• More of my philosophy about the connectionism and symbolism in artifici

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Tue Mar 1 11:35:18 2022

    More of my philosophy about the connectionism and symbolism in artificial intelligence and more..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I invite you to read the following interesting article that shows
    that the Chinese Wu Dao 2.0 AI model is promising, since i think it
    has attained a level of common sense reasoning that is remarkable and
    it can understand Chinese and English languages proficiently and it
    can write poems etc. so i think as we scale it more and more over 1.75 trillion parameters, i think it will attain human level common sense reasoning etc. so read the following so that to notice the current abilities of Chinese Wu Dao 2.0 AI model:

    "Wu Dao 2.0 AI model has been trained using 1.75 trillion parameters; and the most prominent model by OpenAI GPT-3 has been trained using just 175 billion parameters. More than 100 scientists for varying organizations have come together to put into place
    this new Chinese Wu Dao 2.0 AI model.The Wu Dao model has been trained by studying 1.2 TB of text both in English and Chinese; therefore, it can understand these languages proficiently. This model can simulate conversations, understand pictures, write
    original poems and create new unheard recipes."

    Read more here:


    So as you notice that there is the connectionist method in AI such
    as the Chinese Wu Dao 2.0 AI model that scales remarkably,
    but there is the other method that i am talking about below that is
    a mixture of symbolism and connectionism in AI , so it is decently
    scalable, so we have to be optimistic about it too, so read about
    it in my below thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about Wu Dao 2.0’s capabilities and about AI (artificial intelligence) and more..

    I invite you to read the following interesting article about artificial intelligence from China that we call Wu Dao 2.0 that is a GPT-3 crusher:

    New contender in Trillion Parameter Model race


    And i invite you to read the following interesting article about the artificial intelligence that we call COMET (short for “commonsense transformers”):

    Cracking the Code of Common Sense


    So as you are noticing that COMET (short for “commonsense transformers”) has a 77.5% success rate, which isn’t much lower than humans, so notice that COMET uses the transformer language model architecture introduced in Radford et al. (2018) (GPT),
    so i think that if we enhance it with such Wu Dao 2.0 characteristics, it will get much better , so we have to be optimistic about COMET (short for “commonsense transformers”), since i think it will be capable of an average human common sense
    reasoning as i am saying in my below thoughts.

    More of my philosophy about productivity and about artificial intelligence and more..

    I think i am smart, and you have to understand me, since the main problem of our world is the fact that we have been hit badly by Covid-19, and it has worsen much more the debt-to-GDP ratio and it has worsen the budget deficit of governments, so then the
    much more efficient way of solving the problem is by using artificial intelligence that enhances much more productivity as i am explaining it below, so as you are noticing that you have to know more about logistics, since the problem is not that you have
    to be the best in quality as a country, but even if you are not the best in quality as a country, you can enhance much more the living conditions by not being the best in creativity or inventiveness and by much more enhancing smartly productivity with
    artificial intelligence. And read the following so that to understand more about my views:

    "Compelling data reveal a discouraging truth about growth today. There has been a marked decline in the ability of traditional levers of production capital investment and labor to propel economic growth."

    And it it says the following:

    "Accenture research on the impact of AI in 12 developed economies reveals that AI could double annual economic growth rates in 2035 by changing the nature of work and creating a new relationship between man and machine. The impact of AI technologies on
    business is projected to increase labor productivity by up to 40 percent and enable people to make more efficient use of their time."

    Read more here so that to notice it:


    And McKinsey estimates that AI(Artificial intelligence) may deliver an additional economic output of around US$13 trillion by 2030, increasing global GDP by about 1.2 % annually. This will mainly come from substitution of labour by automation and
    increased innovation in products and services.

    Read more here:


    More of my philosophy about the paper of COMET (short for “commonsense transformers”) and more..

    I think i am smart, and i invite you to look at the following paper of
    COMET (short for “commonsense transformers”):


    So notice carefully on table number 7 of the above paper, and notice that in the relations that are discovered by COMET with its common sense reasoning, you will notice that it can even understand causality or other relations like the "part of" or
    others and it can even invent relations, and with this common sense understanding of COMET of such relations you can then translate from those relations etc. to web queries or robots queries etc. and notice that the above paper says that COMET (short for
    “commonsense transformers”) is able to generate novel knowledge that humans rate as high quality, with up to 77.5% (ATOMIC) and 91.7% (ConceptNet) precision at top 1, which approaches human performance , and i think that the researchers are still
    enhancing COMET, so i think that we have to be optimistic about artifical intelligence that is called COMET(short for “commonsense transformers”).

