More of my philosophy of how i am smart and about what is smartness..
I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
I think i am really smart, and i think that smartness is not doing mathematics, i think being highly smart is discovering smart patterns and composing smartly other patterns with those patterns etc. so i will
give you my examples of how i am genetically highly smart, so read
carefully my following thoughts and notice how i have quickly
read a saying of Nikola Tesla and how i have rapidly discovered
smart patterns with my fluid intelligence in a form of my
showing that Nikola Tesla is not correct thinking and by discovering
other patterns with my fluid intelligence in a form of my invention of my new proverb below etc. so read carefully my following thoughts and you will notice that being highly smart is also quickly discovering smart patterns in the way i am doing it below(
and notice below the other smart patterns that i am discovering with my fluid intelligence when i am rapidly showing that Garry Tan is not correct thinking):
More of my philosophy about Nikola Tesla and my proverbs and more..
I have just looked at the following video of the sayings of Nikola Tesla, and you can read about him here:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikola_Tesla, and you can look at the video here:
And i think Nikola Tesla doesn't look like me, Since of course i am also an inventor of many software scalable algorithms and algorithms, but i don't think Nikola Tesla was a wise type of person like me(and i think it is also genetical in me), since for
example he is saying the following saying in the above video:
"Be alone, that is the secret of invention;
be alone, that is when ideas are born"
So i think that the above saying from Nikola Tesla is not smart at all, since creativity needs convergent and divergent thinking, and divergent thinking needs to "collect" information and data from other people so that to be efficient, and i also think
that creativity is the mother of invention, so this is why Nikola Tesla is not smart by saying the above saying, and here is more of my smart thoughts about it so that you understand my kind of personality:
More of my philosophy about divergent and convergent thinking and more..
I invite you to look at the following video:
5 Life-changing books YOU MUST READ in 2022
I think i am smart, and notice that he is talking about the book called "The one thing", and he is saying that we have to be focused on doing one thing at a time because it is good for productivity, and he is saying that doing many things at the same
time is not good for productivity, but i think i am smart and i say he is not smart and he is not correct to say so, because we can do many things at the same time and be like divergent thinking before doing one thing at a time and be like convergent
thinking, and this kind of efficient "balance" like between convergent and divergent thinking makes the efficient thinking, and here is my new proverb about my methodology:
"Human vitality comes from intellectual openness and intellectual
openness also comes from divergent thinking and you have to well balance divergent thinking with convergent thinking so that to converge towards
the global optimum of efficiency and not get stuck on a local optimum of efficiency, and this kind of well balancing makes the good creativity."
And i will explain more my proverb so that you understand it:
I think that divergent thinking is thought process or method used to
generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions, but notice
that we even need openness in a form of economic actors that share ideas
across nations and industries (and this needs globalization) that make
us much more creative and that's good for economy, since you can easily
notice that globalization also brings a kind of optimality to divergent thinking, and also you have to know how to balance divergent thinking
with convergent thinking, since if divergent thinking is much greater
than convergent thinking it can become costly in terms of time, and if
the convergent thinking is much greater than divergent thinking you can
get stuck on local optimum of efficiency and not converge to a global
optimum of efficiency.
And here is my thoughts about artificial intelligence and evolutionary algorithms in artificial intelligence so that you understand more:
More of my philosophy of how to become rich and more..
I invite you to look at the following video that speaks
about how to become rich:
STOP Chasing Money -- Chase WEALTH. | How To get RICH | Garry Tan's Office
The person that is speaking on the above video is called Garry Tan,
and here he is:
And I think i am smart and i invite you to look at the following
"defect" or "bug" of the above video, look here at what he is saying:
So he is saying the following:
"So what is most useful, is actually acquiring skills that nobody else
has, especially in combination that are rare. If you can rebound the
ball and nobody does it quite the way you can, you can be a Hall of Fame basketball player. And that applies to all the things in your career and
in life."
So look at the following how he is giving the "general" way:
"So what is most useful, is actually acquiring skills that nobody else
has, especially in combination that are rare."
I think that the "defect" in the above saying and "general" way of the
above video is that it is not taking into account the factor of the
usefulness to consumers or to customers since you can acquire skills
that nobody else has, especially in combination that are rare, but those
skills can still be useless to the consumers or customers, so i think
that the above saying is not so smart. So the person on the above video
has forgot the very basis of what is it of something has to be useful
for the consumers or customers, so read my following smart
"redefinition" of Utilitarianism so that to understand:
More of my philosophy about why the definition of Utilitarianism is like
an IQ test..
