• sequence iteration

    From Robert L.@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 11 09:20:17 2022
    for element in sequence
    collect (do-something-to element)
    until (> element 5))

    This performs some action on each element (do-something-to) and
    collects the results in a list (the return value of loop). If it runs
    into an element that is greater than 5, it will terminate early and
    return whatever it collected so far.

    (use srfi-42) ;; list-ec for Gauche Scheme.
    (require srfi/42) ;; list-ec for Racket.

    (define nums '(-8 0 4 6 9))

    (list-ec (:until (:list x nums) (> x 5)) (abs x))

    (8 0 4 6)

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