Read again, i correct about more of my philosophy of from where comes happiness and more..
I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
I think i am smart, and i think i am a wise type of person, and i think
i am a philosopher, and i will say that happiness comes like from the process of being thirsty(feeling a need to drink) and becoming not thirsty by drinking enough water, and this process is a pleasure of life that makes us more happy, so happiness is
also this process of when you have drunk enough water, you have to become thirsty again and you have to drink enough water again, and i say that it is the general principle or the general rule of how to be happy, but it is not sufficient to understand
this general principle, since you have to know that for example hope is also a pleasure of life, so when you are not hope, you are like thirsty and you need to become a kind of hope like by for example knowing that our exponential progress that is so
will soon make us much more powerful and much more sophisticated and
it will bring a much greater pleasures of life, and of course
being not self-confident is like being thirsty, since you have to
become self-confident by becoming a beautiful creativity as i am
talking about below, so being not self-confident is like by logical analogy being thirsty and becoming a beautiful creativity is like
drinking water, but becoming a beautiful creativity can make you self-confident for a long time, also i invite you to read my
following thoughts where i am talking about a process that
looks like the process of being thirsty and the drinking water that makes us more happy:
I think i am smart and i say that there is two ways of enhancing the intelligence or such traits of humans, there is the way that i am
talking about below that needs huge data sets to detect the "patterns"
that explain human intelligence and such human traits and after that
make the changes in the genetics of humans, and there is the other way
by using Nanotechnology and nanorobots that enhance much more the
intelligence of a human by directly manipulating the brain or by putting informations in the memory or erasing informations from the memory of
a human, so then when you erase informations like a good movie or like interesting lessons of mathematics or such pleasures of life from the
memory of a human by using Nanotechnology, this allows to recreate again
or have again those pleasures of life, so then happiness will be
greatly enhanced by the way of Nanotechnology and nanorobots, and i
think it is also the way of the much more advanced extraterrestrials,
and i think that with our exponential progress we will be soon be able
to attain this level of sophistication of technology.
And read more here carefully my following thoughts about Nanotechnology and about Exponential Progress and about genetics so that to understand more my thoughts:
More of my philosophy about divergent and convergent thinking and more..
I invite you to look at the following video:
5 Life-changing books YOU MUST READ in 2022
I think i am smart, and notice that he is talking about the book called "The one thing", and he is saying that we have to be focused on doing one thing at a time because it is good for productivity, and he is saying that doing many things at the same
time is not good for productivity, but i think i am smart and i say he is not smart and he is not correct to say so, because we can do many things at the same time and be like divergent thinking before doing one thing at a time and be like convergent
thinking, and this kind of efficient "balance" like between convergent and divergent thinking makes the efficient thinking, and here is my new proverb about my methodology:
"Human vitality comes from intellectual openness and intellectual
openness also comes from divergent thinking and you have to well balance divergent thinking with convergent thinking so that to converge towards
the global optimum of efficiency and not get stuck on a local optimum of efficiency, and this kind of well balancing makes the good creativity."
And i will explain more my proverb so that you understand it:
I think that divergent thinking is thought process or method used to
generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions, but notice
that we even need openness in a form of economic actors that share ideas
across nations and industries (and this needs globalization) that make
us much more creative and that's good for economy, since you can easily
notice that globalization also brings a kind of optimality to divergent thinking, and also you have to know how to balance divergent thinking
with convergent thinking, since if divergent thinking is much greater
than convergent thinking it can become costly in terms of time, and if
the convergent thinking is much greater than divergent thinking you can
get stuck on local optimum of efficiency and not converge to a global
optimum of efficiency.
And here is my thoughts about artificial intelligence and evolutionary algorithms in artificial intelligence so that you understand more:
More of my philosophy about philosophy and about creativity and about hope and more..