Notice that i think i am smart, since when i just looked rapidly at the definition below of Utilitarianism, i have rapidly discovered a pattern
with my fluid intelligence and it is that even if the definition
of Utilitarianism is: That Utilitarianism prescribes actions that
maximise happiness and well-being for all affected individuals,
i can easily see a pattern with my fluid intelligence since i am
smart, since the pattern is that Utilitarianism maximises happiness and well-being by well balancing taking into account not
only the present but also the future, i mean that responability
is inherent to the definition since the well balancing forces us
to be responsability in the present or today so that to maximize
correctly happiness and well being tomorrow or in the future.
I can give you another IQ test that i have rapidly invented and
here it is:
So i will give my example of pattern recognition with my fluid
intelligence that permits to understand, here it is:
So if you want to go fast from my country Morocco to another country
called USA , how will you do it ? or what will you do ?
It is like my IQ test..
So if you answer that you need for example to use a fast airplane to go
fast from Morocco to USA, your answer is a stupid answer, so you need
the smart answer, so i will answer that the fast airplane too has to be "reliable" and your "health" has too to permit it and the "weather" has
too to permit it, so now you are clearly noticing that you need to take
into account many "factors" so that to go fast from Morocco to USA, so
you are clearly noticing that being smart needs also a good plan.
More precision of my philosophy about Utilitarianism..
I invite you to read the following definition of what is Utilitarianism:
So as you are noticing, it says that Utilitarianism prescribes actions
that maximise happiness and well-being for all affected individuals,
but i think that Utilitarianism is not idiotic since it maximises
happiness and well-being by well balancing taking into account not
only the present but also the future.
More of my philosophy about a well known musician and singer from Morocco..
I invite you to listen to the following well known and good singer and musician from Morocco and he is a little bit far member of the big familly of my mother:
Hamid Bouchnak - Khallitini - خلّيتينـــي - Version originale.
I think i am also genetically an artist since i can invent quickly poems of Love and poems and i think i can also invent interesting musics..
You can read more about me below:
More of my philosophy of how you can be like me..
I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
I think i am smart, and if you want to know how you can be like me,
here is first my genetical characteristics that permit me to invent
quickly as i am explaining it below:
1- I have genetical characteristics that makes me like an artist, since
i can invent interesting musics and i can for example invent quickly
many interesting poems of Love and poems.
2- I have another genetical characteristic, and it is that i am much
more precise thinking, and much more precision in the thinking
process does not come only from genetical smartness, but it also
comes from the much precise way that you think naturally.
3- I have another genetical characteristic, and it is that i have
like a well balanced thinking since i am also genetically a gentleman
type of person, so i am not genetically violent , since this
genetically "violent" makes your thinking not well balanced.
4- I think i am genetically highly smart, since i have passed some
standardized IQ tests on internet that confirm that i am highly
And you can read more about my way of doing, as also an inventor, in the following:
More of my philosophy about my next projects..
I think i am really smart, and as you have just noticed that i have quickly invented my thoughts of my philosophy and i have invented quickly my new monotheistic religion and i have invented many proverbs and i have invented many poems of Love and poems
and i have invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms , but here is my next projects that i will finish quickly:
1- First i will quickly organize my thoughts of my philosophy that i
have invented quickly into an efficient much more organized book in a
PDF and HTML format so that you can download them.
2- And i will organize my poems of Love and poems that i have invented
quickly in both english and french and the many of my proverbs that i
have invented quickly into an efficient HTML book.
3- Here is my other project that i will finish quickly:
More of my philosophy about mathematics and the Minimizers that fit models and more of my philosophy..
I have just read the following web pages about comparing Minimizers that fit models, and i invite you to read them here:
And i am working with some software projects now that need good Minimizers that fit models, and i have implemented two of them with the simplex method and with Levenberg-Marquardt, but i am not satisfied since i think that the Simplex method is better in
convergence than Levenberg-Marquardt since it rarely converges to a local minimum, but i will implement or build a minimizer from the ground up with artificial intelligence that fits Models and that is much more sophisticated than the Simplex or
Levenberg-Marquardt, so stay tuned since i am actually implementing it !
4- And here another project of mine that i will finish quickly, you can
read about it in my following thoughts in the following web link:
And here is my following thoughts about artificial intelligence and evolutionary algorithms in artificial intelligence:
5- And my other project that i will finish quickly, it is
that i will invent a compiled programming language that is really
efficient in parallelism programming since i am also an inventor of
many scalable algorithms and algorithms.
And you can read more about my education and my way of doing here:
Here is more proof of the fact that i have invented many scalable
algorithms and algorithms:
And you can take a look at my photo that i have just put
here in my website(I am 53 years old):
Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
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