• Re: RFC 4121 & acceptor subkey use in MIC token generation

    From Nico Williams@21:1/5 to Greg Hudson on Tue Oct 24 23:04:34 2023
    Copy: kenh@cmf.nrl.navy.mil (Ken Hornstein)
    Copy: kerberos@mit.edu

    On Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 08:09:20PM -0400, Greg Hudson wrote:
    On 10/24/23 15:50, Ken Hornstein via Kerberos wrote:
    [Disputing the following comment in k5sealv3.c:]
    First, we can't really enforce the use of the acceptor's subkey,
    if we're the acceptor; the initiator may have sent messages
    before getting the subkey. We could probably enforce it if
    we're the initiator.

    Once you've seen a MIC/Wrap token made with the acceptor subkey you know
    that all subsequent sequence numbers must use the acceptor subkey.

    Until then you don't know because GSS doesn't know if some MIC/Wrap
    token it's consuming was made in response to an earlier MIC/Wrap/AP-REP
    token sent by the acceptor application to the initiator. Also, in
    practice no app that makes use of PROT_READY before GSS_S_COMPLETE on
    the initiator side will do so for more than one or maybe two per-message
    tokens (one for the app itself, and one for SPNEGO), so maybe we could
    have a hard cap[*] on the number of per-message tokens using the
    initiator sub-session key when the initiator requested mutual auth.

    So, yes, enforcement is tricky. But in practice it's probably not a
    problem because few apps make use of PROT_READY before GSS_S_COMPLETE on
    the initiator side -- that's a pretty lame reason to say this is not a problem...

    [*] Apps that don't request mutual auth, however, should get to send an
    unlimited number of per-message tokens using the initiator
    sub-session key because what else could they do?

    I believe mutual authentication is frequently omitted for HTTP negotiate,
    but that's a minor point as in that case there's no acceptor subkey.


    Whether the initiator can generate per-message tokens before receiving the subkey depends on whether the mechanism returned the prot_ready state (RFC 2743 section 1.2.7) to the caller after generating the initiator token. RFC 4121 does not mention prot_ready; I couldn't say whether that's an implicit contraindication on setting the bit. I'm not aware of any krb5 mechs
    setting the bit at that point in the initiator, although I recall Nico talking about maybe wanting to do so.

    I'll have to check what MIT and Heimdal do. But yes, it'd be nice to be
    able to make use of PROT_READY when GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED.

    Though GSS loses appeal every day, so we might never get to do a variety
    of interesting things in GSS space.

    Then again I know someone who badly wants a JWT client library that does krb5-style caching for audience-constrained JWT tokens, and we could
    always revive something like Luke Howard's BrowserID (a key exchanging
    GSS mechanism based on JWT) so that JWT could be used in application
    protocols where today it can't, and that might be interesting.

    While I'm on the subject of JWT, there are two reasons JWT is killing

    - scaling (which we've solved in Heimdal)

    To provision a server with Kerberos acceptor credentials is
    traditionally a real pain because orchestrating them requires writing
    to a database (the KDB). For JWT there's no provisioning, just a
    periodic download of fresh JWKs. Heimdal has a scheme where you can
    also periodically download Kerberos acceptor credentials w/o having
    to write the the HDB (we call this a virtual host-based service
    principal namespace, where all possible host-based principals below
    the namespace "exist" with keys derived from the namespace's, the
    principal's keys, and current time chunked into epochs.

    - ease of access to authz data

    In GSS/Kerberos getting to authz-data is insanely hard. In JWT it's
    just JSON, and all you need is a convention for object key naming.

    We have a solution to the scaling problem in Heimdal, but for the latter problem we really need a GSS_Inquire_context_authz_data() that outputs
    JSON just like JWT.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ken Hornstein@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 24 15:50:36 2023
    To give some background, we are required to do security scanning of our
    systems using Tenable's security scanner product (which is variously
    known as Nessus, Tenable.sc, or ACAS if you're in the DoD; I'm aware
    that these all aren't the same thing but in practice they all seemed to
    be lumped together). This requires the scanning software to actually
    log into our systems and run a bunch of commands.

    This product actually supports Kerberos (ssh using gssapi-with-mic)
    and I got that working fine to our Linux systems. Those systems are
    running the CentOS vendor ssh which is linked against the CentOS MIT
    Kerberos libraries. It is worth noting that the client side Kerberos implementation on the Tenable side is written in the NASL language and
    is relatively primitive; the source code to this implementation is
    available and it is relatively straightforward to follow.

    I tried to get this working to MacOS X systems, using the vendor ssh
    which is linked against the Apple Heimdal-based Kerberos libraries, and
    that did not work (but did not return or log a useful error); using the
    CentOS vendor ssh client worked fine against the same system. After a
    whole lot of debugging (which included staring at a bunch of hex dumps
    and hand-decoding some ASN.1) here's what I found.

    The Tenable code is doing the AP-REQ/AP-REP exchange with the MacOS ssh
    server fine, but the GSSAPI MIC is being rejected by the sshd daemon.
    This is because (a) the AP-REP from the ssh server includes a subkey
    (b) the MIC sent by the Tenable client does NOT use the subkey from the
    AP-REP but instead unconditionally uses the service ticket session key
    and the 'flags' field in the MIC is 0x00 (c) the Heimdal code rejects
    the MIC based on the rules in RFC 4121 § 2.

    This works against MIT-linked ssh daemons because even though the MIT
    code does return a subkey in the AP-REP it does not enforce the requirement
    in RFC 4121. Instead the appropriate code has this comment (k5sealv3.c):

    /* Two things to note here.

    First, we can't really enforce the use of the acceptor's subkey,
    if we're the acceptor; the initiator may have sent messages
    before getting the subkey. We could probably enforce it if
    we're the initiator.

    (There's more, but not exactly relevant to this). The code below
    this comment only uses an acceptor subkey _if_ there is one available
    and the initiator sets the appropriate flag in the MIC token.

    So, obviously this is a problem with the Tenable client code and I
    have to figure out how to submit a bug to them (which sadly might be
    a challenge, sigh; at least from my looking at the Tenable code it's
    80% of the way there). But this makes me wonder ... is the above comment correct?