I invite you to look at the following video about the Art of Letting Go of the Philosophy of the Buddha:
I think i am smart, and i think i am a wise type of person and i think
i am a philosopher, and i think my philosophy doesn't look like the Philosophy of the Buddha, and i think there is still something missing in my philosophy, and it is a very important thing, and it is about the future and about hope, and of course you
can construct the future by being a kind of beautiful creativity that i am talking about in the philosophy of my poem below, and of course by this kind of beautiful creativity you can attain a kind of stable state and a kind of self-confidence and self-
control as i am saying it in my following proverb:
Here is my other new proverb in english and french:
Voici mon nouveau proverbe en français et en anglais:
"La stabilité s'obtient avec la force de la perfection,
car quand vous devenez plus parfait vous augmentez
vos forces et donc vous résistez mieux aux instabilités,
et je pense que ceci est comme une loi de la moralité"
"Stability is obtained with the force of perfection,
because when you become more perfect you increase
your strenghts , then you better resist instabilities,
and I think this is like a law of Morality"
So then you are noticing that stability comes from perfection,
this is why i am saying that you have to be a kind of beautiful creativity so that to attain a kind of stable state and a kind of self-confidence and self-control, since as i have just said, read it below, that this kind of beautiful creativity is like a
powerful drug that permits you to not be too much preoccupied by absurdism that talked about it the philosopher Albert Camus, but there remains an
important thing in my philosophy and it is about "hope", and it is that you have to also be a kind of hope by waiting for the future to bring by exponential progress the other pleasures of human life and other technologies that will permit us to be much
more powerful and much more sophisticated, so then my philosophy also looks like my following proverb that also brings the positive energy:
And here is my new proverb in french and english:
"When you walk towards a goal in life it's like you walk down a forest
path towards a goal, but when you walk this forest path you can look at
flowers and pretty trees and be happier or you can also learn more and
have more experience which is useful while walking in the forest, then
life is like this, you can go through it towards goals, but going
through it you can also have pleasures that make you happier and you can
learn more and have more experience and that is useful to you, and i
think this conception of life makes you more positive."
"Quand tu marches vers un objectif dans la vie, c'est comme tu marches
dans un chemin de forêt vers un objectif, mais quand tu marches dans ce
chemin de forêt tu peux regarder des fleurs et de jolis arbres et être
plus joyeux ou tu peux aussi en apprendre plus et avoir plus
d'expérience qui est utile en marchant dans la forêt, alors la vie
ressemble à cela, tu peux la traverser vers des objectifs, mais en la traversant tu peux avoir aussi des plaisirs qui te rendent plus heureux
et tu peux apprendre plus et avoir plus d'experience et cela t'est
utile, et je pense que cette conception de la vie te rend plus positif."
So you have to understand that my proverb above is like
trying to well balance between, in one side, our strong human desire for success and the fear or the disliking of failure to attain the goal,
and, in the other side, i am showing in my new proverb the good sides or advantages or the pros of walking our lives towards the goal or goals
even if failure or failures happen(s), and i think this conception of
life of my proverb permits to be more positive, also you have to align
the usefulness of the utility with the global mission of the country or
global world.
And of course you are noticing that my architectural ideas of
my philosophy above are in accordance with my following thoughts of my philosophy about the power of the ideas:
What is the true power of the idea ?
This is a so important philosophical subject, since
i think i am smart and i will make you feel more the true
power of the idea by first talking about the technic in psychology that we call "Mood freezing", since i think that the most important aspect of Mood freezing is that it recognizes the true power of the mind, and you
can read about it here:
So as you are noticing that it says that when the respondents were convinced that expressing aggression would not make them feel better, they actually accepted their current situation which eventually improved their moods, so this proves that the power
of the idea is great, this is
why i am of the ones that believes that we can enhance much better humans and construct a new type of man by using some intellectual mechanisms, and i am talking about some of them below and here is my poem about the true power of the idea, read it again:
"Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
Since it is how they have built south Korea
Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
Since it is how we unite the people such as of Crimea
Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
Since it is not just a pizza from the pizzeria
Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
Since it is not the simple prayer of Ave Maria
Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
Since it is not the stupid war between the sunnite and shiah
Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
Since it is how we make north Korea look like a beautiful Canada
So give me more of those beautiful and so smart ideas !"
Other than that as you have noticed, by talking below about my other new poem below called: "I hear this so beautiful music", i have just
said that the virtuous citizen is constructed by efficiently educating with both theory and experience and i am not speaking about the laws of a country or global world, since you have to understand that i am speaking about the abstract "model" that
gives the virtuous citizen, since we can say that, at the very basis, efficiently educating the citizens with both theory and experience does also cause that the a society is formed using laws etc. so i think that my abstract model is correct.
As you are noticing i have just written a poem, and
here it is:
"I hear this so beautiful music
And it is like the so beautifully exotic
And it is like the being the monotheistic
Since is not the so beautiful royalistic or majestic ?
