can be that i am
    of 115 IQ, so that means that
    i am not arrogant by saying that i am really smart, so you have to understand my following proverb about it that i have invented quickly so that to understand, here it is:

    "There is an important difference between the appearance of a reality
    and the truth of a reality, this is why in science you have not to be confident with the appearances, since in science you have to understand
    the truth, so, to be able to understand the truth you have to know how
    to be patience before understanding the truth and not to rush in like a
    fool by lack of wisdom "

    And here are my new proverbs that i have just invented quickly:


    And here are some other proverbs that i have just invented quickly:

    Here is one of my interesting just new proverbs:

    "Human vitality comes from intellectual openness and intellectual
    openness also comes from divergent thinking and you have to well balance divergent thinking with convergent thinking so that to converge towards
    the global optimum of efficiency and not get stuck on a local optimum of efficiency, and this kind of well balancing makes the good creativity."

    And i will explain more my proverb so that you understand it:

    I think that divergent thinking is thought process or method used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions, but notice that we even need openness in a form of economic actors that share ideas across nations and industries (and this needs globalization) that make
    us much more creative and that's good for economy, since you can easily notice that globalization also brings a kind of optimality to divergent thinking, and also you have to know how to balance divergent thinking
    with convergent thinking, since if divergent thinking is much greater
    than convergent thinking it can become costly in terms of time, and if
    the convergent thinking is much greater than divergent thinking you can
    get stuck on local optimum of efficiency and not converge to a global optimum of efficiency.

    Here is the other one of my proverbs that i have just invented quickly:

    "Resourcefulness is one of the most important things, and it is a skill,
    and the good news is: this skill can be learned and mastered, and resourcefulness is attained only when we combine the resourceful mindset
    and skills, so we have to filter out some of the most useful resources
    that help us, and resourcefulness is also to know who/what to look for
    and what to ask, and when ressourcefulness is attained this becomes an engine that permits you to have hope and to be energetic and to be
    positive in doing what you are doing, since resourcefulness also permits
    to easy the jobs for you."

    And here is the other one of my proverbs that i have just invented quickly:

    "When you walk towards a goal in life it's like you walk down a forest
    path towards a goal, but when you walk this forest path you can look at flowers and pretty trees and be happier or you can also learn more and
    have more experience which is useful while walking in the forest, then
    life is like this, you can go through it towards goals, but going
    through it you can also have pleasures that make you happier and you can learn more and have more experience and that is useful to you, and i
    think this conception of life makes you more positive."

    And here is the translation in french of my new proverb:

    "Quand tu marches vers un objectif dans la vie, c'est comme tu marches
    dans un chemin de forêt vers un objectif, mais quand tu marches dans ce chemin de forêt tu peux regarder des fleurs et de jolis arbres et être plus joyeux ou tu peux aussi en apprendre plus et avoir plus
    d'expérience qui est utile en marchant dans la forêt, alors la vie ressemble à cela, tu peux la traverser vers des objectifs, mais en la traversant tu peux avoir aussi des plaisirs qui te rendent plus heureux
    et tu peux apprendre plus et avoir plus d'experience et cela t'est
    utile, et je pense que cette conception de la vie te rend plus positif."

    So you have to understand that my proverb above is like
    trying to well balance between, in one side, our strong human desire for success and the fear or the disliking of failure to attain the goal,
    and, in the other side, i am showing in my new proverb the good sides or advantages or the pros of walking our lives towards the goal or goals
    even if failure or failures happen(s), and i think this conception of
    life of my proverb permits to be more positive, also you have to align
    the usefulness of the utility with the global mission of the country or global world"

