• Re: checking int2d amis appstring with djgpp

    From [via djgpp@delorie.com]" @21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 24 09:02:23 2024
    From: "Ozkan Sezer (sezeroz@gmail.com) [via djgpp@delorie.com]" <djgpp@delorie.com>
    Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 03:08:59 +0300

    On Sat, Feb 24, 2024 at 12:49 AM J.W. Jagersma (jwjagersma@gmail.com)
    [via djgpp@delorie.com] <djgpp@delorie.com> wrote:
    __asm__ __volatile__ ("movw %%dx,%0":"=m"(addr.segment));
    __asm__ __volatile__ ("movw %%di,%0":"=m"(addr.offset16));

    This doesn't look right - you can't assume gcc preserves registers
    between asm blocks.

    OK, should have been like this then, yes?

    It is better to avoid inline assembly at all. I'm guessing Watcom did
    that for speed or something, but does speed really matter here?

    Is the following correct ??

    int sndlib_sbemu_detect(void)
    __dpmi_raddr addr;
    uint32_t r_addr;
    __dpmi_regs regs;
    char* appstring;
    int mx;

    /* check for INT2D vector == NULL */
    __dpmi_get_real_mode_interrupt_vector(0x2D, &addr);
    r_addr = ((uint32_t)addr.segment<<4) + (uint32_t)addr.offset16;
    if (!r_addr) return -1;

    Instead of the above bit juggling to get r_addr, you could simply test
    both segment and offset to be zero. After all, how else you'd get
    zero in the linear address?

    /* scan all multiplexes of INT 2D */
    for (mx = 0; mx < 256; mx++)
    memset(&regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
    regs.h.ah = mx;
    __dpmi_int(0x2D, &regs);
    if (regs.h.al != 0xFF)

    /* check for SBEMU application string */
    r_addr = ((uint32_t)regs.x.dx<<4) + (uint32_t)regs.x.di;
    if (!r_addr) continue;
    appstring = (char *)real2ptr(r_addr);
    if (memcmp(appstring + 8,"SBEMU",5) == 0)
    return mx;

    You cannot access conventional (below 1MB) memory like that. You need
    to use one of the techniques described in the node "Xfer" in the
    DJGPPFAQ Info manual, to fetch the 5 bytes to protected-mode memory
    first. In your case, _dosmemget seems to be the best method.

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