• retf

    From mutazilah@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sun Nov 6 14:16:28 2022
    I thought I only needed to code "ret", and the memory
    model would take care of converting that to either
    retf or retn, as required.

    But I found under both wasm and masm I need to put
    retf. Any idea why?

    .model medium


    public two

    push dx
    mov ah,2
    mov dl,41h
    int 21h
    pop dx


    db 40000 dup(?)


    Thanks. Paul.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From mutazilah@gmail.com@21:1/5 to muta...@gmail.com on Sun Nov 6 15:23:02 2022
    On Monday, November 7, 2022 at 6:23:52 AM UTC+8, muta...@gmail.com wrote:
    I thought I only needed to code "ret", and the memory
    model would take care of converting that to either
    retf or retn, as required.

    But I found under both wasm and masm I need to put
    retf. Any idea why?

    .model medium


    public two

    push dx
    mov ah,2
    mov dl,41h
    int 21h
    pop dx


    db 40000 dup(?)


    Thanks. Paul.

    I found that if I put it in a proc, it behaves as expected.

    .model medium


    public two
    two proc

    push dx
    mov ah,2
    mov dl,41h
    int 21h
    pop dx


    two endp

    db 40000 dup(?)


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)