    More of my philosophy about our future world and about COMET (short for “commonsense transformers”) and more..

    I have just read about the artificial intelligence that is called COMET (short for “commonsense transformers”), read about it in my below thoughts, and i am noticing that it is capable of common sense understanding and reasoning, so it will vastly
    improve our future world, since we will soon be able with COMET (short for “commonsense transformers”) to ask sophisticated questions in a form of our day to day human talks to the web search engine, and the web search engine will be able to much
    better understand it using common sense understanding of COMET (short for “commonsense transformers”) or the like, so then it will vastly enhance our world, and it will also vastly enhance robotics etc. so it will enhance much more productivity , so
    then it will higher much more economic growth so that to solve much more efficiently the
    debt-to-GDP ratio problem and the budget deficit problem of governments. So i think that our future world of year 2030 will be vastly enhanced with artificial intelligence like narrow artificial intelligence and with COMET (short for “commonsense
    transformers”) etc.

    More of my philosophy about entropy and about mathematics and about artificial intelligence and more..

    I think i am smart, and notice carefully what i have just said:

    "I think i am smart, and i say that the way of evolutionary algorithms in artificial intelligence is not the right way since it starts from like the low level layers and it is by logical analogy like circular reasoning, since when you start from like the
    low level layers like in evolutionary algorithms you need a way to construct a more and more difficult objective function that permit the reward , so it needs more and more smartness so it is like circular reasoning, so i think that the much better way
    is the way of COMET (short for “commonsense transformers”) that is capable of common sense reasoning, since it is like an emulation that incorporates smartness of humans, so it doesn't start from like the low level layers, so read about it below so
    that to understand my thoughts and views"

    So i think that it is by logical analogy like the philosophical question of:

    Is mathematics discovered or invented ?

    So i am really smart, and i will say that there is what we call entropy,
    so it can be disorder, but mathematics that we discover is not disorder,
    but it is also not like a sophisticated human language that we talk, so then we can say that mathematics is discovered as not like higher smartness of a sophisticated language that we talk, but it is also invented like a higher smartness sophisticated
    language that we talk, so then you are understanding my logical analogy with artificial intelligence, that evolutionary algorithms need an
    objective function that permits the reward, but this objective function
    needs to be sophisticated like higher smartness of a sophisticated language that we talk to permit general artificial intelligence, so it is like a circular reasoning, since it needs to be organized like a sophisticated smartness and this is not in
    accordance with the system of natural evolution , since the system of natural evolution that creates human brain was mostly not a sophisticated smartness of the objective function that permit general artificial intelligence.

    More of my philosophy about common sense reasoning and about artificial intelligence and more..

    I think i am smart, and i say that the way of evolutionary algorithms in artificial intelligence is not the right way since it starts from like the low level layers and it is by logical analogy like circular reasoning, since when you start from like the low level layers like in evolutionary algorithms you need a way to
    construct a more and more difficult objective function that permit the reward , so it needs more and more smartness so it is like circular reasoning, so i think that the much better way is the way of COMET (short for “commonsense transformers”) that
    is capable of common sense reasoning, since it is like an emulation that incorporates smartness of humans, so it doesn't start from like the low level layers, so read about it below so that to understand my thoughts and

    I think i am smart, and i say that in the biologic there is what we call
    the "useful" for the biological, so the environment is dependent on
    the genetical diversity, so this being useful in the environment is also the engine that pushes towards better and better quality, so how can
    you emulate it in artificial intelligence? so how can you emulate water
    or food that is useful for the biological that permit the apparition of
    the bigger and bigger brain ? so you are noticing that i am abstracting below by saying in the following that the wanting the useful depends on the environment of the biological that contains the useful:

    More of my philosophy about general artificial intelligence and
    about evolutionary algorithms and more..