    I ask because it doesn't seem to me like it is. I was under the impression that when you're doing mutual authentication (which in my experience
    is pretty much all of the time) you can't send any other GSSAPI tokens
    until authentication is complete and if authentication is complete then
    you can definiteley be assured any subkeys have already been exchanged.
    Clearly Heimdal enforces this and other than this obviously wrong client
    code I am not aware of any operational issues. Am I wrong? I admit
    that is always a possibility!


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Greg Hudson@21:1/5 to Ken Hornstein on Tue Oct 24 20:09:20 2023
    To: kerberos@mit.edu

    On 10/24/23 15:50, Ken Hornstein via Kerberos wrote:
    [Disputing the following comment in k5sealv3.c:]
    First, we can't really enforce the use of the acceptor's subkey,
    if we're the acceptor; the initiator may have sent messages
    before getting the subkey. We could probably enforce it if
    we're the initiator.

    I was under the impression
    that when you're doing mutual authentication (which in my experience
    is pretty much all of the time) you can't send any other GSSAPI tokens
    until authentication is complete and if authentication is complete then
    you can definiteley be assured any subkeys have already been exchanged. Clearly Heimdal enforces this and other than this obviously wrong client
    code I am not aware of any operational issues. Am I wrong? I admit
    that is always a possibility!

    I believe mutual authentication is frequently omitted for HTTP
    negotiate, but that's a minor point as in that case there's no acceptor

    Whether the initiator can generate per-message tokens before receiving
    the subkey depends on whether the mechanism returned the prot_ready
    state (RFC 2743 section 1.2.7) to the caller after generating the
    initiator token. RFC 4121 does not mention prot_ready; I couldn't say
    whether that's an implicit contraindication on setting the bit. I'm not
    aware of any krb5 mechs setting the bit at that point in the initiator, although I recall Nico talking about maybe wanting to do so.

    The comment was written twenty years ago by a developer no longer
    working for MIT, and I don't recall having any conversations about it
    before this one.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ken Hornstein@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 24 20:36:31 2023
    Whether the initiator can generate per-message tokens before receiving
    the subkey depends on whether the mechanism returned the prot_ready
    state (RFC 2743 section 1.2.7) to the caller after generating the
    initiator token. RFC 4121 does not mention prot_ready; I couldn't say >whether that's an implicit contraindication on setting the bit. I'm not >aware of any krb5 mechs setting the bit at that point in the initiator, >although I recall Nico talking about maybe wanting to do so.

    Fair enough; every time I think I might understand the GSSAPI, there
    is always something else in that mess. I don't think given subkey
    negotiation it would be possible for a krb5 mechanism to legitimately
    set prot_ready before authentication was complete, but it sure seems
    like this is a corner case. Certainly it seems like Heimdal always
    assumes that the other end will behave that way.

    The comment was written twenty years ago by a developer no longer
    working for MIT, and I don't recall having any conversations about it
    before this one.

    NOW I feel old :-/


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ken Hornstein@21:1/5 to Nico Williams on Wed Oct 25 08:51:29 2023
    Copy: kerberos@mit.edu

    Until then you don't know because GSS doesn't know if some MIC/Wrap
    token it's consuming was made in response to an earlier MIC/Wrap/AP-REP
    token sent by the acceptor application to the initiator. Also, in
    practice no app that makes use of PROT_READY before GSS_S_COMPLETE on
    the initiator side will do so for more than one or maybe two per-message >tokens (one for the app itself, and one for SPNEGO), so maybe we could
    have a hard cap[*] on the number of per-message tokens using the
    initiator sub-session key when the initiator requested mutual auth.

    I think we've lost the thread here; I do not think that any krb5
    mechanism today ever asserts PROT_READY before GSS_S_COMPLETE, but I
    would love to be proven wrong.

    While I'm on the subject of JWT, there are two reasons JWT is killing >Kerberos:

    Are you sure one of the most important reasons ISN'T that the GSSAPI is insanely complicted and people who look at it get confused and move to something else that is much simpler?


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Nico Williams@21:1/5 to Ken Hornstein on Wed Oct 25 10:57:14 2023
    Copy: kerberos@mit.edu

    On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 08:51:29AM -0400, Ken Hornstein wrote:
    I think we've lost the thread here; I do not think that any krb5
    mechanism today ever asserts PROT_READY before GSS_S_COMPLETE, but I
    would love to be proven wrong.

    That's the whole point of being able to use the initiator sub-session
    key: to allow the Kerberos GSS mechanism to assert PROT_READY on the
    first call to GSS_Init_sec_context() even when mutual auth is requested.

    Yes, RFC 4121 didn't say so, but it's the point.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeffrey Hutzelman@21:1/5 to Nico Williams on Wed Oct 25 12:16:15 2023
    Copy: kenh@cmf.nrl.navy.mil (Ken Hornstein)
    Copy: kerberos@mit.edu (Jonathan Calmels via Kerberos)

    On Wed, Oct 25, 2023, 11:59 Nico Williams <nico@cryptonector.com> wrote:

    On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 08:51:29AM -0400, Ken Hornstein wrote:
    I think we've lost the thread here; I do not think that any krb5
    mechanism today ever asserts PROT_READY before GSS_S_COMPLETE, but I
    would love to be proven wrong.

    That's the whole point of being able to use the initiator sub-session
    key: to allow the Kerberos GSS mechanism to assert PROT_READY on the
    first call to GSS_Init_sec_context() even when mutual auth is requested.

    Yes, RFC 4121 didn't say so, but it's the point.

    Yeah; IIRC that was to allow cases where the initiator would send the first context token in the same packet/message with early data, such as a MIC
    binding the exchange to some channel. In retrospect, perhaps it has caused
    more trouble than it was worth. We didn't use this in RFC 4462 userauth,
    which doesn't use mutual anyway.

    In any case, I think the behavior Ken is seeing is that the initiator
    doesn't even assert a subkey -- it always uses the ticket session key. That seems... unfortunate.

    -- Jeff

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ken Hornstein@21:1/5 to Jeffrey Hutzelman on Wed Oct 25 12:44:40 2023
    Copy: kerberos@mit.edu

    Yeah; IIRC that was to allow cases where the initiator would send the first >context token in the same packet/message with early data, such as a MIC >binding the exchange to some channel. In retrospect, perhaps it has caused >more trouble than it was worth. We didn't use this in RFC 4462 userauth, >which doesn't use mutual anyway.

