++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service
http://www.os2voice.org ++
qca, quassel, cmake, doxygen, poppler, libxml2, libxslt, hunspell
We released version 2.2.1-1 of qca (Qt Cryptographic Architecture), version 0.14-1.pre of quassel (A modern distributed IRC system), version 3.15.3-1 of cmake (Cross-platform make system), version 1.8.17-1 of doxygen (A documentation system for C/C++),
version 0.84.0-1 of poppler (PDF rendering library), version 2.9.9-2 or libxml2 (Library providing XML and HTML support), version 1.1.34-1 of libxslt (Library providing the Gnome XSLT engine), version 1.7.0-2 of hunspell (A spell checker and
morphological analyzer)
It is uploaded as rpm to the netlabs rel or exp repository. To install just use either yum or ANPM. If anyone prefers a zip file, those are available at the netlabs rel repo
http://rpm.netlabs.org/release/00/zip> or at the netlabs exp repo
What's new in qca:
* first rpm release
What's new in quassel:
* first rpm release
What's new in cmake:
* update to vendor version 3.15.3
* build with gcc9
* add rc file handling
* disable 1121 wlink messages
* don't use emxexp for c++ by default anymore, it relies on declspec.
if you want the old way use -DOS2_USE_CXX_EMXEXP=ON
What's new in doxygen:
* fix a binary read
* update to version 1.8.17
What's new in poppler:
* update to vendor version 0.84.0
* adapt the spec to latest fedora spec
* add qt4 backend again like fedora does
What's new in libxml2:
* update to vendor version 2.9.9
* fixed libxslt ticket #1 (enable loading of symbols with _)
What's new in libxslt:
* update to vendor version 1.1.34
What's new in hunspell:
* rebuild with gcc9
To be able to finish our goals we need *your support*. Please sponsor as much as possible via our webshop
http://www.bitwiseworks.com/shop/index.php?id_product=56&controller=product&id_lang=1> or via our Patreon page
-- freundliche GrĂ¼sse / kind regards
Silvan Scherrer
/Silvan Scherrer
AROA Informatik AG
Tel. +41 71 243 55 77
http://www.aroa.ch http://www.aroa.ch> /
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