• Re: The iTroll Kiddies are STILL in a tizzy because

    From Andy Burnelli@21:1/5 to Alan Browne on Thu Mar 30 15:56:15 2023
    XPost: misc.phone.mobile.iphone, comp.sys.mac.advocacy

    Alan Browne wrote:

    JR nailed it with the "sealioning" charge and you're proof of that (as
    am I and others). You spent some 3 minutes or so composing the above -
    in essence a chunk of your life stolen via their denial of life attack.

    So best we all ignore them and allow them to steal their own lives while
    we get on with our own.

    Notice *iKooks are _desperate_ to make what Apple did, just go away*

    The few _adults_ on this newsgroup will notice very obviously how much the iKooks like Alan Browne & Jolly Roger _hate_ everything Apple does.

    The iKooks _hate_ that Apple spends millions advertising what amounts to extremely silly marketing gimmicks - which - iKooks hate - are what the
    Apple customers desire (rest assured that Apple marketing is NOT stupid!).

    *Notice the iKooks can't change the fact of what Apple actually did.*

    In the iKooks' desperation to make what Apple did "go away", the iKooks
    blame everyone who is NOT an iKook for talking about what Apple did.

    Adult: Did you notice what Apple did?
    iKook: Go away. I hate you. And I hate what Apple did. Go away I say!

    Since I study the iKooks' behavior, my assessment of the fact the iKooks
    _hate_ what Apple did is that the iKooks' belief system is imaginary.

    What Apple did shows what idiotic stuff iPhone owners really care about.
    What iKooks _hate_ is that Apple embarrassed them by making that obvious.

    Always remember, this is what an iKooks is:

    That kind of person uses the iPhone to pretend to be what they're not.
    The iKook uses the iPhone to raise their distorte sense of self esteem.

    A normal person does not need to do that.
    Only these strange iKooks do.

    *iKooks _hate_ what Apple did - so they just want it to go away!*

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)