    I mean, fair enough; I understand what Nico was saying as to the
    intention; my point is just that it seems that (a) MIT Kerberos only
    sets the PROT_READY flag when GSS_S_COMPLETE is returned, and Heimdal
    sets it ... never? At least that's what the MacOS X version of Heimdal
    seems to do. So if there ARE apps that actually look at the PROT_READY
    flag, it seems like at least if they're using Kerberos mechanisms they
    never actually will see it which makes me wonder if anyone ever actually
    tested this, ever. No idea what the GSS code in Microsoft will do.

    In any case, I think the behavior Ken is seeing is that the initiator
    doesn't even assert a subkey -- it always uses the ticket session key. That >seems... unfortunate.

    It's worse: the initiator doesn't assert a subkey (which I can
    personally live with) but also ignores the subkey asserted in the
    AP-REP, at least for ssh authentication code (there are comments that
    say they do look at the subkey when doing tests that involve SMB).
    Like I said, this works with MIT Kerberos because they don't actually
    enforce the RFC's MUST, based on (what I argued was wrong) a 20 year
    old comment.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Nico Williams@21:1/5 to Jeffrey Hutzelman on Wed Oct 25 15:28:14 2023
    Copy: kenh@cmf.nrl.navy.mil (Ken Hornstein)
    Copy: kerberos@mit.edu (Jonathan Calmels via Kerberos)

    On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 12:16:15PM -0400, Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:
    In any case, I think the behavior Ken is seeing is that the initiator
    doesn't even assert a subkey -- it always uses the ticket session key. That seems... unfortunate.

    That is.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Nico Williams@21:1/5 to Ken Hornstein on Wed Oct 25 15:33:54 2023
    Copy: kerberos@mit.edu

    On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 08:51:29AM -0400, Ken Hornstein wrote:
    While I'm on the subject of JWT, there are two reasons JWT is killing >Kerberos:

    Are you sure one of the most important reasons ISN'T that the GSSAPI is insanely complicted and people who look at it get confused and move to something else that is much simpler?

    At $WORK that's definitely not the reason. It's the others I listed,
    though the one about authz data is a flavor of the API complexity issue
    only much worse: because not only is it insanely hard to get at authz
    data when you can get at it, it's also often not possible at all. So
    not just insanely complex, but often-not-even-possible.

    And yet as simple as JWT is, it's also not:

    - HTTP user-agents need to know how to fetch the rock that the server
    asks them to fetch, and most of them don't know

    (Which is basically why OIDC exists.)

    This is fixable if anyone cares to bother, but then OIDC exists.

    - HTTP user-agents that do know how to fetch the rock don't do rock


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ken Hornstein@21:1/5 to Jeffrey Hutzelman on Thu Oct 26 13:41:42 2023
    Copy: kerberos@mit.edu

    Yeah; IIRC that was to allow cases where the initiator would send the first >context token in the same packet/message with early data, such as a MIC >binding the exchange to some channel. In retrospect, perhaps it has caused >more trouble than it was worth. We didn't use this in RFC 4462 userauth, >which doesn't use mutual anyway.

    As a side note, my impression is that gss-keyex has fallen out of favor,
    and at least for us part of the problem is the unfortunate decision
    to use MD5 in that protocol. You and I both know that the use of MD5
    in there isn't security related, but if you live in a FIPS world
    then any use of MD5 is a "challenge".


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Nico Williams@21:1/5 to Ken Hornstein on Thu Oct 26 13:17:37 2023
    Copy: jhutz@cmu.edu (Jeffrey Hutzelman)
    Copy: kerberos@mit.edu

    On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 01:41:42PM -0400, Ken Hornstein via Kerberos wrote:
    Yeah; IIRC that was to allow cases where the initiator would send the first >context token in the same packet/message with early data, such as a MIC >binding the exchange to some channel. In retrospect, perhaps it has caused >more trouble than it was worth. We didn't use this in RFC 4462 userauth, >which doesn't use mutual anyway.

    As a side note, my impression is that gss-keyex has fallen out of favor,
    and at least for us part of the problem is the unfortunate decision
    to use MD5 in that protocol. You and I both know that the use of MD5
    in there isn't security related, but if you live in a FIPS world
    then any use of MD5 is a "challenge".

    What MD5? It's used for generating a mechanism name, which has no
    security implications. You can hardcode the OID->name mappings so you
    don't invoke MD5.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Nico Williams@21:1/5 to Ken Hornstein on Thu Oct 26 13:33:27 2023
    Copy: kerberos@mit.edu

    On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 02:27:56PM -0400, Ken Hornstein wrote:
    Ever hear the political adage, "If you're explaining yourself, you're losing"?. The same adage applies when talking to security people,
    especially the non-technical ones. The common gss-keyex code out there
    calls the OpenSSL MD5 function at runtime, and some of the distributions
    that do ship the gss-keyex code (RedHat) decided to simply disable
    gss-keyex code when FIPS is turned on. So yes, you CAN hardcode the OID->name mappings, but it seems that nobody actually does that.

    We accept PRs.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ken Hornstein@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 26 14:38:47 2023
    Ever hear the political adage, "If you're explaining yourself, you're
    losing"?. The same adage applies when talking to security people,
    especially the non-technical ones. The common gss-keyex code out there
    calls the OpenSSL MD5 function at runtime, and some of the distributions
    that do ship the gss-keyex code (RedHat) decided to simply disable
    gss-keyex code when FIPS is turned on. So yes, you CAN hardcode the
    OID->name mappings, but it seems that nobody actually does that.

    We accept PRs.

    I am SO many levels down from the people that manage the licenses that
    figuring out how to file a PR upwards through the various levels of the
    DoD would probably take me a few days (I don't have to convince RedHat
    there's a problem, I have to convince those gatekeepers that there's
    a problem first, that's where things go sideways). And those people are
    the kind of people that as soon as the hear "MD5" and "FIPS mode" in
    the same sentence, they're going to say, "THAT'S NOT ALLOWED".