    More of my philosophy about how i am smart in computing and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am really smart since i can also rapidly think like
    an architect, since i think that i am smart by like finding the
    the best path, like the best path of what is the big weaknesses of reverse engineering that permit us to fight much more efficiently
    reverse engineering, also i am finding the best path that finds
    the big defect of the Go programming language(read about it in my below thoughts), so then you are also understanding this smart way of mine, so for example i will now "rapidly" find the big weaknesses of the new Intel toolkit called OneAPI and i will
    do it in a more smart way, so
    i will start by making you notice that the big weakness of
    message passing of MPI is that it is too low level, since the
    very important thing that lacks MPI is also that it lacks higher level datastructures that permit us to use them in a transparent way
    across processes and across computer machines, other than
    that, the other big weakness of message passing of MPI is that it is not a programming language that provides a unified shared memory with sophisticated data types objects across processes and across computer machines, and it is the big defect of the
    new Intel toolkit that we call OneAPI, since notice how it is so low level by providing with just the following memory objects in the unified shared memory across processes and across computer machines, here it is and notice it carefully:


    So then the big weakness of the new Intel toolkit called OneAPI
    is that it is still too low level as message passing of MPI is too low level.

    More of my philosophy about copyrights and about patents and about
    reverse engineering and more..

    I am really smart, and i will talk more about reverse engineering, so i think that the creative ways to break disassemblers or debuggers or by using source code Obfuscation are not so efficient against reverse engineering, so i will give you my smart
    way of doing it, first as i have just told you, that you have to protect your value-added of your code that you want to sell by for example using more difficult or difficult algorithms in a smart way that are more difficult or difficult to understand
    with assembler code from machine code, and after that you have to use copyright in a smart way, for example i will use like the following service from a company in Canada that provides a copyright filled and certified by a public notary that is valid for
    172 countries, you can read about it here:


    But you have to be smart, since the "patent" that protects an algorithm is not valid in so many countries such as India etc., so the best way is to use a copyright as i am doing it, so that this kind of copyright allows you to fill a lawsuit against
    binary code that is stolen from you by asking the one that has stolen from you to show his source code in
    a legal lawsuit.

    Read my previous thoughts:

    I think i am really smart, and i think that the problem with reverse engineering of binary software programs or dynamic or shared libraries is that even if you use artificial intelligence or sophisticated tools of reverse engineering, the main hard
    problem for reverse engineering is how to understand the "meaning" of the algorithm, since if the algorithms is difficult , it can be so difficult to understand it with
    assembler code, this is the main big weakness of reverse engineering, but of course with reverse engineering you can obtain the assembler from the machine code, so you can then crack the binary code since it is
    much less difficult than understanding a difficult algorithm , and after that you can give the binary code that is cracked, but with this kind of way of doing you have to be aware that the cracked binary code can contain a virus, this is why a "
    trusthworthy" relationship between a software developer or developers and the customers is so important. And it is my way of doing that is creating a trusthworthy relationship
    with my customers and with you here in those newsgroups forums and such.

    And read my following previous thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about reverse engineering..

    Simply pulling a piece of software through a decompiler does not directly yield easily readable code for several reasons.

    First of all, names of variables and functions are not kept through the compilation process, so the decompiler will assign generic names. It is much harder to read code that looks like "f8s6ex2(i37zc, sk1eo)" than it is to read "CalculatePrice(
    articleId, amount)".

    Secondly, a compiler has a variety of optimization tricks that it will use during compilation to make the code more efficient. A decompiler will return this "optimized" code, which will look a lot less readable than the original.

    Just compiling the Delphi mode of freepascal source code with optimizations (-O2 and up) and stripping all debug and profile information, and apply smartlinking, will make it almost
    un-decompilable. Not only FPC, but also Delphi.

    The level of software reverse complexity is different according to different program languages. generally speaking, compiled language reverse engineering is more difficult than interpreted language. in compiled languages, I think that C++ or the Delphi
    mode of Freepascal reverse engineering is the most difficult job. why? because it is very hard to transform assembly language into high level language(C++) or to Delphi mode of freepascal as i am also explaining above.

    So in reverse engineering there is almost no way to re-create the Delphi mode of freepascal or Delphi source code from the binary.

    More of my philosophy about programming languages and about lock-based systems and more of my thoughts..