    I think i am smart, and i say that there the two ways
    that permit to construct general artificial intelligence,
    there is the evolutionary way with evolutionary algorithms and
    there is like the way that i am talking about it below that
    is COMET (short for “commonsense transformers”) or the like,
    i think the evolutionary way like with PSO or neuroevolution
    algorithms or genetic algorithms is the way that has to maintain
    "diversity" of the population and it has, and it is the most important thing in artificial intelligence, to create a kind of function that
    plays the role of the objective function that permits to optimise with a "reward", and by logical analogy, it looks like the requirement
    to wanting the useful and the wanting of being of higher quality in the natural evolution process that makes the highly better and complex objects such as humans and the human brain, so i think that in artificial intelligence the most difficult part is
    how to "emulate" this
    characteristics of the biologic that is genetically equipped with
    the wanting the useful and wanting to be of or wanting the higher quality, so then you will say that it is part of the diversification process of the evolutionary algorithm, but what i want to explain that the most difficult problem is how to create
    those kind of characteristics that are biological in artificial intelligence, since the problem is not creating diversity, but it is how to create a kind of diversity that is part of the biologic that permit to be the wanting the useful and wanting to
    be of or wanting the higher quality, since i say that the requirement of such a difficult objective function that permits
    the reward is the most difficult part, so i think that abstracting by saying that the evolutionary algorithms need diversification and the
    the kind of natural selection or objective function is not correct abstraction.

    And here is my thoughts about artificial intelligence and evolutionary algorithms in artificial intelligence so that you understand more:


    And read my following thoughts of my philosophy about what is smartness:


    And you can read more about my education and my way of doing here:

    Here is more proof of the fact that i have invented many scalable
    algorithms and algorithms:


    And you can take a look at my photo that i have just put
    here in my website(I am 53 years old):


    More of my philosophy about Machine programming and about oneAPI from Intel company and about artificial intelligence..

    I think that COMET (short for “commonsense transformers”) is the future
    of artificial intelligence since they are capable of common sense and common sense reasoning, you can read more about it here:


    And read about it in the following article:

    "Now, Choi and her collaborators have united these approaches. COMET
    (short for “commonsense transformers”) extends GOFAI-style symbolic reasoning with the latest advances in neural language modeling — a kind
    of deep learning that aims to imbue computers with a statistical “understanding” of written language. COMET works by reimagining common-sense reasoning as a process of generating plausible (if
    imperfect) responses to novel input, rather than making airtight
    deductions by consulting a vast encyclopedia-like database."

    Read more here:


    And you can look at the benchmark on the following paper of how COMET is much better than GPT-3:


    And now i will talk about another interesting subject and it is
    about the next revolution in the software industry that is Machine programming, so i invite you to read carefully the following new article about it:


    So then i think that COMET (short for “commonsense transformers”) will also render Machine programming much more successful since it will permit much better AI-powered assistants that will be much more efficient, also i think it will enhance much
    more productivity and it will higher much more economic growth.

    Also I will say that when you know C and C++ moderately, it will not be so difficult to program OpenCL(Read about OpenCL here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenCL) or CUDA, but the important question is what is the difference between FPGA and GPU ? so i
    invite you to read the following interesting paper about GPU vs FPGA Performance Comparison:


    So i think from this paper above that GPU is the good way when you
    want performance and you want too cost efficiency.

    So i think that the following oneAPI from Intel company that wants with it to do all the heavy lifting for you, so you can focus on the algorithm, rather than on writing OpenCL calls, is not a so smart way of doing, since as i said above that OpenCL and
    CUDA programming is not so difficult, and as you will notice below that oneAPI from Intel permits you to program FPGA in a higher level manner, but here again from the paper above we can notice that GPU is the good way when you want performance and cost
    efficiency, then so that to approximate well the efficiency and usefulness of oneAPI from Intel you can still use efficient and useful libraries.

    Here is the new oneAPI from Intel company, read about it:


    More of my philosophy about automation and artificial intelligence and productivity and more..

    I think that Donald Trump was not thinking correctly, since around 85% of jobs losses in the manufacturing sector in USA was caused by automation and not by China or such as were thinking it the people who elected Donald Trump, and you can look at the
    following interesting video that makes you understand that automation also has advantages and to make you understand how Donald Trump was not right:


    And following are some of the advantages of automation:

    1. Automation is the key to the shorter workweek. Automation will allow
    the average number of working hours per week to continue to decline,
    thereby allowing greater leisure hours and a higher quality life.

    2. Automation brings safer working conditions for the worker. Since
    there is less direct physical participation by the worker in the
    production process, there is less chance of personal injury to the worker.