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeffrey Hutzelman@21:1/5 to Nico Williams on Thu Oct 26 15:58:57 2023
    Copy: kenh@cmf.nrl.navy.mil (Ken Hornstein)
    Copy: kerberos@mit.edu

    On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 3:41 PM Nico Williams <nico@cryptonector.com> wrote:

    So what can you do? Well, you could build an online kerberized CA that
    vends short-lived OpenSSH-style certificates, then use that for SSH.

    OpenSSH apparently does not support X.509 certificates because they believe there is too much complexity. This is roughly the same problem we had with getting GSS support into OpenSSH -- they are afraid of security technology
    they didn't invent.

    This is truly unfortunate, because we already have an onlike Kerberized CA
    that vends short-lived X.509 certificates

    Perhaps you'll find that easier to do than to send a PR for hard-coding mechanism OID->name mappings, and even if not, you may find it better
    for the long term anyways because it's fewer patches to maintain.

    Though credential delegation becomes hairy since all you can do then is ssh-agent forwarding, and if you need Kerberos credentials on the target
    end well, you won't get them unless you build yet another bridge where
    you have your online kerberized CA vend certificates for use with PKINIT
    so that you can kinit w/ PKINIT using a private key accessed over the forwarded ssh-agent.

    The problem with this, of course, is that one must be careful not to permit credentials to be renewed indefinitely by simply having the KDC and KCA repeatedly issue new credentials. Fortunately, kx509 is careful not to
    issue certificates valid past the ticket lifetime, and I believe compliant PKINIT implementations don't issue tickets valid past the certificate "Not After" time.

    -- Jeff

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Nico Williams@21:1/5 to Ken Hornstein on Thu Oct 26 14:40:06 2023
    Copy: kerberos@mit.edu

    On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 02:38:47PM -0400, Ken Hornstein via Kerberos wrote:

    Kerberos is becoming less relevant in general because for most apps
    running over TLS and using bearer tokens over TLS is Good Enough and
    also Much Easier Than Using Kerberos (whether directly or via GSS).
    That means that GSS too is becoming less relevant.

    On the other hand you still have Microsoft's Active Directory insisting
    on Kerberos, and you still have a lack of support for SSHv2 w/ bearer
    tokens, and you yourself might not even have a bearer token issuer infrastructure you could use if SSHv2 could support it.

    So what can you do? Well, you could build an online kerberized CA that
    vends short-lived OpenSSH-style certificates, then use that for SSH.

    Perhaps you'll find that easier to do than to send a PR for hard-coding mechanism OID->name mappings, and even if not, you may find it better
    for the long term anyways because it's fewer patches to maintain.

    Though credential delegation becomes hairy since all you can do then is ssh-agent forwarding, and if you need Kerberos credentials on the target
    end well, you won't get them unless you build yet another bridge where
    you have your online kerberized CA vend certificates for use with PKINIT
    so that you can kinit w/ PKINIT using a private key accessed over the
    forwarded ssh-agent.

    I'm a big proponent of authentication protocol bridging. I've written
    an online kerberized CA in Heimdal, though that one doesn't [yet] vend OpenSSH-style certificates. One site I'm familiar with has a kerberized
    JWT, OIDC, and PKIX certificate issuer, and they support PKINIT, so they
    can and do bridge all the tokens and all the Kerberos realms and all the
    PKIX and soon OpenSSH CAs.

    It's nice to not have to patch all the things and contribute patches
    upstream. Though because there's no open source universal authen.
    credential issuer bridge available the price one pays for not patching
    all the things is the cost of building and maintaining such a bridge.
    (The cost of operating such a bridge need not be significantly different
    from the cost of operating distinct JWT, OIDC, PKIX, and Kerberos

    We accept PRs.

    I am SO many levels down from the people that manage the licenses that figuring out how to file a PR upwards through the various levels of the
    DoD would probably take me a few days (I don't have to convince RedHat there's a problem, I have to convince those gatekeepers that there's
    a problem first, that's where things go sideways). And those people are
    the kind of people that as soon as the hear "MD5" and "FIPS mode" in
    the same sentence, they're going to say, "THAT'S NOT ALLOWED".

    I feel you. I have had to deal with this sort of audit issue myself,
    and it's always a pain to convince an auditor that some particular thing
    that their book says is verboten is not security-relevant in this one
    case and should be permitted. I don't have the cycles to go do the
    hard-coding you need to satisfy your auditors. It's not that I don't
    care about that problem -- after all, I might have it myself eventually
    w.r.t. GSS-KEYEX. It's that I only touch GSS-KEYEX code once per
    biennium, and right now is not that time for me and I'm full up with
    other things. If now were that time I might add a table of OID->name
    mappings and have a ./configure switch for enabling (or disabling) use
    of MD5 for generating names for OIDs not included in that list.

    Therefore I have no problem with you not using SSHv2 GSS-KEYEX.

    Perhaps someone else wants to volunteer to solve your problem _now_
    rather than later, but unfortunately it can't be me, not right now.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Nico Williams@21:1/5 to Jeffrey Hutzelman on Thu Oct 26 15:22:17 2023
    Copy: kenh@cmf.nrl.navy.mil (Ken Hornstein)
    Copy: kerberos@mit.edu

    On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 03:58:57PM -0400, Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:
    On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 3:41 PM Nico Williams <nico@cryptonector.com> wrote:
    So what can you do? Well, you could build an online kerberized CA that vends short-lived OpenSSH-style certificates, then use that for SSH.

    OpenSSH apparently does not support X.509 certificates because they believe there is too much complexity. This is roughly the same problem we had with getting GSS support into OpenSSH -- they are afraid of security technology they didn't invent.

    For GSS-KEYEX they have a point: that the CNAME chasing behavior of
    Kerberos libraries is problematic. That said there is a simple fix:
    use `gss_inquire_context()` to check that the name you got for the
    target is the name you asked for, and else either disable credentials forwarding and try again or refuse to use GSS-KEYEX.

    OpenSSH-style certificates have several serious problems resulting from
    NIH syndrome:

    - no certificate chaining, which therefore implies frequent updates of
    sshd_config and ssh_config files

    - authorization data is not encoded as an array of strings or blobs but
    as one string that uses commas to separate elements (!!) (!!!!)

