• 1988 ...

    From Kaz Kylheku@21:1/5 to All on Fri Aug 11 21:21:22 2023
    In 1988, Paula Abdul recorded a pop hit that would rise to the top of
    the charts, entrenching her celebrity status. Common Lisp
    standardization was in full swing.

    But some connections take decades to work out. Finally ...

    [Please refrain from clapping until the end, and then try to keep it appropriately slow.]


    Straight up now tell me is it gonna be code and vars together?
    (oh oh oh)
    Or are you cool with a downward fun?

    Straight up now tell me are you gonna stay in this Lisp forever?
    (oh oh oh)
    Or will you compile, quit and run?

    Do, do you lambda?

    Do, do you lambda? ...

    TXR Programming Language: http://nongnu.org/txr
    Cygnal: Cygwin Native Application Library: http://kylheku.com/cygnal
    Mastodon: @Kazinator@mstdn.ca

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