• Microsoft and Google team up to make PWAs better in the Play Store

    From OSnews@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jul 10 22:21:11 2020
    We're glad to announce a new collaboration between Microsoft and Google for the benefit of the web developer community. Microsoft's PWABuilder and Google's Bubblewrap are now working together to help developers publish PWAs in the Google Play Store.
    PWABuilder.com is Microsoft's open source developer tool that helps you build high quality PWAs and publish them in app stores.
    Bubblewrap is Google's command line utility and library to generate and sign Google Play Store packages from Progressive Web Apps.

    I hope this further improves PWAs, since they are a godsend for smaller operating systems and even bigger ones that are not macOS or Windows. Sure, nothing beats a proper native application, but if the choice is no application or a reasonably integrated
    PWA - I';ll take the PWA.


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