    - it's all too specific to OpenSSH

    - there's no tooling to deal with short-lived user certificates on
    the client side

    There are some good things about OpenSSH-style certificates, but the
    above problems are serious missed opportunities.

    This is truly unfortunate, because we already have an onlike Kerberized CA that vends short-lived X.509 certificates

    There's almost certainly lots of them.

    Though credential delegation becomes hairy since all you can do then is ssh-agent forwarding, and if you need Kerberos credentials on the target end well, you won't get them unless you build yet another bridge where
    you have your online kerberized CA vend certificates for use with PKINIT
    so that you can kinit w/ PKINIT using a private key accessed over the forwarded ssh-agent.

    The problem with this, of course, is that one must be careful not to permit credentials to be renewed indefinitely by simply having the KDC and KCA repeatedly issue new credentials. Fortunately, kx509 is careful not to
    issue certificates valid past the ticket lifetime, and I believe compliant PKINIT implementations don't issue tickets valid past the certificate "Not After" time.

    Yes, it's absolutely essential to ensure that each credential issued is
    limited in lifetime to the credential used to authenticate to the
    bridge. At least for client credentials. It's not hard to get this
    right, and it's not hard to test either.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Nico Williams@21:1/5 to Jeffrey Hutzelman on Thu Oct 26 15:30:40 2023
    Copy: kenh@cmf.nrl.navy.mil (Ken Hornstein)
    Copy: kerberos@mit.edu

    On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 03:22:17PM -0500, Nico Williams wrote:
    On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 03:58:57PM -0400, Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:
    On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 3:41 PM Nico Williams <nico@cryptonector.com> wrote:
    So what can you do? Well, you could build an online kerberized CA that vends short-lived OpenSSH-style certificates, then use that for SSH.

    OpenSSH apparently does not support X.509 certificates because they believe there is too much complexity. This is roughly the same problem we had with getting GSS support into OpenSSH -- they are afraid of security technology they didn't invent.

    For GSS-KEYEX they have a point: that the CNAME chasing behavior of
    Kerberos libraries is problematic. [...]

    Also, they can run GSS and PKI code privsep'ed, though they'd need a way
    to do that on the client side too (on OpenBSD they have pledge(2) for
    that, but that's not portable).

    For PKIX they could just have used Heimdal's ASN.1 compiler, and fuzz
    the crap out of it (we do), and that would probably have been better
    than building a new certificate system.

    Though ideally we should be using memory-safe languages for all of this
    and leave C in the dust. That's just a long, slow slog though.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ken Hornstein@21:1/5 to Nico Williams on Thu Oct 26 14:27:56 2023
    Copy: kerberos@mit.edu

    As a side note, my impression is that gss-keyex has fallen out of favor,
    and at least for us part of the problem is the unfortunate decision
    to use MD5 in that protocol. You and I both know that the use of MD5
    in there isn't security related, but if you live in a FIPS world
    then any use of MD5 is a "challenge".

    What MD5? It's used for generating a mechanism name, which has no
    security implications. You can hardcode the OID->name mappings so you
    don't invoke MD5.

    Ever hear the political adage, "If you're explaining yourself, you're
    losing"?. The same adage applies when talking to security people,
    especially the non-technical ones. The common gss-keyex code out there
    calls the OpenSSL MD5 function at runtime, and some of the distributions
    that do ship the gss-keyex code (RedHat) decided to simply disable
    gss-keyex code when FIPS is turned on. So yes, you CAN hardcode the
    OID->name mappings, but it seems that nobody actually does that.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ken Hornstein@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 26 17:10:39 2023
    So what can you do? Well, you could build an online kerberized CA that
    vends short-lived OpenSSH-style certificates, then use that for SSH.

    Perhaps you'll find that easier to do than to send a PR for hard-coding >mechanism OID->name mappings, and even if not, you may find it better
    for the long term anyways because it's fewer patches to maintain.

    Unfortunately, ANOTHER one of the "fun" rules I live under is, "Thou
    shall have no other PKI than the DoD PKI". And as much as I can
    legitimately argue for many of the unusual things that I do, I can't get
    away with that one; we have to personally certify on all of our server
    systems that we only accept DoD issued certificates. The available DoD certificate profiles are EXTREMELY limited and there's exactly zero
    chance of me getting our own CA under the DoD PKI. So I am aware of
    kx509 and the like, but I can't use them. Well, I technically COULD set
    it up, I just couldn't trust a kx509 CA on any of our own systems so
    the utility would be limited.

    Though credential delegation becomes hairy since all you can do then is >ssh-agent forwarding, and if you need Kerberos credentials on the target
    end well, you won't get them unless you build yet another bridge where
    you have your online kerberized CA vend certificates for use with PKINIT
    so that you can kinit w/ PKINIT using a private key accessed over the >forwarded ssh-agent.

    We _do_ do PKINIT with the DoD PKI today; that is relatively
    straightforward with the exception of dealing with certificate
    revocation (last time I checked the total size of the DOD CRL package
    was approximately 8 million serial numbers, sigh).

    I'm a big proponent of authentication protocol bridging. I've written
    an online kerberized CA in Heimdal, though that one doesn't [yet] vend >OpenSSH-style certificates. One site I'm familiar with has a kerberized
    JWT, OIDC, and PKIX certificate issuer, and they support PKINIT, so they
    can and do bridge all the tokens and all the Kerberos realms and all the
    PKIX and soon OpenSSH CAs.

    We KIND do bridging, but it's at a higher level; since almost everyone
    we deal with has an issued PKI client certificate on a smartcard we tend
    to support a bunch of ways of working with that. So you can use your
    client certificate do a bunch of things like get a Kerberos ticket,
    but we can't turn a Kerberos ticket into a DOD PKI client certificate.
    There is an DoD program called "Purebred" to get DERIVED client PKI
    credentials on things like iOS devices but that again has a very small
    box it is designed to fit in and I doubt that the people who run it
    would understand what I was asking, much less make it so I could put
    those credentials in a kx509 server. Sigh.

    Therefore I have no problem with you not using SSHv2 GSS-KEYEX.

    I mean, it seems like gssapi-with-mic is relatively widely supported
    and works (with the previously-discussed exception of the broken-assed
    Tenable client and Heimdal servers).