    3. Automated production results in lower prices and better products. It
    has been estimated that the cost to machine one unit of product by
    conventional general-purpose machine tools requiring human operators may
    be 100 times the cost of manufacturing the same unit using automated mass-production techniques. The electronics industry offers many
    examples of improvements in manufacturing technology that have
    significantly reduced costs while increasing product value (e.g., colour
    TV sets, stereo equipment, calculators, and computers).

    4. The growth of the automation industry will itself provide employment opportunities. This has been especially true in the computer industry,
    as the companies in this industry have grown (IBM, Digital Equipment
    Corp., Honeywell, etc.), new jobs have been created.
    These new jobs include not only workers directly employed by these
    companies, but also computer programmers, systems engineers, and other
    needed to use and operate the computers.

    5. Automation is the only means of increasing standard of living. Only
    through productivity increases brought about by new automated methods of production, it is possible to advance standard of living. Granting wage increases without a commensurate increase in productivity
    will results in inflation. To afford a better society, it is a must to
    increase productivity.

    And this video above is related to my following thoughts:

    And read carefully my following thoughts about Nanotechnology and about Exponential Progress:


    And here is my thoughts about 3D stacking in CPUs and about Moore’s law:


    More of my philosophy about how to boost productivity with artificial intelligence and more..

    You can boost productivity with artificial intelligence by:

    1- More accurate demand forecasting using AI and machine learning
    2- Predictive maintenance
    3- Hyper-personalized manufacturing
    4- Optimizing manufacturing processes
    5- Automated material procurement

    Read more here about those 5 ways artificial intelligence can boost productivity:


    More of my philosophy about the Canada Government Budget Balance and more..

    So i think that Canada has not balanced the budget in the past and is not balancing the budget and it has been hit badly by
    Covis-19, so you can look at the following details of Economic and Fiscal Projections of Canada that i have just read so that to understand:


    So i think that the best way for Canada to solve the deficit's problem
    and the debt-to-GDP ratio problem is to efficiently invest in artificial intelligence that could double annual economic growth rates , but
    Canada has to invest efficiently in Digital and AI(artificial intelligence) literacy, so read the following so that to notice it:

    "Compelling data reveal a discouraging truth about growth today. There has been a marked decline in the ability of traditional levers of production capital investment and labor to propel economic growth."

    And it it says the following:

    "Accenture research on the impact of AI in 12 developed economies reveals that AI could double annual economic growth rates in 2035 by changing the nature of work and creating a new relationship between man and machine. The impact of AI technologies on
    business is projected to increase labor productivity by up to 40 percent and enable people to make more efficient use of their time."

    Read more here so that to notice it:


    And McKinsey estimates that AI(Artificial intelligence) may deliver an additional economic output of around US$13 trillion by 2030, increasing global GDP by about 1.2 % annually. This will mainly come from substitution of labour by automation and
    increased innovation in products and services.

    Read more here:


    And more of my philosophy about Digital and AI literacy and more..

    I think Canada still has a problem, since it has to invest much
    more in Digital and AI literacy, so read the following article so that
    to understand the great importance of Digital and AI literacy:

    "Digital and AI literacy is of utmost importance to help Canadian businesses scale and compete internationally. Investing in widespread digital and AI literacy for the entire population will increase domestic demand for technology and technology jobs. A
    technologically literate population will create more data, which fuels AI and thus the data-driven economy as a whole. It is also necessary for workers to be able to upskill and re-skill in order to remain productive and competitive in an automated
    workforce. Canadian businesses that adopt AI technology will save from lower production costs, have increased output, and be able to invest more. Increased revenue from this domestic demand, as well as Canada’s global reputation for responsible AI,
    will help Canadian businesses scale globally and compete on the international level. Canada has a promising future in the data-driven economy, and strategic choices by policymakers are necessary to ensure that Canadians can benefit from an ethical and
    thriving AI ecosystem."

    Read more here:

    Canada's Economic Future with Artificial Intelligence


    And here is my following thoughts about artificial intelligence and evolutionary algorithms in artificial intelligence:


    More of my philosophy about the Debt-to-GDP ratio and about Germany and more...

    Germany is well managing its debt-to-GDP ratio, even in the crisis of Covid-19, since the Debt-to-GDP ratio of Germany is the best among the G-7 countries, so i invite you to read the following article so that to notice it:

    Germany to Ramp Up Borrowing With 2021 Debt of $286 Billion


    And I invite you to read the following interesting article:

    China’s debt-reduction campaign is making progress, but at a cost

    Read more here:


    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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