• Download Firedac Delphi Xe4 Crack

    From Cherie Trojak@21:1/5 to All on Wed Nov 29 06:58:06 2023
    How to Use FireDAC in Delphi XE4 for Multi-Device Database Applications\nFireDAC is a universal data access library that allows you to develop cross-platform database applications for Delphi, C++Builder, and FreePascal. With FireDAC, you can connect to a
    variety of databases, such as InterBase, SQLite, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, SQL Anywhere, Access, Firebird, Informix, DataSnap and more. You can also access NoSQL databases like MongoDB with FireDAC.\n\nIn this article, we will show
    you how to use FireDAC in Delphi XE4 to create a multi-device application that can run on Windows, Mac OS X, iOS and Android platforms. We will use a simple SQLite database as an example, but you can easily adapt the code to work with other databases
    supported by FireDAC.\n\ndownload firedac delphi xe4 crack\nDOWNLOAD https://t.co/PYmD79aifS\n\n\n\nStep 1: Create a New Multi-Device Application\nTo create a new multi-device application in Delphi XE4, follow these steps:\n\nOpen Delphi XE4 and select
    File > New > FireMonkey Mobile Application.\nSelect Blank Application and click OK.\nSave the project as FireDACDemo.dproj and the main form as MainForm.pas.\nIn the Project Manager, right-click on Target Platforms and select Add Platform.\nSelect
    Windows 32-bit Platform and click OK. Repeat this step to add Mac OS X 32-bit Platform as well.\nYou should now see four target platforms in the Project Manager: Windows 32-bit Platform, Mac OS X 32-bit Platform, iOS Device 32-bit Platform and Android
    Device Platform.\nStep 2: Add FireDAC Components to the Main Form\nTo add FireDAC components to the main form, follow these steps:\n\nSwitch to the Form Designer and select View > Tool Palette.\nIn the Tool Palette, expand the FireDAC tab and drag a
    TFDConnection component to the main form.\nSelect the TFDConnection component and go to the Object Inspector. Set its Name property to FDConnection1 and its DriverName property to SQLite.\nClick on the ellipsis button next to Params property and enter
    the following parameters:\nDatabase=C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\FireDAC\Demos\DB\SQLite_Demo.sqlite\nOpenMode=CreateUTF8\nClick OK to close the Params Editor dialog.\nIn the Tool Palette, drag a TFDQuery component to the main form.\
    nSelect the TFDQuery component and go to the Object Inspector. Set its Name property to FDQuery1 and its Connection property to FDConnection1.\nClick on the ellipsis button next to SQL property and enter the following SQL statement:\nselect * from
    Categories\nClick OK to close the SQL Editor dialog.\nIn the Tool Palette, drag a TDataSource component to the main form.\nSelect the TDataSource component and go to the Object Inspector. Set its Name property to DataSource1 and its DataSet property to
    FDQuery1.\nStep 3: Display the Data on a Grid\nTo display the data on a grid, follow these steps:\n\nIn the Tool Palette, select the Standard tab and drag a TDBGrid component to the main form.\nSelect the TDBGrid component and go to the Object Inspector.
    Set its Name property to DBGrid1 and its Align property to alClient.\nIn the Tool Palette, select the Data Access tab and drag a TDataSource component to the main form.\nSelect the TDataSource component and go to the Object Inspector. Set its Name
    property to DataSource1 and its DataSet property to FDQuery1.\nSelect the DBGrid1 component and go to the Object Inspector. Set its DataSource property to DataSource1.\nSwitch to the Form Designer and double-click on FDQuery1. This will execute the SQL
    command and fetch all rows from the Orders table into memory.\nYou should see the data displayed on the grid as follows:\nStep 4: Prepare the Application for Run Time\nTo prepare the application for run time, follow these steps:\n\nSelect FDConnection1
    and set its LoginPrompt property to False. This will prevent FireDAC from displaying a login dialog at run time.\nSelect FDQuery1 and set its Active property to True. This will execute the SQL command and fetch all rows from the Orders table into memory
    at run time.\nSave your project and run it. You should see a window similar to this one:\nSummary\nThis article has provided a tutorial showing how to create a simple client-server application using FireDAC for Delphi. It shows how to use the FireDAC
    connection and query components to establish a connection to the DB and return rows to the client without actually writing any code.\n\n\n\nSee Also\nFireDAC\nFirst Steps to Use FireDAC\nTutorial: Using FireDAC from a Multi-Device Application on Desktop
    Platforms\nMobile Tutorial: Using FireDAC in Mobile Applications (iOS and Android)\n\n 35727fac0c\n

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