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Nico Williams@21:1/5 to Ken Hornstein on Thu Oct 26 16:29:59 2023
    Copy: kerberos@mit.edu

    On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 05:10:39PM -0400, Ken Hornstein via Kerberos wrote:
    Unfortunately, ANOTHER one of the "fun" rules I live under is, "Thou
    shall have no other PKI than the DoD PKI". And as much as I can
    legitimately argue for many of the unusual things that I do, I can't get
    away with that one; [...]

    A CA that issues short-lived certificates (for keys that might be
    software keys) is morally equivalent to a Kerberos KDC. You ought to be
    able to deploy such online CAs that issue only short-lived certs.

    I understand how the politics of this works, so I'm just going to say
    that I feel your pain.

    Presumably OpenSSH CAs are a different story because they're not x.509? :)

    We _do_ do PKINIT with the DoD PKI today; that is relatively
    straightforward with the exception of dealing with certificate
    revocation (last time I checked the total size of the DOD CRL package
    was approximately 8 million serial numbers, sigh).

    Don't you have OCSP responders?

    See, that's the point of CAs that issue short-lived certificates: you
    don't have to worry about revocation any more than you do with Kerberos
    because tickets are short-lived.

    (Though one can easily issue 10 year tickets too. It's just that one
    should not. I'd like to say that I suspect that no one does, but I
    don't want to find out otherwise...)

    We KIND do bridging, but it's at a higher level; since almost everyone
    we deal with has an issued PKI client certificate on a smartcard we tend
    to support a bunch of ways of working with that. So you can use your
    client certificate do a bunch of things like get a Kerberos ticket,
    but we can't turn a Kerberos ticket into a DOD PKI client certificate.

    Right, that makes sense.

    I mean, it seems like gssapi-with-mic is relatively widely supported
    and works (with the previously-discussed exception of the broken-assed Tenable client and Heimdal servers).

    One of the problems I'm finding is that SSHv2 client implementations are proliferating, and IDEs nowadays tend to come with one, and not one of
    them supports GSS-KEYEX, though most of them support gssapi-with-mic, so
    it makes you want to give up on GSS-KEYEX.

    We have used GSS-KEYEX to do "credential cascading", and it's not enough
    to support GSS-KEYEX for that: the client has to also schedule re-keys
    to refresh the credentials delegated to the server.

    We're starting to do something completely different: make it so the user
    just does not need to delegate credentials. Typically that is because
    they are not even using ssh anymore but a tightly controlled and audited
    system for accessing privileged accounts, or because they are accessing
    a personal virtual home server, and in the latter case we'll ensure that
    they have credentials there provided by an orchestration system -- in
    neither case is credential delegation necessary, and certainly not
    credential cascading.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ken Hornstein@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 26 17:57:37 2023
    Unfortunately, ANOTHER one of the "fun" rules I live under is, "Thou
    shall have no other PKI than the DoD PKI". And as much as I can
    legitimately argue for many of the unusual things that I do, I can't get
    away with that one; [...]

    A CA that issues short-lived certificates (for keys that might be
    software keys) is morally equivalent to a Kerberos KDC. You ought to be
    able to deploy such online CAs that issue only short-lived certs.

    You know that. I know that. But remember: "if you're explaining,
    you're losing". When asked I can honestly say, "Kerberos is not
    a PKI" and that's good enough, but I can't say with a straight
    face, "This X.509 CA over here is not a PKI".

    Presumably OpenSSH CAs are a different story because they're not x.509? :)

    Strangely enough, I am not aware of anyone in the DoD that uses OpenSSH
    CAs (there probably are, I just don't know them). I could see it being
    argued both ways. The people I know who use OpenSSH are (a) using gssapi-with-mic like us, (b) just using passwords, or (c) using their
    client smartcart key as a key for RSA authentication and they call that
    "DOD PKI authentication". Again, you know and I know that isn't really
    using PKI certificates, but the people up the chain aren't really smart
    enough to understand the distinction; they see that you're using the
    smartcard and that's good enough for them.

    We _do_ do PKINIT with the DoD PKI today; that is relatively
    straightforward with the exception of dealing with certificate
    revocation (last time I checked the total size of the DOD CRL package
    was approximately 8 million serial numbers, sigh).

    Don't you have OCSP responders?

    We _do_, it's just a pain to find an OCSP responder that can handle that
    many. If the official ones go offline that breaks our KDC so we run our
    own locally.

    One of the problems I'm finding is that SSHv2 client implementations are >proliferating, and IDEs nowadays tend to come with one, and not one of
    them supports GSS-KEYEX, though most of them support gssapi-with-mic, so
    it makes you want to give up on GSS-KEYEX.

    Right, part of the problem there is that people want to "use Kerberos
    with ssh", and they don't understand the difference between gssapi-with-mic
    and gss-keyex.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeffrey Hutzelman@21:1/5 to Ken Hornstein on Thu Oct 26 18:26:18 2023
    Copy: kerberos@mit.edu

    The gss-keyex userauth method is just an optimization; it prevents you
    having to actually run the GSSAPI exchange again after you've already used
    one of the GSSAPI-based keyex methods. The real win is in the GSSAPI-based keyex methods themselves, which are useful (and exist) because they avoid having to pick one of these:

    1. Jump in blindly and hope there's no MITM on the first connection
    2. Distribute copies of all the host public keys to all possible clients
    3. Operate a PKI for identifying hosts

    Of course, lots of people do (1); ssh has encouraged that since its
    earliest days. And around the time I was first working on what became
    RFC4462, I was also building 2-3 generations of tooling for (2).

    On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 5:59 PM Ken Hornstein via Kerberos <kerberos@mit.edu> wrote:

    Unfortunately, ANOTHER one of the "fun" rules I live under is, "Thou
    shall have no other PKI than the DoD PKI". And as much as I can
    legitimately argue for many of the unusual things that I do, I can't get >> away with that one; [...]

    A CA that issues short-lived certificates (for keys that might be
    software keys) is morally equivalent to a Kerberos KDC. You ought to be >able to deploy such online CAs that issue only short-lived certs.

