More of my philosophy about the idiotic french saying and more..
I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
There is a known saying in french that says:
"Les bons comptes font les bons ami(e)s"
And in english it means:
"Good accounts make the good friends"
I will explain more this idiotic french saying so that you understand:
I think this french saying is idiotic since the good accounts can be for example that you are satisfied at 65%, so this satisfaction can become not the good accounts in a form of 90% or 100% satisfaction , but satisfaction of 70% can make the good
friends, so since the good accounts can be interpreted by more violent people as 90% or 100% satisfaction , so i think that this french saying is idiotic, so this saying is a kind of law of retaliation or a kind of the Eye for an Eye since it is too much
violence and extremism.
Read my previous thoughts:
So i think i am smart and i think i am a wise type of person, and i say that this french saying is not smart at all, since it is a "kind" of law of retaliation or a kind of the Eye for an Eye(Read more about it here:
an_eye), and i think that this french saying is toxic virility, so i think that the french people were with there toxic virility much more violent towards Algeria and the Algerian people and such, since it is a violent french saying, so i don't think it
is the right way to do, since i think that you have to know how to minimize at best violence by being the proactivity that i am talking about below and by being the smartness that minimizes at best violence by the way of Diplomacy and such and by being
the right sensibility, so this is why i am a wise type of person that says
that philosophy and politics need a kind of tolerance and a kind
of patience and need the way of Diplomacy so that we be a much better civilized society.
More of my philosophy of what kind of taste has our human life and more..
I think that i am a philosopher that is smart, so can we be optimistic
in philosophy ? so you are understanding me more, since a wise type of person like me will not be subjectivity, so he will stay objective,
and staying objective is measuring it systemically, so when
you are not a wise type of person you will have the tendency to say
that human life doesn't "taste" good or human life is shit, but i think
i am a wise type of person and i say that human life is a very "interesting" life or game, since the wise type of person like me is like an "engineer", he is like a technocrat, i mean that a technocrat or an engineer doesn't look at the desert(arid land
with usually sparse vegetation) and say that the desert is shit, since the darkness of the desert is for him a mechanism that brings light since it makes the engineer or the scientific wanting to solve the problems of the desert and make the desert an
interesting place where to live, as i am saying it in my below poem called "Darkness for me is not madness", read it below, so he is optimistic since the desert needs also from us to know how to make it "beautiful", so this kind of proactivity of the
wise type of person like me, that looks like the one of the engineer and the technocrats, is primordial in philosophy and it is my way of doing and thinking, so then you are noticing that if we don't move like a wise type of person or like a technocrat
or an engineer we are going to become too much "pessimistic", so the wise type of person like me will say that you have to stay "creative" so that to be optimistic, since creativity brings much more perfection, so it brings stability as i am saying it in
my proverb below, so it brings optimism and hope, and you have also to look at our exponential progress of our humanity so
that to be more optimism, and it is the way of doing of a wise type of person like me, since notice how i am an inventor of many proverbs and poems of Love and software scalable algorithms and algorithms and i am the inventor of my philosophy, so read
my following poem that i have just invented so that to understand:
More of my philosophy about my new proverb about Democracy and more..
As you have just noticed, i have just invented a proverb about Democracy, read it below and read all my other proverbs below, and as you notice in this new proverb that i am saying:
"Since the basis of Democracy is to better and better discuss so that to bring good sageness and good soundness"
So this "better and better discuss" means that it is "inherent" to it that we have to also be well educated and that it needs Elitism, and as you are noticing in my new proverb that i am saying that Democracy needs Elitism that is existence of an elite
as a dominating element in a system or society such as congressmen and congresswomen of the USA congress. So i invite you to read my new proverb and all my following thoughts so that to understand:
Here is my new proverb:
"The basis of Democracy is not that people have to govern, since it is inferiority of Democracy, since the basis of Democracy is to better and better discuss so that to bring good sageness and good soundness, and after bringing this good sageness and good soundness, we can govern correctly with this good sageness and good
soundness, this is why Democracy needs Elitism such as the congressmen and congresswomen of the USA congress so that to bring good sageness and good soundness."
And of course you can read my just new poem below that also speaks
about the basis of Democracy:
And read my other new proverbs below that i have written quickly..
Here is my just new poem, and notice that the lightness in
my new poem means: The state of having a sufficient or considerable amount of natural light.
So here is my new poem:
Darkness for me is not madness
Since darkness is also a "mechanism" that brings better lightness
Darkness for me is not madness
Since better lightness is not coming just from U.S. state of Kansas
Darkness for me is not madness
Since better lightness is also coming from the USA congress
Darkness for me is not madness
Since the USA congress is also a place where to better discuss
Darkness for me is not madness
Since the better discuss is not loneliness and is not being novice
Darkness for me is not madness
Since to better discuss is also like our beautiful princess
Darkness for me is not madness
Since the better discuss brings better Sageness and better soundness
Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
More of my philosophy about what is Love and more..
I think i am smart, and i think i am also a philosopher and i think
i am a wise type of person and i think it is also genetical in me,
so now i will ask a philosophical question of:
What is Love ?
So i will answer it quickly as a wise type of person, so you have first
to quickly see the patterns with your fluid intelligence, so i will find
them quickly, so the first "path" is to say that so that to be the
the future Love, the today Love must be "responsability", i also mean
that the "goal" of philosophy that is "happiness" is the King rule here that we must refer to, so read my below thoughts of what is a philosopher and what is philosophy so that you understand more, so i think it is the objective and right way of abstract
reasoning , so if you are "frivolity" of Love it is by logical analogy like being "subjectivity" and not "objectivity" and here again you are noticing my way of doing that looks like the way of a philosopher or a w