• Cortana, improve thyself!

    From msdos622wasfun@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 10 10:35:28 2015
    I'm enjoying Windows 10, and Cortana is a very nice feature when it works, but I wish it wasn't so hit and miss.

    Just now I was trying to get her attention to ask her something, and the window pops up, makes a little noise, and closes. Over and over.

    And it's too bad she'll often just plug my question into a search engine instead of answering it herself.

    These flaws aren't 100% the *norm*, and it can and does work, but when it doesn't it's frustrating.

    I can only hope the backend of whatever is powering the service slowly evolves and improves.

    Microsoft, make Cortana better!

    Erich K.

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