    You know that. I know that. But remember: "if you're explaining,
    you're losing". When asked I can honestly say, "Kerberos is not
    a PKI" and that's good enough, but I can't say with a straight
    face, "This X.509 CA over here is not a PKI".

    Presumably OpenSSH CAs are a different story because they're not x.509?

    Strangely enough, I am not aware of anyone in the DoD that uses OpenSSH
    CAs (there probably are, I just don't know them). I could see it being argued both ways. The people I know who use OpenSSH are (a) using gssapi-with-mic like us, (b) just using passwords, or (c) using their
    client smartcart key as a key for RSA authentication and they call that
    "DOD PKI authentication". Again, you know and I know that isn't really
    using PKI certificates, but the people up the chain aren't really smart enough to understand the distinction; they see that you're using the smartcard and that's good enough for them.

    We _do_ do PKINIT with the DoD PKI today; that is relatively
    straightforward with the exception of dealing with certificate
    revocation (last time I checked the total size of the DOD CRL package
    was approximately 8 million serial numbers, sigh).

    Don't you have OCSP responders?

    We _do_, it's just a pain to find an OCSP responder that can handle that many. If the official ones go offline that breaks our KDC so we run our
    own locally.

    One of the problems I'm finding is that SSHv2 client implementations are >proliferating, and IDEs nowadays tend to come with one, and not one of
    them supports GSS-KEYEX, though most of them support gssapi-with-mic, so
    it makes you want to give up on GSS-KEYEX.

    Right, part of the problem there is that people want to "use Kerberos
    with ssh", and they don't understand the difference between gssapi-with-mic and gss-keyex.

    Kerberos mailing list Kerberos@mit.edu https://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/kerberos

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Nico Williams@21:1/5 to Ken Hornstein on Thu Oct 26 17:28:07 2023
    Copy: kerberos@mit.edu

    On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 05:57:37PM -0400, Ken Hornstein via Kerberos wrote:
    You know that. I know that. But remember: "if you're explaining,
    you're losing". When asked I can honestly say, "Kerberos is not
    a PKI" and that's good enough, but I can't say with a straight
    face, "This X.509 CA over here is not a PKI".

    Have you considered the private sector?

    More seriously, there must be an office that could evaluate the use of
    online CAs that issue short-lived certificates using issuer keys stored
    in HSMs (or software keys when the sub-CA has a very narrow
    applicability, meaning very few systems will trust it). Such CAs would
    be very useful, I'm sure, especially if you could dispense with
    revocation checking at the relying party because a) the certificate will
    be as short-lived as a Kerberos ticket, b) the online issuer will have
    checked revocation for the longer-lived credential used to authenticate
    to it.

    Presumably OpenSSH CAs are a different story because they're not x.509? :)

    Strangely enough, I am not aware of anyone in the DoD that uses OpenSSH
    CAs (there probably are, I just don't know them). I could see it being argued both ways. The people I know who use OpenSSH are (a) using gssapi-with-mic like us, (b) just using passwords, or (c) using their
    client smartcart key as a key for RSA authentication and they call that
    "DOD PKI authentication". Again, you know and I know that isn't really
    using PKI certificates, but the people up the chain aren't really smart enough to understand the distinction; they see that you're using the smartcard and that's good enough for them.

    But it is _a_ form of PKI, just not x.509/PKIX PKI, thus the smiley.

    Don't you have OCSP responders?

    We _do_, it's just a pain to find an OCSP responder that can handle that many. If the official ones go offline that breaks our KDC so we run our
    own locally.

    Ah, so what you mean is that you have a CRL replication problem.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Nico Williams@21:1/5 to Jeffrey Hutzelman on Thu Oct 26 17:31:17 2023
    Copy: kenh@cmf.nrl.navy.mil (Ken Hornstein)
    Copy: kerberos@mit.edu

    On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 06:26:18PM -0400, Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:
    The gss-keyex userauth method is just an optimization; it prevents you
    having to actually run the GSSAPI exchange again after you've already used one of the GSSAPI-based keyex methods. The real win is in the GSSAPI-based keyex methods themselves, which are useful (and exist) because they avoid having to pick one of these:


    All true. But you forgot the other benefit: automatic re-delegation of credentials prior to expiration.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ken Hornstein@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 26 19:17:07 2023
    On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 05:57:37PM -0400, Ken Hornstein via Kerberos wrote:
    You know that. I know that. But remember: "if you're explaining,
    you're losing". When asked I can honestly say, "Kerberos is not
    a PKI" and that's good enough, but I can't say with a straight
    face, "This X.509 CA over here is not a PKI".

    Have you considered the private sector?

    Ha! My memory is the private sector is not perfect by any means and
    has a DIFFERENT set of foibles.

    More seriously, there must be an office that could evaluate the use of
    online CAs that issue short-lived certificates using issuer keys stored
    in HSMs (or software keys when the sub-CA has a very narrow
    applicability, meaning very few systems will trust it). Such CAs would
    be very useful, I'm sure, especially if you could dispense with
    revocation checking at the relying party because a) the certificate will
    be as short-lived as a Kerberos ticket, b) the online issuer will have >checked revocation for the longer-lived credential used to authenticate
    to it.

    I am sure there is some kind of process, but it would probably be some
    kind of trial program or research project that we could officially get approved. The main issues I see there is getting funding for such a
    project because that's not a small amount of work (I know the code is
    written; it's writing the proposals in a way so that everyone involved
    could understand what I am doing, why it would be useful, the security implications, sitting around in meeting with the various people to move
    the proposal up the chain, all of that grunt work) and like everyone
    else here my plate is full so I'm not sure where that fits into the


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Simo Sorce@21:1/5 to Ken Hornstein on Fri Oct 27 13:48:26 2023
    To: kerberos@mit.edu

    On Thu, 2023-10-26 at 17:57 -0400, Ken Hornstein via Kerberos wrote:
    Unfortunately, ANOTHER one of the "fun" rules I live under is,
    shall have no other PKI than the DoD PKI". And as much as I can legitimately argue for many of the unusual things that I do, I
    can't get
    away with that one; [...]

    A CA that issues short-lived certificates (for keys that might be
    software keys) is morally equivalent to a Kerberos KDC. You ought
    to be
    able to deploy such online CAs that issue only short-lived certs.

