More of my philosophy about my new poem of Love and more..
I am a white arab, and i think i am smart since i have also
invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
And now i will explain how i am inventing my new poem of Love:
Here is my new poem of Love again:
Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?
Since notice how our strong Love is not the war crime !
Since it is like my poems of Love and there lovely rhymes !
Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?
Since is our beautiful Love just for the onetime ?
Since is it not our love like the beautiful springtime
And is not the beautiful springtime like the sublime
And is not the sublime of Love like strongly defying space-time ?
Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?
Since i will always Love you forever and for the anytime !
Since our Love is not just a simple programming paradigm !
Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?
Since our strong Love is a King like the King that we call "time" !!
I think i am smart and i am a gentleman type of person and i think
i am a wise type of person and the way of how i am inventing
my new poem of Love is the same way i am using so that
to invent my poems of Love, so it is that i am inventing with my fluid intelligence like architectural ideas or ideas in a form of smart pattern or patterns that guide(s) the rest of the construction of my poem of Love, so in my poem of Love above, look
at its following architectural idea:
"Since is it not our love like the beautiful springtime
And is not the beautiful springtime like the sublime
And is not the sublime of Love like strongly defying space-time ?
Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?"
So i am "abstracting" sublime of Love as being a "sublime" and i am saying that the sublime of Love permits to strongly defy space-time,
and notice how i am saying in the start of my poem of Love the following:
"Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?"
So notice that in the start of my poem of Love you will not understand
clearly the why i am saying it, but when you read my above architectural
idea and when you also read the following of my poem:
"Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?
Since our strong Love is a King like the King that we call "time" !!"
You will understand that i mean that the sublime of Love
is "King" like the King of time that defies space-time ,
so then this sublime of Love is not just for the onetime but it is for the forever and for the anytime and of course i am constructing beautifully the rest of my poem of Love as you are reading it.
Here is my new poem of Love..
I invite you to listen to the following song reading at
the same time my new poem of Love below:
Laura Pausini - La Solitudine (Official Video)
Note that the word "sublime" in my new poem of Love below means:
extremely good, beautiful, or enjoyable.
And here is my new poem of Love:
Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?
Since notice how our strong Love is not the war crime !
Since it is like my poems of Love and there lovely rhymes !
Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?
Since is our beautiful Love just for the onetime ?
Since is it not our love like the beautiful springtime
And is not the beautiful springtime like the sublime
And is not the sublime of Love like strongly defying space-time ?
Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?
Since i will always Love you forever and for the anytime !
Since our Love is not just a simple programming paradigm !
Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?
Since our strong Love is a King like the King that we call "time" !!
Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
More of my philosophy about the self and the human soul and more..
I think i am smart and i think i am wise type of man,
but i will ask another philosophical question of:
What is the soul of a human ?
I think that the soul of a human is related to the self-confidence
and optimism and positive energy of a human, so the first important
step is to ask what are the engines that gives a human a soul? since i think that if you are not self-confident and optimism, it is like your soul is dying, so in philosophy you need to have the "engines" that
gives you a soul, the engines such as the philosophical mechanisms that i am talking about below, and as you notice it is not sufficient
to have a soul, since you have to have a good soul and not an evil soul,
so take for example the engine that we call "money", so i am smart and
i will quickly say that so that to have much more money , you have for example to work hard, but since the working hard is also genetical and since you have also to be gene