• More of my philosophy about Nikola Tesla and my proverbs and more.. (1/

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jan 14 08:23:08 2022

    More of my philosophy about Nikola Tesla and my proverbs and more..

    I am a white arab, and i think i am smart since i have also
    invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I have just looked at the following video of the sayings of Nikola Tesla, and you can read about him here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikola_Tesla, and you can look at the video here:


    And i think Nikola Tesla doesn't look like me, Since of course i am also an inventor of many software scalable algorithms and algorithms, but i don't think Nikola Tesla was a wise type of person like me(and i think it is genetical in me), since for
    example he is saying the following saying in the above video:

    "Be alone, that is the secret of invention;
    be alone, that is when ideas are born"

    So i think that the above saying from Nikola Tesla is not smart at all, since creativity needs convergent and divergent thinking, and divergent thinking needs to "collect" information and data from other people so that to be efficient, and i also think
    that creativity is the mother of invention, so this is why Nikola Tesla is not smart by saying the above saying, and here is more of my smart thoughts about it so that you understand my kind of personality:

    More of my philosophy about divergent and convergent thinking and more..

    I invite you to look at the following video:

    5 Life-changing books YOU MUST READ in 2022


    I think i am smart, and notice that he is talking about the book called "The one thing", and he is saying that we have to be focused on doing one thing at a time because it is good for productivity, and he is saying that doing many things at the same
    time is not good for productivity, but i think i am smart and i say he is not smart and he is not correct to say so, because we can do many things at the same time and be like divergent thinking before doing one thing at a time and be like convergent
    thinking, and this kind of efficient "balance" like between convergent and divergent thinking makes the efficient thinking, and here is my new proverb about my methodology:

    "Human vitality comes from intellectual openness and intellectual
    openness also comes from divergent thinking and you have to well balance divergent thinking with convergent thinking so that to converge towards
    the global optimum of efficiency and not get stuck on a local optimum of efficiency, and this kind of well balancing makes the good creativity."

    And i will explain more my proverb so that you understand it:

    I think that divergent thinking is thought process or method used to
    generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions, but notice
    that we even need openness in a form of economic actors that share ideas
    across nations and industries (and this needs globalization) that make
    us much more creative and that's good for economy, since you can easily
    notice that globalization also brings a kind of optimality to divergent thinking, and also you have to know how to balance divergent thinking
    with convergent thinking, since if divergent thinking is much greater
    than convergent thinking it can become costly in terms of time, and if
    the convergent thinking is much greater than divergent thinking you can
    get stuck on local optimum of efficiency and not converge to a global
    optimum of efficiency.

    And here is my thoughts about artificial intelligence and evolutionary algorithms in artificial intelligence so that you understand more:


    More of my philosophy about another important arab proverb and more..

    I think there is another old arab proverb that makes you understand my
    way of doing, and here it is:

    "It's better to turn on a light than to curse the darkness"

    "Il est préférable d'allumer une lumière que de maudire les ténèbres"

    I think that it is a smart proverb that says that since humanity
    or our modern world come with so many "imperfections" that bring too much or a lot of "darkness"(that means "les ténèbres" in french), so the most important part that has or takes a very high weight of importance and priority is the fact that we have
    to be constructive and we have to be much more organized by for example being good creativity and being much more educated and much more professional so that to solve our problems. So we have to be this kind of proactivity as i am doing it here.

    More of my philosophy about the philosophy of the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer and more..

    I think i am smart, and i have just looked at the following video about
    the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, i invite you to look at it:

    What If The World is Actually a Prison? | The Philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer


    So as you have just noticed i have just talked about the philosophy of Letting Go of Taoism and about the philosopher Confucius, read about it in my below thoughts, and now i will talk about the Philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer, I think that the main
    important weakness of the Philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer, it is that he was too pessimistic about human life, but he is not right by being so, since i have invented a proverb so that you understand my philosophy, and here it is:

    Here is my other new proverb in english and french:

    Voici mon nouveau proverbe en français et en anglais:

    "La stabilité s'obtient avec la force de la perfection,
    car quand vous devenez plus parfait vous augmentez
    vos forces et donc vous résistez mieux aux instabilités,
    et je pense que ceci est comme une loi de la moralité"

    "Stability is obtained with the force of perfection,
    because when you become more perfect you increase
    your strenghts , then you better resist instabilities,
    and I think this is like a law of Morality"

    So as you are noticing that my proverb above is also saying that
    by becoming more and more perfect you also easy more and more
    the hard work by the process of reusability of your intelligence and
    your experience etc. and you better and better resist instabilities, so i think that it shows that the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer was too pessimistic, and it also shows that the way of my philosophy below
    is right, so i invite you to read it again carefully so that to understand:

    More of my philosophy about hate and about our humanity and more..

    I think that you can be hate that is negative energy,
    but my way of doing is not hate, since my way of doing is about the positive energy that you have to have, and i am talking about it
    below, since i am understanding that the problem is that our world
    is lacking much on organization since it is lacking much on education and experience, it is why my philosophy is also greatly about how to be
    efficiently creative.., since the most important thing is that i have to talk about the "mechanisms" that bring the necessary qualities, and so that to understand my way of doing, you can read my following poem that shows much more my kind of spirit or
    my kind of way of doing:

    Here is my new poem:


    What is it to be bad ?

    It is what makes us sad

    So is natural selection only about your "individual" dad ?

    So what is it this beautiful notepad ?

    It is the organized like a beautiful mathematical olympiad !

    So are you still talking about the communist Stalingrad ?

    Since are you not noticing the how you can be glad ?

    So does it come from the city of Riyadh or the capital of Tchad?

    And are you wanting just to be like a disorganized old nomad ?

    So i ask why do we have to organize it with sophistication as the Mossad ?

    Since are you wanting to be just an undergrad ?

    So are you not understanding much better what is it to be bad ?


    More of my philosophy about human existence and about my philosophy and more..

    I think i am smart, and i think i am a wise type of person,
    and i think i am a philosopher, so as you have just noticed, i have
    just said that the letting Go philosophy of Taoism from China doesn't work, and read about it in my below thoughts, so i think t