    You know that. I know that. But remember: "if you're explaining,
    you're losing". When asked I can honestly say, "Kerberos is not
    a PKI" and that's good enough, but I can't say with a straight
    face, "This X.509 CA over here is not a PKI".

    Presumably OpenSSH CAs are a different story because they're not
    x.509? :)

    Strangely enough, I am not aware of anyone in the DoD that uses
    CAs (there probably are, I just don't know them). I could see it
    argued both ways. The people I know who use OpenSSH are (a) using gssapi-with-mic like us, (b) just using passwords, or (c) using their
    client smartcart key as a key for RSA authentication and they call
    "DOD PKI authentication". Again, you know and I know that isn't
    using PKI certificates, but the people up the chain aren't really
    enough to understand the distinction; they see that you're using the smartcard and that's good enough for them.

    We _do_ do PKINIT with the DoD PKI today; that is relatively straightforward with the exception of dealing with certificate
    revocation (last time I checked the total size of the DOD CRL
    was approximately 8 million serial numbers, sigh).

    Don't you have OCSP responders?

    We _do_, it's just a pain to find an OCSP responder that can handle
    many. If the official ones go offline that breaks our KDC so we run
    own locally.

    One of the problems I'm finding is that SSHv2 client
    implementations are
    proliferating, and IDEs nowadays tend to come with one, and not one
    them supports GSS-KEYEX, though most of them support gssapi-with-
    mic, so
    it makes you want to give up on GSS-KEYEX.

    Right, part of the problem there is that people want to "use Kerberos
    with ssh", and they don't understand the difference between gssapi-
    and gss-keyex.

    Aren't you supposed to use CAC or PIV cards?
    You can definitely use openssh clients with PIV cards and avoid
    kerberos altogether.


    Simo Sorce,
    DE @ RHEL Crypto Team,
    Red Hat, Inc

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ken Hornstein@21:1/5 to Simo Sorce on Fri Oct 27 14:01:05 2023
    Copy: kerberos@mit.edu

    Right, part of the problem there is that people want to "use Kerberos
    with ssh", and they don't understand the difference between gssapi-
    and gss-keyex.

    Aren't you supposed to use CAC or PIV cards?

    Well, I hate to use the "Air Bud" loophole, but the rules as I
    understand them don't ACTUALLY say that for ssh, and in some contexts
    they explictly say that plaintext passwords are fine as long as you're
    doing something like using a RADIUS server to verify the password. Yes,
    the RADIUS protocol is terrible and has MD5 baked into the protocol and
    no one has ever explained to me why the STIGS say FIPS mode is manditory
    but RADIUS is fine.

    You can definitely use openssh clients with PIV cards and avoid
    kerberos altogether.

    I have done that! But that is actually TERRIBLE IMHO from a security perspective unless you write a whole pile of infrastructure code; maybe
    some sites actually do that but the people I've seen with that setup do
    not and then get surprised when they get a new CAC and that breaks. If
    you funnel all that through PKINIT then things are much nicer.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Nico Williams@21:1/5 to Ken Hornstein on Fri Oct 27 15:27:26 2023
    Copy: simo@redhat.com (Simo Sorce)
    Copy: kerberos@mit.edu

    On Fri, Oct 27, 2023 at 02:01:05PM -0400, Ken Hornstein via Kerberos wrote:
    Aren't you supposed to use CAC or PIV cards?

    Well, I hate to use the "Air Bud" loophole, but the rules as I
    understand them don't ACTUALLY say that for ssh, and in some contexts
    they explictly say that plaintext passwords are fine as long as you're
    doing something like using a RADIUS server to verify the password. Yes,
    the RADIUS protocol is terrible and has MD5 baked into the protocol and
    no one has ever explained to me why the STIGS say FIPS mode is manditory
    but RADIUS is fine.

    Uh... If someone was able to swing that then you should be able to
    swing use of MD5 for non-cryptographic purposes where a 20 year old RFC requires it. But, I know, I know, never mind.

    You can definitely use openssh clients with PIV cards and avoid
    kerberos altogether.

    I have done that! But that is actually TERRIBLE IMHO from a security perspective unless you write a whole pile of infrastructure code; maybe
    some sites actually do that but the people I've seen with that setup do
    not and then get surprised when they get a new CAC and that breaks. If
    you funnel all that through PKINIT then things are much nicer.

    IDEA: Patch ssh to support use of x.509 certificates.

    After all, you can't use OpenSSH certs because... that's not "the DoD
    PKI", and you can't use GSS-KEYEX because of the foregoing MD5
    non-issue, so might as well do the one thing you are allowed to do: use
    the DoD PKI!

    And you're using Heimdal, right? Well, Heimdal has a very frickin' nice
    ASN.1 compiler that already has everything you need to be able to decode
    x.509 certificates. It even has a fantastic libhx509, though the only
    thing it doesn't have is support for x25519/x448 (I've a branch with
    that stuff I need to finish). Though you'll want to update to the
    as-yet unreleased master branch for this because it's more awesome


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ken Hornstein@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 27 21:15:25 2023
    Uh... If someone was able to swing that then you should be able to
    swing use of MD5 for non-cryptographic purposes where a 20 year old RFC >requires it. But, I know, I know, never mind.

    You are assuming someone is looking at all of the STIGs and they're all logically consistent with each other. I think the reality is that whomever does the AAA STIG doesn't really look at or care about any of the others.

    IDEA: Patch ssh to support use of x.509 certificates.

    After all, you can't use OpenSSH certs because... that's not "the DoD
    PKI", and you can't use GSS-KEYEX because of the foregoing MD5
    non-issue, so might as well do the one thing you are allowed to do: use
    the DoD PKI!

    Well, I _am_ allowed to use gssapi-with-mic (there's no rule against
    it, e.g. the "Air Bud" loophole), and as you note everything seems to
    support that, and honestly it seems to work completely fine. I'm not
    sure what having OpenSSH use X.509 certificates directly would get us,
    other than a huge pile of code that wasn't compatible with anything

    And you're using Heimdal, right?

    Geez, you missed that part? No, we are pretty much an MIT shop. And
    judging by what I've seen it seems like so most of the DoD (at least on
    the Unix side of things).


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