Since is not the so beautiful like the idealistic ?
And is not the so beautiful bringing the moralistic ?
And is not the so beautiful bringing the xenophobic ?
So is the so beautiful of the too materialistic ?
And what about the so beautifully romantic ?
And i think all of them needs the good strategic
So then you have to avoid to be the too simplistic !
Since you are even hearing this so beautiful music !"
And you can read my other proverbs that i have invented quickly here:
Here is my new proverb:
"We can ask of from where comes the attachment of Love between
a mother and her son ? so i think i am smart and i will say
that it comes from the fact that it is like a reward, that the son
is loving or is being the son and the mother is giving a good reward like giving him more security or giving him food to eat, so as you are noticing that this rule can be applied to consumerism, since
you can use the same rule with your consumers in a smart
way, for example by giving the impression to your consumers that
you take care of there security by learning them with easy or the like, and then the consumers will love you much more and will be attracted by you."
And here is my new proverb that talks more about it:
"Human vitality comes from intellectual openness and intellectual
openness also comes from divergent thinking and you have to well balance divergent thinking with convergent thinking so that to converge towards
the global optimum of efficiency and not get stuck on a local optimum of efficiency, and this kind of well balancing makes the good creativity."
And i will explain more my proverb so that you understand it:
I think that divergent thinking is thought process or method used to
generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions, but notice
that we even need openness in a form of economic actors that share ideas
across nations and industries (and this needs globalization) that make
us much more creative and that's good for economy, since you can easily
notice that globalization also brings a kind of optimality to divergent thinking, and also you have to know how to balance divergent thinking
with convergent thinking, since if divergent thinking is much greater
than convergent thinking it can become costly in terms of time, and if
the convergent thinking is much greater than divergent thinking you can
get stuck on local optimum of efficiency and not converge to a global
optimum of efficiency.
Here is also one important proverb of mine about Resourcefulness that permits you to understand it:
"Resourcefulness is one of the most important things, and it is a skill,
and the good news is: this skill can be learned and mastered, and resourcefulness is attained only when we combine the resourceful mindset
and skills, so we have to filter out some of the most useful resources
that help us, and resourcefulness is also to know who/what to look for
and what to ask, and when ressourcefulness is attained this becomes an
engine that permits you to have hope and to be energetic and to be
positive in doing what you are doing, since resourcefulness also permits
to easy the jobs for you."
Here is my just new proverb:
"You have to know how to be like Master Yoda, since even if you are
small in size and much more weak, you are surrounded by powerful energy that can make you powerful, so you have to know how to be more smart and
then take advantage "wisely" of this powerful energy so that to become rapidly much more powerful."
Master Yoda was a legendary Jedi Master and stronger than most in his connection with the Force. Small in size but wise and powerful, he trained Jedi for over 800 years, playing integral roles in the Clone Wars, the instruction of Luke Skywalker, and
unlocking the path to immortality.
And here is my new proverb:
"The basis of Democracy is not that people have to govern, since it is inferiority of Democracy, since the basis of Democracy is to better and better discuss so that to bring good sageness and good soundness, and after bringing this good sageness and good soundness we can govern correctly with this good sageness and good
soundness, this is why Democracy needs Elitism such as the congressmen and congresswomen of
the USA congress so that to bring good sageness and good soundness."
And of course you can read my just new poem below that also speaks
about the basis of Democracy:
And read my other new proverbs below that i have written quickly..
Here is my just new poem, and notice that the lightness in
my new poem means: The state of having a sufficient or considerable amount of natural light.
So here is my new poem:
Darkness for me is not madness
Since darkness is also a "mechanism" that brings better lightness
Darkness for me is not madness
Since better lightness is not coming just from U.S. state of Kansas
Darkness for me is not madness
Since better lightness is also coming from the USA congress
Darkness for me is not madness
Since the USA congress is also a place where to better discuss
Darkness for me is not madness
Since the better discuss is not loneliness and is not being novice
Darkness for me is not madness
Since to better discuss is also like our beautiful princess
Darkness for me is not madness
Since the better discuss brings better Sageness and better soundness
More of my philosophy about the philosopher Albert Camus and more..
I think i am smart and i will invite you to look at the following
video about Albert Camus:
Albert Camus - How To Live In The Present
I think i am smart, and i think i am