• Text suddently moves tot he right margine, won't move back.

    From Gonzo@gonzo.com@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 1 20:09:56 2023
    XPost: alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent, microsoft.public.windowsxp.general

    Sometimes text moves to the right side of a field.

    Running XP SP3, Eudora, and Agent 1.93.

    I have Hebrew, Arabic, and Russian alphabets enabled, the first two you
    know are written from right to left, but in an effort to stop this, I
    removed key sequences that were usable to change to those alphabets. (So
    now I don't know how to change to the right alphabet even when I want
    to.) (In Text Services and Input Languages, which comes from Regional
    and Language options, which comes from the Control Panel)

    This occurs mostly or entirely in two programs, i) ForteAgent and only
    in the composition window, at the top, in the Newsgroups field or the
    Subject field. And ii) in Eudora, where all of the text in
    the body will sometimes become right justified, line by line, that is,
    not changing line breaks.

    I must have touched certain keys but I can't find the keys to get the
    text back to the left.

    Does anyone know what the problem is? Or how I stop it from happening
    and how I reverse it when it does happen?

    (Please leave all 3 newsgroups so I don't have to read this thread in 3 places.)

    (Other than this problem Agent is the most well-behaved program I have,
    never really doing anything it wasnt' designed to do (with one small
    exception) , and Eudora works very well too except for sometimes saying
    Not Responding (or something similar) when I have too many tabs open in Firefox.)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ralph Fox@21:1/5 to Gonzo@gonzo.com on Mon Oct 2 13:54:52 2023
    XPost: alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent, microsoft.public.windowsxp.general

    On Sun, 01 Oct 2023 20:09:56 -0400, Gonzo@gonzo.com wrote:

    Sometimes text moves to the right side of a field.

    Running XP SP3, Eudora, and Agent 1.93.

    I have Hebrew, Arabic, and Russian alphabets enabled, the first two you
    know are written from right to left, but in an effort to stop this, I removed key sequences that were usable to change to those alphabets. (So
    now I don't know how to change to the right alphabet even when I want
    to.) (In Text Services and Input Languages, which comes from Regional
    and Language options, which comes from the Control Panel)

    You need the little taskbar/tray icon which lets you change the
    alphabet with the mouse, and which also shows you which alphabet
    is active.

    screen-shot: <http://img4.imagetitan.com/img4/small/26/26_m97ota__1_language-bar-minimized-to-tray.png>

    Here is how to get this:

    1. When you are on the “Text Services and Input Languages” window,
    click the button “Language Bar” and put a check-mark in the box
    “Show the Language bar on the desktop.”

    This will put a tiny window on the desktop.

    2. You can minimize this window and it will minimize to between
    the taskbar and the tray -- as shown in the screen-shot above.

    This occurs mostly or entirely in two programs, i) ForteAgent and only
    in the composition window, at the top, in the Newsgroups field or the
    Subject field. And ii) in Eudora, where all of the text in
    the body will sometimes become right justified, line by line, that is,
    not changing line breaks.

    I must have touched certain keys but I can't find the keys to get the
    text back to the left.

    Does anyone know what the problem is? Or how I stop it from happening
    and how I reverse it when it does happen?

    If text is appearing at the right side of a field, I would suspect
    you have a right-to-left alphabet activated. The language bar icon
    will let you see this and change it if needed.

    Also check out whether the Language bar has any additional settings
    for right-to-left alphabets which could affect this. I can’t advise
    here -- I do have more than one alphabet but none are right-to-left.

    (Please leave all 3 newsgroups so I don't have to read this thread in 3 places.)

    (Other than this problem Agent is the most well-behaved program I have,
    never really doing anything it wasnt' designed to do (with one small exception) , and Eudora works very well too except for sometimes saying
    Not Responding (or something similar) when I have too many tabs open in Firefox.)

    Kind regards
    Ralph Fox

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)