    I think we have to be optimistic about lock-based systems, since race conditions detection can be done in polynomial-time, and it is not NP-hard, and you can notice it by reading the following paper:


    Or by reading the following paper:


    So i think we can continu to program in lock-based systems, and about composability of lock-based systems, read my below previous thoughts about it:

    More of my philosophy about composability and more..

    I have just read quickly the following article about composability,
    so i invite you to read it carefully:


    I am not in accordance with the above article, and i think that the above scientist is programming in Haskell functional language and it is for him the way to composability, since he says that the way of functional programming like Haskell functional
    programming is the
    the way that allows composability in presence of concurrency, but for him lock-based systems don't allow it, but i don't agree with him, and i will give you the logical proof of it, and here it is, read what is saying an article from ACM that was
    written by both Bryan M. Cantrill and Jeff Bonwick from Sun Microsystems:

    You can read about Bryan M. Cantrill here:


    And you can read about Jeff Bonwick here:


    And here is what says the article about composability in the presence of concurrency of lock-based systems:

    "Design your systems to be composable. Among the more galling claims of the detractors of lock-based systems is the notion that they are somehow uncomposable:

    “Locks and condition variables do not support modular programming,” reads one typically brazen claim, “building large programs by gluing together smaller programs[:] locks make this impossible.”9 The claim, of course, is incorrect. For evidence
    one need only point at the composition of lock-based systems such as databases and operating systems into larger systems that remain entirely unaware of lower-level locking.

    There are two ways to make lock-based systems completely composable, and each has its own place. First (and most obviously), one can make locking entirely internal to the subsystem. For example, in concurrent operating systems, control never returns to
    user level with in-kernel locks held; the locks used to implement the system itself are entirely behind the system call interface that constitutes the interface to the system. More generally, this model can work whenever a crisp interface exists between
    software components: as long as control flow is never returned to the caller with locks held, the subsystem will remain composable.

    Second (and perhaps counterintuitively), one can achieve concurrency and composability by having no locks whatsoever. In this case, there must be
    no global subsystem state—subsystem state must be captured in per-instance state, and it must be up to consumers of the subsystem to assure that they do not access their instance in parallel. By leaving locking up to the client of the subsystem, the
    subsystem itself can be used concurrently by different subsystems and in different contexts. A concrete example of this is the AVL tree implementation used extensively in the Solaris kernel. As with any balanced binary tree, the implementation is
    sufficiently complex to merit componentization, but by not having any global state, the implementation may be used concurrently by disjoint subsystems—the only constraint is that manipulation of a single AVL tree instance must be serialized."

    Read more here:


    More of my philosophy about ThreadSanitizer and about Go programming language and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am really smart, and here is the second weakness of Go
    programming language, so Go programming language is using ThreadSanitizer algorithm in its race detector so that to detect race conditions, but here is the weakness of ThreadSanitizer:

    So read carefully the following paper about ThreadSanitizer:


    And it says in the conclusion the following:

    "ThreadSanitizer uses a new algorithm; it has several modes of operation, ranging from the most conservative mode (which has few false positives but also misses real races) to a very aggressive one (which
    has more false positives but detects the largest number of
    real races)."

    So as you are noticing since the very agressive mode of Threadsanitizer doesn't detect "all" the data races, so then it is a problem, so then CSP(Communicating sequential processes) model can not help Go, since read my below thoughts so that to
    understand, so then it is not "scalable", so it is not good, since you can still take a lot of time to verify a big project so that to find the remaining data races that are not detected by ThreadSanitizer.

    More of my philosophy about the Go programming language and its big defect and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am really smart, and i will make you understand the big defect of Go programming language, and it is that so that to avoid effectively
    race conditions with the CSP(Communicating sequential processes) model,
    you have to have different memory address spaces for different processes that are distributed accross different machines or local to a machine, so if you use threads or lightweight thread like is using Go programming language, so then CSP(Communicating sequential processes) model will not work, since in the same memory
    address space, you can still have race conditions. So notice carefully how superpascal is doing it by using parallel "processes" with different memory address spaces by reading the following:


    Message passing of MPI for distributed programming is doing the same.

