More of my philosophy about HP NonStop to x86 Server Platform fault-tol
From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Sun Mar 13 12:49:39 2022
More of my philosophy about HP NonStop to x86 Server Platform fault-tolerant computer systems and more..
I am white arab from Morocco and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
Now HP to Extend HP NonStop to x86 Server Platform
HP announced in 2013 plans to extend its mission-critical HP NonStop technology to x86 server architecture, providing the 24/7 availability required in an always-on, globally connected world, and increasing customer choice.
So i think programming the HP NonStop for x86 is now compatible with x86 programming.
More of my philosophy about my important thoughts about technology and more..
You can read all my following thoughts that i have thought
and written quickly , and as you notice i have just grouped them
in this post so that you can easily read them:
You can read my thoughts about artificial intelligence and productivity and about China and its artificial intelligence and computer chips in
the following web link:
And you can read my following thoughts about 3D stacking in CPUs and about EUV (extreme ultra violet) and about scalability and more in the
following web link: