More of my philosophy about digital or electronic books and more..
I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
I think i am smart, and i have just finished my programming of a project that easy for you to make electronic or digital books with HTML and Javascript and CSS, now it consists of a sophisticated "Tree menu" that will show the indexes of the digital or
electronic book that will appear on the left of the screen in a left HTML frame, also i have thought about my design and i think that here is how i will show the HTML with CSS pages of the the digital or electronic book: First i have to include in the
HTML pages of the digital book the following in HTML:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="mystyle.css">
And the mystyle.css "CSS" file will contain the following so that
the HTML pages of the digital book appears correctly in different screen resolutions:
mystyle.css file is:
font-size: 1.3vw;
So as you are noticing i am using "font-size: 1.3vw" , since the
right HTML frame that contains the HTML pages of the book is 3/4 the size,and here is how i am constructing the HTML frames of the digital book so that to notice it:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<TITLE>A frameset document</TITLE>
<FRAMESET cols="25%,*" frameborder="yes" framespacing=1>
<FRAME name="frame1" src="example01.html" scrolling="auto">
<FRAME name="frame2" src="poems1.html" scrolling="auto">
<Frame scrolling="auto">
So notice that it is: "FRAMESET cols="25%,*", so it means that
the left HTML frame of the digital book is 1/4 of the size and
the right HTML frame is 3/4 of the size.
And i will show you more the sophisticated "Tree menu" that will show the indexes of the digital book, so stay tuned since i will start to organize my thoughts of my philosophy and my other thoughts
of software computing etc. into my above form of a digital book.
And here is my philosophy of why i am organizing my thoughts in
a digital book:
More of my philosophy about making paper from trees and about deforestation and more..
I invite you to read the following article about the environmental footprint of paper vs. electronic books:
And as you notice that the above article is just speaking about
how much green house emissions we have with footprint of paper vs. electronic books, but i think that deforestation does not only
cause green house emissions, but i think we have to take into account the the other following disadvantages:
The disadvantages to deforestation are an increased amount of carbon dioxide emissions and soil erosion as well as the destruction of forest habitat and the loss of biological diversity of both plants and animals.
Also 24 trees makes around one ton of paper, which is about around 200,000 sheets, and you may use a piece of paper one or two times, but it can be recycled five to seven times. Recycling one ton of paper saves 17 trees. If it’s recycled seven times,
it saves 117 trees, but i think that it is not enough and it is not enough to recycle (Read in the following article so that to notice it:
https://www.sciencefocus.com/science/is-recycling-paper-bad-for-the-environment/), so it is why i think that
reading digital or electronic books on computers is better than using paper books.
And i invite you to read the following articles:
How Useful Is Recycling, Really?
Read more here:
How do people make paper out of trees, and why not use something else?
Read more here:
Your Web Use Leaves A Carbon Footprint, Here's How You Can Reduce It
Read more here:
More of my philosophy about standardization of education and about the homogenized way of doing and more..
I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
I think i am really smart, so i will invite you to look again at the following video:
Communist Professor Defends Stalin & Mao’s Legacy - Heated Debate
If you have like a Mensa IQ, you will quickly notice by looking
at the above video that there is an important pattern that you can
infer from the above video that makes you understand much more and i think i am smart and i will say that the pattern that i have quickly found with my fluid intelligence in the above video is the following:
You will notice in the above video that the Patrick Bet-David the capitalistic has a tendency and it is that capitalism has a tendency to like homogenize by saying that people are capable of being successful or are capable of being rich by working "hard",
and it is the way of capitalism and it is the way of Patrick Bet-David in the above video, but the being capable of working hard is also a "genetical" characteristic, so then it is a mistake to say so, and president John F. Kennedy the american
capitalist was also saying the same by saying: "My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.", so what he means is that we have to "neglect" or be much less the Social Assistance and Social
Solidarity from the government, but i think that it is not an objective and realistic way of doing since you have to read my below thoughts of my philosophy about Class Struggle so that to know how i am logically inferring that we have to be a kind of
Social Assistance and Social Solidarity and we have to have social programs that help the weakest members of the society or the poors of the society in a kind of way, and we have also to have a level of Class Struggle that is like a competition that
ensure that those kind of rights of providing some kind of social programs that helps the weakest members and the poors of the society are fought for in a civilized way inside such places as the congress and in Democracy.
Look at how John F. Kennedy the capitalist is not correctly thinking in this video:
President John F. Kennedy Inaugural Address "Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You"
More of my philosophy about capitalism and about Marxism and communism and more..
I invite you to look at the following video:
Communist Professor Defends Stalin & Mao’s Legacy - Heated Debate
So i have just looked at the above video and i will talk more about capitalism:
I think the mistake is to call our system capitalism, since i think our
system is not capitalism, since it requires also a kind of of Social Assistance and Social Solidarity and we have to have social programs that help the weakest members of the society or the poors of the society in a kind of way, and read below my
philosophy about Class Struggle
so that to notice it, so i think that saying that USA is capitalism
is not correct thinking, since capitalism only as a system is a stupid
system, so this is why we can not compare as in the above video between capitalism and communism, so we need to take into account all the
variables such as the kind of of Social Assistance and Social Solidarity
that we have inside for example the USA system so that to compare with communism, other than that i have also discussed more about the
advantages of capitalism, you can read them in the following
web link:
And if you want to know more about my views on capitalism,
read them here:
Also you have to read carefully my philosophy about Class Struggle so
that to notice from where i am logically inferring that we require
a kind of of Social Assistance and Social Solidarity and that we have to have social programs that help the weakest members of the society or the poors of the society in a kind of way, here it is:
And today i will talk about Class struggle of Communism and Marxism,
so i will first ask a philosophical question of:
Is Class struggle "valid" and a good thing to have ?
I will say that there is not one type of Class struggle, because
we can have "levels" of Class Struggle, such as the Class Struggle of Communism and Marxism under Mao Zedong in China, and i think it is logically inferred in Marxism from the fact that there is antagonistic contradictions that are contradiction between
the Chinese communists and Chinese bourgeoisie and between the imperialist camp and the socialist camp, so we can also consider that this antagonistic contradictions also comes from the fact that we can be genetically predisposed to being smart or having
a good memory efficiency and such genetical characteristics, so this gives much more "chance" to those that have this kind of genetical predispositions to become rich and successful, so this is why Communism and Marxism says that we have to equalize much
more between people, so this is why i think it is also a kind of competition that gives this kind of Class Struggle, but i will say that the fact that we equalize much more between people in a society is not good for "diversity" inside the society and it
is not good for efficiency, since we have to have a level of diversity that brings "resilience" to the organization of a society, and even in economy we have to have a level of diversification of economy that brings resilience, so this is why i think
that the level of Class struggle that we have to have doesn't look like archaism of Communism or Marxism, since i think we have to have some kind of Social Assistance and Social Solidarity and we have to have social programs that help the weakest members
of the society or the poors of the society in a kind of way, so we have also to have a level of Class Struggle that is like a competition that ensure that those kind of rights of providing some kind of social programs that helps the weakest members and
the poors of the society are fought for in a civilized way inside such places as the congress and in Democracy. Now there is also other antagonist contradictions between the government and the people under Democracy or the communist regime, and inside
two groups or more inside a political party or within a communist Party, and i think that we have to have civilized ways and manners like by vigorous criticism and self-criticism so that to resolve those kind of antagonist contradictions.
Also i have just corrected some typos in my below thoughts of my philosophy, since i have just written: "jewish famillies", but i have just corrected it by writing it as: "jewish families", so read again:
More of my philosophy about anti-semitism and about the jewish families in Germany and in Europe and more..
I have just looked to the following video of the Rise
of the Rothschilds and i think that they are jews:
Rise of the Rothschilds: The World's Richest Family
As you notice in the above video that jews were not treated correctly
in Germany and other european countries, and i think that anti-semitism in that time, and i think even in our today, against jews from neo-nazis and such people comes from the fact that most of the jewish families were living by lending money with
interests, but if objectively we follow "technicality" of conventional economic theory, we can say that most jewish families in Germany and other countries of Europe were by lending money with interests doing what we call "Finance", so there jobs were
that they were working in the Financial sector as we know it today, so i think that most jewish families in Germany and other European countries were bringing a kind of "resilience" to the economy Germany and other European countries, and read about this
kind of economic resilience that i am talking about below by talking about the biggest benefit of finance, read it in my thoughts below, and of course the interest rates in Finance of the banking system and such financial institutions and even for those
jewish families that were living in Germany and other countries in Europe "depends" on the Risk of the transaction of lending money, since we can say in french: Que l'argent ne tombe pas du ciel et même pour les banques !, and it means in english: That
money does not fall from the sky and even for banking system ! so there must be some kind of Financial discipline even for banking system and such financial institutions !, so as you notice that we have not to be too pessimistic about the jews, also here
is what i said about Finance, and notice again that it is Finance that were doing the jewish families in Germany and other European countries in that time:
The biggest benefit of finance, is to provide opportunities to people,
in the sense that in a world where there is no finance, the only way to
start a company is to be born rich or to have saved for a long time. In
a world where finance works well, the people with talent can actually
start firms and reach their dreams without waiting to either have saved
the money, or be lucky and receive it from their parents, and once you
create this opportunity, you will have the most talented people take
advantage of those opportunities, which favors growth, which favors a
good allocation of resources and, ultimately, innovation. But we have to
know what is the problem with finance
More of my philosophy about my personality and more..
So now i will talk more about me so that you understand my personality,
so i am not too narcissistic, but of course i genetically have a characteristic that looks like a level of narcissism but in a positive way, since i am genetically a person that wants to "show" to the others that he is smart and that he is capable and
that he is helpful to the others, since you can notice it that i am also thinking in my below thoughts of my philosophy about the poors and the weakest members of the society..., and this genetical characteristic of me is like my "engine", since you have
to know that without this kind of genetical characteristic that is an engine you can not advance "much" and be efficient in real life, and i can say in french: Il faudrait savoir jouer au malin dans la vie, mais pas dans le sens péjoratif comme je viens
de l'expliquer ici avec même mon nouveau poème, lisez ici pour vous en rendre compte:
https://groups.google.com/g/alt.culture.morocco/c/Ee1dxgUrhy0, but not only that, but i am like a super soldier that is highly smart, since i am inventing the "tools"
that permit me to be much more smart and that permit me to adapt efficiently, so this is why you are seeing me inventing quickly my thoughts of my philosophy and i am posting it in front of you and you are seeing me inventing quickly my proverbs and
posting them here and you are seeing me inventing quickly my poems of Love and and posting them here and i am inventing quickly my monotheistic religion and i am posting it here and i am "truthful" and "honest" in my thoughts of my new monotheistic
religion, and this way of doing is like inventing quickly the much more sophisticated tools that permit you to be much more smart and that permit you to adapt efficiently, and i think that it is a sign of being a smart person and a wise type of person,
and why i am considering myself as a wise type of person? since you can read how i am quickly talking to you in my below thoughts of my philosophy, and it is how i look like in real life, since i am like a wise type of person, also i have invented
sophisticated software tools and i have invented many interesting software scalable algorithms and algorithms and i am still inventing interesting software scalable algorithms, and here is also what i have just said about it:
More of my philosophy about the inventors and about algorithms and more..
If you ask me the following question:
What are you, Amine Moulay Ramdane, doing right now ?
I will say that the most important thing that i am doing
is that i have just today invented two software scalable
algorithms that i think are breakthroughs, but i am not
thinking too much about money since what i have done
is that i have invented many software scalable algorithms
and algorithms to better our humanity and our world, so as you notice
that my personality is also that i am an "inventor" that have invented
really interesting things. Also i am right now implementing some
interesting software projects from the ground up with artificial
intelligence, So i invite you to read all my following thoughts so that
to know more about my personality:
More of my philosophy about mathematics and the Minimizers that fit models..
I have just read the following web pages about comparing Minimizers that
fit models, and i invite you to read them here:
And i am working with some software projects now that need good
Minimizers that fit models, and i have implemented two of them with the
simplex method and with Levenberg-Marquardt, but i am not satisfied
since i think that the Simplex method is better in convergence than Levenberg-Marquardt since it rarely converges to a local minimum, but i
will implement or build a minimizer from the ground up with artificial intelligence that fits Models and that is much more sophisticated and
much more efficient than the Simplex or Levenberg-Marquardt, so stay
tuned since i am actually implementing it !
More about simulation and about prediction and more..
So as you have just noticed that i just said that i have just
invented two software scalable algorithms that i think are
breakthroughs, but you have to know that one of them has needed from
me to simulate it, so i have abstracted the real world behavior
of one of this new scalable algorithms as a model that i have simulated
by software and this has permitted me to "ensure" that this new scalable algorithm of mine, that i think is a breakthrough, is "reliable" and is
working perfectly, also simulation in general also permits
to not only ensure the "reliability" but also to "predict" the behavior
of the real world systems.
More of my philosophy about wealth and richness and capitalism and more..
I invite you to look at the following video about the Ultra-Rich:
Levels of Wealth: Inside The Secret Lives of The Ultra-Rich
But as you have noticed i have also just quickly written about
how you can be much more rich, so i invite you to read it in
my following thoughts in the following web link, and you can look carefully at how i am talking quickly about how to invest for my or your retirement etc., so read my following thoughts so that to understand my way of doing it:
Also i have just corrected a typo below, since i have just written
a word as "evolved", but i mean "involved", so i have just corrected this word in my below thoughts, so i invite you to read again my thoughts below so that to understand how i am quickly thinking and inventing and writing my thoughts of my philosophy so
that to know much more about my kind of personality:
More of my philosophy about the meaning and purpose of human life and more..
I think i am smart and i think i am a philosopher, and now i will talk
as a philosopher about from where comes the meaning and purpose of human life:
I think the meaning and purpose of human life can not come from the
morality of the master as have said the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche,
since the morality of the master also has a weakness and a problem and it needs Democracy so that to avoid it or prevent it, and read about it in my below thoughts of my philosophy about the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and about morality so that to
understand it, so i think that the meaning and purpose of human life comes from morality that is like a "mixture" from a kind of Democracy that also permits to to avoid the above problem of the morality of the master and from a kind of of Social
Assistance and Social Solidarity and we have to have social programs that help the weakest members of the society or the poors of the society in a kind of way, so we have also to have a level of Class Struggle that is like a competition that ensure that
those kind of rights of providing some kind of social programs that helps the weakest members and the poors of the society are fought for in a civilized way inside such places as the congress and in Democracy, and read my following thoughts of my
philosophy about Class Struggle so that to understand correctly from where i am logically inferring it, and the meaning and purpose of human life come also from the moving forward of morality with this better and better perfection and with a kind of
positive energy that i am talking about as following:
More of my philosophy of from where comes the positive human energy..
I think i am a wise type of person, and i will say that the positive
energy that makes us be a much better world comes from the way you are
moving, so you have to be careful about the way you are moving, so i
think that the efficient way of moving is that you have to make
your personality better and better by making or constructing better and
better things, and i think that it is the best positive energy that
makes us be a much better world, it is why i am talking as i am talking
so that to make you better "adapt" and be better and better humans, and
this is why i have also invented the following proverb that abstract
much more correctly this way of doing by positive energy, here it is:
And here is my new proverb in french and english:
"When you walk towards a goal in life it's like you walk down a forest
path towards a goal, but when you walk this forest path you can look at
flowers and pretty trees and be happier or you can also learn more and
have more experience which is useful while walking in the forest, then
life is like this, you can go through it towards goals, but going
through it you can also have pleasures that make you happier and you can
learn more and have more experience and that is useful to you, and i
think this conception of life makes you more positive."
"Quand tu marches vers un objectif dans la vie, c'est comme tu marches
dans un chemin de forêt vers un objectif, mais quand tu marches dans ce
chemin de forêt tu peux regarder des fleurs et de jolis arbres et être
plus joyeux ou tu peux aussi en apprendre plus et avoir plus
d'expérience qui est utile en marchant dans la forêt, alors la vie
ressemble à cela, tu peux la traverser vers des objectifs, mais en la traversant tu peux avoir aussi des plaisirs qui te rendent plus heureux
et tu peux apprendre plus et avoir plus d'experience et cela t'est
utile, et je pense que cette conception de la vie te rend plus positif."
So you have to understand that my proverb above is like
trying to well balance between, in one side, our strong human desire for success and the fear or the disliking of failure to attain the goal,
and, in the other side, i am showing in my new proverb the good sides or advantages or the pros of walking our lives towards the goal or goals
even if failure or failures happen(s), and i think this conception of
life of my proverb permits to be more positive, also you have to align
the usefulness of the utility with the global mission of the country or
global world.
More of my philosophy about the study that reveals the Richest people are never the most talented and more..
I invite you to read the following interesting article:
A 40-Year Scientific Study Reveals the Richest People Are Never the Most Talented (and Why That's a Really Good Thing)Yep: The smartest, most talented people almost never reach the highest peaks of success.
Read more here:
So as you have just noticed by reading the above interesting article that a 40-Year scientific study reveals the Richest people are never the most talented, but it says more precisely that intelligence, skill, and hard work will certainly get you far in
richness and success, but the most successful people are never the most talented, since an element of luck is involved, and this element of luck is mostly seizing a "lucky" opportunity, like being at the right place at the right time, meeting the right
person, reacting to an opportunity in the right way.
More of my philosophy about capitalism and about the rich and more..
I invite you to look at the following french video that is
talking about capitalism and the rich:
Deviens riche ! | Streetphilosophy | ARTE
I think i am smart, and i have just looked at the above video,
and i think that the women in the above video is not talking correctly,
since she is saying that when a person possess billions of dollars, in a world where many people struggle because they do not have much money, it is an immoral person, and she is talking like the following article,
so i invite you to read it:
It’s basically just immoral to be rich
So now i will answer this philosophical question, so i think the
defects of the above article is that he is wanting to manage money
and wealth of the rich by much more equalizing in a society, but i think that it is not the correct way, since you can understand capitalism by looking at for example the Financial sector, so you can understand more capitalism and the mechanism of
diversity that brings "resilience" and that needs a good allocation of resources in capitalism by reading my following thoughts:
The biggest benefit of finance, is to provide opportunities to people,
in the sense that in a world where there is no finance, the only way to
start a company is to be born rich or to have saved for a long time. In
a world where finance works well, the people with talent can actually
start firms and reach their dreams without waiting to either have saved
the money, or be lucky and receive it from their parents, and once you
create this opportunity, you will have the most talented people take
advantage of those opportunities, which favors growth, which favors a
good allocation of resources and, ultimately, innovation. But we have to
know what is the problem with finance, and here it is
So then you are understanding from the above that capitalism needs
a good allocation of resources, since efficiency also says that giving
much more money or making rich the talented people that want to efficiently invest in projects an ideas such as in capitalism is also an efficient allocation of resources, since also the talented people know how to efficiently distribute again and invest
again efficiently there big money and richness in other projects and good ideas, so capitalism brings this kind of efficiency, so then this means that it is not correct to say that when a person possess billions of dollars, in a world where many people
struggle because they do not have much money, it is an immoral person, since saying so is also extremism and archaism of Class Struggle, and talking about Class Struggle here is my thoughts about Class Struggle:
And today i will talk about Class struggle of Communism and Marxism,
so i will first ask a philosophical question of:
Is Class struggle "valid" and a good thing to have ?
I will say that there is not one type of Class struggle, because
we can have "levels" of Class Struggle, such as the Class Struggle of Communism and Marxism under Mao Zedong in China, and i think it is logically inferred in Marxism from the fact that there is antagonistic contradictions that are contradiction between
the Chinese communists and Chinese bourgeoisie and between the imperialist camp and the socialist camp, so we can also consider that this antagonistic contradictions also comes from the fact that we can be genetically predisposed to being smart or having
a good memory efficiency and such genetical characteristics, so this gives much more "chance" to those that have this kind of genetical predispositions to become rich and successful, so this is why Communism and Marxism says that we have to equalize much
more between people, so this is why i think it is also a kind of competition that gives this kind of Class Struggle, but i will say that the fact that we equalize much more between people in a society is not good for "diversity" inside the society and it
is not good for efficiency, since we have to have a level of diversity that brings "resilience" to the organization of a society, and even in economy we have to have a level of diversification of economy that brings resilience, so this is why i think
that the level of Class struggle that we have to have doesn't look like archaism of Communism or Marxism, since i think we have to have some kind of Social Assistance and Social Solidarity and we have to have social programs that help the weakest members
of the society or the poors of the society in a kind of way, so we have also to have a level of Class Struggle that is like a competition that ensure that those kind of rights of providing some kind of social programs that helps the weakest members and
the poors of the society are fought for in a civilized way inside such places as the congress and in Democracy. Now there is also other antagonist contradictions between the government and the people under Democracy or the communist regime, and inside
two groups or more inside a political party or within a communist Party, and i think that we have to have civilized ways and manners like by vigorous criticism and self-criticism so that to resolve those kind of antagonist contradictions. And of course i
have also just invented quickly a proverb and a poem so that to make you understand this way of doing, and here they are:
More of my philosophy about my new proverb about Democracy and more..
As you have just noticed, i have just invented a proverb about Democracy, read it below and read all my other proverbs below, and as you notice in this new proverb that i am saying:
"Since the basis of Democracy is to better and better discuss so that to bring good sageness and good soundness"
So this "better and better discuss" means that it is "inherent" to it that we have to also be well educated and that it needs Elitism, and as you are noticing in my new proverb that i am saying that Democracy needs Elitism that is existence of an elite
as a dominating element in a system or society such as congressmen and congresswomen of the USA congress. So i invite you to read my new proverb and all my following thoughts so that to understand:
Here is my new proverb:
"The basis of Democracy is not that people have to govern, since it is inferiority of Democracy, since the basis of Democracy is to better and better discuss so that to bring good sageness and good soundness, and after bringing this good sageness and good soundness, we can govern correctly with this good sageness and good
soundness, this is why Democracy needs Elitism such as the congressmen and congresswomen of the USA congress so that to bring good sageness and good soundness."
And of course you can read my just new poem below that also speaks
about the basis of Democracy:
And read my other new proverbs below that i have written quickly..
[continued in next message]
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