• A new development challenge for Feeb

    From DFS@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jan 10 11:42:02 2024

    That's a working, standalone .exe visualization tool that shows how the
    WW1 German ADFGVX cipher works. I built it in no time using Visual
    Basic, in 2002.

    The challenge is to replicate it with whatever technologies/languages
    you want.

    A GUI-driven app is preferred (but not necessary of course), but if you
    can't overcome your pansy-ass fear and ignorance of GUIs, just deliver
    your own code to generate ciphers from plaintext, using the methods
    shown in the screenshot. Wikipedia might help you understand.

    The inputs are plaintext, 6x6 substitution grid(s), and a keyword.
    The processes are shown in steps 1-5.
    The output is the ADFGVX ciphertext.

    For extra credit, output the cipher in blocks of N size.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)