    More of my philosophy about Superpascal and about CSP(Communicating sequential processes) and more..

    I think i am smart, and i am also programming in Object Pascal
    of Delphi and Freepascal, and i think i am also a smart "Wirthian" programmer of the Wirthian familly of ALGOL-like languages, since i have programmed in Pascal and i have also programmed in Superpascal(You can read about it here: https://en.wikipedia.
    org/wiki/SuperPascal), and
    i have programmed in Object Pascal of Delphi and Freepascal, and i know more about Superpascal, that was an interesting enhancement of the pascal language, that brought an enhancement in a form of a "Forall" statement that is like a Parallel For loop,
    and that brought an
    enhancement in a form of "Channels" that look like Go channels and that permit to code parallel programs, so the Superpascal channels allowed us to program like in CSP(Communicating sequential processes) that is a formal language for describing
    patterns of interaction in concurrent systems. And CSP(Communicating sequential processes) is a member of the family of mathematical theories of concurrency known as process algebras, or process calculi, based on message passing via channels, so
    Superpascal Channels allowed us to avoid parallel bugs such as race conditions, but i think that those channels can also be used in a more simple way like in the following article, so that they permit to avoid race conditions and that's also i think a
    much better enhancement, so read the following article so that to know about the more simple way of using Go channels or Superpascal channels so that to avoid race conditions:


    And so that you get an idea about Superpascal, you can look
    at its source code in Freepascal here in Gitub:


    So as you notice that Superpascal programming language, that was invented in year 1993, has preceded Go programming language by providing Channels etc. that permit to do parallel programming by avoiding race conditions and such parallel programming

    But you have to know that i am smart and i have also enhanced
    Object Pascal of Freepascal and Delphi by inventing the following
    Threadpool that scales well and that supports parallel for loop,
    you can read about it carefully here in my websites:


    And i have also enhanced Object Pascal of Freepascal and Delphi by
    inventing a Scalable reference counting with efficient support for weak references, you can take a look carefully about it here in my websites:


    So as you notice that i am also an inventor of many scalable algorithms
    and algorithms..

    More of my philosophy about stack memory allocations and about preemptive and non-preemptive timesharing..

    I think i am smart, and as you are noticing in my below thoughts that
    i am abstracting smartly so that to make you understand preemptive and non-preemptive timesharing , other than that i will also give you
    an interesting Stack memory allocation algorithm in Delphi and Freepascal so that to use it smartly with my below sophisticated Stackful coroutines Library, so i will extend my sophisticated Stackful coroutines Library so that to support it smartly,
    and here it is:


    var pool: array [1..limit] of integer;
    memory: array [min..max] of integer;
    top: integer;

    procedure initialize;

    var index: integer;

    for index := 1 to limit do
    pool[index] := empty;
    top := min − 1

    procedure allocate( index, length: integer; var address: integer);


    address := pool[index];
    if address <> empty then
    pool[index] := memory[address]
    address := top + 1;
    top := top + length;
    if not (top <= max)
    then raise Exception.Create('Stack overflow..')


    procedure release( index, address: integer);
    memory[address] := pool[index];
    pool[index] := address


    More of my philosophy about about the paper and about preemptive and non-preemptive timesharing and more..

    I have just forgotten to post about who has written the following
    paper about cooperative and preemptive tasking:


    Here is the Professor Phil Koopman of Carnegie Mellon University from Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering who has written
    this paper:


    And note that i am calling, in my thoughts below, cooperative and preemptive tasking: "preemptive and non-preemptive timesharing"

    More of my philosophy about Intel 8051 controller and about preemptive and non-preemptive timesharing and more..

    I have just quickly read the following interesting paper and it says
    that judicious use of cooperative tasking techniques can also often meet an embedded system's multitasking requirements, while giving better
    performance and a simpler software environment than a preemptive multitasker, so read it carefully here:


    And notice that it also says in the above paper that so that to meet
    the requirements with cooperative multitasking you have to move the time-critical code to interrupt-service routines. And let us look
    for example at the Intel 8051 controller here:


    So as you notice that it has many hardware interrupts that you can
    use so that to make the cooperative tasking efficient, and i think it also comes with two clock timers interrupts that you can use to implement preemptive multitasking if you want, and you have also to know about interrupt latency when programming
    embedded systems with hardware controllers, and you have to know that the hardware interrupts have to get serviced fast enough and often enough, so you shouldn't disable
    interrupts for too long a period of time, and just to give you an idea
    , look for example at the nonbuffered communication UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) operating at 38,400 bits per second will interrupt every 208 microseconds. This is 1/38,400*8 because they
    will interrupt for every byte (8 bits), and a processor or controller running at 25MHz executes most of its instructions in
    2 or 3 system-clock periods. That would be an average of 120 nanoseconds (1/25,000,000*3). In theory, this means you could execute as
    many as 1,730 instructions in the interrupt interval. So that was only
    in theory, now you have to do the reality check. You must take into consideration that there are more interrupts than just that communication channel. The timer interrupt will be firing off every so often. And the communication interrupt itself will have interrupts
    disabled for good period of time, and not only that, but there is also the tasks switch that can be expensive, so you have to think about
    it efficiently.

    So i invite you to read my below thoughts about preemptive and non-preemptive timesharing and more so that to understand much more efficiently:

    More of my philosophy about preemptive and non-preemptive timesharing and more..

    I have just took a smart look at Modula-2 language(Modula-2 is a structured, procedural programming language developed between 1977 and 1985 by Niklaus Wirth at ETH Zurich, and he has also developed Pascal
    language, read about Niklaus Wirth here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niklaus_Wirth), and i think Modula-2 language was among the first languages that has provided preemptive and non-preemptive timesharing with coroutines, but the preemptive
    timesharing in Modula-2 uses Interrupt handling using IOTRANSFER, but it is best reserved for programs that will run without operating system support. Installing an interrupt handler on a multiuser system is not feasi­ble because doing so would affect
    other users. (For this reason, IOTRANSFER is not a mandatory feature of Modula-2.) Even on single-user systems, IOTRANSFER can be difficult to use because installing an interrupt handler causes the old interrupt handler (which most likely belongs to the
    operating system) to be lost. So this is why i think that the best way in modern operating systems is to use non-preemptive timesharing with coroutines, so this is why i am providing you with my sophisticated implementation of stackful coroutines, read
    about it in my thoughts below:

    More of my philosophy about timesharing that is a Solution to Computer Bottlenecks..

    I invite you to look at the following very interesting video about timesharing that is a Solution to Computer Bottlenecks:


    I think i am smart, and you have to understand one important thing
    and it is: What is the difference between a software architect and
    a software engineer?, i think there is an important difference and it
    is also like abstracted in the following question:

    "How it is made?"

    So i think that software engineering works at a higher level than
    a software architect, this is why you will notice that i am
    quickly implementing a sophisticated stackful coroutines
    Library and i am quickly implementing setjmp() and longjmp() with
    x64 assembler or code machine, read my below thoughts about them, but you have to know that my sophisticated stackful coroutines Library
    does a kind of timesharing as in the above video, but i think that there is two kinds of timesharing: the preemptive one, and the non-preemptive one, but the difference is that the preemptive one does interrupt with a timer the coroutines from an
    external scheduler in
    a form of function, but notice below that i am implementing the non-preemptive timesharing in my sophisticated coroutines Library, but you have to be smart and notice that my way of doing is like the software architect way, since i am implementing it
    from the lowest level with x64 assembler routines that are part of the non-preemptive scheduler, but not only that, but you have also to look at how i am also implementing a

    [continued in next message]

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