More of my philosophy about how to higher the economic growth and more of my thoughts..
I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
I think i am smart, and what we have to do is to invest in gender parity
since if the labour force participation rate of women were equal to the labour force participation rate of men, the US economy would be 8.7% larger than it is today, the French economy would be 17% larger and the Japanese economy would be 14% larger, and
we have to close the race equity gap so that to also higher economic growth, since for example by closing this racial equity gap, the United States gross domestic product (GDP) could see a continuous 0.5% increase a year over the next few decades,
resulting in $8 trillion in growth by 2050. Also we have to invest much more in artificial intelligence, as i am explaining below, so that to higher much more productivity and so that to enhance much more the living conditions of people, and about
decarbonizing the planet, i have talked about it in my other posts, and about unequal distribution of income and opportunities, you can also read my following thoughts in the following web link about capitalism so that to understand more:
More of my philosophy about student performance and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..
I have just read the following interesting article from McKinsey, and
i invite you to read it carefully:
Drivers of student performance: Asia insights
And i think i am smart, and i think that the following factors in the above article that influence student performance are not so difficult to implement:
1- Students who receive a blend of inquiry-based and teacher-directed
instruction have the best outcomes
2- School-based technology yields the best results when placed in the
hands of teachers
3- Early childhood education has a positive impact on student scores,
but the quality and type of care is important
But i think that the factor that is tricky to implement (since it needs good smartness) is good motivation calibration that permits to score 8 to 14 percent higher on the science test than poorly calibrated one, and the high self-identified motivation
that permits to score 6 to 8 percent higher, this is why i have invented my thoughts of my philosophy about it, and here it is and read it carefully from the following web link:
I invite you to read my following thoughts of my philosophy of how you become self-confidence and how you become this positive energy and positive energy of hope:
More of my philosophy about forward Thinking on artificial intelligence with Microsoft CTO Kevin Scott and more of my thoughts..
Forward Thinking on artificial intelligence with Microsoft CTO Kevin Scott
"We’ve been hearing for a long time that robots are coming for our jobs. Now, with widespread global unemployment due to COVID-19, that sounds even more ominous. But what if robots and AI could, in fact, help with recovery? Well, it’s possible. For
instance, in some rural parts of the US, artificial intelligence and machine learning are making these regions more economically viable."
Read more here:
More of my philosophy about how to boost productivity with artificial intelligence and more..
And you can also boost productivity with artificial intelligence by:
1- More accurate demand forecasting using AI and machine learning
2- Predictive maintenance
3- Hyper-personalized manufacturing
4- Optimizing manufacturing processes
5- Automated material procurement
Read more here about those 5 ways artificial intelligence can boost productivity:
More of my philosophy of how AI-driven nudges can transform an operation’s performance and more of my thoughts..
New AI-driven approaches are making truly personalized, real-time coaching a reality, and the results were compelling. The productivity of the test groups increased by 8 to 10 percent, while the need for rework dropped by 20 to 30 percent compared with
the control group. Together, those productivity and quality improvements helped to drive a 5 to 10 percent reduction in cost. Better still, the system was well-liked by both field technicians and their managers.
Read more about it here on McKinsey website:
More of my philosophy about McKinsey and more..
I invite you to look at the following interesting video about McKinsey:
How McKinsey Became One Of The Most Powerful Companies In The World
And i also invite you to read this interesting article about McKinsey:
How McKinsey Destroyed the Middle Class
I think i am smart, and i have just looked at the above video and i have
just read the above article, and i think in the above article they have done it with the traditional levers, but i think this classical way of managing is not so difficult for countries, but i think this classical way of managing is much less important
than the much important way of doing it with artificial intelligence, since compelling data reveal a discouraging truth about growth today. There has been a marked decline in the ability of traditional levers of production capital investment and labor to
propel economic growth, since i say that for example firms with a large part-time employment share are more productive than firms with a large share of full-time workers, but a 10% increase in the
part-time share is associated with 4.8% higher productivity, so i think that it is AI(artificial intelligence) that could increase much more the economic growth rates by changing the nature of work and creating a new relationship between man and machine.
The impact of AI technologies on business can increase much more labor productivity and enable people to make more efficient use of their time, but the most important thing is that Digital and AI literacy is of utmost importance to help countries
businesses scale and compete internationally. Investing in widespread digital and AI literacy for the entire population will increase domestic demand for technology and technology jobs. A technologically literate population will create more data, which
fuels AI and thus the
data-driven economy as a whole. It is also necessary for workers to be able to upskill and re-skill in order to remain productive and competitive in an automated workforce. Countries businesses that adopt AI technology will save from lower production
costs, have increased output, and be able to invest more. Increased revenue from this domestic demand, and with a global reputation for responsible AI, will help countries businesses scale globally and compete on the international level.
I think i am smart, and you have to understand me, since the main
problem of our world is the fact that we have been hit badly by
Covid-19, and it has worsen much more the debt-to-GDP ratio and it has
worsen the budget deficit of governments, so then the much more
efficient way of solving the problem is by using artificial intelligence
that enhances much more productivity , so as you are noticing that you have to know more about logistics, since the problem is not that you have to be the best in quality as a country, but even if you are not the best in quality as a country, you can
enhance much more the living conditions by not being the best in creativity or inventiveness and by much more enhancing smartly productivity with artificial intelligence.
More of my philosophy about my important thoughts about technology and more..
You can read all my following thoughts that i have thought
and written quickly , and as you notice i have just grouped them
in this post so that you can easily read them:
You can read my thoughts about artificial intelligence and productivity and about China and its artificial intelligence and computer chips in
the following web link:
And you can read my thoughts about the next industrial revolution and about Exascale supercomputers and more in the following web link:
And you can read my following thoughts about 3D stacking in CPUs and about EUV (extreme ultra violet) and about scalability and more in the
following web link:
And you can read my following thoughts about Nanotechnology and about Exponential Progress in the following web link:
Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
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